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About emancipatedlamb from UK: Old-school, realer than real lamb.

Article: The number ones: Mariah Carey's "I'll Be There" (99,428) by emancipatedlamb from UK
I think whoever wrote this article is sick in the head. It's one thing to be contradictory of ones own points - that is often the case with people who "comment" (not report, because the "author" of this piece o' something, is not a reporter) on MC articles. But to describe Eric Clapton's tribute to child as a "dead-kid lullaby", tells me that not only are you heartless, but will likely never know what it means to beget a child into this world, because if you did, you would never describe someone's loss in a manner so disrespectfully inhumane.
(Friday 14 January 2022; 21:50)
Lord help me (49,673) by emancipatedlamb from UK
Well now, it's been a minute since I've been here, I'm sure few are familiar with my former days on this board, but I just had to break my "Never Look Back" rule for a second. One of the reasons I stopped posting was I really couldn't be arsed (English term, no need for a rewrite) with all the negativity, with the people determined to tear down the greatest - come hell or high water - babbling offences and calling it "being real". For the first time in I don't know how long, I read a portion of the posts, and I see no difference in about 5 years. People are still clamouring for the days of their "perfect Mariah", when there never was one, just a little girl with nothing to worry about beyond singing when she was permitted daylight. There is still this "lip-syncing" issue, which I addressed in an article I wrote during my site's own Mariah week last year - don't know whether it will be allowed to be shared here, but if so. As far as Fantasy in JA is concerned, it's mindblowing to me that no-one stated the obvious, there is a vast difference between lip-syncing and singing over a backing track. If it were the case of the former, you would not be able to hear her deviate from the melody line, which she clearly does, several times, throughout the entire song. Does she have rough days? Yes. The woman is human after all. Are they as many, or as bad as certain people on this board are determined to make them out to be? Not by a long shot. I've seen some crazy statements that had me seething, like one person's (not lamb's) claim that she didn't sing on the last album at all, but if there's one thing I've come to learn, it's perspective. Just because I can back my chat with evidence, doesn't mean everyone does, or even can. (When that fails however, I might point out a small NBC concert.) I was also blown away by the person who saw her live, knows she's still got it, but would rather buy into the propaganda. I mean wow. Anywhoo, I think I've said all I intended to on this trip for the nostalgia. Anyone who wants to keep up contact with me can do so via twitter: @emancipatedlamb
(Tuesday 3 February 2015; 4:33)
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