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Inspirational songs (106,994) by Stacey from USA
I encourage you to read the book "What this comedian said will shock you" written by Bill Maher. He despises Trump. He said this, "'I can't hate you. I've said it a billion times. You can hate Trump, you can't hate all the people who like him. It's half the country.' I'm certainly not blind to Donald Trump's fault. I get it why people choose to vote for him. You know, somebody who's conservative once said to me 'What you don't get, you liberals don't get about Trump is that we don't like it either. We just see him as a bulwark against the nonsense on the left.' And I understand that because there is a lot of nonsense on the left and that's in my book, too."

I share his thoughts because you have every right to call Trump a racist. That's your opinion. But you can't call his supporters racist. That's something I'll always push back on. Maher is simply saying he hates Trump but can't hate his followers. Those are good people. Instead of calling someone a cultist, find out why they support Trump. You might learn something, and in turn that person might learn something from you. Good conversation is severely lacking in today's society.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 23:33)
this is a reply to message 106,988
Election (106,993) by Stacey from USA
You are welcome. I love having political discussions with people who see things differently. One of my favorite commentators is Bill Maher. Not exactly a Trump supporter.

I love Back to Black. This is gonna sound silly but I think Can't Let Go lyrics could mesh over the Back to Black arrangement. I was bored one night and came across both songs and when I listen to BTB I kept thinking of Can't Let Go. Random thought, I know. Go Team USA.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 23:09)
this is a reply to message 106,990
Inspirational songs (106,992) by Stacey from USA
First, one way to recover from a "burn" is to laugh at a little sarcasm thrown your way. My name has been misspelled my entire life. I was having a little fun. Lighten up. Second, I'll always respond to people who engage me in friendly conversation, no matter the topic. Third, I will always call out name calling in politics. Calling people cultists and losers simply because they support the other candidate serves no purpose and divides us further. Division is the last thing we need. You could learn a few things from BFF. Fourth, go Team USA.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:59)
this is a reply to message 106,981
What will MC bring differently for MC16? (106,991) by BFF from United States
I liked "Back to Black" but MC would have to branch out to different producers in order to achieve that type of sound. Mark Ronson (producer on "Back to Black") is someone she hasn't worked with in the past, so she could give it a shot.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:38)
this is a reply to message 106,985
Election (106,990) by BFF from United States
No problem. I've had some people be really unpleasant to me in political conversations (people all across the spectrum), so I do my best to keep it respectful.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:36)
this is a reply to message 106,984
Celine (106,989) by Jamie from UK
Having watched her performance again, it is one polished and well executed performance. One thing about Celine is that she has always stayed consistent and true to herself. The Celine of the 1990's is the same Celine now. She is truly respected as an artist and still has her original fan base. I often have trouble relating to Mariah now as it's like she's a completely different person from the 1990's. That's not to say I don't like both but it's why I think she has lost a lot of her fan base and why she's not as respected as much. Celine knows her craft and what her fans want, and isn't at a point in her career where she's having to think of new styles to get peoples attention again as she already has the respect. Obviously Mariah is a different artist with a different personality but I think she could have learnt a lot from how Celine has controlled her career and her reputation.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:30)
Inspirational songs (106,988) by Libra Lamb from USA
I will say this and then I think I'll drop it. Trump unites people in hate. He's not a "Christian" and neither are his followers. He hates the same groups that his followers hate, whether it's the blacks, the gays, the trans, the Latinos or anyone that's different. His supporters seem to think that he will eradicate these already marginalized groups, like Hitler did. They can use the excuse about making more money all they want and use the same talking points they hear on Fox News all day long, it doesn't change what's in their heart, hate. Instead of worrying focusing on themselves and leaving their kids generational wealth all their kids will inherit is generational hate. I know because I see it in my own family. Which I gladly don't speak to, bunch of haters. No one is free of sin and no one's sins are greater than others. We are all the same.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 19:53)
this is a reply to message 106,976
Celine 2024 Olympics (106,987) by Stacey from USA
Kelly Clarkson was a commentator for the American coverage and when asked her thoughts about Celine's performance, Kelly couldn't answer. She was in tears. I couldn't understand a word Celine sang. But the great about music is that it transcends language.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 18:58)
this is a reply to message 106,979
Changing the subject... (106,986) by Stacey from USA
My husband and I watched the whole opening ceremony and parts of it felt so off. As a Christian the mocking of the last supper was super disappointing. Christians can be mocked but if one mocks another religion all heck breaks loose. But I digress. Seeing Celine sing a beautiful song at the end was for sure the best part. All the rest felt strange to me. No matter. I am excited to support Team USA. Goud luck to all the athletes.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 18:55)
this is a reply to message 106,975
What will MC bring differently for MC16? (106,985) by Robert-Anthony from United States
I know we kind of have an idea what MC16 may sound like. However, what will MC bring differently for the sound and cohesiveness of MC16? I am hoping for something like what Amy Winehouse's Back to Black was in 2007. On Back to Black, every song was a glimpse into Amy's personal life since Frank. The retro 60's wall of sound works well for the album and it got the public's and the Grammy's attention of who Amy Winehouse was as an artist. MC is going have to do something like that with MC16. Whatever sound she is creating right now, it will have to be her most cohesive body of work in her career. Mimi has had 6 years to do just that and bring it this time. I hope she can do it and not come off trying to hard to create an album that well perceived by the public.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 18:48)
Election (106,984) by Stacey from USA
A part of me agrees with you. I'd love some younger, fresh faces too. My hubby can't stand Trump. Makes for some fun discussions, lol. But at the end of the day, he votes his way and I do my thing. Thank you for keeping things respectful even though we see things differently.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 18:48)
this is a reply to message 106,978
Inspirational songs (106,983) by Stacey from USA
Thankfully I don't put stock into the opinions of strangers on the Internet. None. It's why I respond with humor. Judging me by calling me names without knowing anything about me or the 74 million Trump voters says more about your character than mine. I enjoy a good political discussion based on substance. But I won't argue with someone who calls me names. Political talk should be a discussion not an argument.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 18:46)
this is a reply to message 106,976
Celine 2024 Olympics (106,982) by Jamie from UK
We need Celine's version available.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 16:26)
this is a reply to message 106,979
Inspirational songs (106,981) by Libra Lamb from USA
Ooooh, burn. How am I ever going to recover from that Stacey? I couldn't care less how you spell your name, I've made it very clear. Just change the subject again but stick to it next time.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 15:10)
this is a reply to message 106,973
Celine 2024 Olympics (106,980) by Robert-Anthony from United States
Celine's performance was beautiful. I am so glad that she made such an extraordinary comeback to the stage. I was brought to tears by her performance. God is good and all the time God is good.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 15:01)
this is a reply to message 106,979
Celine 2024 Olympics (106,979) by MusicfanJ from Germany
Yes, what a final for the olympic opening. The final was the best. The German commentator shared some tears too because of Céline Dion. You could hear it. He was very moved. I love the great Edith Piaf and Céline singing that song behind the Eiffel tower (after all her struggling) it really was heart touching and awesome. I will watch the games. Thanks, I wish everyone who is watching a great time too.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 14:01)
this is a reply to message 106,974
Election (106,978) by BFF from United States
I would be relieved to have Trump and Biden gone. Trump is erratic and unfit to lead and probably belongs on the sex offender registry.

