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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: World tour (85,203) (85,206)
by Andrew from UK
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Mariah: I have songs written that are amazing, that people across the world will love and buy in their millions. And people outside the world. You know, in dem other countries... Anyway, these songs gon blow up the charts, y'all.
Label: Mariah, we aren't about releasing successful music and making money at the moment, we just want you to look pretty in videos.
Mariah: Praise Jesus, cos I be lyin' before. Can I get my tits out?
Dearest Brandon, as might be said in the UK: you don't half write a load of old bollocks sometimes. 
Dearest Todd, I totally stole your message concept but it's entertaining as [censored]. 
(Tuesday 23 October 2018; 00:06)
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Re: Caution World Tour (85,191) (85,195)
by Andrew from UK
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I was half expecting it to be a "World Tour" given the name. The United States and two places in Ontario constitutes "the world"? As most Americans don't own passports nor can point to other countries on a map, perhaps, to them, it does.
(Monday 22 October 2018; 19:45)
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Big announcement: Mariah's Farewell Tour (85,188)
by Andrew from UK
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Made ya look.
(Monday 22 October 2018; 16:58)
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Re: Too many bubbles for my taste (85,180) (85,187)
by Andrew from UK
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You are quite correct if you think that Mariah is a totally different person than she used to since she had a personality transplant somewhere alone the way and they forgot to put the new one in. And you are correct about the new songs: they are sub par, even boring, beyond belief. The Distance is a hot mess so now it is apparently not the "official" second single? Lol well it's actually the *third* single and still the public are not interested. This "era" is pretty much over before it started. I appreciate some lambs are trying to stay positive and praise the PR, the performances, the cartoon on the front, even rubbish like The Distance, but doesn't everything just seem a bit... well, pointless?
(Monday 22 October 2018; 16:55)
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Re: Big news (85,167) (85,168)
by Andrew from UK
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A bit like Britney's announcement of an announcement. The element of surprise I'd all buy lost on PR people. Beyonce got it. One of the few.
(Monday 22 October 2018; 00:02)
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Re: Distance - my theory (for laughs) (85,139) (85,146)
by Andrew from UK
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Your opinion (as this actually is an opinion and not a misrepresentation of facts misrepresented as opinion) is valid. But it isn't just the lyrics that are self indulgent, the music is, also. It is MC's choice what to put out, but after four years (with a few crazy creations in between) I am at a desperate loss with this new output. GTFO and With You definitely get stuck in my head, especially the latter. But (to which most women and gay men might testify) a grower isn't nearly half as good as a show-er. I am slowly but surely reconciling myself to the fact that Mariah's music may not be for me anymore (if, indeed, it is for anyone) in that I don't hate it, but it's all a bit, well, "blah". Who cares? These songs are not the songs for a stage as the GTFO and With You performances showed us. They will be dropped from Mariah's arena tours quicker than she drops an f-bomb, these days. So once again, who cares? The Distance is bizarre. Bizarre. Perhaps it was enjoyable on paper or in the composers heads whilst they floated in that there haze but the only S-P-I-R-I-T it has is the copious amounts that Mariah had to have downed to have written it like this. The chant at the beginning must be a roll-on from a previous album track or why is it there? It's super weird. It is akin to "L-U-V Madonna" (sung quite raucously in Soho as "H-I-V Madonna" lol). It's a build up to a banger only for Mariah's usual slow beat cooing to start. Don't tell me the lambs' collective serotonin levels didn't disappear off the chart at that drop in pace. Subsequently the song is pieced together as a mess. The only good bit is the I can't I can't I can't part. That's it. Simply, Mariah is hiding in the music and lyrics. She is too afraid to write classic and big because of her voice, instead opting to disappear among the cleverness of the lyrics, the alternating metre and melodies of the music and the overall confusion of some of the songs. There is nothing remotely memorable here. I have a feeling that Mariah isn't making music for people to buy anymore, or even for her to perform - she is writing any old shit that she can film glamour promos for. As long as people want to [censored] you, you're worthwhile, right?
(Saturday 20 October 2018; 21:22)
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Re: Heartbreaker (85,142) (85,145)
by Andrew from UK
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Off-key and straining. If this is everything, I'd hate to see what little or nothing looks like.
