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About MusicfanJ from Germany:
I'm a fan of Mariah since Daydream came out.
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Tis the season for something... (103,794)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I like the dress too. It looks beautiful. Mariah looks beautiful. A red dress is always wow. The pictures with her kids are super cute.
(Wednesday 18 October 2023; 12:45)
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103,793 |
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Tis the season for something... (103,793)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I also don't get the attack on the dress. I like it a lot and it is flattering her age and figure. What was she supposed to have on - ripped jeans with her ass hanging out? It's not 1999 anymore.
(Wednesday 18 October 2023; 10:24)
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Einstein is a No No (103,779)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I just read the word "Einstein" and thought it was a new hot producer in America. Lol. So funny. But indeed the name of the album E=MC2 fits perfect. To call it Einstein is really a no no.
(Tuesday 17 October 2023; 11:03)
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103,774 |
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Einstein is a No No (103,774)
by Edward from USA
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Same sentiment here. E=MC2 is just fine.
(Monday 16 October 2023; 18:19)
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Questions for JD (103,747)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Good questions. I had to laugh because of "Why did you allow MC to record I Don't and Save The Day?"
(Saturday 14 October 2023; 15:56)
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103,739 |
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Questions for JD (103,739)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Just flipping through my Mariah book looking at all of the managers MC has had in 30 years. The most shocking manager era was when JD became her manager. After 10 years later, I have questions for JD. What happened between you and MC that caused your management deal with MC to end?. Did you have a different direction for MIAM after the Walmart TAOLG leak? Did you ever suggest to MC that she retire in 2013 after the commercial failure of MIAM? What is the music industry saying about MC's lack of vocal ability now? What is your favorite MC collaboration? Finally, why did you allow MC to record I Don't and Save The Day?
(Saturday 14 October 2023; 05:24)
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George Michael / 3-words (103,669)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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That's cool. A similar story with a band member: When Mariah did the Charmbracelet tour, I was at the same table with the guitar man. I forgot his name. (Shame on me.) He was very relaxed and nice. But I was too nervous to ask him something. So I was just smiling and talking to my best friend who came with me at that evening. Lol. To be in the same room and have drinks with George Michael's band sounds exciting too.
(Thursday 5 October 2023; 18:38)
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103,667 |
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George Michael / 3-words (103,667)
by TJ from Norway
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The nearest I was George Michael was when I went to a party after his concert in Oslo, but I was "only" drinking with his band.
(Thursday 5 October 2023; 13:08)
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Well, I guess I'll shut up then (103,662)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Well, it's not so popular here too. I mean compared to "Last Christmas" or "Do they know it's Christmas". But it's always played on the radio. Funny that you mention the movie. In "Home Alone" it was the first time I heard it. Since then I really love it. Happy memories from a 90ies kid.
(Wednesday 4 October 2023; 21:18)
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103,661 |
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Well, I guess I'll shut up then (103,661)
by Andrew from the UK
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It is true to observe, is it not, that Brenda Lee's Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree is annually a massive song in the US? It is not so in the UK. Is it in Germany? I don't quite "get" the song. It doesn't appeal to me. It reminds me of Home Alone, is all.
(Wednesday 4 October 2023; 18:17)
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Reflections of my expectations have come to wither (103,660)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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100 thumbs up for your post. It's perfectly written. The people can say what they want, but really nobody on this earth would doubt that Mariah is an icon. She's a music legend. She already was at a very young age. I have novels (not about music) where she is mentioned, just normal novels. It's crazy. Mariah is a living pop culture in person. I can't imagine what it's like. What she's achieved is incredible and can't be repeated. "Superwoman" is nothing compared to her. Honestly there's only one Mariah. I saw her four times live and I never experienced something like it again. Her music is one thing, but her aura live was enchanting. She's got the whole package. So now I stop praising. Lol.
(Wednesday 4 October 2023; 12:39)
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103,655 |
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Reflections of my expectations have come to wither (103,655)
by Jamie from UK
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Mariah is a cultural and music icon, she's known around the world and continues to be known. She might not be as popular as she was in her hey day but neither have any of the other legacy music icons. There comes a time when they are no longer as popular but it doesn't mean they are no longer liked and respected for their work. Even Madonna who I loved in the early days is making a bit of a fool of herself these days but the legacy is still there. God forbid anything was to happy to her or even Mariah at some point people will remember them for the successes they had in their prime and those that have stayed loyal fans will remember everything. You can't undo history, Mariah was an absolutely huge artist for a long time and no one will forget that. And she's still present today not many can say that. I use to worry if she wasn't popular anymore but I've come to the realization that we can't control time and every artist has their mainstream time. I'm now just happy to have appreciated her music and continue to listen to it, both in anticipation and in reflection.
