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About MusicfanJ from Germany: I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.

Re: Old pic of Stella (70,626) (70,631) by MusicfanJ from Germany
This pic is hilarious. Is it possible to look even more cheap? I usually don't have a meaning of somebody just because of the look. But in that case the look says it all. And when she opens the mouth it's even worse. No behavior at all. Looks like a person who would go to "Big Brother" the TV-show.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 14:35)
Happy New Year (70,492) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I'm wishing you all a Happy New Year. Is anybody listening to Mariah's version of "Auld Lang Syne"? I will rock to the song. It's kitschy but it makes fun.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 21:38)
Re: Have those days of love really gone? (70,423) (70,437) by MusicfanJ from Germany
This is exactly what I think for quite some time. Your words are so true. I still have hope to see the great artist Mariah Carey again. Yes the music industry has changed so much and I'm happy that I have grown up with legends and with quality music and MTV. As you said I completely understand that it's another time and that she has kids. But Mariah has to much talent to only sell "products" and make a "docu". Maybe it's comfortable but we fans deserve a little bit of her outstanding gift. An album with unreleased songs would be very nice. Or even an older tour release like Charmbracelet just for the fans. Is it too much I'm asking? I don't think so. And I hate to say but Mariah can take a real break from the spotlight and come back with new ideas and brand new music.
(Friday 30 December 2016; 0:02)
Re: Leave Mariah alone (70,413) (70,416) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's dangerous and unhealthy if someone can't be alone for some time. Especially if the people you hang around are like poison and have no interest in truth and doesn't care about "you". My wish for 2017 is that Mariah takes the time and leaves the nightmare behind. She would become a new butterfly.
(Thursday 29 December 2016; 16:49)
Re: Baby (70,406) (70,415) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Best era style-wise:
1. Butterfly (sexy and sensual)
2. Daydream (classic and cool)
3. E=MC2 (just beautiful and stylish)
5. Emotions (pure and classic)
6. Rainbow (a fun style, love the dresses)
5. Music Box (innocent and a sweet look)
(Thursday 29 December 2016; 16:42)
Re: Fur coat? (70,370) (70,391) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I personally think only the Inuits for example should wear fur or people in Siberia. Rich and "normal" city people shouldn't wear it. It's disgusting. Fake fur looks nice too. Anyway I don't like the website of Mariah's World at all.
(Wednesday 28 December 2016; 20:03)
Re: Mariah and her band of yes people (70,346) (70,351) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Oh I misunderstood. Thanks for the info. Because of Mariah I always think of MM.
(Tuesday 27 December 2016; 19:38)
Re: Mariah Carey remembers friend George Michael (70,344) (70,350) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Well said. I remember this interview. Yes Mariah had a poster of George when she was very young. It's so sweet, imagine young Mariah admiring George Michael. The music industry lost again one of the greatest. And there are only a few left. I wish they had made a single together. The voices would have harmonized so nice. That George liked Mariah's version of "One more try" is such a big compliment.
(Tuesday 27 December 2016; 19:35)
Re: Mariah and her band of yes people (70,328) (70,338) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Great answer from Marylin Monroe. This is so true with the enemies. Mariah should think about it and I hope she wakes up from her dreamland with the snakes and fake people. Even a "blind" person could see they are no good.
(Tuesday 27 December 2016; 13:11)
Re: Test (70,323) (70,337) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Rihanna is a joke. She will never come close musically. A lot of "older" people have no idea who she is. But everyone knows Mariah Carey. She is the singer who broke nearly every record and ruled the 90ies. First like a Cinderella, then the pop-soul princess and diva. She is a true legend and hopefully we will get new music soon. But it would be better if she takes the time to be really creative and be able to surprise us. She'll always be the songbird supreme.
(Tuesday 27 December 2016; 13:04)
Re: Little sister Mimi (70,319) (70,336) by MusicfanJ from Germany
With the make-up Mishka looks like 18. Mariah looks sweet. I miss the time where kids and teens looked like kids and teens. Long ago. Haha.
(Tuesday 27 December 2016; 12:54)
Re: Article: Mariah wears sexy green fishtail dress and high heels (70,312) (70,317) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I thought exactly the same. Covered up, I like that.
(Monday 26 December 2016; 14:41)
Re: Merry Christmas (70,285) (70,295) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Thank you, I hope every one is enjoying the holidays. I listen to "Silent Night" and "Holy Night". It's like listening to an angel. No matter how much I don't agree with some things I'm thankful for the beautiful music that will stay forever. Merry Christmas.
