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About MusicfanJ from Germany: I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.

Re: Mariah and Monroe (77,183) (77,185) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"I wonder if the woman who wears lingerie at a night club is some sort of decoy stunt double sometimes." Haha yes Bill you're right. That's the reason for all. The pics with the kids shows the real Mariah. The other woman is just a double. Mariah thinks a double is perfect, she has free time to spend with the family and the double is working. Lol.
(Saturday 15 July 2017; 16:02)
Re: Thoughts (77,167) (77,180) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Wow Mara, your thoughts are great as usual, thanks for sharing. I hope you get well soon, the lambily will send you some love. I completely agree with everything you said. It must be very hard to be Mariah Carey, but it's clear that's not the only reason why she is suffering. Like you said we "older" ones know her golden years and I miss the human Mariah. The last two years MC is hiding herself through a masquerade. I also wish she would talk more about some things, show the world her human side. It's not healthy to hide the feelings 24/7. I'm sure most of the people and fans would understand more things if she just talks a bit. The glamour diva unicorn world needs a break. I think you can compare Mariah to a good friend, if he/she would look troubled a true friend would speak up. The one who will stay silent, isn't a friend. And yes, we lost too many great artists the last few years. So it's natural to get a little bit worried after the latest actions. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who's having those thoughts. The Russian clan doesn't care at all, I just wish Mariah would know that we care for her as a human being not only the superstar.
(Saturday 15 July 2017; 13:14)
Re: Voice coach or operation (77,122) (77,123) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I don't know, I have the same opinion as Licia. Mariah should take the one, which she feels comfortable with. To be honest I'm on a point where I'm more worried of the person Mariah than of her voice. I can live without her whistle register and I'm ok if she wants to do only singles and some strange commercials. But it hurts to see her in Vegas, Mariah looks like a caricature. So unnatural and again not happy. She or Mishka can post a hundred "fun" Tanaka pictures. I don't believe it. I would love to know what she really thinks inside. She's too smart for the circus but she keeps it. Why? Like someone on this board said, sometimes it looks like self sabotage. Is this the price for her fame? I don't recognize her most of the time. And it makes me so sad. So what I really want is that Mariah finds her inner peace again, her true strength (without playing a role and awkward pics). Hollywood Vegas just no, I prefer the "New York girl". Sorry but I had to speak about my inner feelings.
(Friday 14 July 2017; 16:13)
Re: OK third show highlights (77,082) (77,085) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I also think the lambily always expect more, because we've been there for a long time and we know her genius talent more than others. With the voice I always wonder if it's only the "bad treatment". Do you remember the 98 and 99 interviews where she was always steaming and talking about how important rest and the tea with lemon and honey is? I mean she didn't seem like a singer who doesn't take care of her voice, more the opposite. I hope the fans are not the problem for her. I think there's something else that "stops" her inside.
(Thursday 13 July 2017; 11:43)
Close My Eyes and Whenever You Call (77,039) by MusicfanJ from Germany
No one will ever be able to transform so much emotion. I mean "Close my eyes" is so peaceful, I love the lyrics. WYC get's me everytime, what a love song. When she sings: "And now, there it has begun, we cannot turn back, we can only turn into one" and the chorus starts, I'm done. Someone bring back the "dreamy" romantic Mariah.
(Tuesday 11 July 2017; 16:00)
Re: Butterfly (77,025) (77,038) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I can't believe it's been 20 years ago that this beautiful, timeless album got released. This album deserves a new release with bonus songs or unheard vocals. Like Michael Jackson's "Off the Wall" and "Bad". Since all of you were talking about "Fourth of July" I'm also in love again with the song. Mariah is taking you to a journey with only words and the beautiful melody. It's like a journey to paradise. Honestly "Butterfly" shows all her genius talent. For me it's not only pop and rnb, it's pure artistry. Vere rare, and something that is almost gone in today's popular music.
(Tuesday 11 July 2017; 15:44)
Re: Why you mad at Mariah? (77,030) (77,031) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Victor from Costa Rica, your thoughts and theories are very interesting. Especially this "I think she is hurt in a very deep level plus she could be been blackmailed". I also believe she is very hurt inside for a lot of reasons (some we might know and some are hidden). During her peak Mariah was perfection in every way, so like you said then there's mostly only a way down and the people love to the see a superstar falling down. She gave the world truly everthing she had, and got used. The industry was never nice to her. But I won't believe that she thinks the fans doesn't deserve more. Maybe she doesn't care anymore. But to see her like a shadow of herself is so hurtful. I don't need another hit single from Mariah, I just want her to be happy and healthy. I hope that she wants it too.
(Tuesday 11 July 2017; 12:14)
Re: All The Hits (77,013) (77,018) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Oh Bill, your set list sounds scary. I hope it won't happen this way. The audience will not be happy.
(Monday 10 July 2017; 15:26)
Re: Wrapping up Vegas (76,986) (76,989) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes "Without you" is a big international hit. When she sang it on tour in Germany the crowd were freaking out by the first to three seconds and were blown away when she started the chorus. Her aura is so special. I've been to a lot of concerts but with Mariah it's like you're watching a living world wonder. It's magical to see and hear her live. I have no other word for it. So thanks for the link.
(Sunday 9 July 2017; 15:40)
Re: New unheard Fantasy vocals (acapella) (76,974) (76,985) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I absolutely love it. I can't get enough of the unheard vocals.
