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About Edward from USA:
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B'Day (108,475)
by Edward from USA
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It was time to get her on solid ground, so I thought I could make it happen.
(Friday 28 March 2025; 03:45)
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108,472 |
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B'Day (108,472)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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Your lamb card is revoked for using the B word. Happy anniversary Mimi. Please feed us some new music.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 19:29)
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B'Day (108,465)
by Edward from USA
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Happy birthday, Mariah. Long live the queen.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 12:44)
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You have to get rid of one (108,458)
by Edward from USA
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How dare you. That would be sacrilege.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 01:09)
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108,447 |
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You have to get rid of one (108,447)
by Tevin from USA
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Two of these three songs has to disappear from history. Which song are you saving? Till the end of time Everything fades away Vanishing (no pun intended)
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 20:34)
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Buttery tone (108,457)
by Edward from USA
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The song "Music Box" is pure grass fed organic butter.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 01:06)
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108,455 |
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Buttery tone (108,455)
by Bobby A from United States
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I hear her buttery tone especially on Melt Away. I just never thought of her voice that way. I just said she was singing in her soprano voice or her alto voice switching bewteen the two voices.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 00:15)
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Ribbon (108,456)
by Edward from USA
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That's funny, put it on the burn book.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 00:58)
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108,454 |
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Ribbon (108,454)
by Bobby A from United States
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I have a funny story here. I had a blind date on the day TEOM was released at record store in my car. I played TEOM while talking to the guy. Circles played next. The guy said to me when MC's voice sounded hoarse on "I just keep going round and round." My date said, "Mariah Carey sounds bad on this song." He never contacted me again and labeled me as pushy when I tried to defend MC and asked him if he wanted to go grab some lunch.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 21:36)
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Ribbon (108,445)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah's voice sounded strained on several tracks from TEOM, particularly those that required more vocal power, such as "Mine Again", "Stay the Night", and "Circles". In "Stay the Night", especially, it feels, in my humble opinion, that she's screaming rather than singing, that's why I probably never enjoyed that track. In contrast, her vocals on E=MC2 and Memoirs were much more relaxed, clear, and controlled. The strain shown heavily on TEOM had vanished by then.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 15:02)
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108,428 |
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Ribbon (108,428)
by Tevin from USA
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I heard that same thing mentioned by other people, including Mariah herself. But it just doesn't make sense to me, TEOM had WBT, ILT, FLB and of course the gem that is Mine Again (which I personally would say is one of her best vocally sung studio songs in her entire discography). Compare that to Thanks 4 Nothing, and IWYW on E=MC2. The vocals just don't compare. Maybe her voice was more consistent during E=MC2 but TEOM has better vocal highs.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 17:44)
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Buttery tone (108,444)
by Edward from USA
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Bobby A, a "buttery" voice refers to a smooth, fluid, warm, and rounded vocal quality. Most of Mariah's '90s catalog is filled with it. Some examples, just to pick a few, include Vanishing, Till the End of Time, Can't Let Go, Music Box, Underneath the Stars, Lead the Way, Open Arms, Melt Away, and Everything Fades Away. Albums like Daydream, Music Box, Merry Christmas, and Butterfly are basically the epitome of a beautiful buttery voice.
Sadly, by 2002, only traces of that buttery voice were still there. And before some of y'all try to nail me to a cross next to Oprah and Gayle, I'm not saying she couldn't sing, she absolutely could still blow, but the fluidity and seamless transitions between registers just weren't the same. A lot of us complained about the heavy use of the whisper register on Charmbracelet, it's funny that I would take anything from her with even half that quality in a heartbeat.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 14:44)
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108,438 |
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Buttery tone (108,438)
by Bobby A from United States
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Which MC songs have that buttery tone? I am having a hard time understanding what some of the board say that MC has a buttery tone. Could MC's short cover of Faith Evan's Soon As I Get Home demonstrate her buttery tone? I love that short song cover. She sings it pitch perfect and beautifully.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 11:31)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,427)
by Edward from USA
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You must be one of those rusty old boomers the ‘"yass queens" were warning us about. I rebuke your presence here.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 17:00)
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108,426 |
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,426)
by TJ from Norway
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I'm so old that Music Box always trumps both Daydream and Emancipation. I'm old.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 16:46)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,424)
by Edward from USA
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Dear Stacey, you of all people should understand what happens when one is in a Daydream state of mind. I had the album playing and as I was typing my two favorites for TEOM, "When I Saw You" kicked in. Let’s just call it a "mental lapse", a "slip of the keyboard", or most likely, "a glitch in the matrix" . My guilty pleasure from TEOM is "To The Floor".
