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We don't know him has his dominance too (106,396) by Bobby A from United States
I realized that my debut chart number was wrong after I checked Wikipedia. It was one of those false bait ads that showed up on my phone as a "Newsbreak" ad and it got me good. They always have an embellish headline to make you click on the article. Another bait ad that got me was an ad that said that Princess Kate was out of the public eye because Prince William was having an affair. Well, we know that wasn't true. Anyway, JT is not as popular as was 10 years ago.
(Saturday 11 May 2024; 13:47)
this is a reply to message 106,393
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,395) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Everybody rembers, every fan of Mariah remembers what happened in 2001 with JLo stealing the Fire Cracker sample and making an [almost] identical song from Glitter with "I'm Real" with Ja Rule, don't become an Andrew 2.0.
(Saturday 11 May 2024; 12:57)
this is a reply to message 106,392
Article: Mariah Carey recalls feeling the need to "disappear" (106,394) by Mara from United States
Yes, me too. I don't know why but I always felt it was about that NYE disaster and how she was the brunt of all the jokes and how embarrassing it must have felt for her. Mariah being the phoenix that she is, of course came back on that stage the following year and proved she can do it but I can't imagine how that must have felt for her. Portrait really made me think of that with "Where do I go from here, how do I disappear."
(Saturday 11 May 2024; 08:04)
this is a reply to message 106,370
We don't know him has his dominance too (106,393) by dicky kw from indonesia
It actually debuted at #4 but has fallen out of the Billboard 200 charts after only 4 weeks. Not sure abt the low ticket sales though. But I noticed that he has received so much hate lately. Just like JLo.
(Saturday 11 May 2024; 07:47)
this is a reply to message 106,391
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,392) by Zachariah from Croatia
Finally, someone remembers.
(Saturday 11 May 2024; 02:37)
this is a reply to message 106,390
We don't know him has his dominance too (106,391) by Bobby A from United States
Justin's new album and tour has flopped. A No.19 Billboard 200 debut with poor concert ticket sales is not good for someone who had 3 best selling albums and tours 10 years ago.
(Friday 10 May 2024; 23:26)
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,390) by Libra Lamb from USA
We've seen a bunch of these JLo hate videos recently too, they are making the rounds on social media and YouTube. I actually almost started to feel bad for her but then I remembered what she did to Mimi and I got over that real quick. I hate it for her but we reap what we sow and it's finally caught up to her. To quote MC "I still don't know her".
(Friday 10 May 2024; 22:09)
this is a reply to message 106,389
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,389) by Matty from Vancouver Canada
This video was so interesting to watch. I remember Ashanti being very open about singing JLo's songs, but wow is that laundry list long of who's sang for her. Also, the shady comments about amazing actresses, if Mariah ever said something like that she would never come back from that, and would get the boot from Hollywood circles. I think JLo believes the world was waiting for her and Ben to get back together, and it's honestly the last relationship rekindle anyone asked for or cares about.
(Friday 10 May 2024; 19:06)
this is a reply to message 106,377
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,388) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
She released an album called "This is me... now" that debuted at #38 on Billboard 200 then disappearing the next week. [Then] she releases an visual album, a film with the songs from the album, then a documentary called "The greatest love story never told" about the making of this film, but also about Ben Affleck and her love story. This was meant to be JLo's magnum opus, where she finally would get recognition for her artistry. This has backfired so badly, [because] the film and the documentary are so cringe and bad, that everything JLo has ever done in her career is now coming up to the surface. This is happening on TikTok mostly, so I haven't realized it [either] before I started to see YouTube videos about it.

This is the last post [about] this from me, but the reason I share this here, is [because] Mariah is very much a part of all [these] YouTube videos, [because] she was maybe the most vocal about this over 20 years ago. Even if we don't want to admit it, JLo is a much more relevant person in the cultural canon today, having hundreds of millions of followers on different social media platforms. Mariah was one of the people who tried to tell the world about this stuff 20 years ago, and is now [considered] a hero in all this. The "I don't know her" has [suddenly] got much more meaning.
(Friday 10 May 2024; 10:04)
this is a reply to message 106,379
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,387) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
Well, the [similarities] is that nobody [thought] Mariah would come back. Glitter tanking and Mariah being [bought] out of her contract was considered the nail in the coffin for Mariah's career back then. We only know today that it wasn't.

