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Inspirational songs (107,045) by Libra Lamb from USA
I would just encourage everyone to do their research, cross check their information, and make an educated decision in November as well as get involved in their local politics and elections. Don't take my word for anything or anyone else's, go seek the truth and go from there. At the end of the day we will all vote for whomever and have to live with those decisions. I'm not here to sway anyone or educate anyone on anything.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 01:19)
this is a reply to message 107,042
Mariah looks great (107,044) by Brandon from USA
She's definitely looking her best but everything else has gotten worse. Is it me or does it look painful in her face when she sings "Just call my name" in IBT? Did she recently have vocal surgery and she's trying to heal while lipping entire concerts? Did she have plastic surgery on her face that restricts her being able to show emotion and belt it out? Is she medicated which causes her to walk around like a zombie? I don't know but I'd rather her go away and come back when she's 100% physically and mentally and has that drive to conquer the world.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 22:48)
this is a reply to message 107,036
Inspirational songs (107,043) by Tevin from USA
Same. It was great. Frederick (Go Blue, if you're from Michigan), and the crew are really making me interested in men's gymnastics. They are amazing.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 22:13)
this is a reply to message 107,038
Inspirational songs (107,042) by BFF from United States
I'm no supporter of Trump's, but the reality is that Biden's record on racial issues is equally bad or worse than Trump's. With Biden, you have five decades of off-color racial comments/gaffes and horrible policy choices that negatively impacted African-Americans. The difference is that Biden pretends to be your friend while stabbing you in the back, while Trump stabs you in the front.

Biden voted for the 1994 crime bill which resulted in disproportionately higher rates of incarceration amongst African-Americans. He also spoke about how proud he was of his work with segregationists during his time in the Senate. And he was also opposed to busing as part of the de-segregation process. Vice President Harris called him out on this in the 2020 primary debate, go back and watch the clips.

This is why I refused to support Joe Biden in the 2020 primary or the general election (and voted for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins), why I thought he was an awful choice to be President Obama's VP (supported Obama in 2008 and 2012), and why I thought he was an awful candidate in 2008.

Not saying that either Trump or Biden is great. I'm simply saying that Democrats are equally as capable as Republicans of racial bigotry, homophobia, misogyny etc. Almost every mainstream Democratic leader was opposed to same-sex marriage (Biden, Clinton, Obama, Clyburn, etc.) until the supreme court decision made it untenable to hold that belief. Many have never apologized and acknowledged they were wrong.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:48)
this is a reply to message 107,032
Stacey (107,041) by Edward from USA
It baffles me how some people throw around the word "transphobic" without cause. The term has lost its true meaning. I don't think Stacey would be scared or disrespectful to a transgender person just because they are transgender. It's ridiculous, and it's why our community has become a joke. Things have gotten so bad that if a gay man doesn't want to have sex with a trans man, he's labeled transphobic, as if we're supposed to ignore our sexual orientation to please a few. Lesbians have it even worse; some have been kicked out of lesbian dating apps for stating they're only interested in vaginas, not penises. Tell me you're in a cult without telling you're in a cult.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:43)
Inspirational songs (107,040) by Steve from USA
Stacey, come on now. You're gonna try to tell us that Trump isn't racist but Biden is? First of all that isn't even relevant now, and secondly it's patently false. Biden may be a gaffe machine, but racist he is not. Trump doesn't even bother with dog whistle politics, he says the quiet part out loud, in the rare instance he makes any sense at all. I mean, you tell yourself what you need to, but the Trump Vance ticket is racist (Vance: I love my wife even though she's not white), misogynist, anti lgbtq, etc. It's the "take us back to the good old days when the white guys ruled everything" ticket. And this is coming from a white (gay) guy. If you truly believe in what you're saying, you may need to diversify your news sources. And now let's get back to talking about Mariah, who ain't voting for Trump.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:27)
this is a reply to message 107,037
Mariah looks great (107,039) by Robert-Anthony from United States
We are now in uncharted territory with MC's career. I am about ready to put my focus and attention on another female artist for awhile as we wait for this long over due MC16 album and Butterfly Lounge project. If it wasn't 6 years since Caution, I would not be so bitter right now because of no album news since April. Here's to Summer Walker and her music right now.

