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About Liz Archer from Sweden:
A fan since a long time. Meet her shortly during her tour in Sweden. I of course was shy as usual.. but she was amazing.
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Vegas (49,202)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I wish I ould go the show with Mariah in Vegas and see it but unfortunately I can't afford it at the moment.
(Thursday 15 January 2015; 17:28)
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Re: Nick's new song / Nick's rap (49,136)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Is anyone really surprised by this? They way he have dissed her in the radio and so forth I am not surprised by this move. If he wants to hurt her this is great way for him to do it. She married him way to soon and I can understand why. I am sure he can be very charming when he wants to. I have always felt however that Nick has been showing signs of being of a player. I am sad that Mariah has to go through that. Unfortunately it can happen to anyone. Sandra Bullock was also a victim of (in her case that we know of unfaithful husband) that embarrassed her in public. She has got two beautiful children. Her focus should be on them. It is unfortunately that she has to deal with a ex-husband disgracing her so by writing a song that is dissing her. Very un-mature and how do you explain that to your own children?
(Monday 12 January 2015; 21:45)
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What is going on? (48,309)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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What is this gossip about her being hours late for a performance? I think I heard this happen before. I really hope it's not true. Personally I would't give a damn (unless I was in the audience) but my worry is that this gives her a really bad rep, it is probably something as a singer today is never a good thing. People don't like it when they have wait for someone. People of today are inpatient and it doesn't matter if you are a diva or not. I know it's silly but some part of me want to see Mariah be successful again. Come out with an amazing album with music people love and that is different from what we have heard so far. Maybe a movie with a character that is interesting (and not her). Comedy might be a good thing. Being late for a performance gives the impression that she doesn't think the audience is important. People people after all came to see her. Unless it was a medical emergence or family crises of course. I have always been worried that she is surrounded by the wrong people giving her a false impression of the world, isolating her and such. I do understand that's is already isolated due to her fame, but still. Just worried.
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 2:04)
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Re: Post 45,163 (45,166)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Wendy was maybe a little to harsh but she has a point. I personally am a fan of her music (always have been) but I am not always a fan of Mariah's style in appearances and interviews. Her "eternal 13" statements gives the wrong impression of her, that she is ashamed of her age. She does have older listeners now and I am not sure her image today would appeal to the younger either. Her Barbie doll appearance (with that I mean she is always wearing gowns etc) and her strange diva behavior (calling people "darling" and being over the top, being late to important appearances etc) gives a bad impression. I don't believe Mariah is like that in RL, and this different "persona" thing is weird. I have certainly taken notice and I am sure many others do, and this is probably the reason why her latest CD has not made such a huge impact (due to bad promotion for the music, no video or any big number of performance or interviews). I personally love her new songs, but the cover art again feels wrong. She, the artist, feels distant and not like she is a person. It's to similar to her previous covers, nothing new or interesting. You can clearly see it's an older picture. I just wish she would embrace her age and just be herself for the beautiful person she is. I am not saying this to be mean, I am just being honest and up front. I have loved her voice and music talents for a long time. I wish her to continue giving us fantastic music, I just hope she finds herself again.
(Monday 30 June 2014; 16:12)
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Bad promotion (44,766)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I am never going to get hold of that bottle (not that I am interested in its content) but its just a bad idea. I doubt that bottle is going to be available internationally, so its really not a very good promotional tool since it's only for the US.
(Sunday 15 June 2014; 8:51)
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Reply to You Don't Know What To Do / album reviews by Panos from Greece (43,908)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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You Don't Know What To Do / album reviews by Panos from Greece, said "You Don't Know What To Do is definitely one of her best songs during the last decade. Hands down. It is exactly what I wanted for her to do for centuries now. The only thing that I can't ''digest'' is Wale's speaking during that breath-taking intro." Thank you. Yes, is exactly what has been annoying me about this otherwise stellar song. 
(Tuesday 20 May 2014; 23:23)
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A very brief review (43,907)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Many songs on the album that I heard so far is good and even surprising but I wish she had left out the rappers. She doesn't need them.
(Tuesday 20 May 2014; 23:19)
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Wale (43,815)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I absolute love her new song, but I got to be honest IMHO that rapper ruins her intro at the beginning. Clearing his trout and such, and talking over her. Why? I don't know why it annoys me so much, but it feels unprofessional. Wish I could remove it. 
(Monday 19 May 2014; 22:17)
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Letterman (43,424)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I have always loved Mariah since the early 90ties but I think her image has not changed into the better over the years. This act of a diva she does sometimes these days is not attractive to most people today. It is just too much to take in. Or maybe she is acting this way to get out of this contract deal with her current record. It does seems like there is conflict. They are not promoting her well, that is clear. However I remember this has been a problem for her after Rainbow album. The Emancipation of Mimi being the exception. I don't know what made me react, but Letterman seemed annoyed when he interviewed her (or maybe he is always like that, who knows). I am really worried for Mariah because I want to hear more from her music and I wish her more success.
(Saturday 10 May 2014; 9:07)
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Worried (40,322)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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I am worried for Mariah, releasing singles very randomly (doesn't seem very wise) and she seems not very focused in interviews. I hope all is well. She should do as Beyonce, releasing the whole album plus video to all songs at once.
(Monday 30 December 2013; 11:10)
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Mariah (39,907)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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Mimi's has always had problem with spreading the word of her singles to her fans around the world. The only way I know about it is since I follow her music progress when coming to sites like this. Facebook was a interesting idea, but I am not sure what else she needs to do to get her singles /music out to possible new fans out there. Maybe she needs to go on to shows like Ellen and sing. I haven't seen her perform on any tv-show like Ellen, Late Night etc as of late. Her latest labels and represents just seem to think her name is enough, but she really needs promotion in today's world. It's all about how to present the music etc. I don't know what is going wrong.
(Tuesday 19 November 2013; 23:07)
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Mariah on Idol (37,888)
by Liz Archer from Sweden
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They can say what they want, but Idol has never had such good talents at the top when speaking of unique voices. And I think a big deal to that is due to Mariah. Yes, she has focused on giving positive influences, but there is nothing wrong with that. I wish to see her on another Idol, simply because I love to see her weekly on a program. Well, very selfish reasons. I hope to see you on Idol or other music programs in the future.
(Friday 17 May 2013; 10:55)
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