(Sunday 25 December 2016; 19:54)
Re: Beyonce and JLo can dress trashy and it's ok (70,275) (70,290) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I just can't wait until this bra era and extremely sexualized cheap looking is over. Mariah deserves better than this. And I bet some day she will regret that "phase". Please Mariah, next year a classy and sensual style. And even in casual jeans she was always beautiful.
(Sunday 25 December 2016; 14:39)
Re: Clownish version of her former self? (70,202) (70,233) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Amen Edward. I totally agree with everything you said. That's on my mind every time I see a picture lately. I just don't understand the reason why.
(Friday 23 December 2016; 17:53)
Re: What the fudge (70,150) (70,154) by MusicfanJ from Germany
The pic is so weird. Why does she think she needs to post such over sexualized pics? Yes, she looks beautiful but it seems like it's for a new playboy magazine. Ah Mariah you are really one of a kind. Anyway I wish you all a Merry Christmas.
(Tuesday 20 December 2016; 20:07)
Re: MW episode 3 : Mimi L review (70,092) (70,102) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I never worked in the music and showbusiness, but if I would all I know is that Stella and her team would be the last one on earth I would like to have around. Even if I were an unknown artist. Lol.
(Monday 19 December 2016; 21:16)
Re: Carpool Karaoke (70,018) (70,047) by MusicfanJ from Germany
All my friends are sharing it on Facebook. Mariah deserves a number one with that song, no matter how "bleak" her team is. I agree she could have been a bit more enthusiastic on her own festive song. Anyway I wish her the best for Christmas and that she remembers what we love about her.
(Sunday 18 December 2016; 15:18)
Re: Carpool Karaoke (70,002) (70,008) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Hit Radio FFH (a well-known station in Germany) just shared the Carpool Karaoke. Everybody loves it here. Yes her ensemble were mentioned but not in a rude way. AIWFCIY is a favorite Christmas song by so many non-fans.
(Friday 16 December 2016; 20:14)
Re: Carpool Karaoke (70,002) (70,004) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I liked Adele too, she's funny. And Lady Gaga was rocking the song. Mariah seemed a little bored, maybe she was tired. The comments about the breast on YouTube are hurtful as always.
(Friday 16 December 2016; 18:16)
Re: Moroccan and Monroe (69,913) (69,976) by MusicfanJ from Germany
For me it seems like she "prefers" (I know it sounds mean) Monroe. She's her little princess. And I do think she reminds her of herself when she was little. Of course both kids are really sweet, but Monroe has something special. I can imagine she got some talent from Mariah.
(Thursday 15 December 2016; 19:50)
Re: Stella's employment crimes (69,896) (69,908) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I know I said it many times before but this woman "Stella aka the Russian dictator" is the worst and weirdest person Mariah ever worked with (since she began her career in 90). Whatever the real reasons are to hire her and her daughter, what bothers me the most is that Mariah seems to dress like her a lot in the past months and is copying the acting. 12-year old fan base, even the fans from Justin Bieber must be 16-20. The fan base of MC is more from 20-59. It's almost like a bad joke, the Bulochnikovs are living in MW until they are famous enough on their own.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 21:28)
Re: Mariah going on tour with Lionel Ritchie (69,835) (69,842) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Good news, this I what I need now. Lionel is the right caliber to work with / to tour. And thank God Mariah looks good in this pic with Mr. Richie. Just a black dress. It's so easy to look good and classy if she dresses like this.
(Monday 12 December 2016; 20:17)
Re: I think she does know (69,799) (69,840) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Completely agree with you. I can't imagine that Mariah knows nothing about her image today. But this is the reason I wonder why she isn't change some things to make the image "great again". Sorry for using that slogan. She used to care so much of it. I don't believe that she doesn't care anymore, the reason must be something else.
(Monday 12 December 2016; 19:57)
Re: What on earth (69,787) (69,839) by MusicfanJ from Germany
I do hope this era with Crustella/reality-TV and the most ridiculous clothes she ever wore will end soon. She doesn't look like herself anymore. She used to be one of the most beautiful and classy ladies in the music business. Her natural beauty and charming behavior were beyond everything. Now I feel just embarrassed when I look at those "outfits" and acting. I'm on a point where it's hard to listen to her beautiful music. It feels like the songs are sung from another Mariah. I mean the lyrics are so deep and beautiful and now we have a strange acting Mariah with this evil, manipulating clan. I wish she would wake up, before it's too late. I wonder how many true friends are left and if they have a chance to talk to her face to face without her entourage around her. I miss the sweet, lovely Mariah I always looked up to.
(Monday 12 December 2016; 19:48)


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