(Wednesday 4 October 2023; 05:01)
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Mariah isn't defrosting, she has never been frozen (103,658)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yes, she always had a great sense of humour. I always loved her humour from the beginning. She's such a funny one. With the "defrosting" it's hilarious. Bravo Mariah.
(Wednesday 4 October 2023; 12:01)
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103,651 |
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Mariah isn't defrosting, she has never been frozen (103,651)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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MC has always had a sense of humor. She likes poking fun at herself.
(Tuesday 3 October 2023; 23:28)
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Well, I guess I'll shut up then (103,657)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I bought her best of album because of "Rockin' around the Christmas tree". I love this Christmas song. Brenda Lee is a real Rock & Roll lady. Brenda, Wham and Mariah are just perfect for Christmas and always will. Good music will never be outdated, classics will be loved forever.
(Wednesday 4 October 2023; 11:54)
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103,650 |
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Well, I guess I'll shut up then (103,650)
by Bill from the UK
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"What other female artist has a Christmas classic that will be her biggest income booster for years to come?"
Brenda Lee with Rockin' Round the Christmas Tree. I don't know any other song of hers. Never have, never will. I'm sure she's made loads of albums and recorded hundreds of songs, but this is her legacy. It's an absolutely sensational song though, so well done to her.
(Tuesday 3 October 2023; 20:01)
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Well, I guess I'll shut up then (103,643)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"They are for us, the diehard fans. I'll gladly take these gifts. I can't wait for #Daydream30." Oh yes, absolutely. I'm so thankful that she did a Christmas tour in Europe and I could see her in Germany again. It was the best, pure joy and fun. I love the Christmas time. I love Mariah, so I'm fine with it. That she is doing Christmas concerts this year is fantastic for the "US Lambs". I'm sure it will be wonderful.
(Tuesday 3 October 2023; 12:03)
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103,641 |
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Well, I guess I'll shut up then (103,641)
by Stacey from USA
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I honestly don't care if this is what MC has become. Sometimes we all have to be comfortable and confident in our accomplishments. MC can be proud of her career. These Christmas concerts, anniversary releases aren't for the general public. They are for us, the diehard fans. I'll gladly take these gifts. I can't wait for #Daydream30.
(Tuesday 3 October 2023; 03:05)
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Is it time to get rid of physical media? (103,631)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Here the same. I would never give away my collection. I collect music and movies in general, it's a hobby. I have so many memories with the music collection (of course especially with Mariah). It's a big treasure for me. Streaming is boring to me, it's okay for just a quick listen. But to play a phycical media is something different. I enjoy and appreciate it much more. I love the booklets, the art of it. The same with books and E-Reader. I will always prefer a real book. What I do like is to watch Mariah videos online. But it's "dangerous", sometimes one can't stop because Mariah is too good and beautiful.
(Monday 2 October 2023; 10:43)
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103,628 |
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Is it time to get rid of physical media? (103,628)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Lol. I could never part with my 1990-1999 MC physical copies. I have so many variations of singles including UK and Japanese editions. Some of the 12" records are worth $200 dollars plus. I have laserdiscs that I am keeping for the nostalgia dahling.
(Sunday 1 October 2023; 23:21)
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Prisoner (103,616)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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'Prisoner" is indeed special. I love the almost 80ies sound of it, I love her rap. For me the song is just fun.
(Saturday 30 September 2023; 13:41)
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Prisoner (103,615)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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What makes this song so iconic? Is it because MC raps? Is it because of it being such outlier in her catalog before Infinity? Is it because it is MC's cheeseiest song ever? I always skipped over Prisoner because to me it doesn't go with the other songs. MC hates it too.
(Saturday 30 September 2023; 04:42)
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Drake gets his 12th number one (103,591)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yes, I'm not worried at all because of Drake. Mariah is on another league. I only know his "hotline blink" song. Lol. With Rihanna it was the same. No comparison to Mariah and the success as a whole.
