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Underrated album - Emotions/Charmbracelet (63,709) by IheartMC from USA
Hi guys, I am a fellow lamb since the Emotions era. I have to say I think Emotions was originally an underrated album which includes the title track and so many other gems such as:
- So Blessed
- Can't Let Go
- If It's over
- You're so cold
- The Wind
- Til the end of time
- And you don't remember
- Make It Happen
As you can tell I thoroughly enjoy this album and think Mariah really created such a great timeless piece of work. In regards to Charmbracelet, hailed as her "comeback album" was another album of hers that was overlooked. The album isn't as strong as previous albums, however it is a cohesive mature piece of work which has a balance of signature and new wave Mariah sounds. I wasn't initially the biggest fan of this album, but overtime I have learned appreciate and closely listen to each track furthermore making it a new favorite. Songs that I love from the album are below. I love how the album is a vibe.
- I only wanted
- Through the rain
- Subtle Invitation
- My Saving grace
- Lullaby
- Yours
- Bringin on the Heartbreak
- Clown
- The One
- You got me (wish there were no rappers)
What are your thoughts/faves?
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 19:42)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,699) (63,708) by Andrew from UK
Spoken like a true man, Sheila, as always.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 19:16)
Official Show Photos (63,707) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Official show photos, finally got a good look at the white dress. Very cute and flirty. The Grammys 2006 tease. The closing number dress. The fierce "My All" dress.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 19:11)
Re: Perez Hilton (63,681) (63,705) by Malcolm from Asia
This is the whole part of his podcast where they discussed about Mariah's Vegas show: "Let's talk about Vegas. I saw JLo and Mariah Carey and this might surprise people, it's surprise me, I enjoyed the Mariah Carey show better than JLo. And here's why."
"Is she singing again?"
"Yuh. She's always been singing. "
"She kinda was falling apart there for a little bit."
"I know there was some stuff."
"There was a moment yes but she sounded amazing but even more than that, like I think that JLo was a better performer. She's a performer, Mariah is a singer although I loved her energy that she had on stage like Mariah is not a dancer but she sounding great and also gave off this vibe that she was so happy to be there. But that's not why I enjoyed the show, it was just a better production and if I somehow was able to get access to the financials and how much they spent on it, Mariah's show just looked like money. Whereas JLo's show by comparison having seen both back to back felt low-budget. Some of my friends there from Vegas is like 'Oh it is because of that theater.' I'm like no, Britney is in that theater. And the Britney's show feels bigger budget than the JLo one. I think JLo needs to revamp the show in the future but with a brand new creative team, like she barely had any visuals."
"Is the set flat?"
"Yah, the set was front-loaded meaning there was only one big set piece and that was the very top of the show. And then afterwards there was just small things that moved whereas with Mariah, it was a big set and used in such an inventive way from the lighting to the videos, to the graphics to everything. And it really felt past and present like I was getting current day Mariah but she did all of her #1 songs and there were throwback moments and throwback videos from the past like JLo didn't have any of that. Like usually when you go see somebody in Vegas like Britney, she'll have like a megamix video of all of her best videos and looks and performances and all that jazz but I didn't get that. And even the fashion. I didn't think the fashion for JLo was amazing. She's a great dancer but I thought the choreography was not inspired like she needs a better team to put on her show for her."
"Did it feel like a money grab?"
"No. She's still gave her all."
"She gave her all okay, so it wasn't like completely phoned-in set."
"No. Not whatsoever. Well it did feel not completely on the cheap clearly, but it didn't feel as big budget as I would've like. It didn't feel as big budget as the Britney's show or as the Mariah's show."
"But there long enough whether not a two-month run, right? So she must put a lot more money into it."
"Oh yeah, yeah. I mean maybe she wasn't given more I don't know what it is, I wasn't disappointed."
"I got you, I got you. Like Mariah's better."
"Yeah which surprised me because I was for sure gonna be like 'Oh my god JLo is gonna like, oh let me have it or whatever.'"
"Give you a lot of fashion."
"I mean she did but I didn't even love it."