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 16:19)
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108,418 |
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,418)
by Stacey from USA
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Oh Edward dear, When I Saw You is on the Daydream album.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 03:25)
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,416)
by Edward from USA
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Daydream: Fantasy Underneath the Stars (guilty pleasure: Melt Away)
TEOM: One & Only Get Your Number (guilty pleasure: When I Saw You)
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 00:21)
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108,414 |
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Emancipation & Daydream (108,414)
by Jamie from UK
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Ok while it's the 20th Anniversary of Mimi and 30th Anniversary of Daydream. Choose your two favourite songs from each album. Mine are: We Belong Together/Get Your Number Fantasy/Looking In I'm interested to hear people's choices and thought I'd bring some fun to the board.
(Monday 24 March 2025; 18:14)
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Love letter to MC (108,411)
by Edward from USA
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Beautiful message to MC.
(Monday 24 March 2025; 08:22)
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108,408 |
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Love letter to MC (108,408)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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To Mariah, whom I love, cherish and adore (more than some of my own blood relations) and wish, hope and pray will humble yourself and let go of anything holding you back from being happy and at peace, where you have always belonged but for some reason you feel unworthy and don't believe is for you.
Mariah, nobody "deserves" or earns love, it's a gift from our creator. Rejecting love is not where it's at. God wants you to be happy. Grief comes and goes in waves, let it happen. Lean into it, move through it. Don't bottle all your struggles up. Your disappointment. Declare yourself free and unburden yourself from the wounds you carry. We all have to mourn our dead. But let's celebrate the living too, why grieve and eulogize loved ones who still draw breath?
We'll be okay, we don't really need new music or any of the other things we always bitch about. We care about you. You are not somewhat loved, you are loved, period. Don't martyr yourself for the fandom, the public and strangers that care or know nothing about you. We'll live and we'll be happy because you're genuinely happy. Why won't you choose happy, is it fear? Well that's not of the Lord and you know it.
So whatever had you running scared, run towards that. Because faking it until you make it isn't working. It also reads inauthentic and that's not good because even as someone who loves you and means you well, always, I can misread you as someone who doesn't care when I also see that you're trying very hard. Let go of your pride. It's not doing you any favors. Handle your business girl and I'm not talking music or showbusiness. Go off grid if you have to. Be Garbo for a minute or two. Let God lead the way and follow Him. You don't need to go on an exploitation/explanation tour on anyone's primetime tv-couch. Go be with the people who love you, 4 real 4 real. It's time you stop self sabotaging. Reject dysfunction once and for all. Stop rejecting stability in favour of familiarity of chaos and uncertainty.
Go where you're loved and accepted wholely and truly. That's what you should keep building on. Love is the only thing that we take with us, given and received, when we leave this earth. Let's not take it for granted and waste time on frivolous things and hollow relationships. Stop feeding the trolls.
"4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13.
(Sunday 23 March 2025; 22:27)
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Ribbon (108,410)
by Edward from USA
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I love myself some Ribbon. Actually, Mariah was in a better place vocally on E=MC2 and Memoirs than what she was on TEOM.
(Monday 24 March 2025; 08:12)
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108,409 |
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Ribbon (108,409)
by Bobby A from United States
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I think Ribbon is the best song that MC, The-Dream and Tricky Stewart have ever written together. The song is probably a favorite among Dream fans. Plus adding Ludacris on the remix was genius by MC. By the way, I am wondering if Angels Advocate will ever get an official release one day.
