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About MC1989 from Spain:
I love music. From soul to pop. Mariah is my passion.
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Hero performance (50,887)
by MC1989 from Spain
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You can watch Mariah's performance of Hero last night here. I think it was good, but I believe she needs more rehearsing, because some of her improvisations didn't sound good to me. I think she's refusing to work with a vocal coach and she needs to do it desperately, to sound confident in her actual range and stop lipping "you'll find the way yeah". A vocal coach teaches you better ways to breathe while singing, to sing from the stomach and to exercise your voice, without hurting it. Mariah still has a beautiful voice, and she still can sound very powerful when she tries, but there's a lack of rehearsing, or at least it's not enough. I've seen better performances of Hero during her last tour. The stage presence (not hers, but the performance itself) looked so cheap. The only real musician was the pianist (I liked his impros) but they played the song (the back track) like a karaoke. The performance looked like a rehearsal, not as the final result. It seems that Mariah uses her live performances to rehearse her adlibs and that's something that needs to be done at home, especially with her current voice.
(Sunday 15 March 2015; 12:51)
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Amazing cover of "Can't Let Go" by My Midnight Heart (50,759)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Wow, I loved it.
(Wednesday 11 March 2015; 0:17)
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I Don't Wanna Cry (50,747)
by MC1989 from Spain
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It's one of my favourites too. Amazing melody, arrangements and vocals. The main reason for me for being excited for the Vegas show is to watch her perform "Someday", "Love Takes Time" and "I don't wanna cry". 
(Tuesday 10 March 2015; 9:10)
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Comparisons (50,522)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Abraham, you said before that Celine didn't have any successful album since "Let's talk about love". That's as unfair and untrue as saying that Mariah didn't have any successful album since "Butterfly". Maybe Celine's songs didn't climb on the US charts as some of Mariah's singles, but don't forget USA is not the world's center. In fact, many songs from Mariah that went #1 on the Billboard chart are not even known in the rest of the world, unlike many songs from her and many other artists who didn't become #1's but remain as classic hits in all the world, like many songs of your (and our) admired Diana. Let's be respectful to Celine and all the great vocalists. Mariah, in addition, is a great songwritter. But nobody's over nobody, it's just a matter of personal likes. Using the example of the 90's diva-trinity (W. Houston, M. Carey and C. Dion): Whitney was uncomparable as a live performer. Mariah's vocal acrobatics and high notes, her beautiful voice tone - that she still has - and her ability to write songs make her so unique. Celine's voice is great, and has an interesting career and discography though I preffer a million times Mariah's tone. But probably Celine is the most disciplined. Each one them have different music styles and very diverse qualities that distinguish them, but nobady's better than anybody in absolute terms.
(Saturday 28 February 2015; 6:11)
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Once again we sit in silence, after all is said and done (50,520)
by MC1989 from Spain
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When you talk about Vegas you're forgetting about Cher's spectacular and amazing show. Mariah should watch "The Farewell Tour" from Cher and "A New Day: Live in Las Vegas" from Celine, and get motivated and find inspiration to do something new, from working regularly with a vocal coach to working with a choreographer who could teach her basic and simple dance movements. She could also get involved in the stage image or direct some number on the show, like when she directed Fantasy. But I'm realistic and I doubt she has any interest on this last point. I would be so happy if she just concentrates on her voice because I think Mariah's big loss of voice comes not only from ageing but maybe from not using it well, and specially from not using it for the last years and trusting on her pre-recorded vocals. Her instrument has become atrophied due to the lack of use and practice and due to the lack of professional training. I know she will recover. She clearly sounded better in Jamaica than in her whole last tour. She's preparing for this. I don't like to be comparing artists all the time because they're different, but I understand why you are talking about Celine and comparing her to Mariah. I would like to say that Celine has done playback too and not just for hitting a high note. The're are many videos from her that prove it. The different is Mariah has been doing it for too many years, and hasn't proved if she still can sing the difficult part of her songs.
(Saturday 28 February 2015; 5:15)
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Singing live (50,414)
by MC1989 from Spain
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The thing is that many people (including Mariah herself) seem to refuse accepting the fact that her voice has changed. Of course it had. Please name me one male or female who sounds the same after decades. I believe that when she sings 100% live (like the Rockefeller Center performance) people critizise her because they expect to hear her Daydream voice. She needs a vocal coach, more training and rehearsing. I really believe she needs to work harder and believe in herself. But when I saw that AIWFCIY performance I really enjoyed it, that intro was very good. However the whole world seemed to have watched a different performance. When I watch VOL in Jamaica I hear a talented woman singing an iconic song with a very powerful voice. When I watched back in 2005 Make It Happen at the Live 8 concert me and my friends went crazy with those growls and that energy, but many people didn't like it because it wasn't the 1991 version. What I mean is that I love to hear her singing 100% live. She moves me inside. I hate playback and I hope she stops doing it, but I think even if she stops doing it, a lot of people will continue insulting her.
