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Back to Mariah (107,069)
by Stacey from USA
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Very creative title. I love it. 
(Thursday 1 August 2024; 02:21)
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107,066 |
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Back to Mariah (107,066)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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Underneath the Christmas Three is genious.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 23:48)
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Merry Christmas (107,068)
by Edward from USA
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"Merry Christmas" is turning 30 this year. She should go all out with something special, especially since "All I Want for Christmas Is You" seems to have lost some of its initial momentum while other holiday songs have gained popularity. She shouldn't rest on her laurels, particularly during the season that brings her the most redvenue.
I don't know about you, but I feel a bit neglected. What's the point of keeping her core fanbase in limbo? It doesn't make sense to me. She could have released a 6-track EP without worrying about high sales. With today's technology, she doesn't even need a record label. CDs can be produced on demand now.
(Thursday 1 August 2024; 01:28)
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MC16 (107,067)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I wonder why Columbia Legacy or Def Jam/Island Records hasn't released more box set compilations with album singles or remixes or even Grammy/TV performances. I would love to have her MTV, BET or network tv specials on DVD. Does MC have to give her permission to create and release such compilations or DVDs?
(Thursday 1 August 2024; 00:50)
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107,064 |
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MC16 (107,064)
by Edward from USA
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I think she'll release a few more "Rarities-type" albums, but I don't expect her to release any new studio albums after MC16. Even though Caution was critically acclaimed, she mentioned that her voice wasn't in good shape during its recording. If it wasn't in good shape then, what about now? I would be fine with MC16 being her final album. She shouldn't count on it being a huge success in terms of sales though, Caution was released six years ago and has sold around 200k copies.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 22:06)
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Back to Mariah (107,066)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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Underneath the Christmas Three is genious.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 23:48)
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107,061 |
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Back to Mariah (107,061)
by Shezz from Pk
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I think that will depend on how MC16 fares. It would take something close to a miracle for it to be successful, even if it is a great album, which I have a feeling it will be.
She will keep dabbling in music, maybe not an entire album. And of course there's always the possibility of Under the Christmas Three, which might come when she's 60 now. Wow. That sounds surreal.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 17:56)
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Back to Mariah (107,065)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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Yes definitely seems like it. At this point Mariah doesn't seem too inspired or enthusiastic about music and/or she doesn't seem too confident about the work she's done recently and hence not releasing it. She seems to have fully embraced relying on her Christmas and past catalogues by touring etc. I don't see the fire in her although I see glimpses when she's jumping on these remixes to stay relevant. But that won't do much if she doesn't manage her own promos properly. So yes unfortunately MC16 will probably be our last if we even get it .
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 23:48)
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107,057 |
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Back to Mariah (107,057)
by Edward from USA
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Do you guys think MC16 will Mariah's final album, and how would you feel if it were?
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 14:16)
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MC16 (107,064)
by Edward from USA
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I think she'll release a few more "Rarities-type" albums, but I don't expect her to release any new studio albums after MC16. Even though Caution was critically acclaimed, she mentioned that her voice wasn't in good shape during its recording. If it wasn't in good shape then, what about now? I would be fine with MC16 being her final album. She shouldn't count on it being a huge success in terms of sales though, Caution was released six years ago and has sold around 200k copies.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 22:06)
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Back to Mariah (107,063)
by Stacey from USA
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I'm beginning to wonder if MC16 will ever happen, lol.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 19:18)
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107,057 |
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Back to Mariah (107,057)
by Edward from USA
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Do you guys think MC16 will Mariah's final album, and how would you feel if it were?
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 14:16)
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Back to Mariah (107,062)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I feel MC16 will be her last album if she ever releases it. Six years without an album is not what we are accustomed to. So, I would be okay if it is her last album. It seems like her heart is not in releasing new music for whatever reason that we are not privy to right now. I still love me some MC. My collection of 30 years is worth a lot of money.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 18:16)
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107,057 |
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Back to Mariah (107,057)
by Edward from USA
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Do you guys think MC16 will Mariah's final album, and how would you feel if it were?
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 14:16)
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Back to Mariah (107,061)
by Shezz from Pk
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I think that will depend on how MC16 fares. It would take something close to a miracle for it to be successful, even if it is a great album, which I have a feeling it will be.
She will keep dabbling in music, maybe not an entire album. And of course there's always the possibility of Under the Christmas Three, which might come when she's 60 now. Wow. That sounds surreal.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 17:56)
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107,057 |
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Back to Mariah (107,057)
by Edward from USA
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Do you guys think MC16 will Mariah's final album, and how would you feel if it were?
