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About Liz Archer from Sweden: A fan since a long time. Meet her shortly during her tour in Sweden. I of course was shy as usual.. but she was amazing.

Sales (86,508) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Honestly, I don't think people buy CDs anymore. It's all about listening to Spotify or iTunes.
(Sunday 25 November 2018; 20:02)
Glitter on iTunes (86,398) by Liz Archer from Sweden
So I tried to listen to the album Glitter on iTunes in Sweden. Can't find it, have they removed it? The mystery continues, can't find it on Spotify either. I'm in Sweden. I know I've seen them there before but now it's not listed. Nor are the songs like Loverboy.
(Thursday 22 November 2018; 07:51)
Runaway (86,097) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I don't get why this isn't the lead song on her new album. I don't even see it there. I would claim it's one of her best song compared to her new album. Sadly the last songs in the new album (like One'mo Gen, 8th Grade etc) I just can't relate to. They are not super catchy or lyrically interesting. Runaway however I recognize immediately could have been a huge hit. Of course, this is just my opinion. It has a very interesting sound, definitely radio and streaming worthy. I'm confused. Why hasn't it been released as a featured song?
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 12:33)
Re: For those who want to walk (86,066) (86,096) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Why hasn't this been released with the album? The album needed an uplifting high tempo song like this one.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 12:26)
Genius interview (86,095) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Did she mention something about writing a book? I hope there will be one. I would love to hear about the thing she didn't want to get into here.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 12:24)
Caution review (86,092) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I take back my previous statement about this album. I actually like many of the songs. It just needed to grow on me. That's the dangerous things with certain high expectations. You expect to hear certain sounds and wish for old vibes to return. TBC.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 12:10)
My first reaction - Caution (86,004) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Ok, I had my first listen to the new songs. I have to admit I'm slightly disappointed. Something has changed, I'm unsure what it is. It's probably the sound. The first songs she has already released are probably the best songs of the album. The rest isn't a classic "I'm going to listen to this forever" song, which is disappointing. She has been experimenting a bit here but it doesn't stick. It's ok I guess but I don't like the sound. I think she isn't singing in the genre I would have preferred. There is also noticeable change to her voice. It sounds much more strained. I honestly don't want to be hating here but most of the album isn't a sound I enjoy. Portrait and Caution were interesting. There are a few ones that sounds good. I will listen to this a few times more, maybe something will grow on me. I will definitely still listen to the songs like "With you" and such, best songs of the album.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 08:13)
The Distance (85,055) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I like the song overall, I just think the beginning is a bit weird. But when we get to the "the distance" part the song starts to move and it sounds good.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 19:36)
With You retake (84,711) by Liz Archer from Sweden
A few days later and after seeing the AMA performance (which was beautiful staged) the song "With you" is growing on me. I still don't think it's a great lead song simply because it's such a slow moving song. Her voice sounded strained, I wondering if the old strength and sound she used to have is gone. Feel sad about that but MC still sounds ok. Just a tad different now. Still a fan, even if I sometimes criticize some things. I believe in renewing yourself and being a better self.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 00:17)
Re: With You - Andrew - nostalgia (84,304) (84,338) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Sadly I agree. I was expecting a new sound, something different compared to her past. This feel very like her old new songs. I admit the song is growing on me, but its not the *pow* and glitter I was expecting. It's only OK, and that is not good enough in my mind for a lead song for an upcoming album. I guess I was expecting an up-tempo song with gospel or jazz... just something different.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 22:41)
With You reaction (84,290) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Ok, this is my initial opinion. After a few listen I have to say I'm disappointed and underwhelmed. It's ok song but it's not something I would listen to many times. Also I don't love that whispery voice, idk why. The text is also not that great in my opinion.
Compared to "Its like that" and "We belong together" (i.e. her recent songs) it's such an disappointment. Those were good singles.
I don't know why they start with a "weak" song. Sorry for the negativity, it's just my first reaction.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 08:08)
Voice question (83,910) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I noticed that her song on the current song is very "breathy". Does that mean she can't sing with a "normal" darker voice anymore? I am not sure but her voice seems to have changed since the 90ies? Am I wrong?
(Friday 21 September 2018; 17:41)
Re: The video (83,797) (83,802) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I agree with what you are saying, this is exactly why I don't love the video. I was hoping for something different, something more real. I love her more conservative style down to Earth and perhaps sporty style.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 22:43)
GTFO response (83,801) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I think the song it self is descent, catchy enough, but I don't like the video. Here is my reasons why. She seems very stiff and there is too much posing, weird positions. Don't like her clothing (too over the top and doll like, not my style) even though she looks overall nice (if only it was with better style). The glass of wine is, in my opinion, giving the wrong signal. Not a great look. But on its own the song is catchy and I might listen to it a few times on iTunes.
(Friday 14 September 2018; 22:39)
Concert in Europe (82,723) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Not sure if I should get tickets or not, but I want to. I guess it will be sold out if I wait? I saw Mariah in concert a few years ago. It was the last fun activity I had with my mother. It was a great experience, I even meet her. I don't know why I'm hesitating now, lol. Maybe it is the cost plus I need to order hotel and train tickets, not even sure if I can go on holiday if its during workday.
