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About THE TRUTH from USA:
I pride myself on being a critical thinker who values truth and justice above all else.
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Mariah's World premiere (63,454)
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So I read that MW first episode is slated for June 19th but I can't find it on the E Schedule and even her website appears to not have been updated in a very long time, great management Stella. Does anybody know if it is really going to aire on the 19th, if not then when?
Mariah's World American docu-series Mariah's World is an upcoming American docu-series that is scheduled to premiere on the E. cable network. (Wikipedia) First episode date: June 19, 2016 Network: E. Language: English Genre: Television documentary
(Thursday 16 June 2016; 18:13)
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Re: New music (63,429) (63,448)
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Privately she's been saying for decades that charity begins and ends at home.
(Thursday 16 June 2016; 15:47)
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Re: Vegas show audio (63,438) (63,447)
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I thought that was interesting too. She has always been able to effortlessly deliver with her whisper register so for that to be a problem now is not a good sign. The drinking is not easy on her voice, I thought I saw a joint in her hand in pic with DJ Suss which shocked me, sleep deprivation is something she's suffered since childhood and all the partying with Stella, being a parent, MW, tour, travel and of course being 47 years old are bound to take their toll. Fans tend to hold her to a very high standard vocally because of how amazing she was in the 90s but a voice needs to be cared for, strengthened, rested, and nurtured or like anything else it suffers. Give the girl a break, she's only human.
(Thursday 16 June 2016; 15:45)
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Re: Mariah on Orlando (63,441) (63,446)
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Of course she should have but that assumes that she is mentally right, sober, and really cares. She's been selling records and tickets her gay fans for years but one day they will wake up and smell the roses. Do you think Madonna forgot to tweet? Mariah lives to tweet about herself but it's not like she has ever been socially aware, all that stuff gets spoon fed to her by management and we all know that Stella is only thinking about getting her daughter on the map and couldn't give one hoot about 50 dead people in Orlando or anywhere else.
(Thursday 16 June 2016; 15:36)
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Re: Scientology (62,811) (62,834)
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Yes and the rabbit hole goes far deeper than any of us know. As far as "Christianinty" goes, we can choose to believe the stories we are fed about this one or that one being "religious"or we can dig deeper and see that the most dangerous predator is always the wolf in sheep's clothing.
(Monday 30 May 2016; 5:23)
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Scientology (62,810)
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So I guess nobody here has figured this out yet but it's pretty glaringly obvious. Mariah's Scientology minder is Stella, previously it was Nick Cannon who came out of the whole [censored] Nicolodeon realm. I could go back further into the whole history but let's save that for another time. Interesting that Stella is so above board about sporting her Eye Of Horus ring, and pentagram necklaces. Hollywood is really in the toilet. Do some research, it's not rocket science.
(Sunday 29 May 2016; 10:31)
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Re: Hallmark Channel deal: desperate or good business? (62,718) (62,745)
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Andrew, just when I was starting to like you, you had to go invalidate yourself by disparaging Mariah's acting ability. The truth is that yes, Glitter was bad writing and an ill advided choice by she and her team but she was in fact brilliant in both WiseGirls and Precious. Career choices like Stella, Nick, Mariah's World, and Hallmark speak to her mental and emotional health not her ability as an actress. Your hateful vitriol makes me wonder about what your true agenda is. Are you trolling? Have a bone to pick with Mariah? Maybe get a hobby or something. Life is to short to waste your time hating just because you're mad, jealous or frustrated.
(Friday 27 May 2016; 17:23)
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Re: Mid life and career crisis (62,729) (62,744)
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Anthony you are on track. The Mariah we all fell in love with had a vision of love and now all she does is make news by flashing as much skin as possible and encouraging the media to discuss how much her jewelry costs and how rich her "fiance" is. Wouldn't we all be so thrilled if she just started making great music again, got rid of you know who and settled into the idea that being a mom and a legend is just fine. There are lots of centerfolds, much younger, better proportioned and guess what? None of them can sing like her. Can we spell age appropriate?