(Sunday 23 March 2025; 23:40)
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Did I click on the JLo message board? (108,390)
by Edward from USA
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I've always thought diarrhea of the mouth was an urban myth, boy was I wrong.
(Friday 21 March 2025; 04:03)
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108,389 |
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Did I click on the JLo message board? (108,389)
by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
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Very pathetic to insult other fans on this messageboard, just because you don't agree with their views. Me too misses the old, down to earth Mariah. So all these insults are also directed at me.
(Friday 21 March 2025; 02:52)
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Accountability, kryptonite to Yass Queens (108,376)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah, before fully embracing her diva persona, had a massive fanbase and was taken far more seriously. Being her fan felt like a badge of honor. I celebrated every time she hit number one and proudly showed everyone in my circle of friends the killer voice she had, her performances. But over time, she alienated a large portion of that fanbase with some of her choices. Some of those choices were justified because it was only a matter of time before she would start putting out the type of music that she liked, but some other choices were totally detrimental to her career and image, choices that didn't have anything to do with her artistry.
While I still acknowledge and celebrate her accomplishments, I've learned to keep my fandom to myself because, as the years passed, admitting to being a Mariah fan was seeing as weird, unless you had a "I'm Gay" sign written on your head, something I prefer to keep to myself. The shift in perception began when she adopted that cheap, exaggerated and sometimes shady Marilyn Monroe persona.
Celine, and Whitney with her struggles, always maintained a level of respect and relatability that Mariah started losing as she got more famous. She started believing her own hype. Now she is the least respected, not because of her talent, since she's the better overall artist, but because how she chose to present herself. And no, Tommy didn't have anything to do with it. For at least 8 years, Mariah was just as revered as the other two, but some of her choices made her fall from that pedestal.
Out of four judges on American Idol, she was the most experienced to give advice and guide the contestants. She had the perfect platform to show the world her greatness, her genius, but instead, she came out as insecure and petty sometimes, getting late to some of the auditions claiming they had to put up with it because she was a diva. At the end, Nicki ended up being a better judge.
If Mariah is so great to be praised for her accomplishments, she should be held accountable for her failures. End of the rant.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 20:11)
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I don't Heart (108,373)
by Edward from USA
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"Caution" is turning seven this year, and it was only a 10-track album. Judging by her vocals on the "Yes, And?" remix, it's clear the studio can only do so much for her voice at this stage. It is what it is. I just hope she preserves what's left for her Christmas shows.
I personally don't see the point of Mariah stating the obvious. She doesn't have a secret.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 13:37)
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108,372 |
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I don't Heart (108,372)
by Bobby A from United States
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I need to say this out of love and concern for MC. What is it going to take for MC to let the Lambs know what is going on? I hope she doesn't wait again until there is a threat of a leak to the media. Something is not right with MC. If she let us know on her own terms, then it would be better for her in the long-term. Five years from now and no new album is going to be devasting to her career. Have you noticed that she doesn't mention anymore about working on new music? Listening to Chris Brown's Residuals on the radio makes me miss hearing MC on the radio.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 11:49)
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I don't Heart (108,369)
by Edward from USA
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That's exactly what I was telling Randy earlier today, I don't think any new music is coming. I just hope she keeps releasing those unreleased tracks from past eras because I'm sure she has plenty. More than anything, I just want Mariah to be healthy for her children. While she seemed heavily medicated, at least she didn't appear to be drunk or high.
Her speech felt like the same tired, recycled diva act. She's an icon, but if she continues down this path, she won't ever be taken seriously.