(Sunday 9 July 2017; 12:51)
Re: Licia/Mimi (76,956) (76,962) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Ribbon B. Mimi is paying for her fake lifestyle of fake friends and hangers on. Guess it is "win win" I completely agree with it. All fake things are very expensive. Mariah would really "win" if she would surround herself with real people. I was never a fan of this Hollywood-lifestyle. It had destroyed too many talented people. I think Mariah should choose the middle. Enjoy here and there luxury but without the plastic and fake people. I wonder if she will ever realize that sometimes less can be more.
(Saturday 8 July 2017; 11:08)
Re: On a positive note (76,943) (76,951) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes she looks beautiful and much younger. She doesn't need much make-up, the masquerade makes everyone older not prettier. So I hope to see more of the casual MC. Mariah's swimsuit is cool.
(Friday 7 July 2017; 17:53)
Re: Chriatnas [sic] in Vegas? (76,924) (76,928) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I wonder too. Oh yes, NY is perfect for Christmas. When was the last time Mariah was "seen" in New York? Does she still own this wonderful penthouse in New York City? I understand that Mariah may not like the weather there (too cold) but it's her hometown. I wish she would spend a little more time there (without her entourage).
(Thursday 6 July 2017; 21:24)
Re: Wild Thoughts / chorus girl Mariah (76,917) (76,918) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's funny that you mentioned the "Maria Maria" sample because I thought the same, it's the best part of the song. And the kids have no idea how beautiful the original song is. Lol Rihanna sounds as usually not good. Her singing reminds me of a female duck in some parts. I hope Mariah will not go that route, if I want to hear bubble-gum pop or uninspired, overproduced Rnb I can switch to the radio or music tv. Like B. said I want a Mariah song. As simple as said. I'm tired of the guest-rappers. And I don't need this DJ Khaled and other hip Djs. It would be ok for two or three songs on an album but I really need a heartfelt song with great lyrics.
(Thursday 6 July 2017; 13:54)
Re: For the first time in a while (76,899) (76,906) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I thought the same when I watched the clip where she is swimming. That's Mariah, please more of this. I love when she has fun, real fun.
(Wednesday 5 July 2017; 18:17)
Re: Mariah (76,878) (76,882) by MusicfanJ from Germany
So it's not true with the credit card. But every week another "headline" about the possible boyfriend, wedding, parties, restaurants, outfits, commercials and the list goes on. It's too much Hollywood for me.
(Tuesday 4 July 2017; 19:58)
Re: Mariah (76,875) (76,878) by MusicfanJ from Germany
If it's true with the credit card, it's time to wake up. Well since a while it's time for that. Even Michael Jackson got broke and he was "forced" to do the "This is it" Tour. And a lot of other rich people experienced the same because of the false consultants. With the jet I have no words for it. Mariah must be blind to trust the "clan" aka her empowerment crew.
(Tuesday 4 July 2017; 13:24)
Re: Jazz album (76,850) (76,854) by MusicfanJ from Germany
How I love Ella Fitzgerald. The songbooks and Gershwin are a "holy grail" in music. But only a true musician with soul and a lot of talent can sing this wonderful music. If Rihanna, Tyler Swift and all those other hyped stars would sing a jazzy tune it would sound awful. They will never be able to sing it. Jazz is more than music for intellectual, it's timeless and if you're open to it, it's pure pleasure for the ears.
(Monday 3 July 2017; 15:39)
Re: Celine (76,837) (76,849) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Sexy and Celine do not go together at all." Gee, I totally agree with you.
(Monday 3 July 2017; 12:16)
Re: Jazz album (76,834) (76,848) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Terna, jazz is not for "ugly rough voices", but I get that you don't like this type of music. Neo-Soul would be nice, lately I prefer soul music over the modern rnb. I just wish Mariah would try a new formula, a little bit experience. I also would love an album full of "retro-soul". So the lambs want jazz, gospel, rnb and soul. Great combination.
(Monday 3 July 2017; 12:12)
Re: MIAM (76,818) (76,822) by MusicfanJ from Germany
That's true it has something for everyone. After the first listen of the album I was a bit disappointed, but now I really love it. Especially "Meteorite" and "Beautiful" I won't miss. And "Thirsty" and "Cry" are also on that list.
(Sunday 2 July 2017; 11:43)
Adele canceling tour (76,801) by MusicfanJ from Germany
In the news they say Adele is canceling her tour because of voice problems. Her doctor told her to do it, the voice needs time to rest. If it's true, my thought is, see Adele's voice is beginning to get raspy because of the concerts, touring and so on after such a "short" period. And we wonder why Mariah's voice started to "change" in 98/99. I mean in the 90ies Mariah was working like crazy, and then 2001 happened. Maybe if she had take more time to rest her voice after 95 everything would be easier for her now. Just a thought.
(Saturday 1 July 2017; 11:46)
Re: Jazz album (76,764) (76,768) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I'm a big jazz fan so I would love if Mariah would do something jazzy. I know young musicians who are great in doing jazz. So it's not only for oldies as some people think. Mariah would sound fantastic, her voice is perfect for that genre. I wonder why nobody is telling her this, or why she isn't experiencing more. Maybe one day.
(Thursday 29 June 2017; 20:11)
Re: New pic (76,762) (76,767) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I can't stand the necklace. It looks like a dog collar. Sorry. The outfit is ok, but with all the money I know Mariah can do better. But compared to some latest Stella look-a-like she really looks cute.
(Thursday 29 June 2017; 19:59)
Re: "Fourth of July" - unheard vocals (76,743) (76,748) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Sounds so good and almost like a new song. The version on cd is beautiful and pure Mariah, but the unheard vocals are heavenly. I wish there was a cd with rare songs and unheard versions. I'll listen to the album version as well. Great song, I love the romantic MC.
(Wednesday 28 June 2017; 22:05)


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