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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,287)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I thought the same thing. She was very emotional during Make It Happen. MIH has always been one of her songs that has held a special place in her heart. I went back and watched this today (at 17:45) and it made think Patricia was always proud of MC. It made me cry when MC put her head on her mother. Also, it made think how I tried to make my mother proud of me, but she could not love me completely without thinking about how my existence on this earth was not in her plans as a 23 year old woman in 1970s.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 21:03)
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107,286 |
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,286)
by lighty from China
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Now I understand why Mariah seemed to be so stiff and sometimes too emotional during certain parts of her recent live shows. Maybe she was thinking about Patricia all the time when performing Make It Happen. All my prayers are with Mariah and her family. Bless.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 19:29)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,286)
by lighty from China
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Now I understand why Mariah seemed to be so stiff and sometimes too emotional during certain parts of her recent live shows. Maybe she was thinking about Patricia all the time when performing Make It Happen. All my prayers are with Mariah and her family. Bless.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 19:29)
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107,251 |
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,251)
by Pedro from Brazil
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Actually Mariah has confirmed that her mom and sister died on the same day.
(Monday 26 August 2024; 22:43)
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Thinking of you MC at this impossible time (107,285)
by Carlos from Brazil
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Your message was so powerful. Thank you for this.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 13:14)
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107,284 |
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Thinking of you MC at this impossible time (107,284)
by Brad from USA
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The day one loses their mother is the worst day of a person's life. No matter the circumstance of their communications at the time. It ends an entire part of your life irretrievably, divests one of the purest of loves and can dull the sense of what life is and holds moving forward. But things do continue on, even if all the colors of life are forever muted. I know this because I lost my beloved mother nearly two years ago. And this is how it has felt for me to continue forward. I cannot speak to what it is like to have such loss compounded by the loss of another family member such as a sibling. I think most of us can only imagine the sense of unmitigated sadness and loss. I hope we can all be the better of who we are and only offer MC the unspoken words of support and unparalleled love she has always sensed from all of us, the truest of her forever fans.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 04:03)
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Thinking of you MC at this impossible time (107,284)
by Brad from USA
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The day one loses their mother is the worst day of a person's life. No matter the circumstance of their communications at the time. It ends an entire part of your life irretrievably, divests one of the purest of loves and can dull the sense of what life is and holds moving forward. But things do continue on, even if all the colors of life are forever muted. I know this because I lost my beloved mother nearly two years ago. And this is how it has felt for me to continue forward. I cannot speak to what it is like to have such loss compounded by the loss of another family member such as a sibling. I think most of us can only imagine the sense of unmitigated sadness and loss. I hope we can all be the better of who we are and only offer MC the unspoken words of support and unparalleled love she has always sensed from all of us, the truest of her forever fans.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 04:03)
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Let’s be respectful (107,283)
by Tevin from USA
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I agree. May Mariah find peace.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 03:28)
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Let’s be respectful (107,280)
by Shezz from Pk
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Nice post Mimi L. How absolutely heartbreaking for Mariah. Unresolved losses hurt the most. I hope she's doing alright. And of course we have absolutely no right to say what she must or must not do. We know nothing.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 20:08)
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by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I feel MC got the closure she needed with her mother. No change will be needed because MC is Mariah Carey. She is already full of so much greatness as a diva. MC is at peace to carry on Patricia's memory speaking and remembering only good things about her mother.
(Wednesday 28 August 2024; 00:39)
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107,279 |
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by Zachariah from Croatia
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Guys, how do you think these deaths will affect her? Will she soften the diva behavior, realize that she has lost a part of her family, will she get the inspiration to write all her feelings in a song or an album and release it one day. How do you think this will mold her as a person? I am sure we all deal with loss differently. When my brother died in an accident at work 12 years ago, I was bitter, mad, unpleasant, cold, distant. I had to work hard to pass that and still I am not done. Thoughts?
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 20:07)
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Mariah's mom and sister both died on same day (107,281)
by jaker20 from US
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I actually think her relationship with her mom being complicated, doesn't mean strained. We don't know the full facts.
