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Re: Repetitive (63,747) (63,749) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
Well it's because here in this messageboard, we love Mariah so much that we start unconsciously adopting some of her infamous qualities:
3. Epic shade-throwing. No explanation needed.
2. Repetitiveness. Just like her setlists and her retelling of her story about how she's been to beauty school and sucked (among other stories), our mantra 90% of the time seems to be, "Hey, you know what's interesting? Lip synching. Let's beat whatever is left of that dead horse and beat it again later on."
1. I don't know her/him/them/etc. We love to just ignore certain posters whom we loathe. They're just dead to us. (This one actually works well for this board, though.)
(Friday 24 June 2016; 13:54)
Re: Mariah's World (63,740) (63,748) by B from USA
It's an error. I always read that it's premiering in the fall.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 13:29)
Re: Repetitive (63,743) (63,747) by B from USA
I was wondering the same thing myself.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 13:27)
My All remix is way better (63,745) by Giovanni from USA
Am I the only one who likes the remix better than the original? The remix is awesome. It makes me move and dance. I was watching Mariah's performance of "My all" at Divas Live. She killed that performance.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 7:23)
Don't be fooled (63,744) by Amber C from USA
Don't be fooled by this "we are happy" mess. It's bull. When Nick or Mariah talk about the situation they start of casual then their manor and speech gets formal. As if they're hiding something or putting their thoughts through a filter. We know damn well neither wanted to sign the papers. I'm not fooled easily.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 6:30)
Re: Repetitive (63,737) (63,743) by Marissa from USA
These are the types of discussions that emerge when there's no new music. There's only so many different ways that you can discuss old music and interviews. It's hard to have fresh dialogue when there is basically nothing fresh or new happening as of now. So no matter how many innovative discussions people try to create eventually the same petty, washed up topics of JLo, Mottola, lipsyncing, etc. will pop up.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 6:03)
Re: Repetitive (63,737) (63,741) by 123 from USA
Can I get an amen. It seems like the same negative subjects keep getting replayed and then everyone gets sucked into responding. And one more thing while you brought this up. I have been visiting another forum and they talk about a variety of topics, which is what this messageboard used to be like.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 4:46)
Mariah's World (63,740) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So, Google says that Mariah's World was due to premiere on E on June 19th. Clearly this didn't happen. Hoping that this was an error to begin with, and not a MIAM part 2.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 2:38)
Article: Mariah Carey receiving "Giving Me Life" award (63,739) by HerLoverboy from New Zealand
Sounds like a fun cringey mess. Hope Mariah sends a body double to collect it on her behalf.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 2:22)
Re: Repetitive (63,737) (63,738) by Ty from USA
Agree, those hateful ones are still on that lipsinging topic even when she sings her heart out, this just gets worse and worse lol. Unhappy [censored] while Mimi counts those $.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 1:21)
Repetitive (63,737) by Gee from U.S.A. (New York City)
I have notice this message board has become a place of repetitive subjects about either Mariah's fashion, her voice, and the dreadful JLo saga. At this point these subjects have been beat like a dead horse can we find other topics to discuss or has this message board become that narrow minded? Honestly I am more eager to see where MC's journey takes us next rather than keeping on discussing the same subject matters that we can not change the results to. Have a productive day/night Archives family.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 0:29)
Re: Lip syncing (63,729) (63,736) by Chicago Lamb from USA
It really shouldn't frustrate anyone if she lips here and there. But what frustrates me, is when she lips and the quality of her tone isn't in line with what she's lipping to. Now that the voice is in waaaay better shape than it was a year ago, I don't mind. Like someone said, they all have to lip.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 22:26)
Re: Lip syncing (63,729) (63,735) by Andrew from UK
The excuse that "everyone lip syncs" is misleading. It suggests that other artists do it as much as Mariah has over the past ten years. She is now known equally for lip-syncing than for singing. It pervades almost every song. The "it doesn't matter because it's her voice" ruse is absurd. If it doesn't matter to the public that it's not live singing she may as well just stand on stage and touch her [censored] and not bother moving her mouth. She moves her mouth to try to convince everyone it's her, and not studio manipulation. You are correct in that it is a lie and is wrong. And when she sings live she struggles to get anywhere near the pre-record in terms of range and quality. However, and a big however, I probably wouldn't bring it up again if people didn't insist on trying to pass of lip-syncing as the real thing. Or admit that she is lip-syncing but it doesn't matter for an ever-increasing number of reasons. Rather people just stayed mute about it and not try to further the lie. Then it will be put to bed.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 21:42)
Re: Lip syncing (63,729) (63,734) by RibbonB from USA
The other option is she could stop performing altogether, but I'm sure she has no desire to stop. So perhaps this is her happy medium. I think she just wants to give fans a good experience of her hits and people like them to sound similar to what they know when they pay to see a show.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 21:28)
Re: Lip syncing (63,729) (63,733) by Ty from USA
Not sure I mind the lip singing anymore. For the most part she sounds excellent in Vegas and the wardrobe is on fire. I just wish her continued success.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 19:30)
DJ Mimi (63,732) by Ian from United Kingdom
In my experience as a DJ of 20 years most celebrity DJs have someone cueing the music, working the mixer etc. in the background. She will probably pose a lot with headphones strategically placed so as not to mess her hair up and do very little work. I'm sure she'll have input as far as the playlist goes but I'm sure she's just out to have a bit of fun.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 17:27)
DJ Mimi (63,731) by RibbonB from USA
This sounds like another moment for her reality show, lol. I hope she spins some good music. Maybe a new dance cut of her own?
