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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: Sex and the City moment (61,154) (61,159)
by Andrew from UK
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Brilliant. Love Aussie humour.
(Friday 8 April 2016; 22:21)
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Re: Andrew and the Master Saga (61,143) (61,158)
by Andrew from UK
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As much as people such as the webmaster ("Eric? who's Eric?" - I remember that one) agreeing with me is novel and not disrespected, let's not vilify Juan. I have a thick skin, I'm aware that some other people do not. He made a mistake and was made to rethink and I'm not sure what good will come to emotionally compromise him any further. I'm obviously not flipping and criticising the criticisms but I would say let's just leave it there. What will be interesting to note is if there are any visitors to this board who have meet-and-greet tickets to upcoming SSFT performances so that they can relate their stories and see if Stella was made aware and reacted to what is obviously a PR issue and clearly within her remit. Nobody's pain is more or less deserving and all fans are worthy of respect from their idol although Orwell's "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others" comes to mind. The thing I do find shocking (not that he wants me to kiss his ass, nor do I want to) is that Eric/the webmaster has only met her once and was told not to touch her etc. Doesn't she know he does this website? That's crazy. I genuinely thought at some point over the course of history Mariah's people would have reached out and he would have met Mariah a lot and would receive at least some sort of special treatment. I genuinely thought that would have been a natural thing. I think Stella needs to do a PR review. If that documentary does not reflect reality she may regret it.
(Friday 8 April 2016; 22:11)
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The PR problem (61,135)
by Andrew from UK
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Tiina's point was perfectly valid and she did nothing wrong. She paid a lot of money and felt ripped off, but, for obvious reasons, caved in to the guilt trip from that poster. I trust I'll get my ass kicked for this by the usual but I don't much care: lots of people have a sob-story or tragic period in their history. Just because some people shove it down other people's throats doesn't buy them a free pass. In fact, after that guy's story, I kinda now understand and respect why Mariah keeps her distance from the general populous. I was cringeing just reading it. I guess hundreds of people demanding your attention through sympathy (lest you look heartless) would be inescapable and pretty draining (especially if you're already knackered). And probably, in certain cases, certain people can come across a little wacko. I think Nathalia was sort of right in that Mariah is too big, now, to be concerned with individuals. I think maybe it would be much better PR-wise for Mariah's meet-and-greets to be competition based to remove the feeling of individuals being cheated when they're so short, and for her social media to be controlled by her and not by members of her team to remove the feeling of everyone else being cheated.
(Friday 8 April 2016; 14:13)
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Re: Connecting with the fans (61,110) (61,114)
by Andrew from UK
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Lol pretty sure I sorta just said that? Oh well.
(Thursday 7 April 2016; 23:16)
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Re: Meet and greet mess (61,098) (61,104)
by Andrew from UK
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Your story broke my heart. Do you have the photo? Did you post it? Send it to Mariah's manager and ask for an explanation. That'll put her to the test haha. Come to think of it, there had to be T&C's when you paid for this. What do they stipulate? But don't be down: You met Mariah Carey. Focus on that. How many millions of people have wanted to and you did. Very few ever get that close.
(Thursday 7 April 2016; 17:16)
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Re: About the meet and greet (61,095) (61,102)
by Andrew from UK
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A glass of Cristal. I actually laughed out loud. Brilliant, mate. I'm glad you got a good photo. Fabulous.
(Thursday 7 April 2016; 17:09)
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Re: Meet and greet mess (61,099) (61,101)
by Andrew from UK
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A large part of me thinks this is the same issue as the social media debacle but not the fact that the manager's daughter is posting messages but that Mariah isn't doing it herself. I remember in the late nineties waiting a lifetime for dial-up to connect so I could listen to Mariah's voicemails. But now she can't write her own messages for social media. It's not exactly "connecting" with the fans. How long does it take? Well, I guess about as long as it takes to take a photograph and bugger off haha. Then, there's the constant lateness. She's in danger of looking a little aloof. That being said: outside her hotel late one night during Charmbracelet promotion she arrived back in the car asleep, her people too scared to wake her up, we were told she was tired and would go straight in. She woke up and made someone re-apply her make-up because, we were then told, she was definitely going to come say hi to us as we (all ten of us hung on) waited out so late. And she did.
