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About MusicfanJ from Germany: I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.

Re: Thanks for Nothing in Baku (76,731) (76,735) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes "Cruise Control" should have been a hit. The whole album has so many good songs that didn't get the attention they deserved. Migrate, Side Effects and For the record had also great potential to become a hit. I love EMC2 so much. Great album.
(Wednesday 28 June 2017; 11:14)
Re: It's not to stay relevent (76,726) (76,734) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes I do hope te music is her priority too. Or let's say will be again. It's ok to have side projects but please not only for making fast money. In the 90ies the commercials for Japan were great. The Pinko and perfume stuff is also nice. But the latest deals like champagne,, the "Israel"-water and Dead Sea cosmetics, private gigs for rich people I'm not a fan of this. I want new music which is heartfelt with great lyrics. Pop, Soul, Rnb, Jazz whatever she wants to do. And if Mariah is no longer interested in "normal" album releases, it's ok. All I'm asking for is to bring back the professional behavior with a good taste (without using the f. and too much diva-talking.) It's getting boring and she's so much more than this.
(Wednesday 28 June 2017; 11:07)
Re: Mariah crying while singing (76,665) (76,667) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Honestly if this is true I wouldn't be surprised. Something is so wrong. We can't look behind closed doors and so on but I do believe that Mariah isn't feeling very well. I don't want to speculate about possible reasons but one thing is clear: her circus is hiding "messages" from fans and other people. It seems like Mariah is "caged" again. While her first marriage it was Tommy who wanted full control, now it's even worse because the new controlling is taking damage on many levels. Maybe she realizes it or can't hide any more how she really feels. The diva persona was always there to protect the person Mariah, she's a very sensitive and emotional woman. That can be a dangerous thing in showbiz.
(Monday 26 June 2017; 19:44)
Re: Could we all be part of another metamorphosis? (76,657) (76,658) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I have nothing against a metamorphosis. It is natural and everyone is changing now and then but to change so extremely is strange. A "beautiful butterfly" should never turn into something trashy. But I know what you mean. In 97 a lot of fans didn't like the more urban-style Mariah. But I think compared to now it really was "harmless". It was more because of the music not only because of her new sexy looking. Maybe she choose Stella and her daughters to impress some younger people but for what was it really good? A lot of fans are disappointed and as you said don't recognize her anymore. Mariah Carey doesn't need the yellow press like a new teen star. They won't buy music, they won't go to her concerts. They will just watch YouTube, instagram and co. for some free "entertainment". I just wish Mariah would reinvent to someone without the current image. It must be very hard to be a living legend since the millennium but Mariah can do so much better than lately. Maybe it's all fun for her, or a strategy but I don't get it. Anyway I wish her the best, I love MC.
(Monday 26 June 2017; 15:19)
Re: Out and about in Paris (76,627) (76,628) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes that looks more like Mariah. She is a beauty, she just needs the right outfits. I love her hair, looks a little bit shorter. So much better than too long and without volume. Is there a Parisian stylist that finally has eyes for a good look?
(Sunday 25 June 2017; 14:56)
Re: Legit question (76,599) (76,603) by MusicfanJ from Germany
No I never forget that Mariah is a singer. That's why I'm not happy with the latest choices and so on. But you're right some people might forget that she is.
(Saturday 24 June 2017; 12:38)
Re: Can't Let Go (76,565) (76,568) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Licia you're rocking the house with "Can't let go". This is cool. Definitely sounds like a good morning. I also love the part of the song, best lyric and emotion in one.
(Friday 23 June 2017; 11:40)
Re: Mariah with fan in Spain (76,560) (76,566) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes Louise McNally was a good one. She was clearly not a bff for Mariah but that wasn't her job. I think she was very professional and tried her best to "protect" the superstar Mariah Carey. Maybe she was too strict for MC but better than the 24/7 reality-tv that we have now.
(Friday 23 June 2017; 11:31)
Re: Wanna trade places? (76,529) (76,534) by MusicfanJ from Germany
What a lovely interview. This is Mariah without playing a "role". So classy and wonderful. How she talks about the bad sides in the music business is almost heartbreaking if you think about what's going on now.
(Thursday 22 June 2017; 10:37)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey on shopping trip in Barcelona (76,454) (76,463) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Another outfit that screams why? Who is telling MC that this is looking good, her "team"? Anyway shopping won't make it better. Everyone knows she has thousands of beautiful dresses and outfits to enjoy. Mariah should use this trip to Spain for rethinking. Her image once was almost holy and now it seems like she doesn't care anymore. But what really worries me, is that she looks unhappy.
(Tuesday 20 June 2017; 19:57)
Re: Glitter era vs now (76,439) (76,440) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I also think this era is worse than Glitter. I loved Glitter, Mariah was working too much, the movie flopped and MC had the "public breakdown". But then she seemed to recover slowly and took care of herself. That's what I miss now. I can't see any recovery or help. She seems lost and broken and is surrounded with stupid and toxic people. If you "follow" Mariah's music career since 22 years, it hurts to see her like this.
