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About Andrew from UK:
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Re: AMA's (84,626) (84,653)
by Andrew from UK
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"She sang live"? You have lost all credibility once and for all. Completely. It is clear now that you are not delusional but an intentional liar. Jesus wept.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 14:05)
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Re: The ultimate disgrace (84,636) (84,652)
by Andrew from UK
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I'll do you a deal, I'll keep my mouth shut if you opt for a salad once in a while.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 14:03)
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The ultimate disgrace (84,629)
by Andrew from UK
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Thumbs up if you are thoroughly ashamed to be a Mariah Carey fan after that AMA "performance". Everything is sound engineered. Everything is a fake. Everything is a farce. Don't anybody call her a singer. Don't you dare. I have never seen anything so shit in my life. "Don't know what I'm supposed to do?" I have an idea. Quit embarrassing yourself and your fans. What a disgrace. Singer? Singer? More like a [censored] in a dress. Ashamed of my life spent defending this. J.Lo figuratively just said she don't know you either. J.Lo sings better than you. Sound comes out of her mouth. And mine. Dear 1995 Andrew, one day you will sing better than Mariah Carey.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 04:00)
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Re: Will Mariah sing live at the AMA's? (84,555) (84,601)
by Andrew from UK
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I agree with your post, Herr Kevyn, but I have to ask: if Mariah cannot sing GTFO and With You with her "current voice", how did she sing them in a studio a few weeks ago? Step up, step up, Mariah. Are they your vocals or your engineer's handiwork? Lol. The AMA's will reveal all.
(Tuesday 9 October 2018; 16:47)
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Re: (84,582) (84,600)
by Andrew from UK
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Well praise Jeebuz, you actually wrote a non-delusional, non-propoganda, accurate, honest post. Maybe there's hope, yet.
(Tuesday 9 October 2018; 16:41)
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The blame game (84,599)
by Andrew from UK
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This board is full of apologists, people who come up with any excuse or irrelevant reasoning even Mariah messes up, which is now all the time. It's so nauseating and pathetic to read now. Blame the music industry, blame the record label, blame social media, blame young people, blame managers, blame having anxiety issues - basically blame everyone and everything but the material for which Mariah is responsible. When things are good Mariah is a genius, when they're not everyone pick one of the above and blame, blame, blame. In no uncertain terms her songwriting and producing seem to have taken a lazy and half-assed turn into the repetitive and mundane - the same of which is becoming true of her ability to release and promote in a well-planned and effective campaign. "My fans want to hear me sing..."? She has no clue why her fans want, or, if she does, she evidently doesn't give two tiny shites. Be prepared for this era to collapse like the previous one and for a great many people to sod off and leave her to it. It will be the end of a once stellar career, resorting to the occasional repeat of the same old tour, "The Elusive Live Mic Show" and the annual Christmas regurgitation. I cannot for the life or me figure out what exactly has gone wrong in Mariah's head and like many people, whilst delusionals play the blame game and promise each other that next time will be better, I'm starting to give up on caring.
(Tuesday 9 October 2018; 16:39)
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Randy (84,537)
by Andrew from UK
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I think Eric just called you a "grumpy nephew". The cheek of it, eh.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 12:00)
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Mariah Carey flaunts... (84,536)
by Andrew from UK
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Everything. All the time. Endlessly. And she needs to get some class back. She used to have it. I think I speak for a vast number of people who are bored brainless of new pictures of Mariah posing looking sexy and new videos of Mariah, um, posing looking sexy. The whole thing is mindless vanity and I am not quite sure who she thinks likes this. Someone should remind her she's not a model but a singer. Sorry, "songwriter".
(Monday 8 October 2018; 11:58)
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Re: Give it a rest (84,425) (84,450)
by Andrew from UK
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With You is not a bad song. Sure, it sounds like a rehash of previous songs with slightly more current production but it's not bad, per se. In fact, I have to say, I've only listened to it about five times and I have it stuck in my head constantly, words and all. I couldn't sing you a single note of I Don't or Infuhmuzz. So on one hand, it's good. On the other, and herein lies the rub, it is shit first single material and has set the album everyone has waited so patiently for up for failure before it's even dropped. Thus, people are understandably disappointed. I think the last thing anybody expected was new versions of old stuff again and I do think that Mariah is on the cusp of losing interest from a great many people. But it's ok to be disappointed and air grievances - no matter what some Social Justice luvvie from The Guardian thinks. Anyway, given that it's only third way feminists and gay people that still read that fluff they should be careful who they criticize.
(Saturday 6 October 2018; 19:01)
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Re: Don't compare (84,408) (84,419)
by Andrew from UK
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Your peak was surely The Friday Night Project. I still watch it for "Oh [censored] off, Jamie." It's brilliantly funny.
