
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands: Mariah fan since 1993.

Did I click on the JLo message board? (108,389) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Very pathetic to insult other fans on this messageboard, just because you don't agree with their views. Me too misses the old, down to earth Mariah. So all these insults are also directed at me.
(Friday 21 March 2025; 02:52)
this is a reply to message 108,386
Top posters 2024 (107,895) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Top posters in 2024
01. Robert-Anthony from United States: 659 messages
02. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 357 messages
03. Jamie from UK: 166 messages
04. Libra Lamb from USA: 165 messages
05. Edward from USA: 155 messages
06. Stacey from USA: 137 messages
07. MusicfanJ from Germany: 131 messages
08. Zachariah from Croatia: 122 messages
09. Shezz from Pk: 120 messages
10. Tevin from USA: 102 messages
11. Alexis Carrington-Colby from United States: 85 messages
12. jaker20 from US: 80 messages
13. Matty from Vancouver Canada: 64 messages
14. Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway: 57 messages
15. Terna from Nigeria: 51 messages
16. BFF from United States: 49 messages
17. T from USA : 46 messages
18. TJ from Norway: 44 messages
19. Brandon from USA: 39 messages
20. Andrew from the UK: 39 messages
21. Xavier mariohmix from Spain: 33 messages
22. Randy from USA: 32 messages
23. Norman from USA: 31 messages
24. Bill from the UK: 30 messages
25. Carlos from Brazil: 26 messages

Top posters all time
01. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 3936 messages
02. B from USA: 3595 messages
03. RibbonB from USA: 2794 messages
04. Robert-Anthony from United States: 2501 messages
05. Bill from the UK: 2417 messages
06. Licia from USA: 2267 messages
07. Edward from USA: 2075 messages
08. MusicfanJ from Germany: 1612 messages
09. Andrew from UK: 1384 messages
10. this_is_qhm from the Philippines: 1171 messages
11. Stacey from USA: 1097 messages
12. 123 from USA: 1055 messages
13. Terna from Nigeria: 876 messages
14. Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada: 795 messages
15. Billy from Greece: 761 messages
16. enwar00 from usa: 724 messages
17. Gee from U.S.A. (New York City): 715 messages
18. Andrew from the United Kingdom: 640 messages
19. Randy from USA: 616 messages
20. TJ from Norway: 602 messages
21. T from USA : 599 messages
22. Shezz from Pk: 580 messages
23. Marissa from USA: 575 messages
24. Lee TS from USA: 572 messages
25. jaker20 from US: 564 messages
(Wednesday 1 January 2025; 21:07)
Last Christmas (107,872) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
100,000 million monthly Spotify listeners? That's 100 billion listeners. Exaggeration is an art.
(Thursday 26 December 2024; 19:49)
this is a reply to message 107,871
All Alone In Love (D++ Edit) // Neo Soul Vibes (107,300) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
I don't like it at all, in fact I hate it. I find the drums irritating. The original is perfect, why change it?
(Monday 2 September 2024; 21:47)
this is a reply to message 107,296
The girl who lipped wolf (107,102) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Mariah is not in the top 25, but Celine is at no 1 and 2.
1. Celine Dion - A New Day... (2003-2007) $385.1M
2. Celine Dion - Celine (2011-2019) $296.2M
3. Billy Joel - Billy Joel at The Garden (2014-present) $246.8M
4. U2 - U2: UV Achtung Baby Live at Sphere (2023-2024) $244.5M
5. Elton John - The Red Piano (2004-2009) $166.4M
6. Britney Spears - Britney: Piece of Me (2013-2017) $137.7M
7. Elton John - The Million Dollar Piano (2011-2018) $131.2M
8. Bruno Mars - Bruno Mars at Park MGM (2016-present) $114.3M
9. Jennifer Lopez - Jennifer Lopez: All I Have (2016-2018) $101.9M
10. Cher - Cher (2008-2011) $97.4M
(Sunday 4 August 2024; 19:41)
this is a reply to message 107,101
Election (106,951) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
I can't understand why someone would like to have a liar, a convicted criminal and a sex-addict as their president.
(Thursday 25 July 2024; 17:42)
this is a reply to message 106,950
Rumoured lead singles (106,918) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
"Sweetheart" was commercially released in the Netherlands and several other European countries.
(Sunday 21 July 2024; 03:05)
this is a reply to message 106,917
Daniel Bedingfield (106,321) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
You can read more about this duet here.
(Wednesday 1 May 2024; 23:01)
this is a reply to message 106,320
Happy birthday (106,039) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Happy birthday Mariah. I hope you have a wonderful day with the ones you love.
(Wednesday 27 March 2024; 00:39)
New layout (105,919) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
The discography is still up and running. But because it is not optimized for mobile phones, you can only see it on computers.
(Friday 8 March 2024; 22:25)
this is a reply to message 105,918
New layout (105,914) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
The old website had two versions: one for computers and one for mobile phones. The new website only has one version. Did you try going to the url on your phone?
(Friday 8 March 2024; 20:34)
this is a reply to message 105,910
I hope Mariah never releases anything anymore (105,688) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
"None of you can or will ever be able to sing. Therefore you know nothing about the subject."

