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May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,848) by Brandon from USA
I totally agree with Shezz when he says that Mariah is fine doing what she's doing. She's not interested in selling out stadiums anymore. She's happy with doing shows here and there throughout the year and then popping up at Christmas time to collect her coins. I don't get the hunger to master her craft like Celine has right now. Celine could have just lipped her way through entire shows like MC is doing right now but she is hungry to be the best and not ok with deceiving her audience. Celine also has always admitted that the older she gets, her voice has changed and she can't sing like she did when she was younger. MC would never admit the significant changes in her voice. It all comes down to confidence. Celine is confident and MC is not. Celine has done the work to become a dynamic performer and MC has regressed in her craft in my opinion. I'll always champion for MC but she has to get off autopilot and clock in.
(Tuesday 9 July 2024; 14:39)
this is a reply to message 106,843
Lucky Daye (106,847) by Bobby A from United States
Do you think R&B singer, songwriter, and producer Lucky Daye could be that one collaborator MC needs to bring MC16 closer to being finished? This man is a brilliant artist in the way he crafts his songs. His latest album, Algorithm, is a masterpiece. Take a listen to Soft, Mary, and this interview.
(Monday 8 July 2024; 22:47)
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,846) by Will from England
"Nothing great is forged in comfort, and I think she's gotten comfortable with where she's at and what she's achieved." You've hit the nail on the head with this, on where Mariah's head could potentially be. She doesn't have to fight anymore, and so she's taking time to enjoy her life and whatever side quests she's doing at the moment.
(Sunday 7 July 2024; 23:12)
this is a reply to message 106,844
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,845) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, I believe she will never talk openly or at least not now and she won't leave the diva antics because it's a protection. She's not like Céline. Mariah is more like Marilyn Monroe. We all know she loves her, they have some sad things in common. The traumatic childhood, loved by the world but still insecure inside. The relationships with different men that didn't work out. I do wish Mariah would get a little more relaxed. She's even more adorable when she's relaxed and not only the diva the people know her for. The "mop song" was hilarious. She can be so funny. A lot of people don't know that she's so funny.
(Saturday 6 July 2024; 19:21)
this is a reply to message 106,842
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,844) by Norman from USA
That's not happening. I agree she needs to try something a bit different if she actually wants to sell again, but I'm not convinced she cares about it. When she cares, she commits 100% and goes all in. When was the last time she really pushed? Memoires? #Beautiful during Idol? I love Caution and the videos, but I'm not sure she was 100% all in, but she did step a bit outside of her comfort zone by collaborating with some of those producers.

I think she needs a partner to work with, someone like an LA Reid type of figure to push her. I think she does her best work when she's challenged and maybe even doubted, so she fights to prove them wrong. I think it has to be someone with a lot of knowledge and power - someone who she respects but that doesn't just agree with her on everything. Nothing great is forged in comfort, and I think she's gotten comfortable with where she's at and what she's achieved. She's magical in music, but business savvy, PR and branding are whole other beasts she never quite navigated successfully on her own. Her current team might have all the answers and ideas, but is she interested? I don't know.

Do I think she wants that 20th #1 or 21st? Absolutely. I'm just not sure she currently has the drive to do so. Plus, these #1s are kind of a joke these days. They don't seem to be earned as much as they're curated through different media. But that's another Oprah.

I can see her maybe changing up the producers a bit, but I'm not sure what else she'd actually change. There's a lot of different ways she could push for a fresh sound and image while remaining true to who she is, but up to her to want it.

