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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: MC (62,025) (62,039)
by Andrew from UK
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I'm happy you used my name to get your thumbs up. Post something interesting and I'll go back to stroking my ego? [censored]
(Thursday 12 May 2016; 9:50)
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Re: WWHL (62,008) (62,013)
by Andrew from UK
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Again, I think you have to look at Mariah's profile right now. Celine getting the Icon, Swift having an award named after her: yeah, absolutely Mariah is one of the greats who we want recognised. But her public profile is shot. Even lambs are hanging their heads in shame at her image right now (the SSFT has done a lot for her press, absolutely) and, as I've stated (yes, I know, many times) the public just don't like her. They don't. She's become a bit of a punchline with "Hoodriah" or lip-syncing or weight-gain or getting drunk or being subversive in interviews. Essentially, Joe Public think she's a crazy, drunk, arrogant diva bitch. You aren't going to award somebody on prime-time television if you think the people watching will groan and switch over. Now, ignore me or attack me all you want, but 'tis the reality of the situation as I see it. Mariah has to start making Joe Public like her again. And I still think her fans are the people to look to, whether it's what she's wearing, where de performs, the corny of interviews. Calls for everyone to start being positive are all well and good but it requires things to be positive about. Or else you're Baby. In Dreamville. With the unicorns. Or Sheila. Thinking that calling someone a homosexual is offensive. As if homosexuals should be ashamed of themselves. And then referring to them with female pronouns. Because they aren't "real" men. 
(Wednesday 11 May 2016; 18:06)
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Re: I love GIFs more than life itself (62,009) (62,012)
by Andrew from UK
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Be 96% now with that there post of yours, Martyn. I hope this doesn't ruin our bromance.
(Wednesday 11 May 2016; 17:46)
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Re: WWHL (61,988) (61,989)
by Andrew from UK
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I think it's clearly just a stint for the documentary: "Mariah's crazy life involves tv chat shows" and so on. I can't help wondering if the SSFT was put on for that reason also. Well that and the £££.
(Tuesday 10 May 2016; 18:37)
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Re: RJJ12 (61,974) (61,984)
by Andrew from UK
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Chill out, Travon.
(Tuesday 10 May 2016; 15:33)
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Classical Mariah (61,959)
by Andrew from UK
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And in that vein, I stated before I believe Mariah can be more than she is and, perhaps, contribute to classical and excel at it. Listen to Fantasia on a Theme By Thomas Tallis and tell me you can't hear Mariah's melodies and harmonies in the strings. She could do much greater things. If not, then write a musical. Perhaps with Marc Shaiman.
(Monday 9 May 2016; 21:50)
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Meanwhile back at the ranch (61,958)
by Andrew from UK
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1. Licia and Marissa, as voices of erudition in a pool of insanity, to you I say yes, I may poke fun at stereotypes but such is comedy and life. I don't pull my hair out when black stand-up comedians/comediennes or anyone takes the piss out of white people or British people. If there's one thing the British, and dare I say Europeans (not the French) are still good at it's laughing at themselves. See what I did there? I made fun of the French. My friend from Lyon equally makes fun of me. It's banter. My humour is dark but meant light-hearted. All my points are normally (with occasional exception) in reference to Mariah. I get insulted here a lot, but laugh it off. Why are militant Americans et al. in here so hell bent on offence? Oh wait: 2. "White privilege". Because that isn't a sentence borne of stereotype and hatred, is it? How can the anti-discrimination movement ever hope to make headway whilst it is imbedded with an irony nobody really cares for? Gandhi, this isn't. Wait for number 3: "Queen"? Homophobia is as unlawful in most of Western Europe as are the other legally-protected discrimination categories. I wasn't offended, though, I was laughing along. Because who cares? Well, Martyn did. Straight people can't talk to him? But, again. If you're going to ride a high-horse in, better make sure you shoe him up to ride him out again. So, 4: it turns out today I asked my black friend (Appropriation? Am I allowed one? No corn rows for me though, right? Lol.) to give me his opinion. He laughed. Along with me. But then reminded me that the US is not like Western Europe (he's not American but black and quite erudite and very not angry thus his opinion matters to me) in that as societies we have massive differences. And that racism and homophobia are much more heightened, charged, extreme, etc., there than here. So I've had a think, and, especially after the ire in the messages hence, I am sorry you were offended. And I forgive you for the offences I received. I assume there's probably a lot of learning on both our parts. And by both I mean people who think like I do and people who think like you do. For the sake of the board, I hold my hand out, and ask: what the f**k was Mariah thinking about that fish-net shocker? And wish you well. A.
