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About Andrew from UK:

Re: JLo (83,442) (83,444) by Andrew from UK
From where I sit, J.Lo is not an artist mocked or laughed at or criticised heavily. She is revered. Especially as the preeminent Latina artist in the world. And she's of passable quality as an actress, arguably. I am not sure where you are coming from. Unfortunately Mariah has overshadowed her music and her musical accomplishments with a seemingly desperate sexuality, a needing girly vanity, a more than irritating interview style, a shady attitude and lipsync and airbrush incidents. She is, at least from where I sit, a rather mocked person. Despite having created a body of work that is unparalleled to this day. So my point was merely about respect that the artist gets. J.Lo seems to get it. Mariah does not. From where I sit.
(Thursday 23 August 2018; 00:55)
JLo (83,432) by Andrew from UK
Is she the Mariah that is accessible? She is old school, and kinda popular. She still commands respect. It is hard to make fun of her. The ICON award, the MJV award, the good run on AI... is JLo what Mariah could have been in terms of respect?
(Wednesday 22 August 2018; 02:00)
Re: VMA's (83,429) (83,431) by Andrew from UK
I agree with you, but...
(Wednesday 22 August 2018; 01:59)
Re: Ariana Grande - Sweetener (83,413) (83,416) by Andrew from UK
Cheers, mate. As I spent my half an hour shower this morning belting Till The End Of Time (badly), my journey to work singing Heavenly verses to myself and a good twenty minutes watching Mariah on YT I shall yang the ying with this: frolicking on a yacht and a beach with a beaming face? Not that sad about Aretha is she lol no more tweets please.
(Tuesday 21 August 2018; 01:14)
Re: Ariana Grande - Sweetener (83,410) (83,412) by Andrew from UK
The point was clearly that the albums are released at the same age and same time frame into Mariah and Ariana's respective careers so Daydream would be the correct comparator to Sweetener. What was difficult about that? And its hardly blasphenomoneonoemonous as it hints that Daydream is a masterpiece, which it is, and that Sweetener is a masterclass in pretentious bullshit from another singer desperate to show they have depth, a la Christina, but simply sounding deeply desperate.
(Monday 20 August 2018; 15:41)
Re: Article: "Evita" goes Hollywood with Stone cutting deal to helm (83,409) (83,411) by Andrew from UK
Tommy keeping Mariah away from movies only delayed the inevitable shitfest that is her acting. Say what you like about him, the guy knew what he was doing.
(Monday 20 August 2018; 15:36)
Oh my gush (83,395) by Andrew from UK
O Todd, Aretha would have known how respected and adored she was, me thinks. Dead people can read Twitter, right? Oh, wait. What I find really shit is the plethora of celebrities who fall over themselves to write the biggest load of gush and search out pictures of themselves with the dead person as though trying to capitalise on the person of the hour - the dead person of the hour, no less. Every time a famous person dies a competition ensues to see who can get their gushfest quoted by the press alongside the mandatory Beyonce twaddle. I can let Mariah off this one as they were close.
(Friday 17 August 2018; 15:06)
Re: Show duration (83,377) (83,391) by Andrew from UK
What a bizarre statement. She is late excuse it is part of her "brand"? For "brand" read "arrogance".
(Friday 17 August 2018; 00:25)
Article: Mariah let's get chest with the talking (83,390) by Andrew from UK
How sad. But for very different reasons.
(Friday 17 August 2018; 00:23)
Aretha (83,389) by Andrew from UK
How very, very sad. So very sad.
(Friday 17 August 2018; 00:22)
New album title (83,350) by Andrew from UK
If not "The Return of the Butterfly" or "Polarity" then "The Reinvention of Mimi" - a slight alteration on one of the most recognisable titles in music history would certainly and immediately garner a lot of attention, and if she is indeed doing something "new" then it would seem to make sense. So...
1. "The Return of the Butterfly"
2. "Polarity"
3. "The Reinvention of Mimi"
There's my two pennies worth. And I'll want royalties. I'm still waiting on my "Butterfly Returns" check. Any day now.
