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Why everybody hates the girl we don't know (106,377) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
This is a really interesting video made by a very talented youtuber, it's over two hours long and a comprehensive dive into the downfall of Jennifer Lopez. The reason I share it is because Mariah is mentioned quite a bit, and in this JLo debacle, after her album, movie and the documentary about making of the movie have tanked worse than even Mariah's own vanity project, Glitter, Mariah is portraid as somewhat a hero. Mariah was right about JLo all along.

While Mariah managed to bounce back in 2005 with one of the biggest comebacks in music history, because Mariah actually has talent, I just can't se how JLo will come back from this, it's career ending stuff happening now. Everything has been exposed the last few weeks, that she steals other people's music, dosen't sing her own songs, everything her being from the "block" is fake, she might be the most rude and mean celebrity there is, there's just no authenticity, and everything is out there now. It's really fascinating to experience.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 12:52)
Made for me (106,376) by Terna from Nigeria
It's kinda cool and I love Mariah gets to join her on this song. And yes Muni also acknowledged that she wrote the song for Mariah, but Mariah insisted she record it for herself, since it was a career defining song and look at how that song has blown.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 10:54)
this is a reply to message 106,371
Insider stuff (for laughs) (106,375) by Shezz from Pk
The insider who claimed Mariah was doing a remix with Ariana before it was announced (amongst other stuff about it that didn't materialize) had said a month ago that Mariah was working on another remix. Turned out to be the Muni Long one. Here are another couple of interesting things they are claiming:

1. The Audible BFL session is a prelude. She's managed a contract with a streaming giant for the rest of it finally. In another post they said Vevo is teaming up with a great female artist for a special series of performances.

2. Mariah x Ariana (again). Not sure whether it's for BFL or MC16 (if true).

I think we have some interesting times ahead - 2 of which are confirmed, the Muni Long remix and the Audible session. I am sure there's more to come.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 08:55)
Muni Long remix (106,374) by Shezz from Pk
Robert Anthony wasn't it you who said "Made for me" should have been a Mariah song or something like that? Now we're getting a Mariah remix. You really wish things to life.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 05:42)
Made For Me remix featuring MC (106,373) by Brandon from USA
It’s confirmed on JD’s Instagram and Muni Longs instagram that MC is on the Made For Me remix. The snippet sounds so good. I always thought MC would sound great on this song and now I get to hear her. So excited.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 05:21)
Muni Long remix (106,372) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Mariah has another confirmed remix on the way. Y'all have been wanting her to remake this song so she hopped on the remix. She sounds divine and I'm sure I'll enjoy it just sad it won't do much for her.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 04:52)
Made for me (106,371) by Tevin from USA
Did you all hear that Mariah is going to be on the Made for Me remix? I'm so excited. Jermaine just posted about it today. From the snippet I heard, Mariah sounds great. It's kinda ironic since that song was originally made for Mariah. Lol. I can't wait.
(Thursday 9 May 2024; 04:45)
Article: Mariah Carey recalls feeling the need to "disappear" (106,370) by Bobby A from United States
This is a very interesting article. I always felt Portrait was written about a certain troubling period in her life before Caution. It goes right along with With You being about Tanaka and A No No being about Stella.
(Wednesday 8 May 2024; 23:01)
this is a reply to message 106,368
New hobby (106,369) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
I've got myself a new hobby, binge watching all the YouTube videos bashing the girl we all do not know. It's a joy to see the downfall in real time, exuberating, really.
(Wednesday 8 May 2024; 20:22)
Article: Mariah Carey recalls feeling the need to "disappear" (106,368) by 123 from USA
I feel like she wrote it during the Stella era after the New Year's Eve fiasco. After that situation of being exposed and her vocal talent/ability being questioned I would have wanted to disappear as well. Most people don't know she writes but everyone knows she's famous because of her insane vocal ability. Once her use of pre records got exposed, most people figured it was over for her. I love that we are finally getting more details behind the writing of these songs. It's good to start with Portrait as it's from her most recent album. She's perceived of having everything anyone could ever want. Yet, with all her blessings, she is only human and has had her failures and dark periods in her life. Starting with this song will help humanize her and help spread the word that she is the pen behind the lyrics to all these great songs.
(Wednesday 8 May 2024; 19:04)
this is a reply to message 106,367
Article: Mariah Carey recalls feeling the need to "disappear" (106,367) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
So I'm confused, this episode is about "Portraits" only? But then she talks about TBL and it says she'll explore more songs. Someone break it down for me lol, I'm having a dumb brain day.
(Wednesday 8 May 2024; 02:18)
Met Gala (106,366) by Bobby A from United States
I have never thought of MC as a Met Gala type of woman. It would be cool if she did attend more events like the Met Gala. I have always been curious about how Robert Dinero and MC became such good friends during the promotion of her movie Tennessee. Maybe her acting period in the late 2000s help her connect more with actors. When was her last major acting gig? The Butler?
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 22:03)
this is a reply to message 106,363
Influence - Dem Teens (106,365) by MusicfanJ from Germany
"Monroe, North and Blu Ivy will rule the world one day." I don't think so. But they are lucky, they will never need to do a normal 9-5 job. They can be creative even if there will be no or less success. Maybe one day we will get a duet with Monroe and Mariah. That would be sweet.
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 19:29)
this is a reply to message 106,362
Influence - Dem Teens (106,364) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
Dem Babies are now older than Mariah haha. The way Mariah raised these kids is honestly really beautiful. She is a massive diva but Monroe and Rocky both seem like very normal kids of their age. I love that she's letting them have a normal childhood as much as they can. It'll be interesting to see if they influence her. They already do in some ways because that's how she connected with Ariana, Marshmello, the Kardashians, etc.
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 18:10)
this is a reply to message 106,362
Met Gala (106,363) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
You are correct, not only did she never attend the Met Gala, she also never featured on the cover of Vogue. The latter surprises me more because even though Mariah hasn't consistently been a fashion trendsetter, she has been iconic in more ways than one and I've seen people with less accolades be on the cover multiple times. I would have imagined she would have been on the cover either during her 90s peak or her TEOM/Einstein era. As for the Met Gala, how attendance works is it's $75k per person ticket or you can book a whole table for $350k plus Anna needs to approve the guest. Mariah is usually smart with her money so maybe she never wanted to shell out so much? Also what frequently happens is the designer buys the whole table and picks celebs to go with them, so I'm surprised Donatella and D&G never took her since they're such good friends. Alaia and Karl too. Lastly I think Mariah might feel like the Met is too much pressure for her. She does often feel insecure of being photographed in an angle she can't control and the Met is the biggest red carpet of them all so she might not feel up to the pressure that comes with walking that carpet. She isn't the only A lister never to attend though - Britney, Brad, Angelina, Meryl Streep, Ryan Gosling, Jen Aniston etc also never attended. I always wanted to see her on the Met carpet really taking chances but honestly I've come to terms with her not attending especially with now it just including random people like instagrammers and TikTokers. I still hope to see her on Vogue and other major magazines like Forbes and Time.
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 18:07)
this is a reply to message 106,361
Influence - Dem Teens (106,362) by Matty from Vancouver Canada
Now that Dem Babies are officially Dem Teens (which blows my mind), I wonder if they'll have an influence on Mariah evolving her sound to a new youthful sound and experimental direction? Especially now that Monroe is showing an interest in [music] and hangs out with North West. Monroe, North and Blu Ivy will rule the world one day.
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 15:34)
Met Gala (106,361) by Shezz from Pk
I wonder if they have ever invited her to the event. I'm sure at some point they must have. She might not be the most fashion forward but she is a huge star. Maybe they stopped inviting her after she showed no interest?