"So what did Mariah do, that so, like I'm ashamed to say I don't believe I've ever seen Mariah Carey live. So I mean it is like a Rihanna-type show, is it more like an Adele show or she just stands there."
"No. No, it was a big production, she had multiple costume changes, she had a huge set, she had huge set pieces like a car came in and out, a jet ski came in and out."
"Oh that's cool."
"Yeah, like huge graphics in an entire video wall that she actually used. JLo had a video wall too and she barely used it. I don't know why because in that same theater, Britney uses the video wall and JLo doesn't. Mariah had dancers and everything, it was a diva-pop star meets vocal awesome performance."
"I haven't heard anyone actually comment on Mariah until now, is it a brand new show? Are you there for like night 3 or something or is everyone just kinda miss about on how good this really is."
"No it's not a brand new show but she was in Vegas I think last year and I think that this might be her first show since last year."
"Ah okay, maybe that's it."
It gives me smile that he felt the show is really good. It's just an honest opinion and doesn't had any amount of shade, I love it.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 16:41)
Lipping I Don't Wanna Cry (63,704) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
While she has gotten better at miming, she really hasn't been great at it. She fails to mimic the struggle in her face that comes with singing the high notes, and that's what gives her away. Whether or not that's okay depends on context and consideration. For one of the best singers that has ever walked this earth, no. For an aging diva whose voice has gone through more than its fair share of wear and tear, sure. But at the end of the day, I'm just glad she still does put in some work and actually sings even if it's 60-70% most of the time. And like someone here said, it's still her voice she's lip-synching to, it's not like she went all Milli Vanilli on us. It's times like these when we can seek comfort in the fact that at least it wasn't 2014-bad.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 16:17)
Article: Here's why Demi Lovato quit Twitter and Instagram (63,703) by 90sMariah from SG
She should be the first recipient of her mental health charity. I mean, c'mon, you all know she's whack.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 15:31)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,699) (63,702) by Musti from UK
I agree Sheila. Some people seem to go stupid when it comes to her voice. Do any of you sound like the toddler you once were? Or when you were in your 20s? I hope for your sake that you don't. Some of you on this board haven't even reached that age. Perhaps that explains the endless immature commentary. Let it go guys. You're only disappointing (and quite possibly hurting) yourselves.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 14:28)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,699) (63,700) by Carlos from Brazil
I had to say this: Thank you Sheila. I totally agree with you.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 13:23)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,695) (63,699) by Sheila from United States
Ladies, they all lip from one time or another. She's not Jesus. She is a human being over 40 years old whose vocals are still great but not in her prime. Why do we keep going over this over and over and over again? Are we stupid on this site? Are you blind? We know she mimes from time to time. Who cares?
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 12:13)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,684) (63,698) by George Golden from UK
It feels to me like you just watch and listen to her to find faults. She is only human. You make it sound like lipsyncing is a crime. At the end of the day lip or not it's still her voice. She sounded good on 17/6 show and I just felt you were trying to take that away with your comments.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 8:52)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,684) (63,697) by 123 from USA
Here are some other lipped synched moments from the 17th and 18th.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 6:47)
Vegas June 17 and 18 (63,696) by darrian liu from taiwan
Amazing, amazing vocals. I'm so proud of how Mariah seems to be so dedicated in improving her vocals. She's been improving so much, I might as well say this is her third prime. Vision Of Love gave me serious goosebumps and it was vocally bombastic. TGIFY performances are always consistently great. Here's an amazing compilation for the two dates.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 5:51)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,684) (63,695) by 123 from USA
Speaking of lipped, I leave this right here.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 5:51)
Time (63,694) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
So glad to see a big name and respectable magazine giving a concise and properly informed article with facts and details. Seems like everyone is on MC's "side" (probably because the damn meme was right in the first place, though beside the point). Love how they ended the article.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 5:46)
Re: MIAM (63,670) (63,693) by Tevin from USA
I think she fell head over heels for Nick, but part of me, not to be too in her business, feel that she kind of married him to have kids and a family. No effince but Mariah was getting older, and she could have been hoping to start a stable family, hence why immediately after getting married they said they started trying for kids. But idk, this is all just an assumption on my part.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 5:03)
Re: Demi (63,679) (63,691) by Tevin from USA
If lambs united to buy and promote Mariah music like they did with attacking Demi, Mariah would be back on top. It's crazy I went to look at Demi Lavoto's instagram and pics from like the last to weeks are flooded with lamb and goat emojies. The lambs have pretty much shut down Demi Lovato's instagram. I can picture Mariah saying to Demi about her instagram to shut it down. Like she did on "Wild and out lol".