So must be able to song to appreciate music. Or must be able to paint to appreciate art. What a dumb argument.
(Friday 23 February 2024; 16:11)
this is a reply to message 105,687
This is what we asked for (105,643) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
I don't understand your obsession. Do you really expect us to spend loads of money (which all goes to Ariana) just to get the remix in the top 10 of Billboard?
(Wednesday 21 February 2024; 14:50)
this is a reply to message 105,641
Andrew (105,011) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
You only saw the "nice" messages. I deleted most of the ones with insults.
(Friday 19 January 2024; 20:45)
this is a reply to message 105,008
Andrew (105,006) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
I just want to let you know that Andrew has been banned again. His last words were: "Eric is a prick. Mimi L is a yappie fucking dog. Fuck you, cunts." I think there is clearly something wrong with this guy.
(Friday 19 January 2024; 14:45)
AIW in psychological thrillers (104,829) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
There is not a single Mariah song that has the abbreviation AIW, according to Wikipedia. The closest is All I Want For Christmas is You (AIWFCIY) and All I've Ever Wanted (AIEW).
(Saturday 6 January 2024; 19:45)
this is a reply to message 104,828
Top posters 2023 (104,752) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
I have no idea. I haven't saved the first 35.000 messages.
(Tuesday 2 January 2024; 10:01)
this is a reply to message 104,749
Top posters 2023 (104,743) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Top posters in 2023
1. Robert-Anthony from United States: 472 messages
2. Edward from USA: 278 messages
3. Andrew from the UK: 239 messages
4. MusicfanJ from Germany: 149 messages
5. Jamie from UK: 131 messages
6. Bill from the UK: 117 messages
7. jaker20 from US: 97 messages
8. Terna from Nigeria: 90 messages
9. Stacey from USA: 70 messages
10. Randy from USA: 65 messages
11. Libra Lamb from USA: 51 messages
12. Lady B from USA: 49 messages
13. Matty from Vancouver Canada: 48 messages
14. Zachariah from Croatia: 46 messages
15. BFF from United States: 46 messages
16. Tevin from USA: 45 messages
17. TJ from Norway: 42 messages
18. "MariahHater" from Hell: 35 messages
19. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 34 messages
20. Brandon from USA: 32 messages
21. Norman from USA: 30 messages
22. Brad from USA: 28 messages
23. T from USA : 27 messages
24. Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway: 26 messages
25. Mariahsbaby from usa: 25 messages

Top posters all time
1. B from USA: 3595 messages
2. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 3579 messages
3. RibbonB from USA: 2793 messages
4. Bill from the UK: 2387 messages
5. Licia from USA: 2267 messages
6. Edward from USA: 1924 messages
7. Robert-Anthony from United States: 1843 messages
8. MusicfanJ from Germany: 1481 messages
9. Andrew from UK: 1384 messages
10. this_is_qhm from the Philippines: 1171 messages
11. RJJ12 from USA: 1037 messages
12. Stacey from USA: 960 messages
13. Terna from Nigeria: 826 messages
14. Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada: 795 messages
15. Billy from Greece: 740 messages
16. Gee from U.S.A. (New York City): 715 messages
17. enwar00 from usa: 709 messages
18. Andrew from the United Kingdom: 640 messages
19. Randy from USA: 584 messages
20. Marissa from USA: 574 messages
21. Lee TS from USA: 572 messages
22. TJ from Norway: 559 messages
23. Darren from .: 557 messages
24. T from USA : 553 messages
25. Mara from United States: 536 messages
(Monday 1 January 2024; 16:35)
this is a reply to message 104,739
Tanaka (104,675) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
"No straight man is going to stay with a woman who has no desire to give him any children."