Interestingly enough I don't think she has ever been on the cover of Vogue. 1994 was a feature not the cover, that's all that comes to mind. I wouldn't be surprised if Anna Wintour is not a big fan hence no cover or met gala?

Mimi L - this is your department. Enlighten us.
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 14:37)
this is a reply to message 106,359
Adressed to Infinity haters (106,360) by Stacey from USA
I'm glad people like Infinity. For me? It's a hard no. Ugh.
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 03:54)
this is a reply to message 106,356
Met Gala (106,359) by Brandon from USA
I wonder why MC skips the Met Gala every year. It's definitely a who's who place to be. MC is so beautiful that if she were paired with a stylish and innovative designer and stylist (and stepped outside of her predictable comfort zone) she would shut the red carpet down. I know MC isn't in to high fashion like that but I would love to see her there.
(Tuesday 7 May 2024; 02:57)
Bring back the DJ Clue remixes (106,358) by Bobby A from United States
I am sitting here adding the Heartbreaker remix to my workout playlist. One of her best non JD remixes that she has ever released. R&B radio played the remix more than the original. MC should take one of Drake's songs and sample it. It would really get a lot urban radio programmer's attention for sure. By the way, are you following the Drake and Kendrick Lamar rap battle going on right now? We got tracks #8 and #9 from Kendrick Lamar and Drake yesterday. It is very comical these two grown men are playing the dozens by releasing diss tracks everyday. I think this is all a publicity stunt to announce a truce between two with a collaboration album.
(Monday 6 May 2024; 22:56)
After AI (106,357) by 123 from USA
The AI stuff usually sounds horrible but this one really sounds like her. She probably had something to do with the original vocal arrangement on top of writing the song. I didn't really care for it before but with hearing how she might sound on it, I really like it. I hope we get a Rarities 2 where she adds songs she wrote for other artists.
(Monday 6 May 2024; 20:27)
Adressed to Infinity haters (106,356) by Zachariah from Croatia
The video. The video is dumb and cheap. Immediately ruins the song for me.
(Monday 6 May 2024; 07:52)
this is a reply to message 106,342
Growing trend of R&B artists (106,355) by Bobby A from United States
There seems to be a growing trend among R&B artists who are not releasing albums anymore after a decade of hit albums. MC has joined Rihanna, Trey Songz, SWV, En Vogue, Tamar Braxton, Keyshia Cole, Donnell Jones Maxwell, Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, Jennifer Hudson, and Joe in this club. There are many reasons why they are not releasing albums anymore. It makes me wonder if R&B airplay will continue to remain only on the Urban AC charts for many years to come. Rising neo-soul artists like Sir, Lucky Daye and Mahalia will never have major success on the pop charts like those artists who paved the way for them 20 years.
(Monday 6 May 2024; 06:01)
Inspiration for MC (106,354) by Lainsky from Philippines
Last week, I saw this video from Vanessa William's latest release Legs (Keep on Dancin'). She's 61 and can still sing and dance like in her 90's career. She was already popular back then when Mariah was in her third year of success. Perhaps she and this music video can inspire our MC performance-wise in her live concerts and on releasing her next album single. Besides, Vanessa said something nice to her when Virgin Records dropped her just like that.
(Monday 6 May 2024; 05:06)
#2s (106,353) by BFF from United States
"The concept of this video is I have a tan line on my butt." - Mariah on the "Loverboy" video.
(Sunday 5 May 2024; 13:05)
this is a reply to message 106,349


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