(Wednesday 27 September 2023; 16:54)
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103,588 |
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Drake gets his 12th number one (103,588)
by Bill from the UK
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Records are meant to be broken, just like Mariah did. She'll still have the title for Female Solo Artist With the Most Number Ones Where the First Number One Was Called "Vision of Love".
(Wednesday 27 September 2023; 12:48)
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#DemKittens (103,527)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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How sweet. Such a lovely pic. I'm crazy about cats too, I have a catboy. Yes, ginger cats are so cute. Mariah's kids look so happy with the new family members. I have to repeat, beautiful pic.
(Monday 18 September 2023; 10:23)
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103,525 |
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#DemKittens (103,525)
by Stacey from USA
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I'm a crazy cat lady and I especially love ginger cats. Glad to see two cute felines find a home. Watch out, Jack, lol.
(Monday 18 September 2023; 01:10)
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Daydream is Mariah's magnum opus (103,477)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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No. TEOM was a hit, but Daydream was huge. Just think of Fantasy, One Sweet Day and ABMB alone. The years 95 to 96 were on another level than 2005.
(Thursday 14 September 2023; 09:53)
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103,471 |
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Daydream is Mariah's magnum opus (103,471)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Isn't it really TEOM? WBT skyrocketed album sales to 5 million. WBT will always be her biggest radio airplay hit.
(Thursday 14 September 2023; 00:28)
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MB30 (103,465)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Except of Daydream. There was Mariah mania all over the globe. I will never forget.
(Wednesday 13 September 2023; 11:39)
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103,457 |
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MB30 (103,457)
by Nick G from Germany
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All albums after MB were just an echo that became quieter with each album.
(Tuesday 12 September 2023; 14:41)
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MB30 (103,454)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I completely agree with you Jamie and Andrew. That time was so special, and that she did write and produce the songs on Music Box was the best thing to do. Andrew wrote Music Box is like a blockbuster, I love the comparison. It's true, it's her blockbuster. The album that changed everything. Mariah knows it and hasn't forget it. She was simply genius, the whole production and team on point.
(Tuesday 12 September 2023; 10:30)
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103,446 |
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MB30 (103,446)
by Jamie from UK
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Well said Andrew I totally agree, she loved those times otherwise she wouldn't be paying them any attention. She was there present at the time and without any effort she looked comfortable and enjoying herself. Nothing is perfect and there were times she wasn't happy but on the whole I'm certain she misses those times.
(Tuesday 12 September 2023; 01:48)
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Taking care of herself (103,453)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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"Maybe reliving the [Music Box] era has given her the push she needed to remember how great she was." Yes, I think she was surprised too. Deep in her heart, she knows, but to hear and see it while working on MB30 must be an big moment. I'm completely overwhelmed again. You're right, she looks fantastic and healthy. I love her black and white shirt as an hommage to "Dreamlover". She looks very natural, relaxed and it suits her so well. That is all I ever wanted. A happy and healthy Mariah.
(Tuesday 12 September 2023; 10:08)
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103,443 |
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Taking care of herself (103,443)
by Jamie from UK
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Wow Mariah is looking in great shape, from her recent Instagram post. She really seems in a good place right now and taking care of herself. Let’s hope that with the added confidence of looking her best she starts to focus on giving us some new music and working on those vocals. Maybe reliving the [Music Box] era has given her the push she needed to remember how great she was.
(Monday 11 September 2023; 23:05)
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Working Hard (Terry Hunter Remix) (103,415)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yeah it's on fire. I love the beginning and the chill out vibe. Somehow I hear Daydream Mariah on that remix. Fantastic.
(Sunday 10 September 2023; 11:45)
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103,394 |
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Working Hard (Terry Hunter Remix) (103,394)
by Edward from USA
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Working Hard Remix is on fire. I prefer it over the original.
I had a dream that Mariah had released the Papua New Guinea version of MB30 CD1 with "Randy's Theme" at the end. One can have a "Right to Dream".
(Saturday 9 September 2023; 17:29)
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Mariah on Twitter (X) (103,413)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Mariah: "I'll never forget creating this record, fully immersing myself in the music that would change my life and connect me with you, the lambily, in a way that bonded us forever." With Music Box she really showed the world there's another superstar, that will stay and make history. When I read the sentence "bonded us forever", I really feel this. I became a fan because of Daydream, but I knew Mariah because of MTV playing "Hero" and "Without You" every day which I loved. I was very young back then, but I knew that she was so special. Her voice, her beauty. Indescribable. And here we are with MB30. This is a moment as Mariah would say.
