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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,019)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I apologize for being negative this time. I just noticed that MC does not sing like before even during the Memoirs era. When I say she can't sing anymore, I don't mean she can't do some great vocal stacking or background vocals. I am referring to the fact that MC does not sing like we have heard her sing in the past. MC can still sing.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 12:53)
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107,017 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,017)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I really don't like your negative attitude all the time regarding her voice. I listened the same thing and it is live. I don't know why you keep saying that she can't sing anymore. So annoying.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 08:40)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,018)
by Shezz from Pk
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Zachariah, the adlibs she is doing are live - rest of it is something she has recorded for her live shows, raw unprocessed vocals that don't sound like studio versions so they seem more live and believable.
To the average listener they are very believable. Once you see / hear the recordings of more shows you will see how they all sound exactly the same.
I don't know if it is lack of confidence or if her voice does not have the stamina to sing 12-15 songs anymore. Which is why I'm still excited for MC16 - pieced together or controlled environments or one song at a time in her studio, she can still pull it off.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 10:36)
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107,017 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,017)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I really don't like your negative attitude all the time regarding her voice. I listened the same thing and it is live. I don't know why you keep saying that she can't sing anymore. So annoying.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 08:40)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,017)
by Zachariah from Croatia
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I really don't like your negative attitude all the time regarding her voice. I listened the same thing and it is live. I don't know why you keep saying that she can't sing anymore. So annoying.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 08:40)
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107,012 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,012)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I was thinking again today while I was standing in the grocery checkout line. I just wonder is it common knowledge among MC's colleagues, label executives, and radio programmers that Mariah Carey can't sing anymore. I thought about that because MC doesn't receive any offers for duets, movie songs, or TV performances anymore. Her last collaborations have been rap hooks and a JD favor for another artist. I am really worried about what MC's career will look like in 2030. That would be 40 years in the music business at 61 years old. Maybe an announcement of MC16 will be her last album and it will be a double album. That would be a great prelude something new in the TV entertainment and cosmetics industry.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 23:57)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,016)
by Shezz from Pk
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I am sure if we know, they all know. I want to believe it is not just laziness and that there are legitimate issues - voice and otherwise. I don't think she will ever discuss them even after she retires. I don't think she owes anybody any explanations - would I like to know? Of course. But it's never happening.
Whatever started happening with her voice in the 90s went into over drive after 2020. I still remember the energy and passion she still had when I watched her Caution tour (compared to 2024).
What she can do is hire a better stylist at least for the shows. There are clearly still tons of people who are willing to pay for her concerts - good for them and good for her. I don't watch any concert videos anymore.
So Roe is an Olivia Rodrigo fan.
I'm still waiting patiently for MC16, I know she will deliver.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 07:03)
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107,012 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,012)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I was thinking again today while I was standing in the grocery checkout line. I just wonder is it common knowledge among MC's colleagues, label executives, and radio programmers that Mariah Carey can't sing anymore. I thought about that because MC doesn't receive any offers for duets, movie songs, or TV performances anymore. Her last collaborations have been rap hooks and a JD favor for another artist. I am really worried about what MC's career will look like in 2030. That would be 40 years in the music business at 61 years old. Maybe an announcement of MC16 will be her last album and it will be a double album. That would be a great prelude something new in the TV entertainment and cosmetics industry.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 23:57)
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Old concerts and old music (107,015)
by Alexis Carrington-Colby from United States
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This would be her best bet. She won't do it, however. She is so preoccupied with perfection that she won't release footage that has a certain angle or off note. I'm still surprised she released the Tatoo club 1990 show to streaming. I'm convinced she has at least some footage from all of her tours, but she won't release it. Same with Whitney's estate.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 03:27)
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107,011 |
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Old concerts and old music (107,011)
by TJ from Norway
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I hope that Mariah can release her old concerts on YouTube or DVD (or something) someday soon. There must be a lot of material somewhere. I know she was supposed to release a DVD from her CB gig in Paris. That was a good show. And what about the Music Box tour? What I've seen on YouTube is amazing. And I do need the other version of AIYM. Where did the vault go? Her alternative rock album? I would rather get that music instead of more slow "RnB". If there's new music it would be interesting with other genres, or maybe old hits from the 50's or 60's and even older. Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James and many more.
