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About Edward from USA:

B'Day (108,475) by Edward from USA
It was time to get her on solid ground, so I thought I could make it happen.
(Friday 28 March 2025; 03:45)
this is a reply to message 108,472
B'Day (108,465) by Edward from USA
Happy birthday, Mariah. Long live the queen.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 12:44)
You have to get rid of one (108,458) by Edward from USA
How dare you. That would be sacrilege.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 01:09)
this is a reply to message 108,447
Buttery tone (108,457) by Edward from USA
The song "Music Box" is pure grass fed organic butter.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 01:06)
this is a reply to message 108,455
Ribbon (108,456) by Edward from USA
That's funny, put it on the burn book.
(Thursday 27 March 2025; 00:58)
this is a reply to message 108,454
Ribbon (108,445) by Edward from USA
Mariah's voice sounded strained on several tracks from TEOM, particularly those that required more vocal power, such as "Mine Again", "Stay the Night", and "Circles". In "Stay the Night", especially, it feels, in my humble opinion, that she's screaming rather than singing, that's why I probably never enjoyed that track. In contrast, her vocals on E=MC2 and Memoirs were much more relaxed, clear, and controlled. The strain shown heavily on TEOM had vanished by then.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 15:02)
this is a reply to message 108,428
Buttery tone (108,444) by Edward from USA
Bobby A, a "buttery" voice refers to a smooth, fluid, warm, and rounded vocal quality. Most of Mariah's '90s catalog is filled with it. Some examples, just to pick a few, include Vanishing, Till the End of Time, Can't Let Go, Music Box, Underneath the Stars, Lead the Way, Open Arms, Melt Away, and Everything Fades Away. Albums like Daydream, Music Box, Merry Christmas, and Butterfly are basically the epitome of a beautiful buttery voice.

Sadly, by 2002, only traces of that buttery voice were still there. And before some of y'all try to nail me to a cross next to Oprah and Gayle, I'm not saying she couldn't sing, she absolutely could still blow, but the fluidity and seamless transitions between registers just weren't the same. A lot of us complained about the heavy use of the whisper register on Charmbracelet, it's funny that I would take anything from her with even half that quality in a heartbeat.
(Wednesday 26 March 2025; 14:44)
this is a reply to message 108,438
Emancipation & Daydream (108,427) by Edward from USA
You must be one of those rusty old boomers the ‘"yass queens" were warning us about. I rebuke your presence here.
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 17:00)
this is a reply to message 108,426
Emancipation & Daydream (108,424) by Edward from USA
Dear Stacey, you of all people should understand what happens when one is in a Daydream state of mind. I had the album playing and as I was typing my two favorites for TEOM, "When I Saw You" kicked in. Let’s just call it a "mental lapse", a "slip of the keyboard", or most likely, "a glitch in the matrix" . My guilty pleasure from TEOM is "To The Floor".
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 16:19)
this is a reply to message 108,418
Emancipation & Daydream (108,416) by Edward from USA
Underneath the Stars
(guilty pleasure: Melt Away)

One & Only
Get Your Number
(guilty pleasure: When I Saw You)
(Tuesday 25 March 2025; 00:21)
this is a reply to message 108,414
Love letter to MC (108,411) by Edward from USA
Beautiful message to MC.
(Monday 24 March 2025; 08:22)
this is a reply to message 108,408
Ribbon (108,410) by Edward from USA
I love myself some Ribbon. Actually, Mariah was in a better place vocally on E=MC2 and Memoirs than what she was on TEOM.
(Monday 24 March 2025; 08:12)
this is a reply to message 108,409
Did I click on the JLo message board? (108,390) by Edward from USA
I've always thought diarrhea of the mouth was an urban myth, boy was I wrong.
(Friday 21 March 2025; 04:03)
this is a reply to message 108,389
Accountability, kryptonite to Yass Queens (108,376) by Edward from USA
Mariah, before fully embracing her diva persona, had a massive fanbase and was taken far more seriously. Being her fan felt like a badge of honor. I celebrated every time she hit number one and proudly showed everyone in my circle of friends the killer voice she had, her performances. But over time, she alienated a large portion of that fanbase with some of her choices. Some of those choices were justified because it was only a matter of time before she would start putting out the type of music that she liked, but some other choices were totally detrimental to her career and image, choices that didn't have anything to do with her artistry.

While I still acknowledge and celebrate her accomplishments, I've learned to keep my fandom to myself because, as the years passed, admitting to being a Mariah fan was seeing as weird, unless you had a "I'm Gay" sign written on your head, something I prefer to keep to myself. The shift in perception began when she adopted that cheap, exaggerated and sometimes shady Marilyn Monroe persona.

Celine, and Whitney with her struggles, always maintained a level of respect and relatability that Mariah started losing as she got more famous. She started believing her own hype. Now she is the least respected, not because of her talent, since she's the better overall artist, but because how she chose to present herself. And no, Tommy didn't have anything to do with it. For at least 8 years, Mariah was just as revered as the other two, but some of her choices made her fall from that pedestal.