(Thursday 7 April 2016; 17:03)
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The meet-and-greet moneymaker (61,093)
by Andrew from UK
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Well, it sounds like Tiina had a shocker of a time. If it is the case that they set up a different scenario for the documentary then it actually shows Mariah knows her actual meet-and-greets are a rip-off. You pay that amount, I guess you expect it to be acknowledged, to be looked after and to come away happy. But Anthony looks so happy and it's an awesome photo. I've been around Mariah at signings/outside the Dorchester. I'm a bit ambivalent about paying her hundreds of pounds for a photo with her. I paid her bucket loads of money for her music, concert tickets and merchandise. Aren't you just really saying: "Here's a photo I paid Mariah Carey hundreds of pounds to take with me"? I mean no disrespect to those who've done it. My point is: Does she really need the money? Why not make it a competition to win meet-and-greets? The whole thing seems a bit, um, disturbing (for want of a better word).
(Thursday 7 April 2016; 0:00)
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To Stella, who it probably concerns (61,070)
by Andrew from UK
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I, for one, want to give a shout to Stella. This woman is taking some flack and it's possibly misplaced. She's extravagant and outspoken, well great. As someone posted here: that picture got talked about, didn't it? (And completely nothing more than Mariah has done before.) Maybe that's why they get on. I don't believe MC is not the boss. But as far as it goes, on a personal note, it's taken a big shift in Mariah's career for me to get on board. Whilst my concerns still remain, I'm not waiting for a new album for Stella to prove herself, to me Stella is doing a bloody good job right now. Remember Mariah languishing in obscurity? Well, she ain't there no more. About time lambs started getting on board with this woman. I didn't think it could move in the right direction and you can't not give the manager the respect when it's due. So she told the interviewer they were blessed to have met Mariah etc etc. This woman seems a fight-to-the-end kinda girl. And she has her kids on the case. I'm on board. I think Mariah sees a do-or-die passion in her. So what if she sells herself? She's selling Mariah ten times over. Hashtag Stella4Mariah. What's to lose?
(Wednesday 6 April 2016; 2:14)
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Re: Birthday: Mimi L (61,053) (61,069)
by Andrew from UK
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Happy belated birthday mate. Keep posting. I look forward to them.
(Wednesday 6 April 2016; 1:56)
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Re: Mariah was fabulous in Helsinki / Andrew (61,059) (61,063)
by Andrew from UK
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I assumed you had to pay for it but it sounded really rushed in your first message due to a "schedule". What came to my mind was: surely the schedule should be written around those paying for it. €700 is, I think, currently about £600 or US$800 - that's an enormous amount of money. I guess the logic behind it is: backstage meet-and-greets can happen but if there's no fee everyone would want one. I think at least one uninterrupted minute with an artist and a chance for a few shots at the photo would at least be in order for that amount. But sod it, you met her and that's very cool.
(Tuesday 5 April 2016; 18:47)
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12 (61,050)
by Andrew from UK
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Some would do well to remember that the "12 year old girl" is in fact a 12 year old girl, and probably shouldn't be the subject of fangirl bullying. Especially from those who sometimes display mental ages of the same.
(Tuesday 5 April 2016; 14:36)
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Re: Mariah was fabulous in Helsinki (61,038) (61,049)
by Andrew from UK
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Did you have to pay to meet her?
(Tuesday 5 April 2016; 14:34)
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The Stella stupidity (61,016)
by Andrew from UK
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Many of you on this board still manage to outdo yourselves in the [censored] crazy stakes. I guess most of you aren't 14 year old girls but you'd never know it, reading your posts, which frankly directioners would do well to incorporate into their fan fiction. Mariah isn't slowly being drugged by her manager to gradually subdue her so that the kids can swoop in and steal the family silver. You bang on so much I even started to consider this nonsense. Seriously, you're [censored] bloody crazy. She's a manager with a presence. You're basically all just jealous of Stella. You wanna pack your rainbow bags, ride your unicorns to NYC, move in with Mariah, eat her hair out of the bath plug and tell her fowever and wever how much you wuv her. (Yeah, it sounds crazy right? That's. How. You. All. Sound. You're right up there with Illuminati and [censored]. Although, it's a close call.) So Stella is around a lot? Who cares, [censored]? Mariah's doing better than she has in a long time. A long [censored] time. Honestly, now. Honestly, [censored]. Honestly. Get a genuine grip of your own happiness. Go eat your own hair.
(Monday 4 April 2016; 3:17)
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Re: Concert in Stockholm (60,870) (60,874)
by Andrew from UK
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"A depression in your teens"? "In your teens"? Back up a wee bit. That photo of you: that's a recent photograph? And you're not a teenager now? Mate, next time you start to feel down, take a look in the mirror and remind yourself of what an extraordinarily stunning-looking man you are. I imagine most of the visitors to this board have thought that at some point. Have fun with Mariah in Sverige.