By the way, why doesn't MC have her own cosmetics brand and company? I feel that is a huge misstep in her career.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:10)
this is a reply to message 107,036
Inspirational songs (107,038) by Stacey from USA
How about we stick to Mariah Carey topics or the Olympics. Plenty to talk about there. I watched the men's team gymnastics final yesterday. What a competition. Every stuck landing made me jumpy out of my seat.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 19:24)
this is a reply to message 107,033
Inspirational songs (107,037) by Stacey from USA
Biden: "If you have a problem, figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." He said that during the 2020 campaign. What a racist statement. So that means all his supporters are racists? Of course not. Hunter Biden lied on a federal form to buy a gun. Does that mean all Biden supporters are liars? No.

Democrats use race all the time when talking about policies. Trump does the exact same thing during a debate, arguing against illegal immigration, and it's racist and so are his supporters? The media creates this perception that Trump and his supporters are racists. Where is the proof? I just can't anymore with this logic. Carey on.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 19:21)
this is a reply to message 107,032
Mariah looks great (107,036) by Randy from USA
She looks sensational in those pictures with Olivia Rodriguez. I think still visuals is her new talent. Why worry with record labels, vocal training/rest and creating new music? You can stand still with a backdrop or stand still on stage and look pretty. People pay for that right? That's more important than being one of the greatest singers of all time. That would deflect attention from ability, right? To out-pretty Heidi Klum, Christie Brinkley, Tyra Banks, Cindy Crawford and Imán. Yea let's compete against them because it's easier than trying to sing anywhere near the level of Celine Dion, Toni Braxton, Chante Moore or Deborah Cox.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 18:20)
1996 Olympics (107,035) by Tevin from USA
Ok. Thanks for the info Stacey. Obviously Mariah was at the top of her game during 95-96, so I was curious if she made any appearances during the games.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 17:55)
this is a reply to message 107,030
Inspirational songs (107,033) by Libra Lamb from USA
For the record, I don’t think you’re a racist. Transphobic, yes, but I never called you, Stacey specifically, a racist. It was a general comment and referring to the cultists. If you took it that way I’m sorry.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 16:06)
this is a reply to message 107,031
Inspirational songs (107,032) by Steve from USA
I followed this thread back a bit to make sense of it. I understand that Trump supporters may not consider themselves racist. I'm sorry, but you may feel that way, but Trump supporters are all complicit in his racist rhetoric. I mean, just take his comments from the debate, which he only won because Biden was a deer in headlights. "They are taking all the black jobs." This may not be an accurate direct quote, but it's close. Who are "they"? What are "black jobs"? It's a misguided attempt at gaining support among people of color. Immigrants are stealing the crappy jobs that nobody wants, which of course would normally go to black people. I'm not sure he even realizes how racist that is, because it's so engrained in him. Tell yourself whatever you need to, if you want to continue to support Trump, but know you're voting for a racist, misogynist ticket, and a man who is telling us straight up he's going to crown himself king.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 15:46)
this is a reply to message 107,031
Inspirational songs (107,031) by Stacey from USA
Mr. Big (You): "I don't get it."
Carrie Bradshaw (Me): "And you never did."