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 14:16)
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Back to Mariah (107,060)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I think it is gonna be a longer pause between MC16 and the next album (which I am sure it's gonna happen) but we will not mind the pause because MC16 is gonna be a fire. I feel it in my bones.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 17:50)
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107,057 |
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Back to Mariah (107,057)
by Edward from USA
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Do you guys think MC16 will Mariah's final album, and how would you feel if it were?
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 14:16)
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Webmaster, please... (107,059)
by Matty from Vancouver Canada
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Amen, I come oh here to escape the political dumpster fire to the south of me. Please no more politics.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 17:10)
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107,055 |
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Webmaster, please... (107,055)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Webmaster, are these posts about politics really necessary here, on Mariah Carey Archives? I mean, I really don't want to read about that here. It is enough that we (in Europe) are bombarded with that in the news every damn day. And we really do not care. We have enough of our own mess to deal with. So please, can you put this under control? Thank you.
[Webmaster: If this message gets more than 10 thumbs up, I will stop posting messages on the American elections. See also my first rule.]
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 10:49)
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Inspirational songs (107,058)
by Stacey from USA
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Already forgotten. Thank you. Life is too short to hold grudges with people in my personal lives and strangers on a message board. Plus, you're a fellow Libra, so I definitely can't stay mad. Carey on.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 16:54)
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107,053 |
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Inspirational songs (107,053)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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Same here, I'll be looking for new music, movies and TV series to distract myself from all the craziness around the elections. It's a shame that we live in a beautiful world that can be so ugly and unpleasant at the same time. Life is short and wonderful if we can look past all the horrible things around us and not let them affect us in a negative manner. I am truly sorry that I offended anyone, I know that I could be more diplomatic in my comments and I've failed miserably at that. I believe everyone has the right to live their lives as they choose without judgement. Stacey I'm sorry for my negative comments directed at you.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 08:04)
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Back to Mariah (107,057)
by Edward from USA
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Do you guys think MC16 will Mariah's final album, and how would you feel if it were?
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 14:16)
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Webmaster, please... (107,056)
by Norman from USA
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I'm more than okay not having a discussion about politics on a pop culture blog. That said, when it runs rampant and unchecked, it's just as irksome to have to see so much BS posted gleefully. So, yeah, block the political posts away.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 11:20)
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107,055 |
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Webmaster, please... (107,055)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Webmaster, are these posts about politics really necessary here, on Mariah Carey Archives? I mean, I really don't want to read about that here. It is enough that we (in Europe) are bombarded with that in the news every damn day. And we really do not care. We have enough of our own mess to deal with. So please, can you put this under control? Thank you.
[Webmaster: If this message gets more than 10 thumbs up, I will stop posting messages on the American elections. See also my first rule.]
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 10:49)
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Webmaster, please... (107,055)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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Webmaster, are these posts about politics really necessary here, on Mariah Carey Archives? I mean, I really don't want to read about that here. It is enough that we (in Europe) are bombarded with that in the news every damn day. And we really do not care. We have enough of our own mess to deal with. So please, can you put this under control? Thank you.
[Webmaster: If this message gets more than 10 thumbs up, I will stop posting messages on the American elections. See also my first rule.]
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 10:49)
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Inspirational songs (107,054)
by Norman from USA
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If you're not informed enough about certain topics to discuss them in public, it's okay. Just say that. No one expects you to have knowledge about everything. But don't go on a tangent regurgitating things you've picked up in passing from other people. Google is free. And, sure, so is Wikipedia, but try reading all the information out there debunking these talking points that were cleared up before he became POTUS. Vote for whomever you want, but don't post misinformation and expect it to go unchecked.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 08:38)
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107,042 |
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Inspirational songs (107,042)
by BFF from United States
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I'm no supporter of Trump's, but the reality is that Biden's record on racial issues is equally bad or worse than Trump's. With Biden, you have five decades of off-color racial comments/gaffes and horrible policy choices that negatively impacted African-Americans. The difference is that Biden pretends to be your friend while stabbing you in the back, while Trump stabs you in the front.
Biden voted for the 1994 crime bill which resulted in disproportionately higher rates of incarceration amongst African-Americans. He also spoke about how proud he was of his work with segregationists during his time in the Senate. And he was also opposed to busing as part of the de-segregation process. Vice President Harris called him out on this in the 2020 primary debate, go back and watch the clips.
This is why I refused to support Joe Biden in the 2020 primary or the general election (and voted for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins), why I thought he was an awful choice to be President Obama's VP (supported Obama in 2008 and 2012), and why I thought he was an awful candidate in 2008.
