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Album coming soon? (106,922) by Shezz from Pk
If insiders are to be believed, not all the recordings are for MC16. She has a couple of projects she's working on simultaneously. I wish she'd focus on one right now - hopefully she's wrapping up MC16 and the upcoming announcement isn't about more tours but about the new album. Butterfly Lounge can wait.
(Sunday 21 July 2024; 19:25)
this is a reply to message 106,921
Album coming soon? (106,921) by Robert-Anthony from United States
I realized that I had forgotten all about The Clark Sisters collaboration recorded July 2021. MC16 is going to have the longest recording time (2021-2025) ever for a Mariah Carey album. MC16 is rumored to have these producers and collaborations on it. Did I miss anyone?

1. The Clark Sisters
2. Daniel Moore III
3. Jermaine Dupri
4. Solange
5. Anderson Paak
6. Rae Khalil
7. Bruno Mars
8. Max Martin
9. Lucky Daye
10. Ariana Grande
11. Shakira
12. David Morales
(Sunday 21 July 2024; 13:13)
this is a reply to message 106,758
Rumoured lead singles (106,920) by Robert-Anthony from United States
Somehow I ended up purchasing two different 12" vinyl records and a maxi CD single from a NYC record shop using a paper mail order form in 1998. Wow, that is unheard of today to order using a paper form and pay with a money order.
(Sunday 21 July 2024; 03:49)
this is a reply to message 106,917
Rumoured lead singles (106,919) by Zachariah from Croatia
Croatia was one of them.
(Sunday 21 July 2024; 03:10)
this is a reply to message 106,918
Rumoured lead singles (106,918) by Webmaster Eric from the Netherlands
"Sweetheart" was commercially released in the Netherlands and several other European countries.
(Sunday 21 July 2024; 03:05)
this is a reply to message 106,917
Rumoured lead singles (106,917) by BFF from United States
"Sweetheart" was supposed to be the lead single or a single from #1s, but it was cancelled because Sony wanted Mariah to prioritize "When You Believe". They manufactured CD singles for "Sweetheart" but ended up giving them away with copies of #1s after it was cancelled.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 23:38)
this is a reply to message 106,910
Rumoured lead singles (106,916) by Pablo from Spain
Say Somethin' was talked about and a potential first single for Emancipation.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 22:51)
this is a reply to message 106,910
Comfirmed:Mariah is coming to Beijing this September (106,915) by Robert-Anthony from United States
An X account said today MC was going to make an important annoucement soon. Could MC be gearing up to release MC16 this Fall to capitalize on holiday sales and shows? Holiday shows with a sprinkle of some new songs could only help ensure MC16's success after Christmas.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 21:11)
this is a reply to message 106,911
Rumoured lead singles (106,914) by BFF from United States
"Heartbreaker" was supposed to be the lead single from the "Glitter" soundtrack before the movie got delayed. The "Rainbow" album was made quickly to get her out of the Sony contract so she could move on to a different label with the "Glitter" project.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 18:16)
this is a reply to message 106,910
Rumoured lead singles (106,913) by Robert-Anthony from United States
Love Takes Time probably would have been the first single for Emotions if Tommy had not walked in the studio that day. The whole trajectory of Emotions would have been changed forever. Critics probably would never had anything bad to say about the album Emotions.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 17:42)
this is a reply to message 106,910
MC clocked part 2 (106,912) by TJ from Norway
I feel the energy in Emotions, but not the last video you posted.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 15:21)
this is a reply to message 106,901
Comfirmed:Mariah is coming to Beijing this September (106,911) by Capri_ from China
This news will go public at the end of this month. Mariah will come to Beijing, China this September. The concerts will have two dates and the venues are all stadiums with more than 50k+ capacity.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 15:08)
Rumoured lead singles (106,910) by Matty from Vancouver Canada
I've heard that "The One" was meant to be Charmbracelet's lead single:

I heard that "I'm That Chick" was meant to be E=MC2's first single from this album. (Brilliant if you're passing up the obvious popularity of Migrate. Lest sing together "Should have been a single".)

"The Art of Letting Go" for MIAM. (Powerful, after a divorce and having issues with her mom as she spoke in her memoir about. The simplicity of this ballet breaks my heart, cuts to my root, she's so clear and direct.)