Another thing, I never thought I'd see the day when a "yass queen" would complain about bitter queens on this board. Truly iconic.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 01:05)
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108,368 |
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I don't Heart (108,368)
by Brad from USA
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Not sure what last night represented for MC or her career at the iHeart Awards. I don't love it at all though. In any which way. She came across as under the influence of something. The only poignant moment re her mom was another pained expression on her face that seemed detached from reality and lost in space. If this is what Mr Paak brings then he can paak and go. She and her children don't need this influence. At a time when she should be showcasing her impact and significance she comes across as zany, addicted, self-absorbed and irrelevant. Not even a word of offering hope and persistence to so many hurting in this horrible world we are in. Nothing. And I don't think there is any new album or material at all. I think it's all over and she knows it. All she has is a little bit of Christmas and that's it. It's over.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 22:56)
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Always Be My Nodules (108,358)
by Edward from USA
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I really think Elton John's voice actually got better after his surgery, stronger and fuller. Just listen to his live duet of "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" with George Michael in 1991. He gave Michael a run for his money.
Sadly, Julie Andrews throat surgery was basically a disaster, but according to her, it was more of a medical malpractice situation.
These days, though, science has come a long way. Singers like Adele, Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, and Sam Smith have all had voice saving vocal cord surgeries. But things have changed for the better with today's technology, treatments, and vocal therapy. It's wild to think how much medicine has evolved. A surgery that could have ended a career years ago might actually save one today.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 03:16)
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108,357 |
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Always Be My Nodules (108,357)
by Dennis from Miami, FL
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Julie Andrews underwent multiple vocal cord surgeries beginning in 1997, and her voice never fully recovered. Elton John had his surgery in 1987, and his voice was never the same afterward. I'm certain Mariah Carey is aware of these cases, and that there's always a high risk of complications.
(Monday 17 March 2025; 23:23)
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Always Be My Nodules (108,351)
by Edward from USA
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I think that's the reason why Mariah has probably never gone through with surgery to get those phuckers out. Her voice is literally her whole identity and legacy, and losing the whistle would be a huge blow, considering that's the last trick she has under her skirt. She may not always sound great, but the second she hits a whistle note, the crowd eats it up.
One thing we can say for sure though is that the whistle as we knew it is already gone. And even if surgery could help her overall voice, the recovery would mean strict vocal rehab and actual discipline, but that's not exactly one of Mariah's strengths. More than a whistle here and there, I do miss that buttery and effortless tone she used to have. When she could just sing without worrying about every note. That's what I miss the most.
(Sunday 16 March 2025; 17:21)
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108,348 |
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Always Be My Nodules (108,348)
by Randy from USA
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So, I'm doing some insomniac strolling through social media, and I see a video of Monica talking about why she has sounded a mess as of late. She had surgery and went back to singing and didn't listen to her doctor's instructions. I did some digging and found out she had surgery on her nodules. My jaw was as wide as Kelly Price's at Thanksgiving. Monica had been sounding awful according to clips I saw on Tik Tok and I just passed it off as maybe she wasn't as talented as I once thought. I even went so far as to declare the boy now belonging to Brandy. Monica is of little consequence to me because she was never vocally on MC, Celine or Whitney's level. But what this means for MC speaks volumes. Maybe she heard about the risk and was like "Nah, I'm good." What if they told her she could lose her whistle? That's part of her brand now. Although, side note, I'd rather the high chest belts more than the whistle. She uses that as a crutch to prove she still has "it". She now whistles more than a thousand gay tea kettles in London. But seriously, Monica was talking about a four month rehab and recovery. We all know discipline is the arch-nemesis of Mariah Carey. Even if she had the surgery, you think she would listen to instructions? I really want y'all to weigh in on this. Not you Kelly Price. I just can hear MC singing to her nodules, "You'll always be a part of me."
(Saturday 15 March 2025; 17:26)
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The issue I have (108,298)
by Edward from USA
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I agree. Being interviewed by Oprah doesn't carry the same impact it once did, especially compared to the '90s when she was at her peak.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 17:08)
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The issue I have (108,295)
by Stacey from USA
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I can't stand Oprah. She thinks she's better than everyone else. Her condescending attitude is so off putting.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 04:40)
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The issue I have (108,293)
by Edward from USA
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We're so evidently desperate for some music from Mariah.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 01:30)
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108,287 |
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The issue I have (108,287)
by Edward from USA
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I agree. I swear Oprah thinks she's Jesus, and when gets a papercut, she goes like: "Stigmata." I don't trust her, she's very skinny now and very hungry. Mariah needs a different platform, Oprah might be plotting to get her on Ozempic.