(Wednesday 25 February 2015; 23:55)
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Hope seems like the summer birds (50,412)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I still think When You Believe at the Oscars was very good. Not their best, but one of those unforgettable moments. Mariah shows off better in WYB on the Oprah Winfrey Show, her vocals on that performance are fucking great. 
(Wednesday 25 February 2015; 23:24)
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Andrew, being relevant after 25 years in music just a few can still be as relevant as she is (50,410)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I generally agree with you in some points but I feel you're very negative and I think you're wrong when you say Mariah is no longer relevant. Why do you say that? Because there are better performers than her? We know that. Because she's not having success right now? That's not enough. I hear songs like "Vision of love", "Hero", "Without you" or "My all" almost every week in different radio stations in my country. She's regarded as the best-selling female artist of the 90's. She's constantly imitated in TV singing contests (X Factors, whatever Idol and those kinds of programmes all over the world). She has millions of views on YouTube (her videos, even the oldest ones have much more views than Whitney, Celine and Madonna's videos from the 90's, and more than other artists who started before or at the same time as her). She has been praised by current singers like Adele, Christina Aguilera, Sam Smith, Rihanna or Lady GaGa (recently by Rihanna, GaGa and Fifth Harmony). Every year All I Want For Christmas Is You goes to number one in different charts without any promotion. She still is one of the best selling female artists in music history and she's recognised as one of the best voices of her generation. She's worked with Carole King, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Luther Vandross, Pavarotti, Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder among others, some of the biggest names in music from the last decades. She still has more number ones than any other artist in the US.
(Wednesday 25 February 2015; 23:10)
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When you believe performance etc. (50,379)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I don't agree. When You Believe at the Oscars wasn't her best performance (the one they did in The Oprah Winfrey Show is much better, she slayed it), but it was very good. She looked great and maybe didn't sound loud but it's a memorable performance. Her high notes are delicious and her tone too. It's featured in the CD+DVD "Whitney Houston Live: Her Greatest Live Performances" (2014). I wonder when Sony is going to release a Mariah CD+DVD with her greatest performances on TV and awards shows, it would be a great way to celebrate and promote her 25 years in music.
(Tuesday 24 February 2015; 22:55)
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Mariah's look, her attitude in some videos, working with new team (50,364)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Though I believe this booty stuff is bullshit, I would like to say that Mariah doesn't need any surgery nor botox. She's not a porn star and she's not a model. She won't become Nicki Minaj or any of those girls selling flesh in their videos in a sexist way. She has done something similar (sexist) in the past ("Heartbreaker Remix" video washing the car with Snoop Dogg in it or the "Loverboy" video) and fortunately she didn't go further. She started doing better videos like "Through the rain", and I'm glad that she's famous for her voice and her songs. She doesn't need to exploit her phisical anymore. In fact, she should start doing better videos telling stories, dancing some steps or whatever, rather than the "I'm so sexy" kinda video. She doesn't need to compete with today's trendy stars. She's the voice of a generation. She's pretty and talented. I totally share Ardis' opinion about accepting ourselves and working hard if you want to tone up your body (instead of photoshop abuse in some album covers). The same as with the voice, Mariah needs a lot of training and rehearsing plus a vocal coach and a whole new team working with her. If she's going to have any surgery, go and operate from nodules. Mara I agree with you. She looks gorgeous in the "Someday" video. The more natural and casual, the more beautiful she looks. I'm hoping for a big comeback. She will bring new and good music. I just hope she learned from the playback scandal and records songs that she can sing 100% live.
(Tuesday 24 February 2015; 0:12)
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She's only 45 (50,309)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Someone said that it looked impossible for Mariah to achieve a new number 1 because she's 45. Remember Cher's worldwide hit "Believe" from 1998? Cher was 52. She became the oldest woman to perform that feat. Tina Turner, after years of success with Ike, and more than two decades doing music topped the Bilboard chart with "What's Love Got To Do With It" in 1984, at the age of 45. In fact, her career as a solo artist became much more successful after 45. Aretha, Madonna, Barbra, etc. topped the charts after their 40's.