And you all should listen to If it's Over today. The album version, SNL or some other live performance, just to remember what she used to be. I love that song. Always and forever.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 23:26)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,014)
by Alexis Carrington-Colby from United States
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This type of sycophancy is dangerous and unhinged.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 03:23)
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107,004 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,004)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah doesn't owe anyone anything. If she chooses to stand there and lip-sync poorly, it's up to her devoted fans if they want to pay for it and pretend she's singing. She has two young children who need her full attention, and she doesn't have time for extensive rehearsals. Caring for her babies is demanding, so don't be so judgmental. It's clear she doesn't care much, so why should you? She wants her money now, and there's nothing wrong with that. Has it occurred to you that maybe Mariah is just preserving her voice so she can still hum when she's 58? As real fans, you should buy multiple tickets and celebrate her now that she can at least still walk on stage and smile. Leave your negativity at the door, please.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 18:59)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,013)
by SM from Citizen of the World
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Everything I have seen on X looks live. What songs did she lip so I can watch them.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 00:58)
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106,999 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (106,999)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I saw some video clips of the first night. It was obvious that MC was lip syncing to the original tracks. It is very sad that she can't perform live anymore. If she ever releases an album of new material, how would she justify performing new songs to a backing track? And another sad aspect of her vocal issues is that she has not addressed it to her Lambs. If she would at least do that, then we would understand what she is going through. If next year there is no MC16, then she will never release it.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 13:36)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,012)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I was thinking again today while I was standing in the grocery checkout line. I just wonder is it common knowledge among MC's colleagues, label executives, and radio programmers that Mariah Carey can't sing anymore. I thought about that because MC doesn't receive any offers for duets, movie songs, or TV performances anymore. Her last collaborations have been rap hooks and a JD favor for another artist. I am really worried about what MC's career will look like in 2030. That would be 40 years in the music business at 61 years old. Maybe an announcement of MC16 will be her last album and it will be a double album. That would be a great prelude something new in the TV entertainment and cosmetics industry.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 23:57)
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107,010 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,010)
by Jamie from UK
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Yeah I think everyone misses the old Mariah, she was so cool.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 22:25)
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Old concerts and old music (107,011)
by TJ from Norway
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I hope that Mariah can release her old concerts on YouTube or DVD (or something) someday soon. There must be a lot of material somewhere. I know she was supposed to release a DVD from her CB gig in Paris. That was a good show. And what about the Music Box tour? What I've seen on YouTube is amazing. And I do need the other version of AIYM. Where did the vault go? Her alternative rock album? I would rather get that music instead of more slow "RnB". If there's new music it would be interesting with other genres, or maybe old hits from the 50's or 60's and even older. Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James and many more.
And you all should listen to If it's Over today. The album version, SNL or some other live performance, just to remember what she used to be. I love that song. Always and forever.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 23:26)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,010)
by Jamie from UK
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Yeah I think everyone misses the old Mariah, she was so cool.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 22:25)
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107,008 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,008)
by Edward from USA
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She's never going to do that as long as she's milking the cow because she would have to admit to the gimmicks and incessant lipping. I was telling Randy the other day that I miss the old Mariah, the passionate one. She was so adorable when she was humble. But somewhere along the way, she lost herself in her diva persona, which alienated much of her fanbase too.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 22:18)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,009)
by Jamie from UK
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No but I still stand by what I said. She needs to sort herself out.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 22:24)
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107,007 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,007)
by Edward from USA
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Dear Jamie, I hope you didn't take my post seriously. I was just playing the role of a blindly devoted dumb yass queen fan. Those are some of the ridiculous excuses that some people like to post here. We're supposed support Mariah and her with our coins and not have a say because she is Mariah Carey. The fact that she doesn't even seem to care is disrespectful to those of us who have been there with her through thick and thin.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 21:57)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,008)
by Edward from USA
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She's never going to do that as long as she's milking the cow because she would have to admit to the gimmicks and incessant lipping. I was telling Randy the other day that I miss the old Mariah, the passionate one. She was so adorable when she was humble. But somewhere along the way, she lost herself in her diva persona, which alienated much of her fanbase too.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 22:18)
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107,006 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,006)
by Jamie from UK