(Friday 28 February 2025; 21:55)
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The issue I have (108,287)
by Edward from USA
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I agree. I swear Oprah thinks she's Jesus, and when gets a papercut, she goes like: "Stigmata." I don't trust her, she's very skinny now and very hungry. Mariah needs a different platform, Oprah might be plotting to get her on Ozempic.
(Friday 28 February 2025; 21:55)
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108,284 |
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The issue I have (108,284)
by Stacey from USA
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I like the idea of doing a sit down interview with someone but not Oprah.
(Friday 28 February 2025; 03:16)
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The issue I have (108,276)
by Edward from USA
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Sorry my dear friend, but being late does not necessarily a karaoke singer make. At least Madonna puts on shows with great productions. Nobody really go to her concerts for her vocals. I wouldn't mind an artist being late as long as they deliver great performances.
(Thursday 27 February 2025; 05:05)
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108,274 |
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The issue I have (108,274)
by Randy from USA
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I can't be mad at Mariah for giving bad performances on miming. It's something everyone should expect. She's been doing it consistently since Charmbracelet when I saw her. If you go to a Mariah Carey or Anita Baker concert, you'll know they don't want to be there. Lauryn Hill and Madonna are always going to be late. Chaka Khan is gonna be high or drunk. None of this is news and yet people still shell out hundreds of dollars to see them? And then complain. These are karaoke artists. You go to sing and bask in their presence. Not to be entertained.
(Wednesday 26 February 2025; 20:20)
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A cork to stop the flow? (108,271)
by Edward from USA
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I gotta break it to you delicately, [beep]. Live Nation can't book anything without Mariah's approval. The idea that they locked in shows seven years in advance for her? Completely ridiculous. If she wanted time off, she could absolutely turn down any offers, no one's forcing her on stage. After her breakdown, she made it crystal clear that taking time off when needed was nonnegotiable, no questions asked. For whatever reason, she's choosing to keep milking the cow while the milk keeps flowing, and that's totally fine, just sing, put on a great show, and at least act like you wanna be there.
(Tuesday 25 February 2025; 13:52)
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108,266 |
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Andrew (108,266)
by Nikki from usa
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When you talk, does it make sense to you? "Mariah has more control over her career now than ever before, so no, she's not forced to be there, she chooses to be there. Once she agrees and signs the contract, she is contractually obligated to fulfill the terms, including any concerts or tours outlined in the agreement."
Yes, that means she has to be there and she signed in 2017. At no point did I say she was a slave. I stated she had her old residency scheduled already under Stella and Jay Z took over. He was her management and scheduled her around the clock. She had to be there, because J signed her up as her manager. Which explains why she fired him in 2019.
It's why she hired a smaller manager. None of this changes the fact Live Nation didn't get another tour from her until Christmas of 2022. It's 2025. That's 3 years, Andrew. I'd be wary of calling someone a liar when you can't even retain basic information. She is under contract to do tours and she's done 1 in 5 years. Best believe they are blowing up her phone. She's also still under contract with her 3 album deal from Sony. Caution was the first and she still owes them 2 more albums. Do you ever check the news section on this site at all?
(Tuesday 25 February 2025; 03:21)
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Shape (108,257)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah is looking very fit. Hopefully she's getting ready to drop something.
(Monday 24 February 2025; 14:07)
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,253)
by Edward from USA
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Robert-Anthony, I'll be in Maryland with relatives.
(Sunday 23 February 2025; 16:03)
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108,248 |
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Remaining Vegas shows (108,248)
by Bobby A from United States
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Edward, you are such a comedic genius. I couldn't stop laughing after reading your post. What are you doing Memorial Day weekend? If my plan goes like I want it to, I am coming to NYC for my first visit. I would love to meet you. I have lost another 20lbs. Lol. 
(Saturday 22 February 2025; 05:26)
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