(Monday 9 May 2016; 21:30)
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Ty is a? (61,929)
by Andrew from UK
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"Dried up old queen" is hilarious. That would be considered a part of a bigotry you would profess to dislike, no? Further, you don't actually know my sexuality so you've assumed it in order to offend. That's deep. And disturbing. The tone of the message was clearly supposed to not be taken too seriously even if the point was. Lighten up. It is not profligating a "stereotype" to describe almost every photo Mariah has ever taken in a studio with JD. The "fo' real" part maybe is but I doubt it's inaccurate lol. Neither do I subscribe to the accusation of racism just because I'm white and talk about "people of color" without falling over myself not to offend your sensitivities. The point was supposed to be that Mariah's approach to music ouked do with a shake up and working with the same old people in the same old patterns is not really procuring stellar material. The omnipresence of Jermaine Dupri is not a positive thing from my perspective and just reading his name is depressing because it signifies a formulaic approach to everything. Also, I post regularly to this board thus I am sad? How nice for the regular posters here who keep threads going. If you don't like my approach just don't read my posts. But cheers for the attention I so obviously crave from you. I win the world.
(Sunday 8 May 2016; 14:59)
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Re: The secret hip-hop history behind Mariah's "Daydream" (61,895) (61,897)
by Andrew from UK
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Don't worry Mariah will be in the studio with JD very soon, instagramming at 5am like it's impressive and anyone cares, dropping endless boring hints for months on end about an imminent release of new music which will basically just be updated and out-dated versions of everything they've ever written before and then rape-produced to within an inch of its life with vocals she is nowhere near capable of actually producing in front of another human-being with JD groaning over the intro with gems such as "you gotta hear this" or "ima letchu know something you don't give a shit about". Oh, and she'll get her tits out whilst drinking champagne with lots of overweight black people you've never heard of, but they be wearing snapbacks and gold chains and sunglasses indoors and say "fo' real" a lot. And you'll pretend like you give a fuck but deep down you really won't. Nor will anyone with purchasing power. Or hearing. Think I should use my powers of foresight for good or for evil? Evil, I reckon. Those guys have the best costumes.
(Saturday 7 May 2016; 17:33)
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Re: Social media presence (61,839) (61,842)
by Andrew from UK
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Anthony, to put it bluntly, Mariah is increasingly acting cheap and like she has no class. It is embarrassing for a fan who was used to being able to defend her as a person. The tits-out sex-kitten imagery was once tongue-in-cheek, now the cheeks are the only things on display. I think long gone are the days when fans can blindly defend her, or suck up crap ego-trip, "am I a sexy princess? hee hee" music videos and interviews. There are wildly better looking sexier, thinner, younger celebrities for that. Label that how you like but it is steeped in reality. And in re: other artists, the simple fact that people didn't have to visit a record store to buy Mariah's last album and it still sold next to nothing makes everything far worse: people were so disinterested they wouldn't even click "download" from the comfort of their chaise longue (we all have one right? the guy who helps me walk down three steps sleeps on mine). Mariah could have come out with any of Rihanna's number ones and it would not have charted anywhere near. People have lost respect and she insists on making it worse. Where is the PR team? You only have to look at Mariah's music video output since TMB to realise she promotes her career almost as if she hates it, and the fans are falling by the wayside. Can't fill arenas? Other artists of the same calibre can. "Expect the unexpected?" I think most people know exactly what to expect, and it's putting them right off.
