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About LoverboyFirecracker from Canada:

Portrait remixes (106,518) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
Those "Portrait" remixes. I doubt this will happen but I would love for them to send this to radio. This is exactly what I want to hear from her and it sounds current.
(Friday 24 May 2024; 15:57)
this is a reply to message 106,508
A 2am surprise (106,230) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
I'm only a casual fan of hers, but I really love how she markets all of these album releases. She creates a lot of excitement and brings it back to the days where you would just get super excited to buy CD, etc.

Honestly, if Mariah released some of her albums with different packaging, different colors, etc. at the same time during her heyday, I'm sure a lot of us would buy more than one copy. I know I would.
(Friday 19 April 2024; 20:26)
this is a reply to message 106,221
Las Vegas (106,198) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
That is a good point. I think I just need to accept that this is the Mariah that we have right now, because I will never stop being a fan, regardless. I do, however hope we get more live moments as the tour goes on, because those very few moments that were live did sound good, in my opinion.
(Wednesday 17 April 2024; 03:53)
this is a reply to message 106,186
Las Vegas (106,182) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
I don't post on here a ton, but I always enjoy reading the messages on this board. Mariah is my favourite recording artist of all time. And I have been voting every day for her to get into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame because I truly believe that she deserves it for everything that she has contributed to the music industry.

But I am sorry, as a long time fan (thirty-one years), I am also completely appalled at how much Lip-syncing she did for this Vegas show.

Although I didn't like it, when she lip synced just the hard parts of the song, I accepted it for years because at least there were a lot of parts that she did sing live and we had some really nice a cappella moments, etc. But what she is doing now is what Mariah would call "something different".

It's very apparent now that she really does not care about her fans. If she did, she would not go on stage and do this. She is literally charging people to see her poorly lip syncing 98% of her show, barely moving, and looking out of it. I don't know how anybody can look at this and even think this is remotely OK. This is a woman who goes on and on about how much her "lambily" means to her, which is obviously BS.

If she needs to lip sync to everything to very, very least she could do is move around more and maybe work a little bit more on some choreography, but she doesn't even give a crap enough to do that. Even Britney did that when she was performing under her conservatorship..

I thought when people said she only sang 10% of her Christmas shows last year live that people were exaggerating because she lip synced so much of it. I had no idea that was actually the case as I didn't watch clips from that tour until this weekend.

I get that she needs to make money, but she should really try to do it another way because this is damaging to her legacy and a lot of the stuff that the haters say about her "performances" and voice is true. Being in the industry this long and "not having anything left to prove" is a pathetic excuse.
(Monday 15 April 2024; 22:30)
this is a reply to message 106,172
Re: Side Effects (97,408) (97,419) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
Love that one. That's the one I listened to on repeat when that album was released.
(Saturday 20 February 2021; 03:19)
Re: WBT Valentine's mix (97,406) (97,418) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
The song where that copy/paste/stitching really makes my ears hurt to listen to is "Heavenly". I know a lot of people love this song but I just can't with all of the adlibs at the end. It sounds like each syllable was recorded separately.

Sadly, the last chorus on the non-extended late night version of WBT reminded me of that song

I so like the arrangement though and some of the extended parts.
(Saturday 20 February 2021; 03:18)
Re: Charmbracelet era (97,361) (97,366) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
I totally agree. "Bringin' on the heartbreak" was amazing live. I love how they made it so much longer. That tour was my favourite from hers.
(Saturday 13 February 2021; 19:01)
Re: Charmbracelet era (97,353) (97,357) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
I saw her on that tour and I was so impressed with her vocals because I did not like how she sounded on that album. The live renditions of the CB songs were so much better than the recordings.
(Saturday 13 February 2021; 01:58)
Re: 4Real4Real was the original Ribbon? (97,325) (97,329) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
I totally hear it it now.
(Tuesday 9 February 2021; 01:35)
Re: E=MC3. Two towsun' twenny one. Watch it. (97,304) (97,314) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
"You can keep your One Mo Gen and Givin' Me Life snoozefests while you sit in your armchair with your cocoa. I wanna sing, dance and party. "

Oh, definitely. I'll take "E=MC2" over "Blahtion" any day. It's probably my favourite album from hers. So much fun.
(Saturday 6 February 2021; 18:28)
Re: Cool On You (97,309) (97,313) by LoverboyFirecracker from Canada
I didn't like "Cool On You" at first, but I love it now. It definitely fits perfect with that album.
(Saturday 6 February 2021; 18:26)
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