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About Carlos Lopez from Australia : Mariah fan since she came out in 1990

Comeback very unlikely (74,557) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
[Webmaster: This message is completely censored, just like most of Carlos' messages.]
(Tuesday 18 April 2017; 12:19)
Re: Celine, Aretha, and all that stuff... (73,884) (73,902) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
Mariah Carey is a great singer during her concerts but lacks confidence during live tv performances, let alone live singing with other singers, she comes from a place of hurt and insecurities.
(Friday 24 March 2017; 04:28)
Re: Article about Mariah and politic statements (73,883) (73,901) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
Mariah's only political when it's a black president.
(Friday 24 March 2017; 04:25)
I never said anything bad (73,756) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
Get a life [censored], [censored] yourself.
(Saturday 18 March 2017; 12:42)
What happened to Mariah's personality? (73,752) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
[Webmaster: Another bashing Mariah message from Carlos I had to censor. But what else do we expect from him? I wonder why he keeps posting here because he's no fan of Mariah and I will censor all his messages.]
(Saturday 18 March 2017; 06:12)
Re: Celion Delion (73,680) (73,684) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
In their peak, Mariah had the better voice, but Mariah's peak was from 1990 to 1996, she gave us 6 years of a voice out of this world [censored]. While Celine Dion has been consistently great, maybe now as many say she lip syncs certain high notes, but she her singing voice has only deteriorated by 10-15% [censored] which is fair enough, all she needs to do is change the keys, as she still has a beautiful lower tones.
(Thursday 16 March 2017; 08:27)
No freedom of speech (73,658) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
None of my last messages have been posted, don't get me wrong I love Mariah, but I say it as I see it. I just expect more from her. [censored] I'm trying to understand, that's all, I don't mean to hate, because I do love Mariah.
(Wednesday 15 March 2017; 13:05)
Mariah's legacy (73,598) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
Let's check the so called divas who still have a legacy. Last album success:
Barbra Streisand: 2016 album hit number 1 the USA, selling nearly 1 million copies worldwide. Her 2016 arena tour in the USA, all 16 dates sold out.
Celine Dion: 2016 French album 1.3 million, 2013 English album hit number 2 in the USA, selling 1.6 million worldwide. Celine's upcoming 24 date European tour, 400,000 tickets sold in an hour, all shows now sold out. Not to mention Vegas.
Mariah Carey: 2015 Compilation album no 1's, hit number 29 in the USA, selling 29,000 worldwide, while her 2014 studio album went to no 3 in the USA, selling 172,000 copies worldwide. Mariah's latest tour with Lionel cut in half with poor ticket sales, still no shows sold out. Last year's 22 date European tour, no sold out shows, most shows selling between to 50-65% capacity.
Why is the biggest selling female artist not able to sell out concerts and sale albums like the other two legacy divas?
(Monday 13 March 2017; 12:40)
Re: Male fans, are you being extra mean to Mimi? (73,595) (73,596) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
Her whole persona is based on her image, she can improve her voice with training and quite the alcohol. She needs do excerise instead of [censored]. Mariah had a beautiful body prior to her pregnancy but she did not loose the weight with hard work but just [censored] which caused the change in body shape, especially her waistline. I know I might sound harsh but she needs more discipline, with her voice and body. Let's face it all, the revealing outfits requires one to workout, otherwise cover up.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 12:03)
Mariah thinks Latin is a race (73,593) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
When the breakdown of George Lopez, a Mexican-American DNA test result revealed he was of European, American Indian mostly, Mariah Carey asks the question where's the Latin part. It baffles me that Mariah's dad is half Latin-American yet she does not know or seem to have taken interest in her Latin culture. Mariah, Latin is not a biological race, but usually a combinations of races or just white, black or Indian.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 10:54)
Mariah's body? (73,592) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
I don't under how Mariah looks gorgeous in her gowns, dresses and staged outfits just as nice as the other curvy stars such as JLo, Kim Kardashian, yet in bikini or swimsuits her waist is [censored], her body looks [censored], [censored], [censored], [censored] but yet flat stomach, don't understand how that combination happens. But yet JLo and Kim look gorgeous in bikinis. How is that possible that Mariah can have a transformation in a gown or dress?
(Monday 13 March 2017; 10:19)
Celine vs Mariah current voices (73,591) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
I keep reading that Celine Dion lip syncs just as much or even more than Mariah Carey, but she's more disciplined in her craft, hence she gets away with it. I would beg to differ, yes she might lip sync certain notes, but her singing voice is at a much better place than Mariah. Celine can sing at a drop of a hat, during interviews, when asked to sing, she will eagerly sing along and ad lib, while Mariah will have excuses that she's been up all night and refused to sing. Another great sign that Celine Dion is still a great singer is that she's always doing tributes on award shows or singing duets with famous singers in France in variety shows, while Mariah would shy away with all this spontaneous singing due to not having control of all her technical help.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 10:08)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey celeb hairdresser busted for drugs (73,565) (73,590) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
I have a feeling that the drugs are for Mariah Carey.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 09:09)
Real reason for rescheduling of tour (73,589) by Carlos Lopez from Australia
I believe the tour was rescheduled due to poor ticket sales. The whole knee operation is a cover up. With the new dates they only kept concerts that were selling well. I believe having Mariah on the tour effected the sales of tickets. As many Lionel fans or casual fans were refusing to attend because of Mariah. Let's face it, Mariah does not have enough of a concert following to fill out those big venues, only Lionel could. Plus the ticket prices have reduced dramatically compare to when they were first release. I knew this tour would be a disaster when they announced the paring.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 09:06)
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