(Saturday 11 August 2018; 19:33)
Article: Mariah Carey's October tour to Australia postponed (83,342) by Andrew from UK
A "scheduling conflict" which only came to light 8 weeks before the Oz and NZ tour begins? Haha who are they kidding? Sounds to me like they didn't sell enough tickets to make it profitable. In any case, what of the fans who have paid for transportation and hotels already? Another PR disaster. With the added cheek of "I have new music coming out soon" as if that is compensation enough.
(Friday 10 August 2018; 15:50)
Re: Here's some proof (83,326) (83,335) by Andrew from UK
You wouldn't believe how many of my messages Eric chooses not to publish. It's his website, who am I to argue, you may ask. Except that websites provide a public service and I find censorship within them very strange. Free speech is a precious thing. I can't resolve the conundrum that is the person who appoints themselves the arbiter of what I can and cannot see, absorb, be exposed to. What qualifies anybody to act as such a censor, to decide that your opinions should not be received by me, that you should not receive opinions of mine with which to agree or disagree? Or, in most cases, ignore? I would never appoint such a person in my life because I do not think anyone in the world suitable. I am sure you would not yours. So I cannot be a "know it all". Because somebody here decides that I should only know what he thinks I should know. So when you blab on about how much Eric let's through, give a thought for how much he does not. And if it pleases you that opinions you don't like are silenced, think for a moment of a world in which your own opinions are silenced. Think of a world where you cannot claim to be righteous because you are not exposed to actuality. And tell Eric to go (censor) himself.
(Thursday 9 August 2018; 00:59)
Re: Here's some proof (83,303) (83,319) by Andrew from UK
Hold up, you can't really leave it there. For a last two pence worth: you're both not really hearing each other. Mariah has indeed *been* called the "Queen of Petty" (as evidenced) but what I think the poster was objecting to, whilst not wording it properly, and before feelings once again tried to overturn fact, was it being made to sound like Mariah has been, and is still, often referred to, and widely renowned for being, the "Queen of Petty". Which she is not. Were it to be so, I and others would have it in their daily consciousness. So everybody is right. And also wrong. This broadcast is sponsored by the Angel's Advocates, in association with MCA Censorship Board, an EdR Company.
(Tuesday 7 August 2018; 01:03)
Re: Album release and title (83,310) (83,318) by Andrew from UK
I don't mean to sound on a downer but who is actually caring about when the release of and what it will be? It already feels like another drawn out process with possibly no pot of gold at the end of it. Is anyone excited? No? Thought not.
(Tuesday 7 August 2018; 00:47)
Re: Demi Lovato is a complete idiot (83,313) (83,317) by Andrew from UK
The Whitney/Demi comparison is perfect. I wish I'd thought of it. Nail. On. Head.
(Tuesday 7 August 2018; 00:45)
Re: Demi Lovato is a complete idiot (83,314) (83,316) by Andrew from UK
I posted it on the Mariah Carey Archives messageboard because
1. Demi Tomato has been a total asswipe to Mariah in public for no reason.
2. She is mentioned here often.
3. I am incensed by celebrity culture which determines that some people are victims but some people are poor little lost souls and I am, as some might say, "calling it out".
And finally, 4. Because [censored] that's why. This broadcast was brought to you by the Anti-Bleeding Heart Brigade.
(Tuesday 7 August 2018; 00:44)
Demi Lovato is a complete idiot (83,309) by Andrew from UK
Her addiction, she says, is an "illness". No, it is not. It is a complete inability to control her own selfish impulses. You shoot up heroine and you are a victim of an illness? You're the victim? So that's what Tomato teaches young children? "Hey kids. Don't exercise self control? Don't worry bout it. You're a victim. Everyone must pity you." What self-serving bullshit. Celebrities, and everyone these days, like to portray themselves as victims. #JLM. Junkies lives matter.
