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About Andy from Germany:
I'm 43 from Berlin, Germany and a fan of Mariah since the Butterfly record. What else? I do not care so much about the gossip of the elusive chanteuse but more about her music.
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TEOM era will probably the last great era (105,780)
by Andy from Germany
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Actually, I love Triumphant, GTFO, I Don't and Infinity a lot. The others I don't known about.
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 13:05)
this is a reply to message | |
105,777 |
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TEOM era will probably the last great era (105,777)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Yes Mimi. They come on strong and then everybody forgets about them the next week. Do you remember the following?
1. Triumphant 2. 100% 3. I Don't 4. Infinity 5. GTFO 6. Save The Day 7. In The Mix
However, there is one that beats all seven of these that I mentioned and it should have had a proper video with a huge radio impact.
1. Out Here On My Own
(Tuesday 27 February 2024; 01:39)
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Caution / world tour record (90,333)
by Andy from Germany
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Maybe she is going to release a live album of the Caution world tour with some remixes. If she added a DVD to this I would not hesitate for a minute to buy this double disc package. Plus, the memoirs are also in the pipeline.
(Monday 15 July 2019; 09:22)
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Caution as single (90,228)
by Andy from Germany
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I would love the title song to become a single. It is the song I love the most of the record. Once you've listened to it a few times you can't get it off your mind. Maybe there will be a sort of "Proceed with Caution" second remix album this year and Caution will be the first single off it. Who knows?
(Sunday 7 July 2019; 12:48)
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Article: Me, myself, & Mariah (81,286)
by Andy from Germany
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I really enjoyed this interview. It is deep, honest and fun. Plus here is a little cover (just a snippet) of Vision of Love I recently did. Hope, you like it. 
(Wednesday 7 March 2018; 17:50)
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Article: The expectation that "divas" should age gracefully (72,931)
by Andy from Germany
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This is a truly smart and well considered view on her and women in the pop business facing age. Also, I believe that if a younger female artist would have released "I don't" it would be a top 10 hit already.
(Monday 20 February 2017; 8:30)
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Re: We can only hope (61,230) (61,232)
by Andy from Germany
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Dear Greorge. I think you are missing the point of how she has evolved in the last 20 years or so. I don't think she collaborated with Hip Hop and Rap artists just for a trend or hype back than and now. She is making the music she always wanted to do and likes most. With every album she come closer to what was inside of her and what she wanted to express/sound like. Same with her appearance. What we see of her today is how she feels most comfortable with her body and look. And I personally like her more now than back in the 90s. But maybe you like the label and management controlled Mariah more that her true self. Just a thought. Take care.
(Tuesday 12 April 2016; 1:35)
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European tour (60,635)
by Andy from Germany
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I am very excited to see her in Brussels soon. And her voice sounds incredible from what I saw on YouTube so far. And it seems that she feels much more secure and confident onstage since she has regained her vocal abilities. Also, I like her song selections. Of course, it is mostly hits and not fan choices as she also wants to address regular audiences.
(Sunday 20 March 2016; 2:40)
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European tour and care (59,967)
by Andy from Germany
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I am really looking forward to see her in March. I don't care what she will be singing or how. It has been 13 years since I saw her. So, who cares? I don't care if she is or will be #1. I don't care about her looks, who she is with or who says what about her. In my opinion Mariah Carey is one the most talented artists in the past 25 years of show business. She is a loving and caring person. What I care about is her music. And that is gold. Just saying.
(Tuesday 23 February 2016; 20:15)
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Walked by fear (49,875)
by Andy from Germany
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The human voice ages as well as the body does. That's evident. It is a muscle that can be trained and build up but as the other muscles in your body will eventually loose their strength with age so does the voice. And there is nothing you can do about that. And it is fine. It is part of the journey of life. Now, certainly the process is pushed by stress, low or no exercise, alcohol, smoking etc. We are all humans and we have our struggles, failures and fears. We all make mistakes. So, Mariah may treated her voice badly. But I think that's what makes her also human. She is not a machine, nor are we still living in the 90's. I love Joni Mitchell and her change of voice throughout the decades, for instance. I'd love to see Mariah embrace this fact as well. I don't need her to keep up with a voice and face that doesn't exist anymore. That's all.
(Saturday 7 February 2015; 11:55)
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Mariah at Jamaica Jazz and Blues festival (49,548)
by Andy from Germany
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Hi there. I hope you are all doing well. I think her performance was incredible judging from the short clips I saw. Hopefully the whole show will be online soon. Concerning "Fantasy", I think that was just a technical malfunction. She couldn't hear what was coming out of the speakers or the monitor earplugs were not on. Plus I am sick of comments on her outfits. She doesn't give a f*** about what people think about her looks and you gotta credit her for that. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
(Sunday 1 February 2015; 14:12)
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Re: Pearl Palms concert on Spotify (48,856)
by Andy from Germany
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I can't listen to the album. Any thoughts or help? Thank you in advance and a happy New Year to all of you. 
(Wednesday 31 December 2014; 13:25)
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Signature song (48,719)
by Andy from Germany
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Except for AIWFCIY, I think MC signature songs vary from continent to continent (and even from country to country). For example, "Without you" was a massive hit for MC in Germany and Europe. It is still more popular than "Hero". "We belong together" wasn't doing so well in Europe. Then there is "I want to know what love is". That was huge in Brazil for weeks. So, depending on the market place and the taste of each country in the world, MC signature songs differ. Wishing you all Happy Holidays and a lovely 2015. 
(Monday 22 December 2014; 13:47)
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Mariah and Madonna (47,960)
by Andy from Germany
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In the same room and plane? That sounds funny. 
(Tuesday 18 November 2014; 14:30)
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Elusive world tour Europe (47,810)
by Andy from Germany
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Hi everyone. I just hope MC will be extending her tour to Europe next year. It's been a while since she was performing over here. And I am also happy that she is back on track vocally. Have a great week you all.
(Wednesday 5 November 2014; 11:39)
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8 Questions with MC (46,816)
by Andy from Germany
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I really enjoyed this short interview. I felt it was more grounded and calm than other ones. Also, this interview showed the smart and working side of MC.
(Wednesday 17 September 2014; 14:50)
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No Way Tired (45,879)
by Andy from Germany
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Just a short shout out to Gilles and May for responding. Thank you so much. Take care. And kisses, André.
(Wednesday 6 August 2014; 0:05)
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Heavenly lyrics (45,845)
by Andy from Germany
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Hi there. This question goes out to the Christians of you. Why did MC used the reference "You don’t have to speak up" as an intro of the song? I feel like the preaching part stands contrary to the lyrics of the song. Wouldn't you have to speak up for yourself in order to survive or overcome a burden? Surly you can ask God for strength but still you need to open your mouth yourself. .And I am sure Miss Carey had to speak up a lot for herself in the music industry to become such a huge star. So why did she choose this opening passage? Please explain to a stupid atheist. Thank you. 
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 9:48)
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General thoughts (45,263)
by Andy from Germany
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First of all I wanna say hi to every out here. I am new to the messageboard. I really like the new Mariah record. I had to listen to it several times in order to get it, but that's how it feels with every new record of hers. I first didn't like MOAIA but then it became one of my favorites. The same goes with MIAM. I still don't like Faded and Supernatural but tracks like Cry., Dedicated, One more try or Meteorite are on the loop now. I really hope there is a video clip for YDKWTD coming out soon in order to promote the album. Personally, I don't like any speculations about what song might be about. I enjoy having my own thoughts and feelings about each song. You guys take care and have a good one.
(Tuesday 8 July 2014; 1:14)
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