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About Bobby A from United States: I have been a Lamb since 1990. I know Mariah. I love her music. I breathe her music.

Article: Brother accuses Mariah of orchestrating YouTube video (108,471) by Bobby A from United States
Reading this article is just too much. I am on MC's side. Wasn't it after her book was released and Morgan's lawsuit that we found out MC's relationship with her mother had become strained? Prior to her book being released, MC was on good terms with her mother. Is that correct? I wonder if Morgan while visiting Patricia in Florida upset her about was in MC's book.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 19:17)
this is a reply to message 108,468
Buttery tone (108,455) by Bobby A from United States
I hear her buttery tone especially on Melt Away. I just never thought of her voice that way. I just said she was singing in her soprano voice or her alto voice switching bewteen the two voices.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 00:15)
this is a reply to message 108,444
Ribbon (108,454) by Bobby A from United States
I have a funny story here. I had a blind date on the day TEOM was released at record store in my car. I played TEOM while talking to the guy. Circles played next. The guy said to me when MC's voice sounded hoarse on "I just keep going round and round." My date said, "Mariah Carey sounds bad on this song." He never contacted me again and labeled me as pushy when I tried to defend MC and asked him if he wanted to go grab some lunch.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 21:36)
this is a reply to message 108,446
Buttery tone (108,438) by Bobby A from United States
Which MC songs have that buttery tone? I am having a hard time understanding what some of the board say that MC has a buttery tone. Could MC's short cover of Faith Evan's Soon As I Get Home demonstrate her buttery tone? I love that short song cover. She sings it pitch perfect and beautifully.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 11:31)
Mariah birthday month (108,437) by Bobby A from United States
I love I Don't Wanna Cry. It is my favorite because listening to it reminds me of spring.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 08:50)
this is a reply to message 108,433
Emancipation & Daydream (108,420) by Bobby A from United States
Let me jump in this great topic.