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 16:04)
Article: Mariah Carey to make DJ debut this weekend in Las Vegas (63,730) by Musti from UK
I'm quite excited about this. I am not sure what to expect but it might inspire her to try new things on the next album. I doubt it will be anything like Tiesto (and I really hope not). But if she ends up experimenting with other producers/DJs like George Fitzgerald, Saje, Mount Kimbie, James Blake, Nicolas Jaar, etc I'm all for it. There is so much talent out there. It's just a matter of being aware of it.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 16:02)
Lip syncing (63,729) by Randy from USA
I'm trying to hold my tongue and be positive because my criticism of MC has caused many on this board to think I don't like her or I have outgrown her. I can't on this topic though. Lip syncing is fraud. Yes I know everyone does it. A couple of years ago I was watching Chris Brown perform on the BET awards and I was pissed that it was clear that he was singing to his own voice. To me that is still fraud. And a couple of you are saying well they're still singing to their own voice. But a voice in the studio is manipulated. Anyone can sound good in the studio so again, it doesn't prove you can actually sing. Do you know how many singers out there who can actually sing and can't get a break because they're fat and unattractive or they don't know the right people? So to me this is taking your fans money and the one thing they ask of you is to sing well and you can't do it without help. Then what are we paying you for? Patti never lip sync'd unless the venue required it. Neither did Aretha. Nor does Fantasia or J Hud or Ledisi. Whitney sounded horrible in years leading up to her death and she went out like a soldier. MC is someone who many consider the best voice of all time. Remember MTV named her #1 vocalist of the past 22 years in 2003, and she said I don't feel that way about myself, which I felt was very telling. I'll say this. She has been sounding really good lately in Vegas and I'm hoping that translates onto American television during her next promotional push, where she usually falls apart. It's also telling she has been promoting Vegas and ain't sang a note on Kimmel or on Kelly and Michael. But again you all will say she's saving her voice. I know Janet lip syncs, so does Beyonce at times, Britney Spears, J Lo, Usher, Justin Bieber and Madonna. I am disgusted with them too. But MC is a singer by profession. Not singing means you're not doing your job. How many of you can collect pay and not do your job? I saw Charmbracelet in 2003 and I wanted my money back because she lip syncd constantly. I could hear the differences in the mic whenever a high full voice chest belt was to come. Forget Stella, the ensembles, James Packer and the splashes. I don't care about that stuff. None of us pay to see MC act a certain way. We pay to hear her sing. This is the topic that irritates me most. Yeah other artist do it, but that doesn't make it right. If your voice isn't what it used to be, lower the keys of your song and change the arrangement.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 14:12)
Re: Mariah on Mario Lopez (63,721) (63,728) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Thanks a bunch.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 13:39)
Re: Mariah on Mario Lopez (63,724) (63,727) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Stop playing with my heart.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 13:38)
Mariah Carey on Mario Lopez 2016 (63,725) by 123 from USA
Mariah Carey on Mario Lopez. I love that she is doing radio interviews again.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 7:20)
Re: Mariah on Mario Lopez (63,714) (63,724) by 123 from USA
She's already discussed recording new music during her Vegas residency this month and that they've reached out to some people already to work with but she wouldn't go into detail citing she doesn't want her intellectual property again. I'm guessing a new song will come out to coincide with the docuseries this fall.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 6:49)
My All June 21st (63,723) by 123 from USA
She threw everything but the kitchen sink into this performance. It's funny because when the pre-record comes on it sounds inferior to her live vocals in this song. You really feel the emotion in this performance. I love it that she is growling again, it gives me early 90's Mariah nostalgia. She needs to change up the rest of her songs like this and let the emotion take her over when she sings.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 6:39)
Re: Lip synching (63,716) (63,722) by darrian liu from taiwan
MIAM showcases her whole 5 octaves though. It goes down to G#2 in The Art Of Letting Go and up to G#7 in Heavenly.
(Thursday 23 June 2016; 4:54)


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