(Monday 6 August 2018; 03:32)
Re: The Hot 100's top artists of all time (83,306) (83,307) by Andrew from UK
The ICON award would be pretty boring if it were awarded according to a predetermined list. You would know the next 2 decades winners now. What would be the point? It must surely take into account current cultural context. I don't agree with the awardings, but that's part of the attraction. The award, I would suggest, was created to attract attention through argument.
(Monday 6 August 2018; 02:11)
Pink (83,260) by Andrew from UK
Not sure Britney and Mariah should happen. Mariah can't dance and Britney can't sing. The music, the video and the promo performances would be a disaster methinks. I think Mariah should team up with Pink. They could hack out some vocals in the same register, it would be okay if they sounded rough as they would match and Pink is massively respected and effing cool.
(Saturday 28 July 2018; 00:47)
Re: Article: 10 Songs Mariah Carey should add to her Vegas set list (83,258) (83,259) by Andrew from UK
I notice how lots of people now say shit I used to get lambasted for. Fall guy, much? One More Try is a song that should never have been covered. Mariah needs to be more haunting and soulful than that. I think she can do pop with layering, deep voice, soothing tone; it doesnt need to be another Memoirs. For haunting and soulful see: the whole Emotions LP, Music Box and All I've Ever Wanted, the whole Butterfly LP and so on. (Heaven forbid I should tell Mariah what to do, lest the Welsh one haemorrhages and needs a double therapy session.)
(Saturday 28 July 2018; 00:43)
Can't nobody, can't nobody tell me nuttin' (83,234) by Andrew from UK
I don't know if this had been posted before but I just came across it and I think I'm going to use it for two reasons. First, to prove my point and to pitch that, as the years go by in the video, I would bet your anxiety levels steadily increase. But primarily: I am not sure I have ever heard Mariah sing anything from Cruise Control before. This. Is. Gold.
(Monday 23 July 2018; 15:55)
Re: A message for B (83,223) (83,233) by Andrew from UK
Lordy me. For you to call someone a liar is one of the most ridiculous things ever. To question the integrity of someone who has always been, at once, both polite and fair, when your posts are complete misrepresentations of the truth, drowning in conjecture, suffocating from lack of proper analysis and mired in feeling over fact, well, it's hilarious. It is one thing to be positive and empasise the good, it is another thing to deny or twist the negative. I remember being like you from about 1999 to 2008. Then I accepted reality and yet still spend my life listening to and talking about Mariah. See, you may be a different character to me, but denying the truth doesn't mean "hate". In fact, emphasising the truth and still remaining a fan surely means the complete opposite. To quote your favourite book: "The truth shall set you free."
(Monday 23 July 2018; 15:44)
William and Randy (83,232) by Andrew from UK
I suppose what William means is that post 1996 there was a definite shift in quality and it quickly became a reality that each performance was nerve-wracking to watch - you did not have faith that it was going to sound okay, not be lipped or not leave you embarrassed. You don't turn on a post 96 Mariah performance and think "watch this, people", instead you reach for a cushion to hide behind and think "oh shite, here we go". So Randy may be correct that there were some very good performances, but William is correct that that doesn't necessarily mean they were enjoyable. But I have, and will always, extol the virtues of A Home for the Holidays. Something about that performance, that era, that look, that personality. Magic. Except for when one choir is called "elite" and the other one wasn't. Luckily the post 96 cushion was within reach.
(Monday 23 July 2018; 15:33)
Re: A message for B (83,214) (83,219) by Andrew from UK
Mariah is not "slaying" CLG. Like everything, half the thing is lipsync. On "just cast aside" she doesn't even remember to move her mouth to the "side" syllable as she gets ready for the playback to kick in. The "no, no" for the "I just can't get you out of my mind" climax is strained and tuneless after an inexplicable remarkable range and power of singing. Change the topic if you like as long as there is an openness that the topic is not her "current voice" but the significant degradation that has not been heard in this way before. This alarms me. I am not sure why it does not alarm others. Also, posting that Mariah should work with The Smeezingtons, Bruno Mars, The Weeknd etc is hardly changing the topic since you bring it up every couple of months.
(Sunday 22 July 2018; 18:45)


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