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About 90sMariah from SG: What?

Re: Matiah's crazy ranting (78,928) (78,946) by 90sMariah from SG
Must be the w**d, must be the E. Just kidding, I'm pretty sure it's coke.
(Saturday 21 October 2017; 19:35)
Article: Five Foot Two is everything Mariah's World wasn't (78,576) by 90sMariah from SG
I watched Gaga's docu last weekend and it was cringe with the amount of crying and showing of emotion because there are cameras present. She made people around her feel uncomfortable - even her producer/friend Mark Ronson. There's one scene in particular where she went to visit her grandma to tell her she made her deceased aunt a song. Of course, as usual, Gaga was already crying while playing her grandma the song and she kept waiting for her grandma to cry too, but she didn't. She couldn't. Gaga's grandma (mom of her aunt Joanne) even advised her to "not to feel maudlin about Joanne's memory, because she passed on a long time ago".
(Wednesday 27 September 2017; 14:11)
Badly enunciated verses (78,554) by 90sMariah from SG
I was listening to Heat earlier and it reminded me of how badly she enunciates the lyrics to the song. I can't figure out what she's singing about. Even now I still don't know what the hell she's singing in the first verse without looking up the lyrics.
(Tuesday 26 September 2017; 11:33)
Article: Mariah's dress is held together by crystal-covered snaps (78,508) by 90sMariah from SG
Lol at her using people as walking crutches. If you can't walk in them, you most definitely shouldn't wear them. This is why people think she's constantly drunk/medicated.
(Sunday 24 September 2017; 07:29)
Step back perhaps? (78,449) by 90sMariah from SG
If Mariah continues to be in this funk - this level of disrespect for her audience and legacy - she needs to step back and stop accepting high profile and televised gigs until she's snapped out of it and realised how bad she's coming off. I am embarrassed for her whenever she pulls this level of unprofessionalism - always appearing "so over it" and/or drunk and/or medicated on cam. I'm not saying she should retire completely from public performances, because a lot of the fans are still into her just standing there. Didn't she say repeatedly back when she had just divorced Tommy that she hated the idea of people expecting her to just wear a gown, stand there and just sing ballads? Well - she's doing exactly that. Except for the ballads part, because technically she does the same for her uptempo songs. So, please spare yourself anymore embarrassment and step back and quit drinking heavily, Mariah.
(Wednesday 20 September 2017; 14:14)
Article: Mariah is stiff as a board in Hip Hop Honors performance (78,444) by 90sMariah from SG
It's not about the dancing, nobody expects her to move like Janet Jackson. Stop pretending that's what people want from her. Do you really think she looks like she's enjoying herself on stage while pretending to sing the vocal climaxes of her songs? No. Stop it. We just want her to move. Lift her legs and walk on her own and not look like she's so over everything. She always look like a furniture being moved around the stage by her dancers. Why even have dancers if you're not going to put an effort to move a bit. Remember MSG? She didn't dance in it, but she looked like she was enjoying herself - moving around the stage and waving her arms and shoulders. She was fun. Is it because she's wearing 10" heels? Then don't wear them. She looks like a medicated sofa being propped around a huge apartment.
(Wednesday 20 September 2017; 09:03)
Re: Jazz album (76,821) (76,823) by 90sMariah from SG
You mean a Gospel album full of songs she won't be able to give justice to live? An album full of overproduced songs and screeching? Jazz is the only thing that matches her current whispery voice; this genre brings out the soul. Jazz is the perfect outlet for her to express the pain that she's gone through without the need for over-singing and layering her songs with multiple choir, her own backup vocals and ultrasonic squeals she no longer can replicate live without her being caught lip-syncing. It could help even help repair her image. I've followed her since 1990, I've seen her highs and now her vocal lows. She's been playing around with jazz for many years so why not? Don't dismiss Jazz like it's for has-beens.
(Sunday 2 July 2017; 11:48)
Re: Jazz album (76,802) (76,805) by 90sMariah from SG
Newsflash, hunny - Mariah is old.
(Saturday 1 July 2017; 17:37)
Lipsync for your life (76,785) by 90sMariah from SG
I've always wondered what would be a great Mariah Carey song to feature on Rupaul's Drag Race's lipsync for your life (provided Mariah finally gives permission for her song to be used on the show, Rupaul revealed Mariah hasn't). At the just concluded season grand finale, they played two Whitney Houston songs and they were perfect - danceable, bopping, campy and they evoked emotion. I can't think of a Mariah song that the queens could dance and emote to that will have the same impact as Whitney's. Any ideas?
(Friday 30 June 2017; 14:51)
Jazz album (76,764) by 90sMariah from SG
Have you noticed how Mariah's current voice sounds good - no, really good - when she sings Jazz? I mean, she sounded good singing jazz during her peak. But you know, Jazz is the only genre where she truly sounds amazing still. I wish she'd make a full Jazz album and give hip-hop a rest (she's almost 50 ffs). She doesn't even have to do huge venues for concerts for her tour.