Good, respectful, healthy political conversation is a lost art. Stop the name calling. That's all I've been trying to say to you. It has no place in conversation no matter the topic. If that makes me a loser, cultist, such a horrible person in your eyes, then I'm guilty as charged. Shame on me for arguing such a thing. SMH.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 02:33)
this is a reply to message 107,000
1996 Olympics (107,030) by Stacey from USA
I was 18. I don't recall MC being a part of the 96 Olympics. Celine sang The Power of the Dream.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 02:14)
this is a reply to message 107,003
Vegas shows / current voice (107,029) by Andrew from UK
I watched some recent footage on YouTube, I don't think I've ever seen MC looking so disinterested in performing. Watching her sing "I'll be there" with Trey, she was slightly behind the backing track. He carried the performance. That being said, at least there were some live moments in that particular song. Like many on this page, I've been a long standing fan and continue to be so. However, I agree with a lot of the comments on here, if the Voice isn't able to deliver concert worthy performances, it maybe time to pull back from these money making shows. I've never been a fan of Celine, however, the way she has handled and expressed herself over recent years with her recent issues and her comeback at the Olympics has been impressive. I don't think Mariah could deliver on this level anymore, that saddens me greatly.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 22:10)
Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,028) by Robert-Anthony from United States
MC's voice is what grounded her 20 years ago. She just seems lost now without it. It kept her connected to her Lambs. Now she does not post studio pics and tells us she is working on an new album without a finished product. It has been six long years now. I am beginning to think that she is not working one. If this is not the case, then why does it seem like she is not trying her best to get it done at least for her Lambs. I wish she would let us know something other than "It is coming soon." Kehlani communicates better with her fans than MC. Kehlani has only been in the music business 15 years. And she gives us mixtapes in between albums without worrying about sales or it being on the Billboard 200.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 22:01)
this is a reply to message 107,021
Old concerts and old music (107,027) by TJ from Norway
If it's Over is the best. It's always on my top 10 songs of her. She has so many good tunes. I did like her last album, but I can't remember the name of it (Caution?), and that is maybe because it didn't mean that much to me. I'm not a goat, but a long time fan, since 1990.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 22:01)
this is a reply to message 107,020
Old concerts and old music (107,026) by TJ from Norway
Sadly I guess you're right. I really hate that she's so concerned about how she looks. She is so much more beautiful when she doesn't.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 21:56)
this is a reply to message 107,015
Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,025) by BFF from United States
I think Mariah had counted on movies as a secondary (or even primary) career and source of income when she initially conceived "Glitter". That way she wouldn't need to do full studio albums and touring all the time and could diversify the way Jennifer Lopez has. I know how a lot of Mariah fans feel about her, but Lopez has done pretty well with the actress/singer/dancer model. She's not great at either singing or acting, but she has certainly made a great living off of both.

Mariah doesn't really have a backup after singing, recording, etc. She appeared in other films, but she never really dedicated much time to the craft of acting after "Glitter".
(Monday 29 July 2024; 21:54)
this is a reply to message 107,021
Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,024) by Edward from USA
She thought she would have a huge tax break so she started popping out kids as if they were popcorn. By the time baby #6 was born, she realized her math wasn't mathin and she ended up owing $1.8 million in back taxes. She thought another baby would save her, but Nick Cannon made change her mind. Later she moved to Indiana and now shows up late to all her shows.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 21:25)
this is a reply to message 107,023
Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,023) by BFF from United States
Lauryn isn't late. She's just waiting "until the energy is right". That's also why she has only released one studio album. The energy just hasn't been right since 1998. That's also why she didn't pay $1.8 million in taxes between 2005 and 2007. The IRS' energy just wasn't right.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 20:32)
this is a reply to message 107,021
Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,022) by Jamie from UK
Well I doubt she's broke but you gotta keep the money coming in. Music doesn't make as much money anymore so touring is the only way now.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 20:29)
this is a reply to message 107,021
Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,021) by Randy from USA
I have to wonder what kind of financial status these artists are in because they clearly don't want to tour. Even Michael Jackson said he hated touring. But for Mariah, who looks stunning this go round, it's clear she doesn't want to sing. At least not outside of a studio. Nor does she want to be on stage. The acronym MC has turned into Model Checked-out. All rehearsals are hair, makeup and wardrobe. Now I know everyone says she's worth $250 million+ but that doesn't translate to cash on hand. And she has to pay for upkeep on the NYC apartment, the rental in LA, the stylist, hairdresser, makeup artist (whom I'm sure aren't allowed other clients). Does she own a jet or lease one? She's probably in need of money to keep up this lifestyle and should start stripping it down. She has 500 hours of beauty school. Do your own hair and make up. Stay in hotels when you have work in LA. Fly commercial first class. Hold your own umbrella. Anita was awful on tour and Lauryn is late to every show. I know they probably need money but MC, like what is the reason to keep this up? And don't say to be with your fans. She could do book signings, conference appearances and guest stints on The Talk or start lives on TikTok or Instagram if it was to be with us.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 17:12)
Old concerts and old music (107,020) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Good idea TJ. I will do this. I love "If it's over". And I do miss the old Mariah so much. The humble one. She was so adoreable like Edward and Jamie already said. It almost hurts, almost too much. Lol. The humble, sweet and natural Mariah is the reason I became a fan. It was not just the voice (the most beautiful I've ever heard) but the combination with her sweet, magical aura. Cool, smart and a litlle shy but always giving her heart and soul to the music. The best.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 14:11)
this is a reply to message 107,011


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