And Biden is in such poor health he can barely put a sentence together and can't remember world leaders' name and names of people in his own cabinet. He referred to Ukrainian President Zelensky as "President Putin" at the NATO Summit and referenced to "Vice President Trump" instead of VP Harris. He called Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin "the black man" when he couldn't remember Austin's name during an interview with BET.

He never should have ran in 2020, the Democratic candidate should have been someone younger and in better health like Kamala.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 13:36)
this is a reply to message 106,972
Celine 2024 Olympics (106,977) by BFF from United States
Yes. I'm so glad she's doing better and is able to start a new Vegas residency.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 13:23)
this is a reply to message 106,974
Inspirational songs (106,976) by Norman from USA
If I could like this message more times, I would. And you're right about not getting anywhere arguing with a cultist. A conservative is one thing, but being all in for a proven con artist, sexual predator, misogynist, bigot, ignorant, wannabe authoritarian (did you hear him today asking "Christians" to vote just one more time and they'll never have to vote again? Awful) just because you don't understand how the world economy works, and you don't know your own history, is quite another thing altogether.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 12:40)
this is a reply to message 106,946
Changing the subject... (106,975) by Jamie from UK
Yes she was great. Best part of the whole opening ceremony. I found the rest of it not great. Great idea to show the city, which looked amazing, however the rest of it didn’t translate well on TV I felt.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 09:15)
this is a reply to message 106,971
Celine 2024 Olympics (106,974) by Tevin from USA
Wow. That's all I can say. I'm so proud of her. She had this grown man shedding some tears, and I ain't even mad about that. Wow just wow. Talk about a fighter, and that voice. I'm wishing everyone on this board peace and happiness. Enjoy the Olympics if you like watching the games.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 05:42)
Inspirational songs (106,973) by Stacey from USA
Who is Stacy? Were you responding to them? My name is spelled Stacey. Just making sure. Laughter really is the best medicine. That and good quality toilet paper. Cheers.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 04:25)
this is a reply to message 106,970
Election (106,972) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I hope for the USA's case that Kamala wins. The US was the laughing stock of the world during Trumps reign. We all felt a bit embarrassed for you. Similar to how we've felt for the last couple of months. With Kamala's announcement it feels like there's some hope for you again.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 03:02)
this is a reply to message 106,969
Changing the subject... (106,971) by Stacey from USA
It was so good to see Celine Dion sing at the end of the Olympic opening ceremony.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 02:43)
Inspirational songs (106,970) by Libra Lamb from USA
I'm sure you will manage. If you don't know by now Stacy, I have as much use for your opinions as I do for toilet paper. Say whatever you want, you can't come for me. Next.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 01:07)
this is a reply to message 106,968


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