We've seen them together a lot, and they seem to get along. I see a lot of love there. Maybe by complicated it means her mom being in the middle, or just normal family disagreements like we all do. Again, we don't know to speculate.
So I don't instantly believe her relationship with her mom is strained, we have not seen evidence of this. I think that part is overblown.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 20:11)
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Let’s be respectful (107,280)
by Shezz from Pk
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Nice post Mimi L. How absolutely heartbreaking for Mariah. Unresolved losses hurt the most. I hope she's doing alright. And of course we have absolutely no right to say what she must or must not do. We know nothing.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 20:08)
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107,272 |
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Let’s be respectful (107,272)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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This isn't directed at anyone in particular so please don't come at me, but let's all try to be respectful during this time. We can all sit and speculate and debate whether Mariah should try and mend her relationship with her brother or should not bother. I know we are all coming from a place of care and love for Mariah but it's not our place to say what she should do with her relationships. We don't have the full facts of what went on behind the scenes, we don't know how much it impacted Mariah, yes she talks about it in her memoirs but she also holds back so we might not have the whole picture. I understand the need to have family around especially when you have a loss as big as this but at the same time what if the family member is someone who causes you to lose your mental peace and well being? All of this to say, let's not fight amongst ourselves for something that's very personal to Mariah. Let us just hope she does what gives her peace and that she has the support she needs during this time of such tragic loss. She's had such a complicated relationship with her mother and sister it must be a lot of conflicting feelings she's going through right now. Let's give her the space to process those.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 17:58)
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by Zachariah from Croatia
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Guys, how do you think these deaths will affect her? Will she soften the diva behavior, realize that she has lost a part of her family, will she get the inspiration to write all her feelings in a song or an album and release it one day. How do you think this will mold her as a person? I am sure we all deal with loss differently. When my brother died in an accident at work 12 years ago, I was bitter, mad, unpleasant, cold, distant. I had to work hard to pass that and still I am not done. Thoughts?
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 20:07)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,278)
by Matty from Vancouver Canada
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David, that's not exactly what I was saying at all. Sorry it triggered your personal experience. I believe everyone has the ability to evolve and reframe their relationships. My comment wasn't a black-and-white-this-or-that; it will take action and effort from Mariah and Morgan. I too have a lot of family trauma including homelessness, addiction, physical violence. I don't ever want to close the door on growth. I didn't say "Mariah needs to reconnect with her brother." I said I hope they can work together to find a new future. I hope this for both MC and Morgan's peace and levity for their remaining years.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 20:04)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,254)
by David from USA
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Ouch. Hearing someone say they should reconnect with Morgan because they're "the only two left" hit me hard, as I have an abusive sibling (emotionally and physically). No, Mariah needn't mend anything with Morgan - that would mean letting an abuser back into her life, and that would be ridiculous. That's not how it works, that's not how someone in Mariah's situation stays healthy. Plus, I think we all know Morgan has maintained his abusive/accusatory/litigious/in-my-opinion-somewhat-insane personality - there is no repentance here, quite the opposite. From personal experience, I have to say that there's nothing worse than people who expect me to reconnect with my abusive sibling - for any reason whatsoever.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 00:00)
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Mariah's grief (107,277)
by Sasha from Nomansland
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I lost my mother last August at 68 years old and I know how hard is it. If Mariah was by her side when she passed away that possibly means that they found a way to ease their relationship and it's a really good thing. Might they both find some peace.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 19:45)
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Mariah's mom and sister both died on same day (107,276)
by MusicfanJ from Germany
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Oh, this is really sad. Both on the same day. I don't know what to say, I feel so sorry for Mariah. I hope she has good people around her who are are just there if she needs them.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 19:35)
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Mariah's mom and sister both died on same day (107,273)
by jaker20 from US
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This is very sad. I'm glad Mariah had spent some time with her mom before she passed. Condolences to her and her family.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 18:03)
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Death, family relationships (107,275)
by Edward from USA
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When someone passes away, it's natural for people to hope that the family will come together and support one another during these challenging times. It's not about telling anyone what to do but about wishing for the healing of broken bonds or, at the very least, forgiveness and moving forward. Such a wish for Mariah and her brother Morgan shouldn't have been met with such vitriol and scrutiny. I don't understand the overtly emotional reaction to a common sentiment, but some people love making things about themselves. The woman lost two members of her family on the same day for heaven sake. I'm pretty sure she's not there thinking about her past problems with her mother, Alison and her remaining sibling.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 19:32)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,274)
by jaker20 from US
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You're making so many assumptions about Mariah and her relationship with her sister Morgan. You don't know how toxic or abusive their relationship was, or if there's anything at all. We don't know. We can't just bring ourselves into this.