(Monday 28 March 2016; 14:04)
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Brussels (60,814)
by Andrew from UK
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I didn't want Mariah to cancel Brussels. I really didn't. Fudge the murderers (the term "terrorists" is ridiculous, it moves them to a level on which they wish to exist, but, essentially, they are losers who murder people who can't defend themselves). Fudge them with a c and a k. I saw Mariah singing in Brussels and telling everyone to stand tall and keep going. Never get on your knees, and all that. But it's Mariah's choice. She's the boss. And the thought of a massacre while you're on a chaise longue is going to make most say "fudge it". Belgium is not the United Kingdom or United States or France in its military, intelligence services, wealth etc. It's a small member state. And it has serious issues because of the lack of such things. I get that it's under pressure. (Where the fudge are the rest of the powerful member states, including mine, to help and assure that life goes on? What is the purpose or the I'm ashamed of the EU.) I respect Mariah for saying no. I just feel like we've lost something here. I feel that Europe needs to look to the United States (rarely say this) for a "fudge them, don't mess with us" attitude. What good is the EU if we don't enforce our way of life in the face of those who would seek to destroy it? It's on its death bed. How ridiculous. I wish Mariah were singing on Sunday for the Belgians. It's a deep shame on all the EU that she is not. I hope Mariah plans a one-off down the line. You guys deserve it.
(Saturday 26 March 2016; 4:28)
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The Lopez lobotomy (60,813)
by Andrew from UK
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Just in a straight pub in London walking past a group of gays on the way back from the bar and heard "Mariah Carey". Naturally span around and asked about the concert. Non Mariah fans. Didn't go. They were laughing at Mariah because of the "J.Lo" post. Googled it and saw that it's a bunch of bollocks. I'm happy J.Lo responded as fast as she did but the "another artist" label has pissed me off and I'm usually nonplussed about these things. Bit Lopez is winding me up. I criticise all I like, I invested my life in the woman. But I'm irritated. Her name is Mariah Carey. I respect the rapid response. But her name is Mariah. She's not "another artist". Lopez, you're a dancer. If Adele, who has sold more records than you have used squares of toilet paper to wipe your [censored], can call her by name, you can, also. This assertion that they are on a par is beyond.
(Saturday 26 March 2016; 3:56)
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Re: Adele praises Mariah again (60,789) (60,809)
by Andrew from UK
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The bit you didn't understand is: "Did you see the article the other day when Mariah Carey called the lighting 'abusive'?" Adele has a pretty strong accent.
(Friday 25 March 2016; 21:30)
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Re: The O2 (60,790) (60,801)
by Andrew from UK
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Hey, so I just did what you asked but I also just realised, after posting it, that it's properly long even though there's so much more I could have said. It may not be posted. If it's not, I didn't ignore you.
(Friday 25 March 2016; 5:19)
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Re: The O2 (60,790) (60,800)
by Andrew from UK
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Hey, mate. I [censored] love Mariah [censored] Carey and I don't care if people don't think that my truth is the right one. I know it is. Twenty three years later and she still had me fan-girling out. It's so amazing to party with 15,000 people with the songs you can sing in reverse playing that loud. I kinda didn't wanna pick it apart because I seriously enjoyed myself. And it reminded me that watching something on YouTube highlights [censored] you just may not notice or even give a crap about when you're actually there. But since you asked nicely, sure. It really was one of the most enjoyable nights of my life that didn't involve sex. It was a bizarre start to the show with her lipping (almost) all of Fantasy remix. It was blatant and when most people had finished screaming because she was, you know, right there, it seemed a bit weird because, you know, nobody had heard her sing anything yet. Anyway, Emotions saved it because it was done really well and the whole arena was going electric wild. When I saw the setlist I wished she would do Make It Happen instead of Emotions as it has a wicked beat to dance to, and it's easier for her to sing, but Emotions was awesome and in re: the vocal, my friend and I looked at each other and beamed at the same time as if to say "this is gonna be good". We were dancing like crazies. And anyway, when she looked up to the cheap seats (that is one big mo-fo arena) and did her "I see you up there" it was Make It Happen enough for me. I instinctively shouted out loud "just for the nostalgia" and paused before laughing at myself, hating on myself a little bit. Always Be My Baby was absolutely banging and Heartbreaker was seriously, seriously fun. Little bit fed up of hearing the remix-into-original cut, though. It was cool to hear Loverboy and Mariah genuinely looked like she was having fun. For the most part the show was really well paced (twice as good as Rainbow and Charmbracelet). It does seem at times the music overpowered the head voice vocal and some of her banter. Her banter was actually funny - I can't remember what I was laughing at but it was genuine laughter. I had really good seats, level with the stage about a quarter of the way back and anyway the arena was