This is the most stupid thing I've read in a long time. And that also includes messages from Andrew.
(Wednesday 27 December 2023; 00:54)
this is a reply to message 104,674
Article: Mariah Carey has new rose gold hair colour (104,074) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Am I the only one who hates this hairstyle? Or maybe it is because she is wearing way too much make-up.
(Wednesday 15 November 2023; 23:44)
Fandom base (103,532) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
I'm a male and straight. Give this message a thumb up if you're also a male and straight.
(Tuesday 19 September 2023; 00:40)
this is a reply to message 103,529
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame plus Tony (102,656) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
And the Oscar was for the movie version (Sally Dworsky and Michelle Pfeiffer), not Mariah's and Whitney's version.
(Thursday 4 May 2023; 22:24)
this is a reply to message 102,655
Observation (102,468) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
You're right. And that's why I won't post any comments on this subject anymore.
(Wednesday 5 April 2023; 09:50)
this is a reply to message 102,467
Is Mariah in a Jacksons video? (102,387) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Mariah and dancing? You're funny.
(Friday 24 March 2023; 14:14)
this is a reply to message 102,386
Top posters (101,906) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
Top posters in 2022
01. Robert-Anthony from United States: 342 messages
02. Bill from the UK: 215 messages
03. Edward from USA: 141 messages
04. Stacey from USA: 106 messages
05. Matty from Vancouver Canada: 101 messages
06. MusicfanJ from Germany: 90 messages
07. T from USA : 89 messages
08. Terna from Nigeria: 86 messages
09. Randy from USA: 73 messages
10. jaker20 from US: 73 messages
11. Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway: 64 messages
12. RibbonB from USA: 57 messages
13. Lady B from USA: 57 messages
14. BFF from United States: 54 messages
15. RJJ12 from USA: 53 messages
16. SM from Somewhere only u kno: 52 messages
17. Jamie from UK: 51 messages
18. Libra Lamb from USA: 41 messages
19. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 36 messages
20. Rashidi Rahim Rick from Malaysia: 36 messages
21. TJ from Norway: 26 messages
22. "MariahHater" from Hell: 26 messages
23. Brad from USA: 26 messages
24. Steven Berning from USA: 24 messages
25. enwar00 from usa: 24 messages

Overal posters
01. B from USA: 3595 messages
02. Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter: 3545 messages
03. RibbonB from USA: 2785 messages
04. Bill from the UK: 2269 messages
05. Licia from USA: 2267 messages
06. Edward from USA: 1632 messages
07. Andrew from UK: 1384 messages
08. Robert-Anthony from United States: 1359 messages
09. MusicfanJ from Germany: 1328 messages
10. this_is_qhm from the Philippines: 1171 messages
11. RJJ12 from USA: 1029 messages
12. Stacey from USA: 887 messages
13. Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada: 795 messages
14. Terna from Nigeria: 733 messages
15. Billy from Greece: 724 messages
16. Gee from U.S.A. (New York City): 715 messages
17. enwar00 from usa: 676 messages
18. Andrew from the United Kingdom: 640 messages
19. Marissa from USA: 574 messages
20. Lee TS from USA: 572 messages
21. Darren: 557 messages
22. Lila from United States: 530 messages
23. Special K from USA: 530 messages
24. Mara from United States: 528 messages
25. T from USA: 524 messages
(Monday 19 December 2022; 22:13)
this is a reply to message 101,905


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If you want to leave a message, there are a few rules you must follow:
1. This is a Mariah Carey messageboard, so the message must be related to Mariah Carey.
2. Only messages in English will be posted. And please try to write understandable English, with the proper use of dots and capitals.
3. Messages with all capitals will be ignored.
4. Messages that are insulting (to Mariah, other artists or members of this messageboard) will not be posted.
The webmaster has the right to refuse any message he doesn't like.
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