Do we know of any other rumoured contenders for a lead singles of other albums aside from Charmbracelet, E=MC2 and MIAM?
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 02:37)
Benny Medina (106,909) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
From what I gather Tree is fully invested in Taylor. But not only is Tree brilliant, Taylor herself has a lot of great ideas and can keep the GP engaged. Mariah seems to have no interest in promos but wants chart success. That won't work.
(Friday 19 July 2024; 18:38)
this is a reply to message 106,907
Madonna confession (106,908) by BFF from United States
I think Madonna's music got a lot better in the 1990s. "Erotica" has some great songs on it if you look past the controversy. "Rain" and "Deeper and Deeper" are great songs.

Madonna's writing and singing got much better with "Bedtime Story" and "Ray of Light". I honestly don't like much of anything she released pre-1990 or after 2000's "Music". Though I did like the "Confessions on a Dance Floor" album.
(Friday 19 July 2024; 18:17)
this is a reply to message 106,902
Benny Medina (106,907) by Robert-Anthony from United States
Tree Paine could probably bring 1990s Mariah Carey back. I wonder how much is she involved in Taylor's merchandise selling and promotion at tour venues and retailers. I just think MC needs a different manager because she has kind of let her business ventures and promotion take a back seat in the past 7 years. Just my opinion because I often pretend I am a music manager.
(Friday 19 July 2024; 16:45)
this is a reply to message 106,905
Madonna confession (106,906) by Zachariah from Croatia
No she wasn't. I never payed any attention to her and never will.
(Friday 19 July 2024; 08:23)
this is a reply to message 106,903
Benny Medina (106,905) by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
She needs Tree Paine, Taylor’s manager lol, but I don’t think Tree takes any other clients.
(Friday 19 July 2024; 02:25)
this is a reply to message 106,904
Benny Medina (106,904) by Robert-Anthony from United States
I wish Benny Medina was not JLo's manager. I want him to be MC's manager again to help launch MC16. Although Benny will not stop being JLo's manager, I feel she needs someone other than Melissa Ruderman to manage her. Melissa has been too quiet and not present at various events in my opinion. Who should it be? Ron Fair? Ilene Feldman? (Ryan Gosling and Dave Matthews.)
(Thursday 18 July 2024; 23:50)
Madonna confession (106,903) by Shezz from Pk
Same here Robert Anthony. I think Madonna was a lot of 80's lambs' first love. I too, was obsessed with Papa Don't Preach. My first favourite song ever. And then True Blue, La Isla Bonita and Like A Prayer all her 80s hits.

Then came the 90s. Enter Mariah, and by 1993 I had a new queen. I still loved some of Madonna's 90's music but she could never be my favourite again.

On another note, I miss the make up room acappella Vegas series Mariah started doing in 2019/2020 (I think) of deep cuts like Melt Away and Everything Fades Away. I'd be happy if she even got that Caution era confidence back to sing.
(Thursday 18 July 2024; 06:48)
this is a reply to message 106,902
Madonna confession (106,902) by Robert-Anthony from United States
I have never mentioned this before, but I was a huge Madonna fan growing up in the 80s. I was mesmerized by her style, songs, quick rise to fame, and videos. I wanted Madonna and Sean Pean to last as a married couple, but the paparazzi ruined their marriage being a young couple. They were the first paparazzi couple who were followed by the paparazzi. Papa Don't Preach is my all time favorite Madonna video. Madonna changed after their marriage did not work. Her music and style changed too. She started pushing more boundaries within society's norms. I stopped buying her albums after Like a Prayer. Erotica was not the same Madonna I liked growing up in the 80s. Thankfully, MC came along in 1990 to allow me to start new female artist collection.
(Wednesday 17 July 2024; 23:54)
MC clocked part 2 (106,901) by Brandon from USA
@TJ Compare this performance and the performance in my first comment that I added to her last performance and tell me [you] don’t see a difference. Anyone else see a difference?
(Wednesday 17 July 2024; 19:21)
this is a reply to message 106,896
Infinity video (106,900) by Robert-Anthony from United States
I think it is a fun video. I guess my expectations for a video are really low. Videos that are simple live performances like Madonna's Dress You Up or MJ's Dirty Diana keep my attention more than high budget videos.
(Wednesday 17 July 2024; 18:52)
this is a reply to message 106,898
Mariah's been mum of late ... oh no please no (106,899) by Robert-Anthony from United States
MC must have gotten a burst of energy to get MC16 completed before her Vegas shows start again.
(Wednesday 17 July 2024; 14:40)
this is a reply to message 106,879
Infinity video (106,898) by Zachariah from Croatia
Infinity video is ridiculous. It's cheap, tacky and just awful. The recent good-ish video was With You and little bit far away - We Belong Together. Before that - Through The Rain and Honey. Everything else: not worth of mentioning.
(Wednesday 17 July 2024; 09:03)
this is a reply to message 106,897


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