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As long as Mariah is putting out music and standing on that stage she owes everyone everything. If she isn't bothered then go and live off your back catalogue. But she is still putting herself out there, so she should be giving 100%. Celine has children also and I don't see her giving half hearted performances. When Mariah came on to the scene she was so passionate, would screw her face up on stage as long as she hit those notes and didn't care what she looked like. Now it's a case of if I look good nothing else matters. As I've said in previous posts she changed personality from 2001 and it's progressively got worse. Now I don't think even Mariah knows who she is. She needs to strip it all back get to know herself again, drop the diva act and concentrate on being an artist with passion again. And if she can't do that then step down and stop taking peoples money. Celine this weekend has proven she is a true artist, her craft is so important to her and she works at it to ensure it never falters. I don't listen to Think Twice and think where is that woman now I miss her. But I do when I listen to say Can't Let Go and that is sad. I never ever thought I would be saying these things ever. Mariah was phenomenal her voice and her whole persona was intoxicating. And as a dedicated fan I want to know what happened and I know I'm not the only one.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 21:18)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,007)
by Edward from USA
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Dear Jamie, I hope you didn't take my post seriously. I was just playing the role of a blindly devoted dumb yass queen fan. Those are some of the ridiculous excuses that some people like to post here. We're supposed support Mariah and her with our coins and not have a say because she is Mariah Carey. The fact that she doesn't even seem to care is disrespectful to those of us who have been there with her through thick and thin.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 21:57)
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107,006 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,006)
by Jamie from UK
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As long as Mariah is putting out music and standing on that stage she owes everyone everything. If she isn't bothered then go and live off your back catalogue. But she is still putting herself out there, so she should be giving 100%. Celine has children also and I don't see her giving half hearted performances. When Mariah came on to the scene she was so passionate, would screw her face up on stage as long as she hit those notes and didn't care what she looked like. Now it's a case of if I look good nothing else matters. As I've said in previous posts she changed personality from 2001 and it's progressively got worse. Now I don't think even Mariah knows who she is. She needs to strip it all back get to know herself again, drop the diva act and concentrate on being an artist with passion again. And if she can't do that then step down and stop taking peoples money. Celine this weekend has proven she is a true artist, her craft is so important to her and she works at it to ensure it never falters. I don't listen to Think Twice and think where is that woman now I miss her. But I do when I listen to say Can't Let Go and that is sad. I never ever thought I would be saying these things ever. Mariah was phenomenal her voice and her whole persona was intoxicating. And as a dedicated fan I want to know what happened and I know I'm not the only one.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 21:18)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,006)
by Jamie from UK
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As long as Mariah is putting out music and standing on that stage she owes everyone everything. If she isn't bothered then go and live off your back catalogue. But she is still putting herself out there, so she should be giving 100%. Celine has children also and I don't see her giving half hearted performances. When Mariah came on to the scene she was so passionate, would screw her face up on stage as long as she hit those notes and didn't care what she looked like. Now it's a case of if I look good nothing else matters. As I've said in previous posts she changed personality from 2001 and it's progressively got worse. Now I don't think even Mariah knows who she is. She needs to strip it all back get to know herself again, drop the diva act and concentrate on being an artist with passion again. And if she can't do that then step down and stop taking peoples money. Celine this weekend has proven she is a true artist, her craft is so important to her and she works at it to ensure it never falters. I don't listen to Think Twice and think where is that woman now I miss her. But I do when I listen to say Can't Let Go and that is sad. I never ever thought I would be saying these things ever. Mariah was phenomenal her voice and her whole persona was intoxicating. And as a dedicated fan I want to know what happened and I know I'm not the only one.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 21:18)
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107,004 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,004)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah doesn't owe anyone anything. If she chooses to stand there and lip-sync poorly, it's up to her devoted fans if they want to pay for it and pretend she's singing. She has two young children who need her full attention, and she doesn't have time for extensive rehearsals. Caring for her babies is demanding, so don't be so judgmental. It's clear she doesn't care much, so why should you? She wants her money now, and there's nothing wrong with that. Has it occurred to you that maybe Mariah is just preserving her voice so she can still hum when she's 58? As real fans, you should buy multiple tickets and celebrate her now that she can at least still walk on stage and smile. Leave your negativity at the door, please.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 18:59)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,005)
by Brandon from USA
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I'm getting really frustrated with MC and these performances where she is giving nothing, no facial expression, no emotion, no movement, no live singing, just nothing. She does look good but there's more to performing than just hair and make up. If she's not fit to perform due to her physical or mental health or the voice is just not working, she should take some time away and get herself together like Celine did. Then she should come back when she is 100% ready. I admire Celine's discipline, dedication to her craft and passion for performing that MC clearly lacks. I want the best for MC but it's as if she doesn't care which is disheartening as a fan.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 19:55)
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107,001 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,001)
by BFF from United States
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I was looking at some videos from the last few nights in Vegas as well. Mariah's lip-syncing is pretty shameless in them. If she's going to do it, she definitely needs to practice making it look more convincing. Her lips are barely moving in some of the songs.
