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Daydream (63,624) by George Golden from UK
Mariah sounds amazing in the last two Vegas shows. I just could not believe the way she sailed through IDWC. I was speechless. We need an album for early 2017. A killer album like her best album Daydream. Big ballads, big uptempo, no predictable midtempos, great promo. With all this and her voice in great shape we are bound to have a great era. PS. No rap.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 19:44)
Chrissy (63,623) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Chrissy uploaded the video of her dancing to TMB on her own account and it got around 1.5 million views. I wish this was some other song of Mariah's (since TMB already went to #1) then we could have gotten it viral and it would boost Mariah's back catalogue more.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 19:24)
Re: Father's Day photos (63,615) (63,622) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Hi Mimi L. Just my .02 cents, but I think this relates to Licia's earlier comment about rappers and drugs. A lot of rappers reference drugs in their songs, but don't actually take them. It's a lot more common than one might typically think. Where the line gets blurred a lot in music is how much a song is about the artist's personal life and how much it is not. A lot of dad's can relate to drama in the legal system. Just because he raps something, doesn't mean everything he's saying is autobiographical. Same with Mariah and her songs. That's why she says things like "I like to leave things ambiguous so the listener can relate it to their experience."
(Monday 20 June 2016; 19:20)
Out on a limb (63,621) by Haiji Toro from USA
RibbonB, I like your idea about her singing "I Can't Make You Love Me". She would definitely make it justice. I've personally, always wanted her to remake "Out On a Limb" by Teena Marie. I grew up with this song being a favorite. Although I respect Teena's artistry, and enjoy her music, I seemed to get annoyed when she'd try to sing it live. I just never felt the same emotion I used to feel from listening to it on wax. But anyways, Mariah usually adds one cover song on every album (two on MIAMTEC), what song do you guys think she should cover on her next album?
(Monday 20 June 2016; 18:00)
Re: Father's Day photos (63,615) (63,620) by RibbonB from USA
Well somebody does keep posting negative stories about him on TMZ and they claim the sources are her people. Perhaps access to his kids was when she was on tour, who knows? But overall the song didn't really take any low blows at Mariah. The song got a lot of favorable feedback that a lot of fathers and people in general could relate to. I have read that he said he was taking out his frustration at TMZ and "haters" for claiming he refused to sign for no reason. Well being concerned that his children being safe is a valid reason. It seems like since she has returned from SA they are working on those kinds of custody issues. At least he did say they are "happier than happy", until the next moment. Lol. I liked his line, When you all need something, you all call me, when I need something you all call TMZ." Zinger. And she did write Infinity about him, but she said it wasn't so he had a right to reference that. Lol.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 16:48)
Sex with no context (63,619) by Matthew from USA
I'm not sure why it bothers me, but it does. Maybe I'm just getting old or maybe I'm a prude. I don't have an issue with sex or sexuality in the right context, but to put the sexiness in your face when there is no reason or context for it is just uncomfortable to me. It's like if Mariah were to sing Hero with her breasts out and her crotch barely covered. I get that sex sells, but this isn't even new music. Then I visit the website and the headlines are that Mariah is displaying insane amounts of cleavage and popping champagne over finalizing her divorce in her lingerie and I just wonder what's going on with her. Maybe she hasn't changed. Maybe she has always been this way, but it was less noticeable when she was a young woman. Or maybe I'm the one who has changed. And if this is how I feel, then maybe I should just take a hiatus and let this era pass. Hopefully once she's into her 60's and 70's she will tone it down a bit, unless she's trying to be the next Charo or something. And hopefully she finds someone for her team who can organically incorporate sensuality into her established work, because right now it's just her singing Vision Of Love in a bedazzled bikini for no reason.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 16:13)
Re: I Don't Wanna Cry (63,587) (63,616) by George Golden from UK
It wasn't lipped and it was amazing. You are such a Mariah hater and it's not funny. Maybe you are friends with the webmaster that's why you haven't been thrown off this board.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 11:25)
Father's Day photos (63,615) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
This and this were posted on Nick's instagram where they had a family get together for Father's day. In the captions Nick writes something about how people want them to stay bad so bad but Mariah and him are happier than ever and all. Slightly confusing when he rapped about being worried about his kids and how little time he gets with them, which could have portrayed Mariah in a bad light. But oh well, I'm happy to see them all together, happy and having fun.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 11:02)
I can't make you love me (63,614) by RibbonB from USA
I love this old Bonnie Raitt classic and Adele has a live cover that's being played on radio lately. She did a fantastic job, but she doesn't have the grit or depth that Miss Raitt has. Prince also has an amazing R&B cover of this song, which I also love. Mariah has such a unique sound with depth to her voice. I wish Mariah would really write some simple, yet classic lyrics on her next project. She has given us the hip, playful and tongue in cheek records, diss records and plenty of holiday records. I'm not looking for the 90's over again, but a mature woman who has been living life to the fullest and been through a lot could really tell some stories. I just wish she would keep the lyrics universal not such that they seem about this one or that one. Betcha Gon' Know is one of Mariah's best sung songs in a long time, but the song itself is not timeless nor universal. Has Mariah ever written in the third person before? I wonder how that would affect her songwriting or delivery.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 9:30)