I think this is a certified last nail in the coffin for JLo's career, because all the stuff that is seeing the light of day is something you can't come back from. Us Lambs have always known this, but the general public hasn't. What is happening now is that the general public is getting to know [these] things, and when you understand that the artist you love doesn't even have their own vocals on their songs, much like Milli Vanilli, well, how can you as an artist defend that? It's impossible.
(Friday 10 May 2024; 09:47)
this is a reply to message 106,382
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,386) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
You don't need be catty with me, don't be a JLo and burn bridges within your community.
(Friday 10 May 2024; 09:38)
this is a reply to message 106,383
Made for me (106,385) by Bobby A from United States
Y'all know already that I over think things way too much. I just can't help it. Listening to snippet that JD shared got me thinking that he was eluding to that MC wrote new lyrics for the second verse. The first verse is the best verse of MFM. A new second verse from MC would take MFM to a different level for a remix. And what if the Soul Train Awards show gospel choir is apart of the remix too? Oh, it is going to be sweet to hear MC on the radio again since we last heard her on BBE. Just my two cents before it drops.
(Friday 10 May 2024; 03:06)
this is a reply to message 106,376
Insider stuff (for laughs) (106,384) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
The MC x Ari tweet got me thinking what Mariah is up to. I don't know if she really found a partner to stream yet but I'm glad that there's still hope for TBL.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 23:27)
this is a reply to message 106,375
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,383) by Zachariah from Croatia
Well it is hard not be catty when J.Lo is in involved. Her somewhat genuine career lasted right about that period, 1997-2001. Then she started stealing songs. Second rate "diva" who can't sustain.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 21:46)
this is a reply to message 106,381
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,382) by Shezz from Pk
Although there are similarities, I don't think it is quite like Mariah's Glitter debacle. Mariah was still around her peak (tail end) and was only around 30 with a majority of her career ahead of her. JLo was at her lowest popularity/ commercial success point before this album. It's like a bad ending to her career since she said this was most likely her last album. A final nail on her coffin. I don't think anybody or even she herself are thinking about she should come back from this. I'm not a fan but not a hater. Whereas I didn't mind her being exposed (being a lamb) I hope she was at least pleased herself with her last project.

I don't know why I feel like Mariah is poised/ gearing up for another favourable era. I'd be happy if she cracks the top 20 on the Hot100 again with her own material (with or without a guest but not as a feature herself).
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 14:42)
this is a reply to message 106,377
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,381) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
No, I don't think I do. I became a fan of Mariah in 1997, I remember everything from 2001 and onward very well. Nice of you to be catty, I appreciate it.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 14:35)
this is a reply to message 106,380
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,380) by Zachariah from Croatia
You missed 23 years then.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 14:27)
this is a reply to message 106,379
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,379) by Jamie from UK
I haven't really been paying attention to this, as much as she's not the best singer I always thought of her as an all rounder. I used to love her films and always thought she was down to earth. What's going on for all this to be happening? What have I missed?
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 13:48)
this is a reply to message 106,377
Muni Long remix (106,378) by Bobby A from United States
Wow, Shezz. This is the best news this week. Somebody pick me off of the floor. Lol. She sounds so good Lambs. I am predicting that the remix is going to be on Muni Long's upcoming album.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 12:54)
this is a reply to message 106,374
Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,377) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
This is a really interesting video made by a very talented youtuber, it's over two hours long and a comprehensive dive into the downfall of Jennifer Lopez. The reason I share it is because Mariah is mentioned quite a bit, and in this JLo debacle, after her album, movie and the documentary about making of the movie have tanked worse than even Mariah's own vanity project, Glitter, Mariah is portraid as somewhat a hero. Mariah was right about JLo all along.

While Mariah managed to bounce back in 2005 with one of the biggest comebacks in music history, because Mariah actually has talent, I just can't se how JLo will come back from this, it's career ending stuff happening now. Everything has been exposed the last few weeks, that she steals other people's music, dosen't sing her own songs, everything her being from the "block" is fake, she might be the most rude and mean celebrity there is, there's just no authenticity, and everything is out there now. It's really fascinating to experience.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 12:52)
Made for me (106,376) by Terna from Nigeria
It's kinda cool and I love Mariah gets to join her on this song. And yes Muni also acknowledged that she wrote the song for Mariah, but Mariah insisted she record it for herself, since it was a career defining song and look at how that song has blown.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 10:54)
this is a reply to message 106,371
Insider stuff (for laughs) (106,375) by Shezz from Pk
The insider who claimed Mariah was doing a remix with Ariana before it was announced (amongst other stuff about it that didn't materialize) had said a month ago that Mariah was working on another remix. Turned out to be the Muni Long one. Here are another couple of interesting things they are claiming:

1. The Audible BFL session is a prelude. She's managed a contract with a streaming giant for the rest of it finally. In another post they said Vevo is teaming up with a great female artist for a special series of performances.

2. Mariah x Ariana (again). Not sure whether it's for BFL or MC16 (if true).

I think we have some interesting times ahead - 2 of which are confirmed, the Muni Long remix and the Audible session. I am sure there's more to come.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 08:55)
Muni Long remix (106,374) by Shezz from Pk
Robert Anthony wasn't it you who said "Made for me" should have been a Mariah song or something like that? Now we're getting a Mariah remix. You really wish things to life.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 05:42)
Made For Me remix featuring MC (106,373) by Brandon from USA
It’s confirmed on JD’s Instagram and Muni Longs instagram that MC is on the Made For Me remix. The snippet sounds so good. I always thought MC would sound great on this song and now I get to hear her. So excited.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 05:21)
Muni Long remix (106,372) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Mariah has another confirmed remix on the way. Y'all have been wanting her to remake this song so she hopped on the remix. She sounds divine and I'm sure I'll enjoy it just sad it won't do much for her.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 04:52)


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