Not saying that either Trump or Biden is great. I'm simply saying that Democrats are equally as capable as Republicans of racial bigotry, homophobia, misogyny etc. Almost every mainstream Democratic leader was opposed to same-sex marriage (Biden, Clinton, Obama, Clyburn, etc.) until the supreme court decision made it untenable to hold that belief. Many have never apologized and acknowledged they were wrong.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:48)
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Inspirational songs (107,053)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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Same here, I'll be looking for new music, movies and TV series to distract myself from all the craziness around the elections. It's a shame that we live in a beautiful world that can be so ugly and unpleasant at the same time. Life is short and wonderful if we can look past all the horrible things around us and not let them affect us in a negative manner. I am truly sorry that I offended anyone, I know that I could be more diplomatic in my comments and I've failed miserably at that. I believe everyone has the right to live their lives as they choose without judgement. Stacey I'm sorry for my negative comments directed at you.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 08:04)
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107,047 |
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Inspirational songs (107,047)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I am not looking forward to everything that leads up to election day in November. The name calling, the political ads during primetime programming, and the uneasy political climate irritates me from September to November. I hope this Fall TV season's new shows like Poppa's House (CBS), Brillant Minds (NBC), Georgie's and Mandy's First Marriage (CBS), Happy Place (NBC), and Elsbeth (CBS) can brighten my mood this fall.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 02:09)
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Inspirational songs (107,052)
by Shezz from Pk
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I feel you Robert Anthony. A lot of us outside of the US see it as a wolf in wolf's clothing vs a wolf in sheep's clothing. And your leaders affect us as well because of their foreign policies, being one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world.
Looking forward to Georgie and Mandy.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 06:35)
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107,047 |
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Inspirational songs (107,047)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I am not looking forward to everything that leads up to election day in November. The name calling, the political ads during primetime programming, and the uneasy political climate irritates me from September to November. I hope this Fall TV season's new shows like Poppa's House (CBS), Brillant Minds (NBC), Georgie's and Mandy's First Marriage (CBS), Happy Place (NBC), and Elsbeth (CBS) can brighten my mood this fall.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 02:09)
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Inspirational songs (107,051)
by Stacey from USA
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Me too. I'm always so glad when election day comes and goes away. I don't have to see those ADs anymore, lol.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 05:47)
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107,047 |
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Inspirational songs (107,047)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I am not looking forward to everything that leads up to election day in November. The name calling, the political ads during primetime programming, and the uneasy political climate irritates me from September to November. I hope this Fall TV season's new shows like Poppa's House (CBS), Brillant Minds (NBC), Georgie's and Mandy's First Marriage (CBS), Happy Place (NBC), and Elsbeth (CBS) can brighten my mood this fall.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 02:09)
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Mariah looks great (107,050)
by Mimi L. from Empower Your Highlighter
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I don't think Mariah should have a makeup line. I'll tell you why, celebrity makeup lines are already oversaturated and people are sick of it. Plus to be successful in this saturated market you need to really set yourself apart, like Rare Beauty with its connection to promoting self.
Love and pledge to donate to mental health causes or like Fenty beauty that was one of the first brands to break the ceiling with shade range. These brands are also successful and will have longevity because their owners Riri and Selena invest a lot of themselves on promoting them. Mariah won't invest much in these in terms of money or time and she'll just slap her name on something and it'll flop and we'll never hear about it again. Her single MAC collab did really well (which btw call me delulu but I hope the OG MCA peeps remember I had made a case for it here and then bam Stella announced it a while later). But that was a one time.
Thing and MaC handled the promo. If MC were at all to enter the beauty world I'd say she should try skincare because she always said she has her own mixture and she looks 33. But hopefully it's not a JLo situation where it broke everyone out. I'd say Mariah should just steer clear of this and focus on music.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 04:51)
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107,039 |
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Mariah looks great (107,039)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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We are now in uncharted territory with MC's career. I am about ready to put my focus and attention on another female artist for awhile as we wait for this long over due MC16 album and Butterfly Lounge project. If it wasn't 6 years since Caution, I would not be so bitter right now because of no album news since April. Here's to Summer Walker and her music right now.