(Saturday 9 June 2018; 15:25)
Article: Mariah Carey watches fan covers on YouTube (82,522) by Liz Archer from Sweden
The last one was really good, incredible.
(Friday 25 May 2018; 21:14)
Stella (81,922) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I knew this would happen.
(Tuesday 17 April 2018; 12:59)
Re: Mariah for Graham Norton show (79,428) (79,435) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I'm so annoyed that this nonsense has continued. Why did she let it get this bad? A good reputation is everything. It doesn't matter how famous you are. Nobody wants to interview or work with an diva, by creating this persona she destroyed her career.
(Tuesday 14 November 2017; 19:32)
Worried (78,934) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I'm going to be honest. I'm worried about her due to her continuing strange behaviour. For a very long time now I get the impression that Mariah lives in a very isolated world that doesn't seem to be helping her mentality. She seems so detached from reality. It just can't be good for her. Idk, how she spends her days and who she hangs out with but hits person to feel good about their lives you need something thing to do. Something that makes you happy. She doesn't seem like happy to me.
(Saturday 21 October 2017; 12:17)
Mariah (76,541) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I used to be a fan, but now I just don't know. I am tired of stuff like with Will Ferrell happening. Its like she or her team doesn't respect people anymore and that's a huge turn off for me. It makes me sad.
(Thursday 22 June 2017; 18:22)
Mariahs poor style sense (75,030) by Liz Archer from Sweden
There I said it, Mariah has very poor style sense. I don't get it. It is always super tight and short dresses, very often with huge cleavage and diamonds. Obviously she likes it. It's her life and her body, but as an old fan of her music you do wonder what happened?
(Saturday 6 May 2017; 08:20)
Mariah is too proud and doesn't care (72,965) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I read the article and I have to say, it echos a lot of what many of us have said here on the forums. But the thing is, I think Mariah is too proud to see what is going on and accept this fact. Or she doesn't care. I think Stella has become her best friend and I think she liked the opportunities (despite how I'll-wised they seem to be) she presents. She probably thinks finally I'm doing stuff I always wanted. Which is to do her own tv show etc etc, which means she doesn't have to rely on her voice. The problem is that she can turn a page and be creative like so many singers today, but she is not seeing it. She is making bad choices. The idea of a documentary following her tour was a nice idea, if they had actually focused on her performances and tour and not have such a disastrous team that have her being late for her own shows and whatnots. The focus on her team was uninteresting and bad move and then suddenly Mariah starts to gravitate towards the dancer when her billionaire boyfriends turns cold. Again, bad move. It does not put her in great light. Idk what to say, I loved Mariah as I grew up. I am getting frustrated and sad when I see her doing stuff like this. I can imagine a few better choices for her career, stuff she can do to reinvent herself and be happy as an artist, but when she surrounds herself with people like this that doesn't have her work and career as big interest, it makes me sad. Maybe this is the true Mariah. I just see her having a really bad reality check, because a humble and caring person would not go around wearing diamonds 24h a day and be a diva. I'm sorry but you can't continue like that. It's not a big conspiracy against her and everyone is against her. I want her to succeed and grow. But with an attitude like that (and with the people around her) it's not going anywhere. You have to recognise when you are in the wrong. Idk maybe she doesn't think she needs to work on her signings and performances anymore and that's why it's going so badly?
(Monday 20 February 2017; 23:02)
Re: Vision of Love at Jimmy Kimmel (72,780) (72,799) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I agree, I think this is the reason she is getting so much negativity at the moment. I want to relate to her and her music again. In the 90ies I did. Also in early 2000s. But when I see Mariah having fishnet outfits with a plunging front, her wearing diamonds in every picture - it's creating a disconnection between her and the public. I don't relate to this. Now if she would do a video wearing this in some art piece or story, I could accept it, but she seems to always be wearing this. Plus, Mariah's World made it seem like she was emotionally cheating on her boyfriend at the time. Honestly, it was such a bad move of them to only focus on her and her dancer, so quickly after the breakup and now to claim that they are dating. It's not a good image. No one is going to relate to that. Even though the song I Don't is catchy, it's overshadowed by all this. She was moving on too fast and this song I Don't would have worked better if that show hadn't focused on her new relationship blooming when she was supposed to wed someone else.
(Friday 17 February 2017; 18:07)
I don't love that outfit (72,750) by Liz Archer from Sweden
Am I the only one that are not loving her style these days? I miss the simple jeans and a proper top which doesn't completely show her very large chest area. I know it's silly of me to care about those things, but I very rarely say I would wear this. And this is not just Mariah, there seem to be a trend among many and I am just not loving it.
(Thursday 16 February 2017; 17:53)
Re: Are the Lambs overly negative? (71,851) (71,856) by Liz Archer from Sweden
I agree, it's to early. I look forward to hear the new song. I think people are being over critical because how this whole ordeal with James and her dancer seemed to have happen, as shown in her show. I admit I don't like him or James, but I don't have to like him. I just hope she isn't being used.
(Tuesday 31 January 2017; 14:58)


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