Is there any segment of this show in which she is singing live? What a sad spectacle.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 16:05)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,004)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah doesn't owe anyone anything. If she chooses to stand there and lip-sync poorly, it's up to her devoted fans if they want to pay for it and pretend she's singing. She has two young children who need her full attention, and she doesn't have time for extensive rehearsals. Caring for her babies is demanding, so don't be so judgmental. It's clear she doesn't care much, so why should you? She wants her money now, and there's nothing wrong with that. Has it occurred to you that maybe Mariah is just preserving her voice so she can still hum when she's 58? As real fans, you should buy multiple tickets and celebrate her now that she can at least still walk on stage and smile. Leave your negativity at the door, please.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 18:59)
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107,001 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,001)
by BFF from United States
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I was looking at some videos from the last few nights in Vegas as well. Mariah's lip-syncing is pretty shameless in them. If she's going to do it, she definitely needs to practice making it look more convincing. Her lips are barely moving in some of the songs.
Is there any segment of this show in which she is singing live? What a sad spectacle.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 16:05)
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1996 Olympics (107,003)
by Tevin from USA
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I was only 2 years old during this Olympics, but did Mariah play any part (made any appearance) in or at the Olympics?
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 18:51)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,002)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Right. I noticed that too. How did her career get to this point? I am tempted to write an unauthorized book titled, "The Tragic Loss of Mariah Carey's Voice". I believe the loss of her voice is more than vocal cord nodules or her breathiness singing style. There was something that happened to her voice from 1995-1998 that she never recovered from and over the years it progressively got worse. Fast forward to 2020 and her vocal problems became painfully evident with every live performance that she didn't use a backing track.
I am sure the problem that she is having in the studio recording MC16 is that she can't sing the different parts to her satisfaction to honestly say she is happy with the final track.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 17:24)
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107,001 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,001)
by BFF from United States
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I was looking at some videos from the last few nights in Vegas as well. Mariah's lip-syncing is pretty shameless in them. If she's going to do it, she definitely needs to practice making it look more convincing. Her lips are barely moving in some of the songs.
Is there any segment of this show in which she is singing live? What a sad spectacle.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 16:05)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,001)
by BFF from United States
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I was looking at some videos from the last few nights in Vegas as well. Mariah's lip-syncing is pretty shameless in them. If she's going to do it, she definitely needs to practice making it look more convincing. Her lips are barely moving in some of the songs.