Just my late night 2 cents.
(Saturday 6 July 2024; 12:11)
this is a reply to message 106,840
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,843) by Shezz from Pk
I agree. Mariah and Celine are two very very different people. Mariah is way too guarded and very insecure to let go of her armour. Celine is a performer, that is her essence. Mariah is a creator. Yes it would make her more relatable perhaps to some but she will never open herself up to the ridicule and public shaming that will come with it. I think she deals with enough already. Celine is hungry to be the people's princess. Mariah is not. She is fine doing what she's doing. She doesn't want to sell out stadiums anymore like she did in the 90s. She's happy with theaters and the exponential success she gets during Christmas in between. As far as I know, Celine never said she turned to partial lipping to deal with her issues. She just said she could not sing as well. Those are two very different things. Randy, as beautiful as it may be, I think it's too late for Mariah to learn an instrument. It's clearly never been a priority for her. People still fill up her concerts, good for her and good for the people who enjoy it. I still have high hopes for MC16. I don't think she will suddenly change her style and start making Barbera [sic] Streisand like music. She will make the music that she enjoys. I hope it's something we will all love.
(Saturday 6 July 2024; 07:38)
this is a reply to message 106,842
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,842) by Bobby A from United States
MC's facade (the jokes, the rambling during interviews, and her childhood trauma) that she has built and uses to cope, is going to make it hard to drop her diva antics. It is her shtick now after of these years.
(Friday 5 July 2024; 20:03)
this is a reply to message 106,840
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,841) by Alexis Carrington-Colby from United States
Won't happen.
(Friday 5 July 2024; 18:12)
this is a reply to message 106,840
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,840) by Randy from USA
Mariah is a rebuilding project at this point. The first thing that has to go is the diva like antics. She has to drop the mermaid gowns. The obsession with lighting, hair and make up. Learn to play an instrument, like piano or guitar. She has been saying I'm a terrible piano player for how many years? Long enough to learn the same chords used in all of pop music. My real MCArchives family, listen to the instrumental of We Belong Together. It's four chords. I can play it. And I'm a terrible piano player. Toni Braxton plays piano. Madonna learned guitar. She has the money for a one on one teacher. Once she learns that, she can sit on stage and sing a new song followed by an unplugged version of one of her hits on a talk show. People will respect and love that.
(Friday 5 July 2024; 17:00)
this is a reply to message 106,839
May Céline inspire Mariah? (106,839) by Manuel from Germany
Hey lambs, this is such an interesting video to watch. Céline is talking about the process of learning to sing again after being diagnosed with SPS, being vulnerable, her relationship with her fans, and why she didn't want to occult her fight anymore. It made me think a lot about Mariah. Maybe she watches this too, and maybe it inspires her to talk about her battle with bipolar disorder and having to take medication that influences her performances etc., plus the nodule situation worsening with age. I think if she did some documentary like Céline's, she would be more relatable again, and she still has so many fans all over the world who don't expect her to be perfect and sing like when she was in her 20s. Who knows that she is haunted by her past achievements and who would just like to see her have fun performing again, even with a different repertoire. But hearing Céline speak made me understand the pressures of being such a big star in such a screwed up industry with so many people being on your payroll and the fear of losing it all. Mariah (or anyone from her team) if you read this - we see you struggling girl, and all we want for you is to be happy. We don't expect you to be Sony-Mariah again. You have already proven yourself to the world. You are enough as you are. We love you.
(Friday 5 July 2024; 14:24)
The greatest musical artists of all time (106,838) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Please put Elvis and the Beatles to the list. The one and only king and the fab four should be on it.

1. Elvis Presley 1950/1960
2. The Beatles 1960
Plus Marvin Gaye / Stevie Wonder 1960/1970.

The 90ies with Michael, Mariah, Whitney. What a great music decade it was. I'm happy to have witnessed it. Music with melodies, heart and soul. What's going on now musically especially on the charts is "poor" and boring compared to all the other decades. (There are of course some exceptions.) The new jazz artists are fantastic, the same with some neo-soul musicians.
(Friday 5 July 2024; 13:46)
this is a reply to message 106,837
The greatest musical artists of all time (106,837) by Bobby A from United States
Am I right? Ordered from popularity peak and decade years.

1. Aretha Franklin - 1960s
2. Barbra Streisand - 1970s
3. Michael Jackson - 1980s
4. Whitney Houston - 1980s
5. Tie: Michael Jackson / Mariah Carey - 1990s
6. Celine Dion - 1997
7. Mariah Carey - 2005-2010
8. Taylor Swift - 2010
9. Taylor Swift - 2020
(Friday 5 July 2024; 01:59)
Happy Independence Day (106,836) by RL from USA
To those celebrating today. Enjoying her contributions: Fourth of July, America the Beautiful, and her National Anthem performance from Superbowl immediately post Glitter. If that was her low point period, she really still shined. Happy 4th to all.
(Thursday 4 July 2024; 22:03)
Vacay summer playlist (106,835) by Matty from Vancouver Canada
My albums most associated with summer are Daydream (driving from Ontario to the east coast and sitting by the Atlantic in Halifax on family road trips).