designed for excellent sound everywhere so I guess the very slight sound issue was her technicians' fault. It really wasn't as bad as I'm probably making it out but she may wanna introduce the sound guy's face to her new rock. What I was really grateful for is that the volume of the pre-record vocal and volume of the live vocal matched. You'd have to be pretty expert to know when she was flipping between the two here. Yes, there was a lot of interspersed lipping and I still think for a hundred pound sterling a ticket people deserve totally live performances but I was buzzing too much to give a [censored]. Her voice was probably the best I've heard it in ages. Having the video of MJ was nice but seemed to me like a bit of a cop-out at the time in terms of singing the power part of I'll Be There. But When You Believe was something else. I got goosebumps and the tears were streaming down my face (Whitney reference there if you know I love the Lord - which I saw her sing live on tour, ironically sending tears down my face). Mariah kinda ruined Hero for me by practically mocking it - again - before singing it, calling it "schmaltzy" etc. It's universally loved so to be negative about it before singing it is ridiculous. I sometimes feel it's just a story to slip in the fact that she wrote it. And I don't known what the crap was going on with Touch My Body. A guy was taken on stage to sit on the chair, and he looked like he was going to either wet himself with excitement or shit himself with fear, it was brilliant. But unless I was busy dancing or drinking at the point (I had 'em lined up) where she lap-danced him, when I was looking she was stage right the whole time and the dancers were behind him doing weird dance moves. Still it made me laugh reminding me that Mariah is, at times, bat-shit craycray. And I think probably every gay guy and girl in the arena wanted to take the dancers home so no harm done. In terms of her look, I think everybody could do without the leotards, the black one looked like it was giving her a camel-toe lol genuinely. I hope this didn't come across like I'm being overly negative about the show, I didn't expect it to be perfect. Tweaking the sound and outfits, and a few song alterations and it might have been. But the highlight, I have to admit, was the sparkling "ensemble" she was flashing like a friggin' Christmas tree. It really made her look quite majestic. My friend and I were talking about it between songs. At one point, "She looks like a [censored] queen", said I, and then put my head in my hands, this time hating on myself rather a lot.
(Friday 25 March 2016; 5:09)
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Re: Best night of my life (60,654) (60,776)
by Andrew from UK
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Martyn, I would have liked to tell you you're wrong. But I can't.
(Thursday 24 March 2016; 8:57)
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The O2 (60,775)
by Andrew from UK
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I've seen Mariah in concert and other places before and I've fangirled everywhere she's gone, and, yeah, I knew some parts were lip synced tonight. Kinda crap the whole second half was ballads as it dropped the energy (I was bouncing up and down.) But that aside, it was so much better than the Rainbow and Charmbracelet tour. It was just brilliant. Absolutely awesome. Just amazing. Never had so much fun.
(Thursday 24 March 2016; 8:52)
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Re: Name calling and semi bullying (60,763) (60,774)
by Andrew from UK
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Just shut up. You're dull.
(Thursday 24 March 2016; 7:57)
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Re: Name calling and semi bullying (60,756) (60,760)
by Andrew from UK
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Post 1 of 15 today for "Mimi L" on the Mimi L message board lol. What's Mariah wearing today? Do remember to post a picture of it with such brilliant commentary as "wow" etc, interspersed with posts about how you'd "like, oh my like God, totally move in with Mariah" if she asked you to. Your commentary about "bullying Mariah" into putting on a concert was just insulting manipulation of what people are actually saying for you to find offence so as to make an argument. Keep calm and Carey on (if that hits the press I want payment). Everyone else seems to be calm, I think it's you and the other one who should consider heeding that advice (so the idiocy goes on: the UK is in Europe - Google Maps can help where basic geography failed). I'm sure you're having some sort or fangirl/fangay strop right now and need the last word so take it. I don't plan on messaging anymore. I'll say hi to MC for you tonight.
(Wednesday 23 March 2016; 14:55)
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Insanity and stupidity (60,749)
by Andrew from UK
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Cancelling a show because of a bunch of loser Islamist nutjobs? Let's cancel Easter at the same time. Better yet, let's cancel music. And wipe the internet. Nonsense. Whatever happened to "keep calm and carry on"? If you don't, the galactically insane win. [censored] them. And the ignorant idiot (who I recall being quite rude about Europeans) who thinks that Paris is "across water" from Brussels was clearly not taught how to read a map in school. Terrorist attacks are an "inconvenience"? What a galactically stupid thing to say. I implore, nay I would be so proud, for Mariah to get on stage on Sunday and sing "Hero" to all those who yearn for strength to ride out this nonsense. The Belgian police can heavily guard the bloody thing if necessary. Don't let them win, Mariah.
(Wednesday 23 March 2016; 1:13)
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