(Friday 27 May 2016; 17:17)
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Tragic ending is imminent (60,955)
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but so many of you sheep are so obsessed that you can't see the forest for the trees. This fairytale doesn't have a happy ending and that's clear as day to anyone whose paying attention. Mariah is in desperate need of help and she's alienated anyone who could actually provide it to her. Step one. Lambs step up and protest on a huge scale. Get Stella out.
(Friday 1 April 2016; 1:12)
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Stella, Brussels, and the whole mess (60,859)
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How sad that the greatest female voice of the 90s ends up trapped in some kind of foggy, mind controlled, haze with that Stella creature and her kid. Mariah was trapped "Upstate" in "Mottola-ville" with Tommy's lawyers, business managers, publishing company, management, and record company and now she's mired in the same mess only worse. At least Tommy had juice, Stella just got put with Mariah when she was most vulnerable and is riding that opportunity all the way to the bank. By the way have any of you noticed the satanic jewelry Stella wears? I'm just saying. The Brussels cancellation, was anyone else outraged that in her statement, only prayers to the lambs were conveyed and nothing about the tragic loss of life. I want to believe that Stella was responsible for that horrid oversight and will be fired but I think the fix is in and she will ride Mariah all the way to the finish line.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 19:42)
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Article: Mariah Carey's team isn't happy about her reality show (60,383)
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Yes and most people don't know but she's singing about Eminem.
(Saturday 12 March 2016; 21:32)
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Article: Mariah: "Elton John's commitment to charity is amazing" (60,189)
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Sorry but I have difficulty understanding, whatever their past differences and difficulties how while sporting that 35 carat ring at an AIDS benefit Mariah has refused to help her dying sister Alison who is also stricken with AIDS and has been struggling on death's door without assistance from her sister or mother ever since her brutal attack in her home last year which left her comotose, paralyzed and homeless. "Charity begins at home" and while there are a lot of carats on Mariah's finger there is clearly no compassion in her heart. I wonder if her current fiance knows the depth and breadth of her heartlessness.
(Saturday 5 March 2016; 0:15)
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Iconic singer/songwriter Gavin Christopher dies (60,188)
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Singer Songwriter Gavin Christopher who was introduced to Mariah by her Brother Morgan while she was still in High School with whom she recorded, the unreleased, "I Just Can't Hold It Back". Died yesterday after a prolonged battle with congestive heart failure. Towards the end Gavin who wrote several iconic hits for Chaka Khan as well as having a big 80s classic, "One Step Closer To You" was also known for his tireless work for children's charities, particularly "Camp Planet Hope, "Sharon and Kelly Stone's Foundation", struggled to pay his overwhelming medical bills and was snubbed by you know who. Gavin will be missed and is survived by his daughter Chloe Jackson.
(Friday 4 March 2016; 23:59)
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Shelly (52,476)
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Hi Shelly, it's great to see you being so objective while still maintaining your support. Way to be your own woman. Let's wish MC the best and see where things go.
(Tuesday 28 April 2015; 16:06)
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Daniel from Denmark (51,391)
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You drank the Kool Aid. In America that means you are gullible enough to believe what suits your emotional need even when the facts are staring you in the face. Do you really think that DM would print what they did and be as specific as they were leaving themselves open to a huge lawsuit by S&S which is a massively huge company as well as Nick? Wake up? Use your head. I can tell you for a fact that deal was signed, sealed, and delivered. There is a reason that Nick hasn't denied it, that's because he can't. That's where his bread is buttered and now that the cat is out of the bag MC will likely contest paying him the 10 million he was counting on.
(Saturday 4 April 2015; 21:17)
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Book deal (51,356)
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Let's try to take our rose colored glasses off. The deal is a reality and Nick will not deny it because he can not. The deal was done several weeks ago and was supposed to be kept under wraps but an investigative reporter uncovered the story and ran with it. Anything Nick says to try to negate the existence or scope of his book deal will affect his relationship with S&S and he doesn't want that. He was hoping to collect his money from the settlement before any announcement of hid book deal but now that ship has sailed. Love to see him try to lie and back pedal his way out of this one.
(Friday 3 April 2015; 18:42)
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NCA (51,072)
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Ardis has a great point. Nick already trashed her career and climbed her back to build his celebrity, why help him in any way? Banish his lame ass from MCA.
