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About MusicfanJ from Germany: I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.

Re: IG pic: Limited collection pride (76,230) (76,245) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Ok that would make sense. Hmm I hope it's not about a new blush-powder. We'll see in 4 days.
(Monday 12 June 2017; 11:56)
IG pic: Limited collection pride (76,228) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Does anybody know what's going on with the latest Instagram pic? A collection to celebrate pride? I have a feeling it has nothing to do with music.
(Sunday 11 June 2017; 21:44)
Re: Curves (76,203) (76,206) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I think to loose weight is the last thing which she should do. There are other "problems". To stay healthy is most important, to fire the Russian clan and find some inner peace is worth more. I agree that clothes should fit, but to name somebody fat is so mean. A singer doesn't need model size (by the way, I hate those skinny girls, looks more ill than alive). But again clothes should fit and to wear "wrong" clothes/sizes isn't a good idea, if you're in the public.
(Saturday 10 June 2017; 16:37)
Re: Headed for an MJ, Whitney, Prince, George Michael (76,144) (76,149) by MusicfanJ from Germany
That's my biggest fear. The circus around Mariah needs to stop. Yes she broke every record so she doesn't need the "cheap" press like a b-celebrity. I always have the quote from Mary J. Blidge in my ear. "You're Mariah Carey remember?" I hope that she remembers soon.
(Friday 9 June 2017; 11:38)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey on a shopping spree in Beverly Hills (76,137) (76,148) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Mariah really did change after the accident. I remember the Loverboy scenes, she was full of energy and running in heels was easy for her. Sometimes I think the accident caused something more than only the shoulder and rips. I can only imagine how painful it must be. So I guess that could be a reason for some things. She must have took a lot of pain-killers and that may have affected some "choices".
(Friday 9 June 2017; 11:28)
Re: The lack of style (76,131) (76,133) by MusicfanJ from Germany
That's true. A real friend would tell her in a nice way. So there are no friends? What I don't get, she was most of the time dressed beautifully. From 90 to 2008 I'm happy with almost every outfit. The glitter outfits compared to this style are gorgous. Lol. But since Miss Blush is on her side all the time, her clothes choices got worse. It just doesn't look like Mariah. Everybody knows MC admires Marylin Monroe. Would be a better role-model for styling than Crustella.
(Thursday 8 June 2017; 21:27)
Re: Mariah Bulochnikov (76,108) (76,110) by MusicfanJ from Germany
What Mariah wears looks like a Stella costume. I can't believe it. Even the iPhone case. Lol. What's next? Black hair for a total transformation. Has Mariah no mirrors anymore? A jogging trousers and a casual t-shirt would look prettier than this. It's ok to wear ugly things once in a while. But to dress like the tasteless manager, why Mariah? Is it possible to be so insecure that she copies the Stella outfits? I know it sounds a bit harsh, but that she looks like her (except what Mimi L. mentioned) is ridiculous. Crustella must feel very honored that she gets copied.
(Wednesday 7 June 2017; 22:37)
Re: Infinity - it grew on me (76,100) (76,106) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes Mariah and mystery belongs together. I miss it so much. She still has "it" inside but since her new management "take control" she destroyed it more and more with a lot of things. Mariah had something I have never seen by other artists. It wasn't only the image. In 2003 while the Charmbracelet tour, to see her charisma and aura live it was almost too much for me. The empower sh* needs to go, until then I fear nothing will change.
(Wednesday 7 June 2017; 19:59)
Re: MTV Unplugged article (76,045) (76,066) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Critics praised her charisma and the way she interacted with her audience. So yes: Mariah had long since established herself as a singer, but MTV Unplugged cemented her as a pop star." That's so true. She showed everybody that she's not only a studio-singer. The version of "Can't let go" is so good, love her warm tones there and I even love her speaking voice so much. She sounded so sweet and humble. 22-year old Mariah was showing the world that she only had begun to reign the charts.
(Monday 5 June 2017; 20:24)
Re: Manchester events (76,047) (76,065) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's good that the celebtity's are donating all the money. The music was not my taste and I still don't like Ariana as an artist. I think she's a typical "Disney star" like Miley Cyrus but I'm sorry for this girl that she's experienced such a horrible thing. And of course I have a lot of respect that she was doing this concert. To blame Mariah that she wasn't there, I think it's not fair. I remember the tribute concert for 9/11 and Mariah did a great job, all the singers were great back then. When I listen to "Never too far" I always think of the beautiful Hero medley she did. Goosebumps moments. Music is really a sign for peace and hope even in the darkest hours.
(Monday 5 June 2017; 20:14)
Re: To the lambs (76,014) (76,026) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I'm so sick of the news. Andrew I really hope all your friends and the people you know are safe. I was in London three times and always had a great time, a friend of mine is traveling a lot to England. Sending you and all the lambs out there some love, take care.