(Thursday 5 May 2016; 18:44)
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Re: Rihanna (61,812) (61,814)
by Andrew from UK
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To say Rihanna has achieved nothing is clearly false but nothing short of typical from a group of people in here. What is worthy of questioning is why she's so popular. Personally, I just don't get it. She sings like a teenage boy whose voice is breaking, she looks odd like she has an extra chromosome, since SOS she's forgotten how to smile and acts like she's in the make-believe military academy, the list goes on. She's an extremely strange artist and her success beggars belief. But success it is. Mariah's PR effort this decade has been appaling and her music out-dated. Mariah is not cool anymore and nobody is interested. As long as she keeps on airbrushing and lip syncing and turning up late and making rubbish videos and releasing dated songs and giving diva interviews (this list also goes on) Rihanna is going to keep kicking her ass. It's not Rihanna's fault Mariah can't chart anymore. But, equally, I don't get whose fault it is that Rihanna does so well.
(Wednesday 4 May 2016; 14:03)
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On the subject of image / Article: A view from the top (61,752)
by Andrew from UK
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As per my previous post, if you treat your image like shite, the press and the public may fall out of love with you, or even begin to dislike you. This article is a throat-ripping, blood curdling attack of Mariah because the journalist doesn't like her. People really do dislike Mariah because of how she conducts herself. And whilst many of the stories are embellished or false, there is no smoke without fire. At the risk of repeating myself, Mariah needs a serious image overhaul. Maybe in the Golden Years instead of acting like an aloof sex-industry worker (bit harsh? okay okay) she could come up with a PR plan to reengage with the public and the press. Charity work, charity concerts, good music, dignified videos, self-deprecating interviews. It may be a great denouement to a significant career. I'm pretty sure there are some fans who could manage Mariah's PR much better than it has been for the past eight years. Perhaps instead of being aloof and counting her dollars and diamonds, get some actual fans to consult with her on the way forward. I know a dashing blond, blue-eyed British guy who could help. But I think she'd probably rather punch me in the [censored].
(Saturday 30 April 2016; 22:03)
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Re: My All at Cape Town (61,733) (61,734)
by Andrew from UK
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Sorry, but I'm pretty sure the "Lord knows" note was part of the backing track that does the climax.
(Friday 29 April 2016; 15:17)
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Re: Mariah's epic performance (61,716) (61,719)
by Andrew from UK
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Somebody else correct this guy as to the facts of the name ordering? Or post a link to a simple google search? I'm too busy googling the top secret AIDS charity donations Mariah has apparently made.
(Thursday 28 April 2016; 20:11)
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Re: Mariah's epic performance (61,703) (61,710)
by Andrew from UK
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One would think that if Beyoncé is walking out onto Mariah's performance, then Mariah would be the one starting the song. Hopefully, anyway. But then, how would it be styled? Mariah Carey feat. Beyoncé? That would be strange if it's on Beyoncé's Lemonade (Deluxe). Beyoncé feat. Mariah Carey? Not sure I fancy Mariah as a guest artist for Beyoncé. So, Mariah Carey & Beyoncé, or, Beyoncé & Mariah Carey? Well, that's the Whitney problem, all over again. I honestly don't know why these things matter to me so much. But they really, really do.
