Mariah Carey wrecks Dubai bellydancer's show
When bellydancer Silvia Ramos arrived for her nightly performance at a Lebanese restaurant on February 20th, 2017, she was delighted to hear Mariah Carey was in attendance. It was no secret that Mariah was in town to sing at Dubai Jazz Festival - her first public performance since the New Year's Eve fiasco.
Mimi's sizable entourage included six bodyguards, boyfriend Bryan Tanaka, manager Stella Bulochnikov and her teenage daughter, as well as Mariah's adorable twins Moroccan and Monroe, aged nearly six. Before the show began, one of the bodyguards approached Ms. Ramos.
"He wanted to make sure I knew Mariah Carey was there, so I wouldn't have some kind of fan girl meltdown, I suppose. He asked me not to approach their table, which I wouldn't have anyhow - in Dubai dancers stay on the stage. Then, the agent came over to see what I was wearing! She said, 'I just wanna see your costume, we have kids over there, and we don't want them to see - you know what I mean.' I don't know what weird ideas they have about bellydance. My costumes are completely appropriate. Afterwards, the restaurant manager commented, 'They are American and they worry about that?'"
Ms. Ramos began her show turning with fan veils, which are two long silk veils attached to paper fans, before putting them away in her bag behind the drummer. "To my surprise, the bodyguard now asked me to come and dance closer to their table, so they could make a video. The agent's daughter tucked some money into my costume, I didn't see what currency or how much. She then followed me onto the stage, and dug into my bag to take out my fan veils. I couldn't believe my eyes. She gave one fan veil to each of Mariah's kids, who were running around the restaurant. They dropped them on the floor and trampled on them, put them over their heads, all of that. Mariah's boyfriend was making a video of it. I was so shocked. I didn't know if I should stop dancing - and be the mean bellydancer who takes toys away from kids - or risk my silk fan veils getting damaged. After the show, I saw what kind of tip they had given me. It was four US dollars!"
Perhaps in Mimi's Los Angeles neighborhood four bucks is considered a substantial gratuity. In Dubai, not so much. "The security guy came backstage to tell me they were very happy with my show. I said, 'Yes, I can see that, they went through my bag and took my stuff!' He saw my expression and said, 'Oh, do you need it back?' Yes please! Then, the agent's daughter came to ask what time the next show would be. I told her it would be in another hour and half. She said, 'But we are leaving!' I thought to myself, 'Yeah, thank God. Just go.'"
"The restaurant manager asked me to do my second show earlier. I changed into another costume, and searched for my bag for my full-size veil, but it wasn't there. I stepped out, ready to start the show with dabke music and a cane instead - and found the agent's daughter standing there, wrapped in my veil. She wanted to 'do the show' with me. At this point, I was just speechless with the lack of respect."
Let's imagine just for a moment someone doing this to Mimi. "I kept my cool and decided to just roll with it. I danced with the cane for a while, and then handed it over to the girl. She pretended to be playing golf with it, and pole dancing with it. I just stood in the sidelines and let her embarrass herself."
Ms. Ramos won't be wishing for another chance to perform for Mariah and her crew anytime soon. "In all my years of dancing, I've never seen people behave this way - not caring at all if they are disturbing the show, taking my things without permission. And she's a professional performer! She should know better."
How does that song go again? "No, I can't forget this evening, or your face as you were leaving, but I guess that's just the way the story goes..."
(World of Dancers)
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Betty from Canada wrote:
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I feel bad for the dancer and for Mariah.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 05:26)
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Gemma from Australia wrote:
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I can't believe that poor dancer was surprised lol. I understand Mariah Carey's six year old children do it because they don't know any better and because she's Mariah Carey, but that hag of a manager letting her teenage daughter do it is rediculas. I think that Stella bitch thinks she is the adored famous one and not Mariah. Does anyone else think that? Lol.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 07:55)
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Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter wrote:
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I can't say I feel bad for Mariah here because Mariah being the boss and adult should have stopped them immediately. Instead of sitting to watch a second show and allowing Mishka to pull a stupid stunt by getting on stage. She should have left them all at home because this isn't the first time they've been embarrassing and obnoxious in public.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 10:48)
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this_is_qhm from the Philippines wrote:
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Two things: 1. It just seems a little hypocritical for the person who allows and probably even encourages Mariah to wear the parade of tacky outfits we have been subjected to over the last two years, not to mention whose daughter most likely had a hand in picking those terrible outfits and posting them for the entire world to see, to be suddenly worried about having kids around to see "things" that the belly dancer might show. The poor dancer's ensemble probably even looked more decent than anything this dumb mother-daughter tandem allowed Mariah to be photographed in. Please, even if the dancer happened to also be a hooker, she'd still have more class in her eyelash than both Stella and Mishka have combined. Besides, knowing what Mariah has been wearing, Roc and Roe have probably already seen everything. When Roc says "boobies and butts", you know they're already up to speed. 2. I have pretty much learned to accept that Mariah has submitted herself completely to Stella's top-notch skills as a manager. So when stories like these come up, I just have to repeat Mariah's own words - it just don't get any better.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 11:46)
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Lila from United States wrote:
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Not, particularly, a far fetched story and the dancer doesn't gain anything by lying about Mariah's manager's daughter. If she were going to lie, it's more than likely she'd have played up Mariah's part more but she's only involved in this story indirectly. The story itself isn't surprising. Mishka's an illiterate, unmannered, brat that the world is, more than likely, going to knock flat on her ass and the other daughter too. It never ceases to amaze me just how completely surrounded by fools, the entire 9 yards, even down to the security (who the hell goes "oh, you need them back?" when the woman just said that the brat was going through her bag? That implies immediately that she didn't give them permission to go through her bag or take her stuff and yes she needs and wants her stuff back ), Mariah is. But as I said before, she's one of them so, oh well. Lastly, yes, it is entirely rich, Mishka saying that there are "kids over there". 1) Mariah dresses in lingerie and attire that most of Western society would only deem appropriate if you're going into prostitution in front of Roc and Roe. Ho Ho Ho. 2) She's nothing but a child her own self.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 15:53)
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Lila from United States wrote:
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Correction, to my post, it was Stella who did it but then, the sentiment still remains the same, amazingly enough, minus the 2nd statement. In fact it's worse because I've seen pictures of Stella, looking horrible (and that's putting it nicely), with Mishka on a pole, at a party that looked to be for adults.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 16:06)
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