(Friday 20 February 2015; 20:20)
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I apologize (50,308)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Sorry for misunderstanding you. I wrote my post again so that the fans here can read it propperly. Today I listened to "Can't Let Go" and I realised how great that song is, and how it deserved to be a number one. It's a pity that Mariah doesn't sing it nowadays, doing an unplugged version, or with a lower tone. I was thinking that it's a pity that "Without You" didn't go to number one in the US because it's one of her biggest hits around the world. Songs like "Can't Let Go" (#2), "Make It Happen" (#5), "Endless Love" (#2), "Without You" (#3), "Loverboy" (#2), "I Know What You Want" (#3), or "Shake It Off" (#2) should have been number one. Also, I think it was a pity that she only released " There's Got To Be A Way" in Europe, without any promotion (she didn't even sing it anywhere), and I believe it's one of Mariah's most powerful and difficult songs to sing. It really shows Mariah's awesome and angelical voice.
(Friday 20 February 2015; 17:30)
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Mimi L. (50,168)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I enjoyed reading you. Mariah is one of the biggest artists in the last decades, and unfortunately, from my point of view, she's very underrated. I would underline the urgent need of working regularly with a vocal coach. For me, that's the main priority: work hard on each song, on the stage presence and rehearse her vocals time after time to become the perfectionist she once was. Lose the fear of singing 100% live, she still has a very powerful voice. I can't wait to hear Mariah singing certain songs thst she doesn't sing since 20 years ago. ("Someday", "Love takes time" and "I don't wanna cry", though I know this last one is not one of her favourites, but it is to many fans. Did you notice that it has more views on YouTube than VOL?) The other day she twitted that she was rehearsing Someday and I just went crazy.
(Sunday 15 February 2015; 12:41)
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Mariah winking the queen of rock (50,096)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I'm a huge fan of Tina Turner and I loved watching Mariah's performance of "I'll be there in Jamaica", in which she sang "Better be good to me and Tina said it too." She was obviously refering to one of Tina's biggest hits "Better be good to me". Did you notice? I remember back in 2000 when Tina released a DVD celebrating her 60th birthday, and among many artists, there was Mariah saying "She's an inspiration to millions. Miss Tina Turner, happy birthday". I loved it.
(Friday 13 February 2015; 23:55)
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Music, new horizons (50,078)
by MC1989 from Spain
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What I meant with "commercial/massive success vs. music quality" is that sometimes these two variables can get together, but many others don't. Just listen to nowadays pop hits. However, songs like "If it's over", "The wind", "Everything fades away", "Underneath the Stars", "I wish you knew" and many others throughout her inmense catalogue never hit a high position in the charts or weren't even released as singles, and are much better than "Touch my body" or DFAU. For me, the important thing is the quality of the sound, not the quantity of number ones. If she starts working on a new song thinking if it'll be her next #1 then she will probably cook that song using non-original ingredients, and it'll probably sound too mainstream or cliché. Or maybe not. Who knows, we'll see. But the most important for me is that she bring us something true, something she can sing live, with good melodies and lyrics (as she almost always does). If she moves closer to soul, that would be a dream come true, as I said.
(Friday 13 February 2015; 7:57)
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Ardis (50,074)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I totally agree with you, especially I share what you say about the real instruments-less computer sound, and less struggeling for high notes. Instead I woud preffer to hear simple ballads with catchy and filling piano chords (for instance: like Sam Smith's "I'm not the only one" chords). I would also love to hear her coming close to a kind of urban soul or pop soul using more powerful basses (do you say it like that in English? not bass the instrument, but the line of a song) like for instance something similar to Amy Winehouse's "You know I'm no good" or Adele's "Rolling in the deep", songs that became worldwide hits, not just a #1 on the Billboard Chart (I don't know if they did in fact). I also would like Mariah to stop pretending to fill some songs with high and impossible-to-sing-live high notes or runs. (The perfect example is "Heavenly", the high notes and vocal runs sound so robotic and seem unnatural or overprocessed by a computer.) I need to hear something that moves me inside, rather than some high notes and a very high and difficult part towards the end of a song which she predictably will lip synch live. She doesn't need to prove that she's one of the best voices. We all know that, maybe she should try to prove that ofently on stage as a live performer (like that VOL in Jamaica) and not in the studio.