(Saturday 20 October 2018; 20:17)
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Re: Distance - my theory (for laughs) (85,121) (85,132)
by Andrew from UK
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Yes, Shezz, yes. Not every song has to be her life story. It makes songs inaccessible or off-putting to those who don't like her but would buy her music were it good. I'm really turned off by lyrics such as "had to leave by half past four" and other such specific details. Why would you sing along to that? Joe Public finds no meaning in it. I call these the "kitchen window" lyrics after one of the lyrics that ruined the genius TAOLG. A good example of good storytelling is Cry. It's possibly specific but universal in application. Adele's Someone Like You is the best version I can think of in re: storytelling with universal application and gigantic impact. These down-wiv-da-kids lyrics are not worthy of someone who used to compose such poetry to music. George Golden is absolutely right to wonder why someone's writing becomes more immature the older they get. I am holding out for the rest of the album. Genuinely, my fingers are crossed. But I am worried it's going to be meaningless drivel and I will finally give up. *crosses fingers even tighter* PS. I understood "half past four" to be a British thing? Don't the Americans say "four thirty"? A bit like when she sings "autumn's leaves are gone". Don't the American's call it "the fall"?
(Saturday 20 October 2018; 02:16)
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Re: Caution album (85,123) (85,131)
by Andrew from UK
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And keep it secret, I say. I, for one, being stuck in, ooo, 1997 today, yearn for the days you had to go to a record store where you'd see the CD for the first time, gasp at Mariah's picture, run to the checkout scanning the tracklist wondering what each one sounded like, rush home and listen front to back reading the lyrics and the little messages she used to write. It was exciting. This drip feeding of guest artists, track titles, songs, artwork, etc., takes all the awe out of it. There's no suspense. Big reveals have impact. Of course, the modern music era has the benefits of instant streaming, etc. But let's raise a glass to the nineties: when singles were singles and you sure as shite didn't have to debate if they were or not. And if it was a Mariah Carey one, you felt sorry for anyone else releasing music that week.
(Saturday 20 October 2018; 02:02)
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Re: Caution album (85,128) (85,129)
by Andrew from UK
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Haha holy shite, I actually meant it for Edouard after his four thousand two hundred consecutive posts. You have the same avatar. Even aimed at him it was just a (hilarious) joke. And it's conceivable that I appear "mean" on here sometimes. I am certain if you did meet me you would find that I am not as bad as you think. I still think I'd think you bat-shit cray cray, though. You bring Édouard and Terna, I'll bring Randy and Jade and we can have a debate. We could ask Victoria to invigilate but she clearly fancies me so it may not be fair on you.
(Saturday 20 October 2018; 01:43)
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Re: Caution album (85,118) (85,125)
by Andrew from UK
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Bro, did you eat breakfast in a pharmacy today?
(Friday 19 October 2018; 22:41)
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Re: The Distance (85,044) (85,061)
by Andrew from UK
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The lovely Jade sent me the link this morning and I heard it once at work and I was underwhelmed. But I thought I'd give it another few goes now. I'm sorry. I wanted to like it because I don't want to be negative for the sake of it but this song isn't me at all. It is apparent Mariah isn't writing another chart-topper or even a charter. But I must disagree with the sentiment here: GTFO and With You are superior songs. Superior. This is a bit blah to me. But I respect people for liking it. There's no hook, no theme, and I would add that Ty Dollar Sign Brit in it made it worthwhile. I am not hating on this era. I just don't like this song. It seems like this album is like a fierce Memoirs. Fierce is good. It's perhaps not what I wanted. But I'm happy to go with having quality rather than the musical direction I thought she should take. I pray for some hooks and party tracks. But I don't want to dampen the spirits of what is obviously an excited collective spirit for Mariah's new album. Fingers are still crossed. Let me not spoil the party.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 22:03)
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Re: Album title (84,983) (84,991)
by Andrew from UK
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Music Box was a brilliant title for an album that you had to buy in a cassette or CD case: literally a "music box". And Mariah was also on the cover of it, rather than the cartoon of that woman she asks to fill in for her now. Oh my gosh, look at me being stuck in 1993 this month. I might stick myself in 1998 next month before we all stick ourselves in 1994 at Christmas.
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 14:07)
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Caution album art (84,989)
by Andrew from UK
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I love it. But just one question: who is it? Mariah used to have herself on the album covers. Now she had cartoons of this other woman. Just wondering who it is? Anyone know?
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 14:03)
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Re: The next single (84,952) (84,955)
by Andrew from UK
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If the next single isn't some killer upbeat with a good featured artist you can pretty much write off this era and wait for the Christmas.
(Tuesday 16 October 2018; 17:50)
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Re: Album cover (84,946) (84,954)
by Andrew from UK
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MIAM wasn't photoshopped? Lies are not very Christian of you, Brandon. I'll say a prayer for you tonight.
(Tuesday 16 October 2018; 17:47)
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Re: Album cover (84,913) (84,917)
by Andrew from UK
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If it didn't have Mariah on the cover it wouldn't feel like a Mariah album, it wouldnt feel part of the catalogue. I just hope it's her face wihout the girls. Or her on the floor in the red dress. Please God no Photoshop and definitely no caution tape.