E=MC2 is the most summer album she’s ever put out and I was in 2nd year uni and it was played at every house party while TMB and Migrate were also playing at the club.

MIAM with perfect summer songs like #Beautiful, Dedicated, Money, You Don’t Know What To Do To Me. My sister sitting at the beach in Vancouver splashing in the Pacific.
(Thursday 4 July 2024; 18:16)
this is a reply to message 106,832
MTV Spring Break Hawaii 1998 (106,834) by Billy from Greece
Wow, Butterfliariah. This is so nostalgic and rare and gorgeous.
(Thursday 4 July 2024; 15:49)
Creepy (106,833) by Randy from USA
People need to stop playing with AI because now I have nightmares after viewing this.
(Thursday 4 July 2024; 12:27)
Vacay summer playlist (106,832) by Zachariah from Croatia
I was wondering - do you have any particular Mariah song or an album that you play more during summer or vacation? A song that is linked with a certain memory that happened during summer, such as, romance, a fling, etc etc.

Loverboy and the whole Glitter album is my jam during summer. I have wonderful memories while driving in my car through Croatian seaside and blasting Loverboy from the speakers. I just turned 21 in 2001 and it was number one on our local chart and it was magical time. Great summer.
(Thursday 4 July 2024; 08:33)
Vacation everyone? (106,831) by Bobby A from United States
Best of wishes with your promotion, Xavier. I will have to check out Traveler this summer.
(Thursday 4 July 2024; 02:24)
this is a reply to message 106,830
Vacation everyone? (106,830) by Xavier mariohmix from Spain
Not really. I'm studying for an internal promotion exam at work next September. And also, I've started watching "Travelers" on Netflix. The 40° temperatures during the Spanish summer are so hard. Nice holidays.
(Thursday 4 July 2024; 00:36)
this is a reply to message 106,823
Residency returns (106,829) by Bobby A from United States
I would like to see a couple of special guests like Brandy and David Morales.
(Wednesday 3 July 2024; 22:58)
this is a reply to message 106,825
Vacation everyone? (106,828) by Bobby A from United States
Yes, Shezz. The Bold and the Beautiful is not as good as it was when Stephanie was last on the show. Next year this time may be the last season if William Bell's son Bradley doesn't start writing better storylines during the 2024-2025 season. CBS made him use the show's one year renewal option this year.

I am predicting that MC is going to drop the first single late January 2025. It is going to be an uptempo song produced with Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak.
(Wednesday 3 July 2024; 22:50)
this is a reply to message 106,826
Residency returns (106,827) by Shezz from Pk
I think she'll keep the structure/setlist for the show the same. She's too busy recording her album to record new playbacks for new songs. I'd like her to experiment more with more avant-garde outfits, have more energy (though I don't expect Runriah to return) and sing more.
(Wednesday 3 July 2024; 17:37)
this is a reply to message 106,825
Vacation everyone? (106,826) by Shezz from Pk
B&B is still running? I last watched it when Stephanie was dying and Brook had become her bff. When do you think Mariah is going to drop the first single Robert Anthony? I think she's quite into this album now and won't want to put it on the back burner until after Christmas. I have a feeling we might get something in August post second leg of Vegas.
(Wednesday 3 July 2024; 17:32)
this is a reply to message 106,823
Residency returns (106,825) by Brandon from USA
When MC's residency returns, what would [you] like to see different? New ensembles? New set list with different songs? New stage design and graphics? Less lip syncing lol. Or nothing at all. How do [you] guys feel? I'm interested to hear everyone's view and constructive criticism.
(Wednesday 3 July 2024; 14:56)
Vacation everyone? (106,824) by Brandon from USA
There's nothing new going on in Mariah's World (pun intended) right now. Lol. I hope she's busy working on her new album and carefully planning the rollout and accompanying tour.
(Wednesday 3 July 2024; 14:52)
this is a reply to message 106,823


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