(Friday 13 February 2015; 7:00)
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Music quality vs. commercial success (50,067)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I don't care that much about scoring a number one. I would like to see Mariah going back to more soul roots, a change of style close to Amy Winehouse or Adele in terms of arrangements.
(Thursday 12 February 2015; 23:30)
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Kylie on Mariah (50,066)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I didn't know that Kylie Minogue dissed Mariah.
(Thursday 12 February 2015; 23:03)
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Whatever happened to The Butler? (50,045)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Today I saw this clip from Mariah's scenes in The Buttler. Can someone tell me what happened to the movie? Is it avaliable on DVD? I think it was never released in Europe. No promotion at all. It's a pitty. Mariah earned respect from the critics with Precious and it was a successful movie in many countries, not just in the States.
(Wednesday 11 February 2015; 23:18)
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Jamaica (50,042)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I really think Mariah still has a great voice. "Vision of love" in Jamaica sounded very good. Some parts of "I'll be there" sounded very good too. She sounds confident, with energy, "very soul music". But that's not enough. I said it before, she should work with a vocal coach and rehearse her new turns and improvisations. Stop doing playback and start exercising her voice. Yes, she's Mariah Carey, the big diva, but she needs a professional working with her, telling her how to take breath while singing and giving her advices to avoid damage in her chords. Celine Dion has a vocal coach and many other singers. I think it would be great for her and she would improve a lot her singing.
(Wednesday 11 February 2015; 23:01)
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Vision Of Love at the NARM Convention (50,025)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Did you see this performance? Simply stunning. And she's so beautiful. Love her stage presence here. P.S: For those who asked me, the video I posted and didn't seem to work was Fantasy 100% live at the 1996 American Music Awards. 
(Wednesday 11 February 2015; 9:17)
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Vocal coach / exercising (49,984)
by MC1989 from Spain
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I recommend you to watch this clip from Celine Dion training her voice and explaining how she warms it up.
(Monday 9 February 2015; 23:51)
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Fantasy (49,981)
by MC1989 from Spain
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This performance is so f*cking great. Mariah needs to watch these performances and visit a vocal coach. She needs to train a lot and readapt her songs to a lower key. You can't pretend to sing like you are in your 20's when you're 45. It happened to Barbra Streisand, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin etc. Big great divas who kept it real and sang live always, and of course they sounded different after decades in music business, but they gave and give their all when coming to a stage. Mariah still has a great voice, but she needs to train a lot. She's refusing to be operated from nodules, which would be the best thing for her in a long term, but thinking in short term (and thinking in the Vegas contract - no time for recovering from that sort of surgery) the best thing she can do is train. Exercise her voice everyday with an expert and rehearse each song a lot. Go Mariah, you can do it. We don't want you to sound like in 1991. We want you to be real, sing from the heart and change the key of the songs if necessary. We want to see Mariah the performer, not just the studio Mariah.
(Monday 9 February 2015; 23:35)
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"Mariah Carey Live: Her Greatest Live Performances" (49,306)
by MC1989 from Spain
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My idea to celebrate MC's 25 years in music, and now that she's going back to Sony, is to put out a live compilation (CD+DVD) with some of her greatest performances since 1990. I recently bought "Whitney Houston Live: Her greatest live performances", which features videos from her early days performing on TV, concerts, etc until her death (the DVD includes the When You Believe performance at the Oscars with Mariah). I think Mariah deserves to have a live collection like that, with that material remastered and in good quality for the first time ever. A possible list of performances would be: 1. Vision of love (live at Saturday Night Live, 1990 or live at 1991 Grammy Awards or live at NARM 1990) 2. Love takes time (live at the Apollo Theatre). 3. Vanishing (live at Tatoo Club 1990) 4. Someday (live at MTV Unplugged 1992) 5. I don't wanna cry (live in Japan 1996) 6. Don't play that song (live at Tatoo Club 1990) 7. Emotions (live at MTV VMA 1991) 8. Can't let go (live at wherever, all are great) 9. Make it Happen (live at Madison Square Garden, 1996) 10. If it's over (live at Saturday Night Live, 1992) 11. I'll be there (live at MTV Unplugged, 1992) 12. Dreamlover 13. Hero (live at The Arsenio Hall Show, 1993) 14. Without You (live at Proctor's Theatre, 1993) 15. Anytime You Need A Friend (live at David Letterman Show, 1994) 16. Endless Love (with Luther Vandross live at Royal Albert Hall, 1994)
(Tuesday 20 January 2015; 1:36)
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