By the way, why doesn't MC have her own cosmetics brand and company? I feel that is a huge misstep in her career.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:10)
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Inspirational songs (107,049)
by Stacey from USA
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Yes. That's exactly what I am doing. No trying needed. I gave you direct quote. Want another one? I've got plenty. BFF gave you examples too. You can't say Trump is racist and that makes it true. You have to argue for it. What has he done, actions, that prove your claim? Facts don't care about your feelings.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 02:49)
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107,040 |
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Inspirational songs (107,040)
by Steve from USA
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Stacey, come on now. You're gonna try to tell us that Trump isn't racist but Biden is? First of all that isn't even relevant now, and secondly it's patently false. Biden may be a gaffe machine, but racist he is not. Trump doesn't even bother with dog whistle politics, he says the quiet part out loud, in the rare instance he makes any sense at all. I mean, you tell yourself what you need to, but the Trump Vance ticket is racist (Vance: I love my wife even though she's not white), misogynist, anti lgbtq, etc. It's the "take us back to the good old days when the white guys ruled everything" ticket. And this is coming from a white (gay) guy. If you truly believe in what you're saying, you may need to diversify your news sources. And now let's get back to talking about Mariah, who ain't voting for Trump.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:27)
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Inspirational songs (107,048)
by Stacey from USA
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I'm not from Michigan. I'm from Southern California. But I still root for Michigan whenever they play Penn St or Ohio St. Gymnastics. I wanted the USA men to get a medal. They had not won a team medal since 2008. So fun to watch them get the bronze.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 02:30)
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107,043 |
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Inspirational songs (107,043)
by Tevin from USA
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Same. It was great. Frederick (Go Blue, if you're from Michigan), and the crew are really making me interested in men's gymnastics. They are amazing.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 22:13)
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Inspirational songs (107,047)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I am not looking forward to everything that leads up to election day in November. The name calling, the political ads during primetime programming, and the uneasy political climate irritates me from September to November. I hope this Fall TV season's new shows like Poppa's House (CBS), Brillant Minds (NBC), Georgie's and Mandy's First Marriage (CBS), Happy Place (NBC), and Elsbeth (CBS) can brighten my mood this fall.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 02:09)
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107,045 |
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Inspirational songs (107,045)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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I would just encourage everyone to do their research, cross check their information, and make an educated decision in November as well as get involved in their local politics and elections. Don't take my word for anything or anyone else's, go seek the truth and go from there. At the end of the day we will all vote for whomever and have to live with those decisions. I'm not here to sway anyone or educate anyone on anything.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 01:19)
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Inspirational songs (107,046)
by Stacey from USA
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Absolutely. That is something we surely can agree on.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 01:58)
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107,045 |
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Inspirational songs (107,045)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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I would just encourage everyone to do their research, cross check their information, and make an educated decision in November as well as get involved in their local politics and elections. Don't take my word for anything or anyone else's, go seek the truth and go from there. At the end of the day we will all vote for whomever and have to live with those decisions. I'm not here to sway anyone or educate anyone on anything.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 01:19)
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Inspirational songs (107,045)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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I would just encourage everyone to do their research, cross check their information, and make an educated decision in November as well as get involved in their local politics and elections. Don't take my word for anything or anyone else's, go seek the truth and go from there. At the end of the day we will all vote for whomever and have to live with those decisions. I'm not here to sway anyone or educate anyone on anything.
(Wednesday 31 July 2024; 01:19)
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107,042 |
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Inspirational songs (107,042)
by BFF from United States
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I'm no supporter of Trump's, but the reality is that Biden's record on racial issues is equally bad or worse than Trump's. With Biden, you have five decades of off-color racial comments/gaffes and horrible policy choices that negatively impacted African-Americans. The difference is that Biden pretends to be your friend while stabbing you in the back, while Trump stabs you in the front.
Biden voted for the 1994 crime bill which resulted in disproportionately higher rates of incarceration amongst African-Americans. He also spoke about how proud he was of his work with segregationists during his time in the Senate. And he was also opposed to busing as part of the de-segregation process. Vice President Harris called him out on this in the 2020 primary debate, go back and watch the clips.
This is why I refused to support Joe Biden in the 2020 primary or the general election (and voted for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins), why I thought he was an awful choice to be President Obama's VP (supported Obama in 2008 and 2012), and why I thought he was an awful candidate in 2008.
Not saying that either Trump or Biden is great. I'm simply saying that Democrats are equally as capable as Republicans of racial bigotry, homophobia, misogyny etc. Almost every mainstream Democratic leader was opposed to same-sex marriage (Biden, Clinton, Obama, Clyburn, etc.) until the supreme court decision made it untenable to hold that belief. Many have never apologized and acknowledged they were wrong.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:48)
Only registrated members can post messages.
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If you want to leave a message, there are a few rules you must follow:
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This is a Mariah Carey messageboard, so the message must be related to Mariah Carey. |
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Only messages in English will be posted. And please try to write understandable English,
with the proper use of dots and capitals. |
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Messages with all capitals will be ignored. |
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Messages that are insulting (to Mariah, other artists or members of this messageboard) will
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