Out of four judges on American Idol, she was the most experienced to give advice and guide the contestants. She had the perfect platform to show the world her greatness, her genius, but instead, she came out as insecure and petty sometimes, getting late to some of the auditions claiming they had to put up with it because she was a diva. At the end, Nicki ended up being a better judge.

If Mariah is so great to be praised for her accomplishments, she should be held accountable for her failures. End of the rant.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 20:11)
I don't Heart (108,373) by Edward from USA
"Caution" is turning seven this year, and it was only a 10-track album. Judging by her vocals on the "Yes, And?" remix, it's clear the studio can only do so much for her voice at this stage. It is what it is. I just hope she preserves what's left for her Christmas shows.

I personally don't see the point of Mariah stating the obvious. She doesn't have a secret.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 13:37)
this is a reply to message 108,372
I don't Heart (108,369) by Edward from USA
That's exactly what I was telling Randy earlier today, I don't think any new music is coming. I just hope she keeps releasing those unreleased tracks from past eras because I'm sure she has plenty. More than anything, I just want Mariah to be healthy for her children. While she seemed heavily medicated, at least she didn't appear to be drunk or high.

Her speech felt like the same tired, recycled diva act. She's an icon, but if she continues down this path, she won't ever be taken seriously.

Another thing, I never thought I'd see the day when a "yass queen" would complain about bitter queens on this board. Truly iconic.
(Wednesday 19 March 2025; 01:05)
this is a reply to message 108,368
Always Be My Nodules (108,358) by Edward from USA
I really think Elton John's voice actually got better after his surgery, stronger and fuller. Just listen to his live duet of "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" with George Michael in 1991. He gave Michael a run for his money.

Sadly, Julie Andrews throat surgery was basically a disaster, but according to her, it was more of a medical malpractice situation.

These days, though, science has come a long way. Singers like Adele, Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, and Sam Smith have all had voice saving vocal cord surgeries. But things have changed for the better with today's technology, treatments, and vocal therapy. It's wild to think how much medicine has evolved. A surgery that could have ended a career years ago might actually save one today.
(Tuesday 18 March 2025; 03:16)
this is a reply to message 108,357
Always Be My Nodules (108,351) by Edward from USA
I think that's the reason why Mariah has probably never gone through with surgery to get those phuckers out. Her voice is literally her whole identity and legacy, and losing the whistle would be a huge blow, considering that's the last trick she has under her skirt. She may not always sound great, but the second she hits a whistle note, the crowd eats it up.

One thing we can say for sure though is that the whistle as we knew it is already gone. And even if surgery could help her overall voice, the recovery would mean strict vocal rehab and actual discipline, but that's not exactly one of Mariah's strengths. More than a whistle here and there, I do miss that buttery and effortless tone she used to have. When she could just sing without worrying about every note. That's what I miss the most.
(Sunday 16 March 2025; 17:21)
this is a reply to message 108,348
The issue I have (108,298) by Edward from USA
I agree. Being interviewed by Oprah doesn't carry the same impact it once did, especially compared to the '90s when she was at her peak.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 17:08)
this is a reply to message 108,295
The issue I have (108,293) by Edward from USA
We're so evidently desperate for some music from Mariah.
(Saturday 1 March 2025; 01:30)
this is a reply to message 108,287
The issue I have (108,287) by Edward from USA
I agree. I swear Oprah thinks she's Jesus, and when gets a papercut, she goes like: "Stigmata." I don't trust her, she's very skinny now and very hungry. Mariah needs a different platform, Oprah might be plotting to get her on Ozempic.
(Friday 28 February 2025; 21:55)
this is a reply to message 108,284
The issue I have (108,276) by Edward from USA
Sorry my dear friend, but being late does not necessarily a karaoke singer make. At least Madonna puts on shows with great productions. Nobody really go to her concerts for her vocals. I wouldn't mind an artist being late as long as they deliver great performances.
(Thursday 27 February 2025; 05:05)
this is a reply to message 108,274
A cork to stop the flow? (108,271) by Edward from USA
I gotta break it to you delicately, [beep]. Live Nation can't book anything without Mariah's approval. The idea that they locked in shows seven years in advance for her? Completely ridiculous. If she wanted time off, she could absolutely turn down any offers, no one's forcing her on stage. After her breakdown, she made it crystal clear that taking time off when needed was nonnegotiable, no questions asked. For whatever reason, she's choosing to keep milking the cow while the milk keeps flowing, and that's totally fine, just sing, put on a great show, and at least act like you wanna be there.
(Tuesday 25 February 2025; 13:52)
this is a reply to message 108,266
Shape (108,257) by Edward from USA
Mariah is looking very fit. Hopefully she's getting ready to drop something.
(Monday 24 February 2025; 14:07)
Remaining Vegas shows (108,253) by Edward from USA
Robert-Anthony, I'll be in Maryland with relatives.
(Sunday 23 February 2025; 16:03)
this is a reply to message 108,248


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