Stella has "Christy" instead of "Chrissy" on IG (63,613) by Susana from USA
How embarrassing to have her name wrong and then post it wrong twice. Obviously same person running hers as MC's.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 9:15)
Re: It's finally over (63,601) (63,612) by RibbonB from USA
Lol also I don't think he has actually signed yet. Other posts have indicated he is ready to sign but for others to respect the process, plus it was just a rap, not necessarily all factual. Who knows what's really real in this whole thing? So much intentional misinformation from all sides. At least they seem to be moving on from this particular tactic. On to the next phase. Lol.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 7:40)
Re: June 17 Vision Of Love and My All Randy (63,611) by Ty from USA
She sounds incredible at this show. I saw the show when she first started and was not impressed but now she sounds impeccable.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 2:13)
Stage presence (63,610) by Musti from UK
I've just had a rundown of some of her recent Vegas performances. I am glad she's decided to do Vegas and then SSFT. Her stage presence has improved significantly and it keeps getting better. I didn't even notice how she doesn't dance or move around much anymore. I know this is Vegas and there are a lot of stage theatrics going on but all one needs to do is compare this month to her first Vegas performance last year. I think she has finally become the live singer that she never was earlier in her career. I can't detect an ounce of stage fright. She's going for all the impromptu chest notes possible.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 2:04)
Mariah and John Legend (63,608) by Giovanni from USA
Need to record a song together for her next album. They killed "With you I'm born again".
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 22:58)
Make up (63,607) by Giovanni from USA
Mariah needs to go back to using the make up she used in 2013. She looked fresh and youthful. The stuff she uses now ages her. Especially the eye shadow.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 22:54)
Ariana Grande (63,606) by Giovanni from USA
[censored] Mariah wished her the best and hoped she could achieve longevity. That was more than enough. What else was she supposed to have said? "She's a great singer"? Ariana isn't even a good singer. [censored] So it's no wonder Mariah didn't praise her voice. I wouldn't have either. Mariah praises voices that are worthy of praise. For instance Beyonce. I don't like Beyonce but the woman can sing and give powerful vocals. She destroys Ariana vocally.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 22:51)
Happy Father's Day (63,603) by Licia from USA
I forgot to wish the dads a happy Father's Day while I was being a meanie and a heathen. So happy Father's Day.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 18:48)
June 17 Vision Of Love and My All (63,602) by Randy from USA
Vision of Love, the best I've seen her sound since the Jimmy Fallon impromptu. She does way too much growling and I still don't think it's impressive enough for the best singer of all time according to some. But there's no lip syncing. She appears to be getting some of her higher full voice belts back. I hope she's not overstraining doing more damage to her voice. But I definitely felt at one point thought she was done vocally and now watching a lot of these videos, there's hope. I wish she would stop singing the Classic Club Remix ending to My All and just do the damn album version but whatever. I'm proud of her for singing live and putting in the work to improve her full belting voice and not just rely on whistles to prove she's still got it. Here is My All in case you haven't seen it.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 18:39)
Re: It's finally over (63,598) (63,601) by Licia from USA
It's not over. He still needs to divorce his wife. Lol.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 18:06)
Re: Why does it matter? (63,590) (63,600) by darrian liu from taiwan
Ariana has a whistle register, but she rarely uses it in live settings. Live, she uses a really airy, strained high falsetto. Ariana has great potential but her technique hinders her. I'm kinda confused on why her team forced the comparisons at first because 21 year old Mariah is far above 21 year old Ariana technically.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 17:53)
Re: Demi (63,577) (63,599) by B from USA
I saw Ariana's imitations on YouTube and she's a talented mimic. I'm not sure if she's a talented singer or just mimicking one.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 17:02)
It's finally over (63,598) by Ardis Logic from Earth
It took long enough, but he finally signed the divorce papers. Now MC can finally move on with her fab life. She seems to be very happy about it. What in the world took so long? He was the one who filed in the first place. Anyway, just glad it's over and done. I can't wait to see her wedding gown. I'm sure she will be stunning. As for his little rap, I don't think anyone really cares about what he has to say, just be a good daddy to your kids and that's all he needs to worry about.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 15:16)
Re: "Vision of Love" 17 June 2016 (63,596) (63,597) by this_is_qhm from the Philippines
I know. It's the best she's done it in a long time. Live through and through. So proud of her. This is the video I'd show naysayers blabbering on about how she can't sing anymore.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 13:49)
Re: "Vision of Love" 17 June 2016 (63,579) (63,596) by Ty from USA
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 11:20)
New pictures (63,595) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Mariah with John and Chrissy. Chrissy jamming to TMB. Mariah is really feeling this bra haha, she seems to be wearing it every day. Lastly this was her final look of the day or night.
(Sunday 19 June 2016; 11:03)


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