(Saturday 6 October 2018; 09:21)
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Meanwhile back at the ranch... (84,397)
by Andrew from UK
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I'm playing Merry Christmas and dancing around the house. Because, that's why. God rest ye merry, gentlemen. And ladies.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 19:07)
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Re: A message for Adam (84,343) (84,396)
by Andrew from UK
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Your message is nonsense. I don't write and record music but that doesn't mean I can't critique it. I do not design and make clothes but I feel at liberty to choose what looks good and what doesn't. I do not write plays but I can tell you that Iago is a gripping character and The Tempest is quite boring. I do not cook that well but I can tell a chef when he's over salted the food or when the steak was cooked perfectly. I am not an expert on Ancient Greece but I can tell you what it's like to stand in front of the awesome Elgin Marbles. Yes, I do not write or record music, but I feel confident in my knowledge and experience, and my unflinching honesty, to post that Mariah has recorded another carbon copy of many songs she's recorded before and doubled the whammy by releasing it as the long-awaited first single from an album now, exhaustingly, 4 years in the waiting. It's a disappointment, so just admit it, you prize-winning turnip. And yes, I will cross my fingers that the album itself is something new and exciting for her sake, because pushing out the same old same-old whilst adding expletives into the mix is not good enough to keep many people interested anymore. And yes, including me. Fingers crossed.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 19:03)
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Re: A message for Adam (84,331) (84,336)
by Andrew from UK
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William, as bored of all the crap as we may be, to say that Kelly Price was "boosting" Mariah's vocals is an unfounded and unfair stretch. Unless there is evidence of this? I know you're upset but keep it real. Drink you're Moet, eat your Chitos outside the kitchen window and call RaeRae.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 22:04)
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Re: With You - nostalgia (84,327) (84,334)
by Andrew from UK
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Straw man arguments abound here. I am not convinced people like you want the truth unless it's your particular version of it. From debut to mid-noughties Mariah constantly changed and each album sounded different, with a different vibe, a different voice but the same signature. Since, and including, Memoirs everything has felt samey and a bit boring, save for the moments of brilliance like Almost Home, Beautiful, YDKWTD. Thus, your argument that people are clinging on to a dream first captured twenty five years ago is moot. You intentionally miss the point. Mariah has always developed changed and surprised with genius. Yet, for many years now, the music is rehashed, lazy, half-assed. This comeback was supposed to be *it*: the long wait over, the big reveal. Alas, prima facie, it's last night's toilet paper covered in last night's shit. Here's hoping, with a due sense of anxiety and dread, for the rest of the record. But high-horse this you may not. Because if you encourage people who don't subscribe to your pill-popping, happy-no-matter-what way of thinking to leave Mariah, you're less of a fan than they are. For you only care about yourself. And not about Mariah. But I fear they are going to go, nevertheless. I don't think an album release of Mariah's has now ever been so important for this reason. I hope she pulls it out the bag.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 21:57)
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Same song, different notes (84,314)
by Andrew from UK
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I stand by what I said from the snippets. As an album track I would say it may be "reasonably good" depending on where it is placed and in what context. As a single, especially a lead single, it's shite. It is now four years since Mariah released MIAM and, if this is the best she could come up with, I am worried for the album. This song is just another same old, same old Mariah track: layered vocals, restricted melody, soft whisper, references to alcohol and stories of people she knows. It is, basically, a bit dull and uninspired. I was expecting something along the lines of YDKWTD. Where has the musical confidence gone? I would even have taken "aggressive" over this. I'm telling you, if this album is another walk through musical obscurity the sycophants here will not need to beg the "naysayers" to give up - many lambs will just give up on Mariah anyway. Sigh. I can not fathom why, after all this time, she has written the same song she always does, albeit with different notes.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 17:07)
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Re: With You (84,233) (84,242)
by Andrew from UK
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I am clearly a totally different kind of lamb than everyone else. As stated many times before, I couldn't give a flying shit who lyrics are about. I don't even want them to be about anyone. Lyrics should be universal so the song is accessible to everyone. And the music must be powerful and catchy. Everything else for a single, especially a first single, a comeback single, is just a waste of material.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 23:47)
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Re: "Fan" reactions (84,211) (84,228)
by Andrew from UK
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Sweetheart, you may just get your way. For if, after all this time, this album is another mess, I would suggest that many of the few remaining fans Mariah has left will jump ship. Myself included. Then you delusional snowflakes can live in your crazy world where you deny reality and condemn anybody who speaks truth to power. That song is a massive disappointment for a comeback single and I'm pissed off with it. It sounds like a half assed album cut. Period.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 16:00)
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With You (84,203)
by Andrew from UK
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I could do a full review, but it may serve brevity to say that this is a huge disappointment. Actually, for brevity's sake: it's shit.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 08:03)
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Re: AMAs (84,175) (84,178)
by Andrew from UK
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It does sound amazing. I hope that is the single. I may just be making my brain hear it but I'm sure I can hear background vocals singing "When I'm with you" on repeat.
(Monday 1 October 2018; 11:41)
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Re: MC15 really means this (84,114) (84,153)
by Andrew from UK
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Er, William, everyone is entitled to their opinions to go unchallenged apparently, even when it is delusional shite.
(Sunday 30 September 2018; 13:11)
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Re: Help (84,133) / Negativity (84,136) (84,152)
by Andrew from UK
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How lucky for B that one of your now supposedly very few visits to the board occured less than one hour after he posted his message. Whoda thunk it? Anyway, I don't want trigger you. Enjoy your new found safe space, snowflake.
(Sunday 30 September 2018; 13:08)
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Re: New album title confirmed (84,098) (84,113)
by Andrew from UK
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Crikey. Did you wander out of the ward again? I'll fetch the nurse.
(Saturday 29 September 2018; 19:01)
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Re: Listening party (84,095) (84,109)
by Andrew from UK
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Please post the link to the source of this rumour, lest people thinking you have made it up.
(Saturday 29 September 2018; 17:57)
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Re: MC15 really means this (84,093) (84,108)
by Andrew from UK
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The lambs don't fully understand the future as you implausibly predict it? If only everyone were some sort of bat-shit crazy camp cheerleader.
(Saturday 29 September 2018; 17:53)
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Re: MC15 meaning (84,094) (84,107)
by Andrew from UK
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Heavenly. Make it Look Good. It's not hard to hear it.
(Saturday 29 September 2018; 17:52)
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