(Thursday 28 April 2016; 14:23)
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On the subject of image (61,708)
by Andrew from UK
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Hey, Anthony, I liked your post, it's well put. To be honest, Mariah can behave how she wants to behave, we all can. It's her image to play with. My breast boob comment was only meant to highlight the fact that Mariah can't possibly crave the "respect" people say she does (or used to) as people who behave like that don't get much respect. To do so would make little sense. Sometimes I think that Mariah doesn't understand that what she considers sexually appealing about her behaviour, or even funny (the affected British accent, rehearsed lines about being eternally 12), is actually often the source of mockery for Joe Public and the reason why he doesn't like her. So when some fans decry the fact that Mariah is taken far less seriously than she used to be, it's obvious that the general public don't particularly identify with her, or even like her, anymore. Image is everything. I think someone posted here recently about trying to make someone listen to Petals, and being told by said someone that they wouldn't take the music seriously because of the album's artwork. Essentially, if you want the public to take your music seriously, they have to take you and your image seriously, or they won't even bother with you. And if you don't take your image seriously, yourself, just go with it, put on "nostalgia" shows so everyone can relive the good ol' days for a night, but don't complain that nobody is buying your new material.
(Thursday 28 April 2016; 14:08)
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Re: (61,672) (61,677)
by Andrew from UK
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Perhaps I really am "ageist" or just the most cynical person ever. Part of my distaste at the video or Mariah dancing is the type of sexuality she is displaying (as per recent posts) and how Joe Public will view it. But I also think: "You're a 46 year old, with young children. Stop that." Is it so wrong to think that as you get older you are supposed to behave with a little more decorum? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Any accusation with -ist on the end bores me to tears mostly as it's fired by left-wing nut-jobs who like to silence debate. Yet I do accept discrimination can be quite wrong. But when it comes to getting older, you're suppose to change. Imagine a 60 year old doing that. Where's the cut-off point?
(Wednesday 27 April 2016; 13:43)
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Re: Gay icon and advocate (61,654) (61,676)
by Andrew from UK
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Nobody is doubting that Mariah at times has spoken about gay people in a positive light. However, it is shown that she always tries to move it into a broader spectrum and remain politically as neutral as possible. Thus, an award for "tirelessly working" to advance the gay movement is quite far off the mark and genuinely confusing. But it doesn't mean he hates the gays so people should stop getting tetchy from the off. I do wish some people here would read the actual posts before thinking they get the gist and responding to something else. It happens a lot. Mariah likes gays? Probably. Is Mariah deserving of a pseudo-political award for working tirelessly to advance the gay movement? Probably not. Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
(Wednesday 27 April 2016; 13:35)
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by Andrew from UK
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This is a pure example of who Mariah is, how apolitical she is, and my genuine confusion as to the award. She's not a "gay icon". She's just an icon, right? Right? I'm right, right? Right.
(Tuesday 26 April 2016; 16:50)
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Re: GLAAD award (61,626) (61,637)
by Andrew from UK
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Gay marriage proposals on stage? Okay, so maybe that's a start. I can see that helping. Maybe I'm missing the point of the award. Agree that Mariah probably isn't anti-gay. Agree that Mariah's theme used to be all about representing what it's like to be on the outside, to need acceptance, to believe in who you are. But a pseudo-political award? She's the most apolitical singer out there. She is incredibly choreographed to not say anything to anyone that might offend them or third parties (why American Idol was such a bad idea). I must be missing the point of the award. Incidentally: she likes to lecture with a sigh how Hero is schmaltzy and she didn't really like it but after time she kinda does etc. Funny how that was the song all the gays latched onto. And she constantly slags it off, and in doing so, all the queers who fell in love with it in the first place lmao. Funny thing is, schmaltz is what a good chunk of her catalogue is dripping in. Somebody should point this out to her before she slips on it.
(Tuesday 26 April 2016; 16:34)
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Re: GLAAD award (61,634) (61,636)
by Andrew from UK
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You seem to be missing the point, which itself seems to be a disease on here with some people. Mariah's songs like Hero and her ballads in general spoke clearly to gay people, and, further, there was an infinity with her voice. But she has always remained completely apolitical whilst other people leapt onto the gay "vote", such as GaGa and Madonna. I have never heard her speak out for gay people, write songs about them, go to pride, etc. My point was that Mariah winning an award for "tirelessly working" to advance the gay movement is pretty strange because she never mentions gay people anywhere ever (almost). To reiterate (and stick it in capital letters in your head): it's not a "gay people like you award" as I understand it. Thus, I was actually wondering if there was some sort of work she did that I missed. If it's about gay people liking you and you donating to AIDS charities then let's award, oh I dunno, David Beckham? He went to G-A-Y once, too. Rather than try to score some easy thumbs up by jumping on the bandwagon, why not just answer the question? Now, I'm sure you can understand the above text. Or have somebody translate it into Russian for you if it isn't clear.