(Saturday 21 March 2015; 11:13)
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Illuminati (51,050)
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BTW Nicci it's the lady in black wearing the Eye of Horus ring, and suspicious amulets not MC. I think the level of ridicule about this is sad and very telling, especially given past events in the music industry. Speaking of the eye of Horus it is featured on your dollar bill and Jay Z, Beyonce, and a slew of powerful celebrities are adorned with it regularly. Recognize.
(Thursday 19 March 2015; 14:15)
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Interesting when a non mainstream opinion elicits so much hateful response (51,034)
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I always tell my students to watch, listen, and learn. Not to pay attention to the bullies with the loud angry voices but rather to be wary of the little guys lurking around the corner. Loud angry voices are a sign of fear and ignorance. I'd encourage them to research anything carefully before voicing an opinion on it. Clearly there is no shortage of people here with loud angry voices but there is an abundance of misinformation devoid of any research at all. The only thing worse than being wrong is being loud and wrong.
(Thursday 19 March 2015; 1:58)
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Lady in black (51,015)
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May and Edward you seem to get very confrontational over this issue. There is in fact plenty of evidence about the illuminati in Hollywood and if you choose to cover your eyes, and plug your ears while screaming that everyone who sees that is crazy then that's up to you. Regarding being out alone with MC's brother, these pics of him online depict him as someone she was probably feeling pretty safe with.
(Wednesday 18 March 2015; 15:47)
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Woman in black (51,007)
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Amber, the difference between now and then is that MC no longer has her own will. Between the breakdowns, the meds, and the alcohol there is nothing left and she is ripe for the pickings. Sure she wants to be 21 and back on that VOL pedestal but more than that the blood is in the water and the sharks are circling. Yes, bodyguards are conspicuously absent and BTW, a good bodyguard keeps his hands free at all times. I'm afraid this is no laughing matter. What is occurring now is much more blatant than anything that happened back in the Sony days when she was at least protected and guided by Tommy Mottola's people. As far as believing the hype about Nick being a "good Christian", what exactly has been Christian about his actions? Christianity is a convenient veil for the worst of sinners to hide behind and he doesn't even hide well. Mimi L, I imagine you've done some research online and realize that the Eye Of Horus is the preeminent illuminati symbol. I'm afraid that there's probably no stopping the inevitable.
(Wednesday 18 March 2015; 11:40)
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Amber C and Mimi L, the woman in black (50,996)
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I can only say that there is no question about the Eye of Horus ring and the other "suspicious" jewelry. I think this does not bode well for MC. Someone should intervene before it's too late.
(Tuesday 17 March 2015; 20:46)
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Amber don't get it twisted (50,890)
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Amber, Nick didn't marry Mariah, she married him. Nobody is the person they were six years ago and any fan who expects a celebrity to remain unchanged after 6 years is kidding themselves at best. Anyway, I've said it before, post 2001 Mariah was and is very damaged. Look at her life, you'd have to be made of stone to not be destroyed by the life that she has had. Let's leave the Saturday morning quarterbacking/diagnoses where they belong or rather not on this board. BTW, the "assistant" in that picture is wearing a giant Eye of Horus ring and other assorted, shall we say suspicious jewelry. Look closely and then do your own research.
(Sunday 15 March 2015; 13:52)
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Madonna to Mariah (50,872)
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Madonna is rocking her interviews all across Europe. She is relatable, funny, and seriously clued in not only to her demographic, but to the world she lives in and the people she shares the planet with. Whether she's discussing her kids, love, music, or social issues, you know she means what she says and says what she believes. 56 and winning huge.
(Saturday 14 March 2015; 23:48)
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Quiet / Shelly (50,350)
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Shelly, Mariah is finally doing what she should to protect her legacy, rest on her laurels and prepare for Vegas and the next stage of her career. She worried too much for far too long about staying relevant and all up in social media. She's an icon and needs to start acting like one, perhaps she has figured that out now the slick Nick is out of the picture. She doesn't need to give you anything to talk about. Stop being such an egomaniac.
(Monday 23 February 2015; 18:29)
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