(Sunday 4 June 2017; 12:03)
Re: MC's 3 steps to success (75,987) (76,005) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Mariah's MTV specials were also great. The MTV Crips back then, everybody was talking about it. Or "The ones" with MC in the kitchen and "Around the world" while Charmbracelet. She had many specials that I still have on VHS cassette. MW is just a joke compared to Mariah's TV-specials. I do hope there won't be a MW2.
(Saturday 3 June 2017; 19:42)
Re: Mariah lost the plot after Memoirs (75,908) (75,914) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Hilton your posts are great. I do believe as you said that if Mariah wouldn't have changed her "formula" everything would look better for her. And even if the industry changed a lot, I'm sure more people (fans or let's say listeners from day one) would still buy a "Mariah album". It's funny that you mentioned Kanye West. I also loved the "College Dropout" and never cared about his personality. But if I hear a song now I just have to think what a strange/arrogant person he seems to be. So his music is very rarely played because of the dislike.
(Wednesday 31 May 2017; 18:01)
Re: Martyn (75,892) (75,909) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Thanks B for sharing. It's still unbelievable and makes me sad to watch. But I also think it's a nice gesture that Wendy Williams was explaining the audience why the chair is empty and that she talked about Martyn's plans.
(Wednesday 31 May 2017; 13:55)
Re: Mariah lost the plot after Memoirs (75,871) (75,876) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I've noticed it too. There was a change with "Obsessed". Like Hilton on this board said the song release was not typical for Mariah. Was it the time Mariah's private life was already a bit suffering? Or just the changes in the musicbiz? I don't know. And I hope if she releases a new song it will be a happy or "fun" song like Honey. Please no more drama song about a bitter ending romance for a single release.
(Tuesday 30 May 2017; 14:19)
Re: Article: Mariah is launching a beauty company with her manager (75,804) (75,810) by MusicfanJ from Germany
So true, I thought the same with the smile. I miss her natural smile she always had. That pic with her "manager" is a bit scary to me. Who knows what's really going on? Hmm I think there's a reason Mariah is a beauty school drop-out. I want new music please.
(Saturday 27 May 2017; 20:04)
Songs Mariah wrote for other artists (75,801) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I'm so fascinated, I just found this on YouTube. I only knew that she wrote for Allure and for Trey Lorenz. You really can hear Mariah in all of these songs. But only the lambs and a few more know what a brilliant songwriter and producer Mariah is. I wish she had sung some of these brilliant songs by her self.
(Saturday 27 May 2017; 14:24)
Re: Mariah Carey, debut album (75,797) (75,799) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, it's such a good live song. A typical Mariah love song at its best. I used to watch the clip from that 93 Thanksgiving-concert over and over again. She just has so many gems for a live version. Like someone said, we need new versions not only the number ones. But LTT is a number one which should get more attention.
(Saturday 27 May 2017; 13:39)
Re: Why a beauty shop? (75,792) (75,798) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Haha Mimi L. I think that's exactly what little Mishka said. So what's next, Britney once had the "Sketchers" cooperation. Well that won't work for MC. Honestly I also prefer Mariah would only concentrate on the new record label.
(Saturday 27 May 2017; 10:55)
Re: Article: Mariah-Bruno Mars mashups are taking over the internet (75,750) (75,769) by MusicfanJ from Germany
The mash-ups are pretty good. It's always nice to hear something new even if it's only a mash-up or remix.
(Friday 26 May 2017; 15:12)
Re: Daydream (75,736) (75,755) by MusicfanJ from Germany
B. the same with me. I still have the original cassette that I bought back then. It's like a holy grail of music. Daydream made me a fan so it will always be special to me. Beside this I agree with Edward too. Her voice was so powerful and soft. What a combination. The melodies on this album made me daydream a lot. And I still "freak" out when "Fantasy" gets played. The intro of the original version is everything.
(Friday 26 May 2017; 11:47)
Re: Re: Martyn who? He is not the only victim (75,698) (75,704) (75,708) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes what a dumb comment by this Nick-Andre. If he is sorry for other people/country or whatever he can do as many hash tags as he want and show it. But it's more than unpolite to tell other people how they should feel and react. Unbelievable.
(Thursday 25 May 2017; 15:09)
Re: Martyn, we'll miss you (75,654) (75,656) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, I can't hold back the tears too. I'm angry and sad about the tragedy. RIP Martyn.
(Wednesday 24 May 2017; 17:17)
Re: Beautiful Martyn (75,635) (75,643) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I can't believe it. What a tragedy. As Edward said, I read the post about his plans about the American trip a few days ago. And I thought how cool that he is doing this. And then the sad news. I didn't know him personally but he seemed such a nice and beautiful person. I'm so shocked too.
(Wednesday 24 May 2017; 14:29)
Re: Martyn's safety (75,583) (75,584) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes we do. What [a] nightmare, I really hope he's ok.
(Tuesday 23 May 2017; 14:40)


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