(Tuesday 20 June 2017; 11:32)
Re: The old Mariah (76,420) (76,421) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I noticed it too that after having the kids, her choices weren't good at all. You can think her children would've brought stability but I guess like Hilton said with the divorce and accident everthing went down. I hope the medication will stop, Michael Jackson had that horrible accident with the fire for a commercial and a lot of people said that's when the medical addiction started. Maybe it's a combination of medicine and some drinks to deal with all the pain. And we all know it hasn't helped anybody ever. Mariah was always so strong inside, one reason I admired her. But now she just seems very fragile and looks like she needs help.
(Monday 19 June 2017; 14:57)
Re: What is wrong with the Glock Horse performance? (76,412) (76,417) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes something is wrong since two years. (Or even a bit longer). There's something going on that worries me. Please Mariah start to take care of yourself. Nobody seems to do it.
(Monday 19 June 2017; 12:03)
Re: MC and Carlos Santana (76,410) (76,415) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Haiji funny that you mentioned "Spanish Guitar". Beautiful song and I thought the same when that song got played on the radio back then. Mariah's vocals on the song would be a dream. I love her latin influenced ballads so much. "My All", After tonight" and "I only wanted" are one of her best romance ballads. I wish Mariah would do another song like this.
(Monday 19 June 2017; 11:57)
Father's day: Roc and Monroe (76,405) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I just saw the sweet pics on instagram. Monroe looks so much like young Mariah. Nick must be very proud of them. Although they are a lovely family I hope MC will find true love again. She doesn't need the latest public stunts. But it's really nice that she shares these beautiful pics.
(Sunday 18 June 2017; 19:59)
Re: Feuds? (76,376) (76,383) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Terna I know you're talking about "Obsessed". It's a good one. But I still love "Clown". The lyrics are everything. And the pow at the end.
(Saturday 17 June 2017; 20:22)
Re: Feuds? (76,371) (76,372) by MusicfanJ from Germany
D) I wish Mariah wouldn't feud.
But I have in common with Mariah that I can't stand J.Lo as a person since day one. So I understand that feud. And we all know the reasons behind it. The strange "artist" Nikki M. is also a really annoying person. I had to switch music tv when her video was played. My eyes and ears were hurting. Lol I wonder that it's possible to make money with such trash music. And this is trendy? ith Eminem I wish there were no feud. Somehow I almost feel sorry for him.
(Saturday 17 June 2017; 11:49)
Re: Who would you pick (76,343) (76,351) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Amen B. I wish someone would tell her your comment. "They're keeping you low so you're on their level and they can be your equals when they never were or will be." So true.
(Friday 16 June 2017; 11:14)
Re: Who would you pick (76,324) (76,325) by MusicfanJ from Germany
MC1989 every word you said I feel and think the same way. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one. This comment "Mariah is very talented, but she has fallen into a fashion that she had criticized so much in the past" is so true. And yes it's sad. I wonder what happened in 2008 that the change was so extreme. I miss the mysterious aura so much as well.
(Thursday 15 June 2017; 13:24)
Re: Who would you pick (76,309) (76,317) by MusicfanJ from Germany
In the past Madonna. Lol. Today I would choose Katy Perry. Well we know the second woman is a bit of a fan of Mariah but she's also the complete opposite.
(Wednesday 14 June 2017; 21:59)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey spills out of zero underwear dress (76,300) (76,303) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I really love Mariah but why this again? Yesterday I searched for pics (just for the nostalgia) from the beginning where she entered the spotlight to now. Because of the latest fashion "choices" sometimes you forget how beautiful, classy and sexy in a normal way she was for more than two decades. But beside the fashion I miss her natural aura. She had something so special the aura combined with the sweetest smile on earth. When she's with the kids, the smile is back. But if she's with the circus and doing interviews, leaving restaurant there's something what worries me. She doesn't seem happy like she used to be. And that's sad. Like many on this board said, I hope she can "end" this "era" and start something new without the circus. Everything would be better without the clan who seems to encourage this mess.
(Wednesday 14 June 2017; 11:50)
Re: Mariah's World season 2 episode synopsis (76,278) (76,283) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Haha thanks for sharing Mimi L. It's truly hilarious. And the titles of the episodes. Lol. So now we know what's going to happen next. "St. Nick" will be the new number one in December this year.
(Tuesday 13 June 2017; 20:14)
Re: 27 years today debut album (76,269) (76,271) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Single: Vision of love, Love takes time
Non-single: All alone in love, Prisoner
I also love "You need me", MC is rocking that song. And "Sent from up a above" so relaxing and cool.
(Tuesday 13 June 2017; 11:11)
Re: Gay icon status (76,253) (76,258) by MusicfanJ from Germany
That's what I meant. Not Rainbow, you're right. Love the CTTA pic, looks like Mariah in paradise.
(Monday 12 June 2017; 21:22)
Re: Gay icon status (76,243) (76,246) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I always have to think about the Mean Girls movie. Where the gay friend of "Lindsey" has the Mariah Rainbow poster with the unicorn in his room and also a t-shirt. Mariah is definitely a singer people can relate to who are a bit on the "outside" or knew the feelings she described in many of her songs. Because of her background and many other things. Of course she's no Cher but Mariah did speak out for a lot of groups. By the way thanks B. for the list of donations. Very interesting. I love Mariah's quote of the Rainbow album: "In a perfect world, human beings would co-exist, harmoniously like a rainbow. A multitude of colors... but in unison." In 99 it was a wonderful thought.
(Monday 12 June 2017; 12:15)


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