(Sunday 10 September 2023; 10:36)
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MC30 (103,412)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I thought the same yesterday. How the very young Mariah sung "My prayer" is unbelievable. So much soul and depth in her voice. I love when she sings classic or retro songs. That version was on repeat yesterday evening. I can't get enough of her magical voice. She really takes me to another sphere. Some fan once wrote, it's like dreaming while awake.
(Sunday 10 September 2023; 10:19)
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103,411 |
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MC30 (103,411)
by TheWind from England
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The previously unrealised songs are fantastic. It always amazes me that Mariah can write songs like My Prayer in her early 20s. I really think Mariah should keep future new releases as simple as possible. Don't overthink the theme, lyrics, melody, production. Lately, too much time has been spent constructing a song that's current or relevant. Whereas, songs like My Prayer does the opposite, and in a good way. Beautiful song.
(Sunday 10 September 2023; 09:45)
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MB30 reaction (103,390)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Good morning everyone. I just listened to "My prayer" and got goosebumps when she sings tonight. This is so brilliant. When music does something like this, it's so special. I'm in Mariah heaven since MB30. I also feel like getting this happy 90ies experience back, feeling good. It's great to read we all enjoy it so much.
(Saturday 9 September 2023; 10:24)
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103,373 |
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MB30 reaction (103,373)
by BFF from United States
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"My Prayer" brought tears to my eyes when I heard it. Such a gorgeous rendition and somewhat left field for Mariah in terms of covers. More evidence that Mariah needs to put together a "cover songs" compilation album. She's done so many great ones, and it would be nice to have them all in one place.
"Workin' Hard" is better than either of the Cole + Cliviles tracks on the original album. I can totally understand why Mariah's message on Twitter says she's looking back with a bit of regret on this album... because "My Prayer," "Workin' Hard", "All I Live For", "Everything Fades Away", and "Do You Think of Me" are all better than songs that made the final track list.
I would have left off "Just to Hold You Once Again", "I've Been Thinking About You", and "All I've Ever Wanted" to make room for unreleased songs and b-sides if there was a concern that the album would be too long. I wouldn't be able to leave off tracks 1-7 on the original album - those are all songs I never skip.
(Friday 8 September 2023; 14:51)
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My Prayer and Workin Hard (103,377)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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I knew "My prayer" would be good, but I'm totally blown away. Speachless indeed. Her voice, her emotion, the darker tone at the beginning. So soulful. How could this been kept for so long? But I'm so happy to hear it now. A new favourite of mine. And then "Workin hard". How cool, such a good vibe song. I love it. The remix is hot too. The anniversary edition is "giving me life" and pure joy while listening. Mariah's vault is incredible.
(Friday 8 September 2023; 17:23)
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Music Box 30th Anniversary (103,337)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Yes, I'm confused too. I hope it's on Amazon. I would prefer a CD like "The Rarities", yes I'm old school.
(Thursday 7 September 2023; 09:45)
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Music Box 30th Anniversary (103,318)
by Andrew from the UK
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I must admit I don't really understand what is being released and how? Is Proctor's Theatre being released as an audio? If so, is it going on Spotify or do you have to actually purchase a hard copy? It's all pretty confusing.
(Wednesday 6 September 2023; 23:22)
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Music Box 30th anniversary revealed (103,275)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Finally good news I was waiting for. I love Music Box, outstanding album. It's perfect and I'm very excited for the 30th anniversary release. I'm sure we all will be happy with it. I'm doing a "Music Box evening" tonight.
(Friday 1 September 2023; 11:37)
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103,273 |
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Music Box 30th anniversary revealed (103,273)
by Shezz from Pk
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On Twitter she teased that there might be more than one new song. Ughh. Apparently she has also recently registered "Dreamlover - non sample version", has anybody else seen that? Excited for September 8th.
(Friday 1 September 2023; 04:15)
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I saw on Facebook (103,193)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Haha, thanks for the laugh. Or maybe new Christmas cookies or sweets for Halloween.
(Wednesday 16 August 2023; 12:02)
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103,189 |
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I saw on Facebook (103,189)
by enwar00 from usa
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A new flavor of Black Irish.
(Wednesday 16 August 2023; 07:33)
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