(Thursday 29 June 2017; 16:59)
Daydream Interlude (76,661) by 90sMariah from SG
I've said it before and I will say it again: this person is the best person to interpret all of Mariah's songs. Others try, but they can't touch this lamb's dedication and natural singing prowess. Lamb is sounding more and more like Mariah as time passes. I it.
(Monday 26 June 2017; 15:54)
Throwing in the towel (76,659) by 90sMariah from SG
I think it's time for her to retire herself from major/huge public performance and just record albums for now. The energetic, fun, vocally agile Mariah that I enjoyed watching back in the day is gone. All that's left is a shell of her unrecognisable self. What do you think early 90s Mariah would say if she saw her future self performing as sadly as she does now? I think she'd be broken. If a public performance is unavoidable, I suggest she should do a Celine and pre-record her vocals, practice lip-synching the songs down to the very last phrasing until her lips are believably synced with the tracks. It's the only way. That way she could salvage whatever is left of her voice and heal. It may not be back to 100%, but at least it could be 10x better than what she has been showing lately. I cringed watching her Baku performance. She was constantly straining to reach the notes and her tone is completely effed up. For someone who is a self-confessed perfectionist she sure doesn't show it in her performances. Heal, Mariah, heal.
(Monday 26 June 2017; 15:37)
Article: Will Ferrell hints at Mariah's diva antics on set (76,531) by 90sMariah from SG
They probably wanted her to sing live, but she refused. Or make her do a little dance routine aside from awkwardly touching herself from head to waist - running her pointy fingers laughably on her skin, up and down until her forearm was behind her head. Haha. She's really buying into her diva persona now more than ever. What a disgrace.
(Thursday 22 June 2017; 08:29)
Article: Mariah Carey on shopping trip in Barcelona (76,454) by 90sMariah from SG
Stella needs to stop dressing her. All her looks in recent years have been tacky and gross. And looks like she's gaining weight again. She should really try working out to keep herself tone and to control her weight.
(Tuesday 20 June 2017; 17:12)
Article: Mariah did not pay Bryan to get back together (76,398) by 90sMariah from SG
Stella's storyline is cheap and gross; and Mariah's willingness to participate in that awful, obviously fake, made for tv, relationship is equally gross and demeaning for a superstar like herself. Her manager made her and continues to make her look pressed and thirsty for attention. She's not a reality star. And she should not even be called that, but here we are. Mariah, make people thirsty for your talent and not for the mess you're going to do next. You're turning 50 soon.
(Sunday 18 June 2017; 12:33)
Re: Mariah Bulochnikov (76,118) (76,122) by 90sMariah from SG
Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who noticed the similarities in clothing. Mariah does indeed look up to her failed standup comic/meh reality series producer, who btw is not Russian, manager. Mariah, those tight black pants make you look like an Atlantic hooker. Also, if you can't walk properly in heels, maybe it's time you stop wearing them?
(Thursday 8 June 2017; 14:16)
Re: Infamous is ok (66,881) (66,886) by 90sMariah from SG
(Friday 30 September 2016; 17:51)
"Looking In" by a Filipino lamb (66,782) by 90sMariah from SG
Gag on this, lambs.
(Wednesday 28 September 2016; 18:32)
Article: Mariah goes on romantic Greece getaway (66,640) by 90sMariah from SG
She needs to tone her arms like yesterday.
(Saturday 24 September 2016; 6:29)
Why? (66,067) by 90sMariah from SG
Why can't she dress elegantly and with class? Most days, she's looking like a prostitute who made it big and spent her cash buying "sexy" outfits from an Atlantic City hooker shop. How about those fishnet stockings? lol. Stop making fishnet happen, Mariah. It ain't coming back.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 5:46)
Article: Mariah takes bubble bath in diamonds and nothing else (66,023) by 90sMariah from SG
Yes, Mariah, we already know:
1. You have tons of diamond jewelries.
2. You love getting naked.
3. You can't resist to take bubble baths.
Give us something new.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 16:30)
Re: Dreamlover (66,012) (66,022) by 90sMariah from SG
That's because they used Dreamlover undubbed from Madison Square Garden performance. So yeah of course she sounded amazing.
(Friday 9 September 2016; 16:12)
Re: Me I Am Mariah (65,223) (65,288) by 90sMariah from SG
This is the only album of hers that I only listened to twice (each song); TAOLG (more than 10x), because the songs were sub-par, the vocals were over-engineered to the point that she was screeching. I hate this album. Also, the vocal arrangement for One More Try was cringe-inducing and corny. Moreover, she does not sing that high anymore, so let's be real.
(Monday 15 August 2016; 14:13)
Article: Mariah honouring United Nations Secretary General (65,187) by 90sMariah from SG
Nothing says dignified and appropriate more than wearing a hooker-biker chick ensemble to a party honouring the UN Sec-Gen.
(Friday 12 August 2016; 18:23)
Article: Q & Andy: Mariah Carey (65,169) by 90sMariah from SG
She went to beauty school, in case you didn't know.
(Thursday 11 August 2016; 18:04)


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