(Tuesday 16 October 2018; 00:41)
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The Caution album title (84,908)
by Andrew from UK
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Not sure I love love love it just yet. But I do like it a lot. It's very different and kinda current: it feels like it's in the same vein as Progress and Reputation. But I think it's too short for a modern day Mariah album. I think it's actually: "Caution: Explicit Lyrics Inside".
(Monday 15 October 2018; 19:30)
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Re: Mariah: queen of the redo (84,808) (84,841)
by Andrew from UK
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Randster, I've seen Whitney live and whilst she was obviously vocally a powerhouse I found her singing as obnoxious as her interviews sometimes (on which she had two emotions: stare and talk quietly like she was on a comedown and going to kill someone or feign complete over the top faux happiness like she'd just come up). Not everything had to be a competition or a display of volume. I Will Always Love You moves from easy listening to something quite stressful to hear, for example. But the volume she projected over Mariah at the Academy Awards was, arguably, quite rude. Mariah didn't shoot her a look for nothin'. Rude was something Whitney did well. I saw her live on the My Love Is Your Love tour and she made sarcastic comments to the crowd for not knowing her more obscure songs that well. It was quite very uncomfortable. But she could sing, and some of her songs are amazing (All The Man That I Need, I Believe In You And Me, I Look To You, and so on). She was unique. Even if a bit too shouty.
(Saturday 13 October 2018; 16:13)
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Re: New album cover (84,789) (84,802)
by Andrew from UK
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I must agree that the video is pretty artistic and pleasing to watch. I also would agree that the staging at the American Music Awards is quite moving to watch. I don't know why but I had a bit of a tear in my eye watching it. I also can't get the song out of my head. Ugh.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 18:36)
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Re: AMAs (84,794) (84,797)
by Andrew from UK
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Your observation was to excuse Mariah looking like Queen Else had touched her without gloves on because of the choreography, whereas, on the balance of probabilities, the choreography was likely done that way precisely because Mariah never moves anymore. And can you quite believe anybody is having these conversations about the once great Mariah Carey? Mariah Carey, who was the queen of strutting across a stage, the maestra of the run and punching the invisible ghost, the master of the arm-waving, the diva who would point to the ground on a low note then flick it up to the heavens on the high note, that very same Mariah Carey went on the AMA's and moved her lips a bit and her left arm up and down slowly. And this is getting praise these days, such is the low level of expectation.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 16:39)
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Re: AMAs (84,771) (84,781)
by Andrew from UK
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What happened to you? You used to talk sense. Now you talk shite.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 10:20)
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Re: The ultimate disgrace (84,695) (84,700)
by Andrew from UK
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That made me laugh. I'll give you that one. "Oh [censored] off, Jamie" still springs to mind.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 21:45)
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Re: AMA performance (84,665) (84,682)
by Andrew from UK
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On a positive (I can do it sometimes), the choreography and staging was very impressive for a Mariah Carey performance. Tanaka is obviously very good at what he does. He took a statue and made something of a beautiful flower around it. Ten out of ten.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 19:30)
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Re: The ultimate disgrace (84,666) (84,681)
by Andrew from UK
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Heaven forfend people from being offended, right? I made the comment to make a point. My name is probably the most used as a subject title on this board. I have been called everything under the sun and been criticized, mocked etc. And you know what? I can take it because I understand I am critical and "brutal" in my position (a word I think was probably quite apt). But people better be able to take it back and understand that social justice group hierarchies do not bother me. That is, you don't get to go for someone then moralize that their response wasn't within rules that you have, yourself, decided. I didn't see anybody getting upset for big-fore headed people of the world when mine was (albeit quite comically) mocked, and so on. You can call someone old or a queen and that's okay, right? Age discrimination and sexual orientation discrimination is okay. Don't waste my time. At the heart of this, I am essentially [censored] off with Mariah ruining her last chance at anything great, so this feels like the last stand. Whether it is or not I do not know yet. But people can continue to come for me, and I couldn't care less. My opinions are my own (I believe I speak for some others) and I will make them until either I get so [censored] off with Mariah's nonsense I give up or I get kicked off this board. But I can tell you that Mariah's spokesperson instantly turning her into a victim is ridiculous and misplaced. People are literally begging for Mariah to write good music and, above all else, sing it. I want nothing less and nothing more. It's her bloody job. But she does not sing. She doesn't even try. What you saw was a statue pitiably perform by moving a left arm around. Crash test dummies are more animated. I agree with Adam that an honest interview should take place. If this is the future I can assure you I will likely not be around much longer. And I feel assured, perhaps arrogantly or perhaps just logically, that if someone like me gives up, her career is over. Send in the clowns.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 19:28)
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