(Tuesday 26 April 2016; 16:02)
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Re: She recorded " Beautiful Ones" (61,608) (61,623)
by Andrew from UK
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Hold up, isn't that a little unfair? Mariah essentially said Prince doesn't like people doing his songs or she would have sung one in Paris. The US poster was trying to point out that she already did one of his songs on Butterfly. So why not sing that? Did she mean he doesn't like them performed live? Does Prince not like her version of Beautiful Ones? Fair play, her actual friend died. But her comment is a little vague and can be read as nonsense given the fact she's already done one of his records. I was confused, too. Heaven forbid she should've changed the setlist
(Monday 25 April 2016; 18:51)
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GLAAD award (61,622)
by Andrew from UK
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Totally missed this article. And still think I'm missing something. "She is a longtime ally and friend to the LGBT community who has worked tirelessly to move acceptance and inclusion forward." Since when? She's sung some songs about not fitting-in which any minority can identify with. What else? Gay people like her? She's a diva, of course they do. They'd like Vladamir Putin if he put on a sparkly dress and hit a high note. But it's not a "gay people like you" award. "Working tirelessly" to advance the gay movement? Gaga, yes. Mariah? I'm must be missing something. Like, really?
(Monday 25 April 2016; 18:29)
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Re: Ageism and sexism in sexuality (61,603) (61,616)
by Andrew from UK
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I just spat tea over my phone, laughing. You made my day. You're saying that you (italics) can't give a female's perspective? You (bold, italics)? Tea, everywhere. So, basically, you need a uterus to comment on Mariah's display of sexuality? How about if I transition, would that count? Come on, that has to be the most dumb [censored] thing you've ever said and you say a lot of dumb [censored] things, mate. Lol you owe me one cup of tea. Assam, actually. How pun-ny haha send me to the pun-itentiary.
(Monday 25 April 2016; 17:46)
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Re: Ageism and sexism in sexuality (61,589) (61,599)
by Andrew from UK
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I like your post but have to put forward the truth and, at risk of being torn another one, ask: should respect really be "a given"? Is Mariah owed it by the press and public? To deny Mariah is a source of ridicule because of how she uses, or has used, her sexuality would obviously be absurd and would be ignoring what has been happening for twenty years almost. "Fierce" sexuality is about being bold and empowering women to represent or express themselves without feeling the need to be qualified or rated by men. Mariah's sexuality has always been about vanity and ego, two qualities the public and the press hate, both of which she has been displaying for a while and at an increasingly alarming rate recently. Goodwill from the press and public started to dissipate when the lip-syncing started, the bad performances kept repeating, songs and albums bombed, lateness became offensive, etc. And shit British prostitute accents don't help. You can't have an ego and be arrogant with all that going on. People love to knock you off your high-horse or point out that, whilst you think you're on the high-ground, all they can see from the lowlands is your dirty knickers (see the Rockefeller ridicule). Given that recent concerts have gone a shockingly long way to mending her reputation (underestimated her massively) it's still embarrassing as a fan to see her behaviour off stage whether it's a video of cringe behaviour from an employee or photos with the over-enhanced breasts exposed to such a degree. To be quite frank, the sex kitten/erotic dancing stuff she does on stage is awkward and unnecessary. I think many fans would prefer Mariah to move on, put the tits away and not act like a sex kitten on ghb whenever a lens is directed her way.
(Sunday 24 April 2016; 23:39)
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