We've seen couples from divorces, and toxic family relationships where everyone's just better off if there's no contact at all. I'm sure the smart and resilient woman that she is, she has already given that plenty of thought, to do what's best for her.
And now that she has kids, she even has even more to consider beyond herself. In the end. we and we do what is best for us, our experiences are different.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 18:13)
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107,265 |
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,265)
by Randy from USA
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Stop being so nasty all the time, especially since you're hiding. This may be complex so read slowly. Right now I think cutting people off is considered a flex. People brag about it. I understand doing it as a means to protect yourself. But it definitely shouldn't be done as a punishment or retaliation. Sometimes you must be the bigger person more than once because the other person is severely lacking. I am not criticizing MC for her handling of her abusive siblings. Hell, I would have cut Alison off too. But since I know MC through dozens of interviews, personal songs and a print memoir, I know she's a lot like me. We are both sensitive. And nothing knocks down the wall guarding a sensitive person more violently than regret. That is why people are hoping, not demanding, not forcing, her to have some sort of resolution with Morgan than involves some sort of regular communication.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 12:56)
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Mariah's mom and sister both died on same day (107,273)
by jaker20 from US
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This is very sad. I'm glad Mariah had spent some time with her mom before she passed. Condolences to her and her family.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 18:03)
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Let’s be respectful (107,272)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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This isn't directed at anyone in particular so please don't come at me, but let's all try to be respectful during this time. We can all sit and speculate and debate whether Mariah should try and mend her relationship with her brother or should not bother. I know we are all coming from a place of care and love for Mariah but it's not our place to say what she should do with her relationships. We don't have the full facts of what went on behind the scenes, we don't know how much it impacted Mariah, yes she talks about it in her memoirs but she also holds back so we might not have the whole picture. I understand the need to have family around especially when you have a loss as big as this but at the same time what if the family member is someone who causes you to lose your mental peace and well being? All of this to say, let's not fight amongst ourselves for something that's very personal to Mariah. Let us just hope she does what gives her peace and that she has the support she needs during this time of such tragic loss. She's had such a complicated relationship with her mother and sister it must be a lot of conflicting feelings she's going through right now. Let's give her the space to process those.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 17:58)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,271)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Y'all let's be nice during this time in MC's life.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 17:18)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,268)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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I'm sorry who are you? Nobody, that's who. Calling me nasty, you need to check yourself. My response was well deserved, usually is, so mind your business, you're no one's bodyguard. Read this slowly. Kick. Rocks. I'll say what I want and when I want. You don't have to read my posts. Did you get that? Don't waste your time or data replying either. I'm tired of people presenting their opinions as facts, that's all.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 14:31)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,270)
by BFF from United States
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My heart goes out to Mariah right now. I know the relationships with her sister and mother were both strained. It sounds like she and her mother were able to mend fences, but it doesn't sound like there was a similar chance with Alison. I hope Mariah has a solid support system around her. I can understand both the pro and con arguments for reconciling with Morgan.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 16:48)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,258)
by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
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My heart is broken, my thoughts go out to Mariah, I hope she has support from good friends.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 08:02)
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Condolences to Mariah Carey (107,269)
by Rashidi Rahim Rick from Malaysia
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I just read the heartbreaking news. Condolences to Mariah Carey. I guess this year "It's Time" video would be a sad theme dedicating to her family. The Merry Christmas album also celebrate its 30th anniversary. I hope the album would reach No. 1 on Billboard 200 chart this year.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 15:13)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,268)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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I'm sorry who are you? Nobody, that's who. Calling me nasty, you need to check yourself. My response was well deserved, usually is, so mind your business, you're no one's bodyguard. Read this slowly. Kick. Rocks. I'll say what I want and when I want. You don't have to read my posts. Did you get that? Don't waste your time or data replying either. I'm tired of people presenting their opinions as facts, that's all.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 14:31)