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 4:57)
Re: Disgusting video (63,686) (63,690) by Tevin from USA
She must be a Demi fan. Let this be a lesson people on why you should not do drugs.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 4:54)
Re: Disgusting video (63,686) (63,689) by RibbonB from USA
That person is a dummy and giving her video comments just gives her attention. She even had Mariah's brother noted as her father so you know she is ignorant and attention seeking. Obviously people will comment if they want, but this person is not Demi Lovato and the attention will only benefit her.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 2:05)
Re: Disgusting video (63,686) (63,688) by Seth M from South Africa
It is very annoying and I left 2 comments on her video.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 1:17)
Re: It's finally over (63,680) (63,687) by Licia from USA
I knew you quoted all that from Wikipedia. I'm so done. Lmao.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 0:20)
Disgusting video (63,686) by Billy from Greece
To anyone that finds this video and commentary about Mariah as disgusting as I did, please leave a comment like only a lamb knows how.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 23:55)
Re: It's finally over (63,669) (63,685) by Andrew from UK
So tempted to call this one the "Honey-B Lie"? Lol.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 23:30)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,616) (63,684) by Andrew from UK
Perhaps you should apologise to the guy that built and runs this website for accusing him of favouritism or a dishonest approach. I'm sure everyone is certain he disagrees with my points sometimes. Some posts don't even make it on the board. Frequently. And no doubt I would disagree with some of his opinions. But if you are going to ask him to post your own points, perhaps at least show him some respect. Further, if I were to wish people "kicked off this board" it would be people who, I dare say, are clearly making false representations about the facts. Perhaps we didn't watch the same video, but the one I saw was heavily lipped. Fans and lambs alike, can tell when she's lipping, be they fans since the nineties or noughties. I stood in an arena not so long ago and danced and sang and shouted despite knowing much of it was lipped. What I can't abide is lambs trying to pass off clear lip-syncing as live singing. It's unworthy of intelligent discourse and definitely unworthy of honest people. You may label people who have the same views as me as "haters" or any other lame non-descript word, you may even do it in the quite immature way you did it, but facts are facts. If my posts are such that you wish I were, petulantly, "kicked off" this board, don't read them and post things worthy of yourself. Whilst I absolutely get frustrated sometimes with other people's standpoints (on a woman and career I invest and have invested a good part of my life in), to ask they be actually prevented from making them would be quite vulgar and I apologise if at any point if I have ever done so. Much more preferable to counter-argument things I disagree with or to label something as a lie that I absolutely believe not to be true. And, no, the webmaster is not my friend. But anybody who loves Mariah is welcome to consider me theirs, regardless of our different opinions, preferences or approaches. Peace out, Georgie-boy.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 23:20)
Re: Wendy Williams (63,672) (63,682) by Seth M from South Africa
Yes. Wendy is very jealous of Mariah. I can't believe that she said on her show that she predicts that Mariah and James won't get married because Mariah is annoying to be friends with or get married to. Wendy will look like a clown the day MC and JP tie the knot. Then Wendy has to give her viewers a refund for her inaccurate prediction and can blame it on her crystal ball malfunction. By that time, a house would have fell on her.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 22:43)
Perez Hilton (63,681) by Jenny from South Africa
Perez Hilton saw JLo's show and then Mariah's when he was in Vegas the other weekend. I just heard a clip of him on instagram saying that to his surprise he preferred Mariah's show. He said JLo's a performer but Mariah's a singer and she looked so happy to be there. Although I shouldn't really care what other people think of her I have to admit it made me really happy/proud to hear him saying that. He had posted more pics from JLo's show on his personal instagram account so I had thought initially that he preferred her show.
(Tuesday 21 June 2016; 21:59)


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