Stay The Night/Fly Like A Bird

Fantasy/When I Saw You
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 04:30)
this is a reply to message 108,414
Ribbon (108,409) by Bobby A from United States
I think Ribbon is the best song that MC, The-Dream and Tricky Stewart have ever written together. The song is probably a favorite among Dream fans. Plus adding Ludacris on the remix was genius by MC. By the way, I am wondering if Angels Advocate will ever get an official release one day.
(Sunday 23 March 2025; 23:40)
Just makin' the most of life (108,402) by Bobby A from United States
Jamie, your post is spot on. Where will MC be in 2026? I believe the nostaglia is going to fade soon without some type of new project. She is going to need to release some type of project next year. Maybe not a new album, but some type of compliation project with something from her vault. MC is a legend who can break the internet with the right complilation and goodies included. I am thinking about something like what Garth Brooks did with Wal-Mart to sell his first ever anthology boxset. I am still in awe of everything she has accomplished in her career. Give me one of her remixes on a new vinyl pressing and I am a very happy queen.
(Saturday 22 March 2025; 22:00)
this is a reply to message 108,399
Moderator (108,397) by Bobby A from United States
Lol. We have one already - Eric. Who knew that MC's first televised appearance of 2025 could cause so many different perspectives about the state of her career. MC should have prepared us more about what she dealt with during the recording of Caution during her Genius interview. That was the perfect interview for her to come clean about everything that we definitely know now. Caution wasn't rushed. MC just couldn't do vocally with Caution what she was used to doing in the studio. Ten songs was all she could do in the studio because vocally she just couldn't do more. That is just my perspective this week after coming to the conclusion why there is no new album seven years later.
(Saturday 22 March 2025; 01:49)
this is a reply to message 108,396
Just makin' the most of life (108,388) by Bobby A from United States
Boy, you have sum up MC's career in one post. It is not that we are stuck in the past, but we merely miss the old MC who gave a damn about giving 100%. MC spoiled us in the beginning with her perfectionist attitude about her career, songs, and performances. I miss that MC. I miss the studio pics. I miss MC working with the current hottest R&B producer. Mike Will Made It, Dev Hynes, and Danja were all in awe what she brought to table during the songwriting sessions. I miss the excitement waiting for MC to reveal new music was dropping on a certain date. I want the MC back who wrote her most playful lyrics of her career in 2005 with ILT.
(Friday 21 March 2025; 01:58)
this is a reply to message 108,385
Article: Mariah and Anderson Paak are breaking hearts together (108,384) by Bobby A from United States
This article made me smile. It must be a good feeling for MC to finally experience chivarly from a man who clearly understands courtship. I am happy Anderson is in her life. She needs someone who understands her and the whole music industry. Anderson clearly gets MC. I just wonder has MC told him everything that has happened since the Caution era. I am playing Leave the Door Open now. Lol. His vocals are so good.
(Thursday 20 March 2025; 15:03)
Mariah the wonderful human (108,378) by Bobby A from United States
I came to that realization on Valentine Day when MC didn't make a new music annoucement after her Vegas shows. Shezz, have you noticed that Nostradamus hasn't made hardly any MC new music tweets this year?
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 21:26)
this is a reply to message 108,371
I don't Heart (108,377) by Bobby A from United States
Anderson Paak is a fine looking gentleman, though. Maybe he is using his connections in the industry to help MC get her voice back. If anybody can get MC to think about having vocal surgery, it is Anderson Paak. He is definitely standing by her side showing he cares about MC.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 21:19)
this is a reply to message 108,368
I don't Heart (108,372) by Bobby A from United States
I need to say this out of love and concern for MC. What is it going to take for MC to let the Lambs know what is going on? I hope she doesn't wait again until there is a threat of a leak to the media. Something is not right with MC. If she let us know on her own terms, then it would be better for her in the long-term. Five years from now and no new album is going to be devasting to her career. Have you noticed that she doesn't mention anymore about working on new music? Listening to Chris Brown's Residuals on the radio makes me miss hearing MC on the radio.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 11:49)
this is a reply to message 108,370
I am trying (108,362) by Bobby A from United States
Randy, MC has lost the one thing that grounded her and made people love to hear give interviews and speeches. Her voice was her passion. She doesn't have it anymore to command the stage in any setting.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 16:21)
this is a reply to message 108,361
Some things will always stay with MC (108,360) by Bobby A from United States
Is the lighting okay? Lol. She will never forget about what someone said to her 35 years ago. Or is MC just poking fun at her own insecurities? Also she hasn't use the word ensemble in a long time. I loved the beautiful gown, but why can't she just wear a dress that doesn't require help walking around.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 09:36)
In The Mix (108,356) by Bobby A from United States
I love this song. Tonight 8pm Eastern on Fox the world will recognize our MC.
(Monday 17 March 2025; 23:11)
Always Be My Nodules (108,353) by Bobby A from United States
Is this an accurate commentary about MC and why she has lost her voice?
(Monday 17 March 2025; 00:53)
this is a reply to message 108,351
MC in L.A. (108,352) by Bobby A from United States
MC is really looking gorgeous in this picture out in L.A. A new promo is saying she is going to perform.
(Monday 17 March 2025; 00:48)
Always Be My Nodules (108,349) by Bobby A from United States
Wow. I didn't know about Monica's vocal problems. I wondered why she sounded so bad on her song Trenches in 2020. She was dealing with vocal nodules back then, but hadn't received a diagnosis.
(Sunday 16 March 2025; 03:13)
this is a reply to message 108,348
Rock and Troll Hall of Fame (108,345) by Bobby A from United States
I understand. I know your perspective was speaking to all in general terms. No worries here BFF. The tone in my writing style comes off as overly sensitive. I try not to take things so personal, but it comes out at times in my posts. Plus, my dysgraphia has really shown up a lot in my posts during the past week from stress. I say the words in my mind, but I don't type them. So, all is good on this beautiful Friday. I got to take a step back this weekend and forget my job while on vacation. I understand now how MC felt on American Idol being in a toxic workplace.
(Friday 14 March 2025; 09:12)
this is a reply to message 108,344
Rock and Troll Hall of Fame (108,343) by Bobby A from United States
Thank you, Randy. What is it about a pear, though? I come here to take my mind off my stressful job this year. I am just mentally drained teaching in this affluent school. It is not the students, but the so called professional adults and demanding parents that I work with. Sometimes my posts are result of how hard my day was and how much I can't wait until May 23rd to free myself from this school. I understand how MC felt when Virgin wouldn't let her alone during the promotion of Glitter. Anyway, I hope MC is showered with love and praise on March 17th when she receives her iHeart Radio recognition.
(Thursday 13 March 2025; 08:40)
this is a reply to message 108,342
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,339) by Bobby A from United States
My post was not meant to disrepect MC. I was thinking outside of the box again. I will stop thinking so much. There will be positivity from now on.
(Wednesday 12 March 2025; 14:05)
this is a reply to message 108,338
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,336) by Bobby A from United States
I have been trying to think of one reason why MJB was inducted last year. MJB has collaborated with a diverse group of artists like U2, Elton John, Sting, Ray Charles, and George Michael. MC's career has been lacking in that area by no fault of her own. Timing and personal reasons just got in MC's way to collaborate with more diverse artists.
(Wednesday 12 March 2025; 03:37)
this is a reply to message 108,335
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,333) by Bobby A from United States
MC commanding the stage is something that Tommy could have done to help [nurture] in MC. He could have easily hired a great performer like Quincy Jones to help MC with her stage presence. MC would have listened, but he wanted to keep her underneath a glass jar and not become too big of a performer. That is one thing that he could have done better for MC's career. Anyway, I hope she wins the nomination this time. MC needs a huge interview or philanthropic event right now to make the media talk about her to increase votes.
(Tuesday 11 March 2025; 11:56)
this is a reply to message 108,332


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