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107,265 |
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,265)
by Randy from USA
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Stop being so nasty all the time, especially since you're hiding. This may be complex so read slowly. Right now I think cutting people off is considered a flex. People brag about it. I understand doing it as a means to protect yourself. But it definitely shouldn't be done as a punishment or retaliation. Sometimes you must be the bigger person more than once because the other person is severely lacking. I am not criticizing MC for her handling of her abusive siblings. Hell, I would have cut Alison off too. But since I know MC through dozens of interviews, personal songs and a print memoir, I know she's a lot like me. We are both sensitive. And nothing knocks down the wall guarding a sensitive person more violently than regret. That is why people are hoping, not demanding, not forcing, her to have some sort of resolution with Morgan than involves some sort of regular communication.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 12:56)
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Article: Mariah's mom and sister both died on same day (107,267)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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So sad to hear about this. Losing two immediate family members at the same time, Mariah must be going through hell right now. I'm glad to hear she got to spend time with her mother before she passed away. My heart goes out to MC, she must feel so alone. I wonder if she was looking sad and detached on her shows because she was worried about her mother. I hope she's surrounded by love.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 13:57)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,266)
by Edward from USA
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And now Elle will go watch several episodes of "La Rosa de Guadalupe" and cry.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 13:23)
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107,265 |
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,265)
by Randy from USA
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Stop being so nasty all the time, especially since you're hiding. This may be complex so read slowly. Right now I think cutting people off is considered a flex. People brag about it. I understand doing it as a means to protect yourself. But it definitely shouldn't be done as a punishment or retaliation. Sometimes you must be the bigger person more than once because the other person is severely lacking. I am not criticizing MC for her handling of her abusive siblings. Hell, I would have cut Alison off too. But since I know MC through dozens of interviews, personal songs and a print memoir, I know she's a lot like me. We are both sensitive. And nothing knocks down the wall guarding a sensitive person more violently than regret. That is why people are hoping, not demanding, not forcing, her to have some sort of resolution with Morgan than involves some sort of regular communication.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 12:56)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,265)
by Randy from USA
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Stop being so nasty all the time, especially since you're hiding. This may be complex so read slowly. Right now I think cutting people off is considered a flex. People brag about it. I understand doing it as a means to protect yourself. But it definitely shouldn't be done as a punishment or retaliation. Sometimes you must be the bigger person more than once because the other person is severely lacking. I am not criticizing MC for her handling of her abusive siblings. Hell, I would have cut Alison off too. But since I know MC through dozens of interviews, personal songs and a print memoir, I know she's a lot like me. We are both sensitive. And nothing knocks down the wall guarding a sensitive person more violently than regret. That is why people are hoping, not demanding, not forcing, her to have some sort of resolution with Morgan than involves some sort of regular communication.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 12:56)
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Mariah's mom and sister died on the same day (107,260)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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Wow. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you must be one of Mariah's closest advisors. You seem to have a lot more insight into her private life as relationships than the rest of us are privy to, including Mariah herself. You should tell her exactly that.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 08:34)
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Sad times For Mariah (107,264)
by Jamie from UK
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Just back from NYC this mornings and saw the news. It's very sad about Patricia and Alison, despite their differences and turbulent relationships, they are still family at the end of the day and this will hit Mariah hard. Sending her love and hope she and Morgan can settle their differences. Life is short and events like this can bring home how much we should all just get along and be nice to one another.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 09:55)
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Who’s the guy? (107,263)
by Jamie from UK
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Thank you webmaster, yes that's it. I couldn't see comments and couldn't remember his name.
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 09:50)
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Who’s the guy? (107,262)
by Jamie from UK
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Who's the guy with Mariah and Patricia in this pic?
[Webmaster: According to the comment besides this picture, it says it's her boyfriend Nick De Jesus.]
(Tuesday 27 August 2024; 09:44)
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