Is there any segment of this show in which she is singing live? What a sad spectacle.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 16:05)
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106,999 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (106,999)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I saw some video clips of the first night. It was obvious that MC was lip syncing to the original tracks. It is very sad that she can't perform live anymore. If she ever releases an album of new material, how would she justify performing new songs to a backing track? And another sad aspect of her vocal issues is that she has not addressed it to her Lambs. If she would at least do that, then we would understand what she is going through. If next year there is no MC16, then she will never release it.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 13:36)
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Inspirational songs (107,000)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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I'm not sure which part of toilet paper you didn't understand. I can't begin to grasp the mentality of the far right MAGA cult that supports Trump. He's a very dangerous person and already denying the upcoming elections results. Democracy is at stake here. It's bigger than you and I, name calling, money, political correctness, self righteousness, etc. There's so much at stake that I'm not worried about how I feel or how I make someone else feel. I don't mince my words and I call it like I see it. Have you seen people wearing a fake bandage on their ear? The cultists will make excuses for Trump that they won't even make for themselves or their loved ones. If it quacks like a cult, and walks like a cult, it's a cult. I get my news from multiple respectable sources, not the Trump media, Fox News and Tik Tok. I've done my research. You don't have to do yours, that's my problem. I'm not here to school you.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 14:00)
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106,994 |
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Inspirational songs (106,994)
by Stacey from USA
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I encourage you to read the book "What this comedian said will shock you" written by Bill Maher. He despises Trump. He said this, "'I can't hate you. I've said it a billion times. You can hate Trump, you can't hate all the people who like him. It's half the country.' I'm certainly not blind to Donald Trump's fault. I get it why people choose to vote for him. You know, somebody who's conservative once said to me 'What you don't get, you liberals don't get about Trump is that we don't like it either. We just see him as a bulwark against the nonsense on the left.' And I understand that because there is a lot of nonsense on the left and that's in my book, too."
I share his thoughts because you have every right to call Trump a racist. That's your opinion. But you can't call his supporters racist. That's something I'll always push back on. Maher is simply saying he hates Trump but can't hate his followers. Those are good people. Instead of calling someone a cultist, find out why they support Trump. You might learn something, and in turn that person might learn something from you. Good conversation is severely lacking in today's society.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 23:33)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (106,999)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I saw some video clips of the first night. It was obvious that MC was lip syncing to the original tracks. It is very sad that she can't perform live anymore. If she ever releases an album of new material, how would she justify performing new songs to a backing track? And another sad aspect of her vocal issues is that she has not addressed it to her Lambs. If she would at least do that, then we would understand what she is going through. If next year there is no MC16, then she will never release it.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 13:36)
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106,998 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (106,998)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Celine still has a privileged voice, a unique, distinctive timbre, just like Mariah. The huge difference between the two is discipline. While Celine has been committed to caring for and maintaining her instrument and there are many videos and interviews over the last few years in which she claims to continue taking singing lessons and doing vocal exercises (which has not prevented the inevitable deterioration caused by age and her illness), Mariah has been committed for decades to using pre-recorded vocals and her vocal condition has plummeted since 2020 until today, where it is a real shame to see her in Las Vegas, where 95 percent of her show is pure playback. I am struck by the absence of any hint of expressiveness in her face due to the cosmetic infiltrations or retouching she has undergone since 2022. Up until the Caution tour (where she was still able to showcase glorious little vocal moments), Mariah was always known for being tremendously expressive and making faces and hand movements while singing live, especially during the more difficult parts of her songs; which, since the late 90s, made it extremely easy to detect when she was putting a pre-record into a climax because her facial expressiveness would totally change, her eyebrows would relax, her muscle tension would relax and she would look like she was smiling just when it was her turn to do the Olympic acrobatics. We all know that Mariah is not a good actress and has never been able to do a good lip-sync.
Right now it is a paradox that the less effort and effort Mariah puts in, the more believable her playback is in the eyes of non-fans, of the general public, since there is hardly any expressiveness in her face not only during the climax but during an entire song. Zero vocal effort, zero effort in movement and choreography. Just getting paid to look like a Barbie. At least Celine is able to convey a believable story, and mind you, unpopular opinion: although I get goosebumps every time I see her video singing Hymne a L'amour in the Eiffel Tower, as a fan who has been watching her sing for decades just like Mariah, I know perfectly well that her performance was 100% pre-recorded, with facial and body simulation and almost perfect playback. But she managed to put on an unforgettable show and return to the public eye and to music in style. Mariah, meanwhile, continues to make these poor performances in Las Vegas. I wish she would at least release some new studio music, since her forte, unlike Celine's, is songwriting and creating good songs written by herself.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 10:02)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (106,998)
by MC1989 from Spain
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Celine still has a privileged voice, a unique, distinctive timbre, just like Mariah. The huge difference between the two is discipline. While Celine has been committed to caring for and maintaining her instrument and there are many videos and interviews over the last few years in which she claims to continue taking singing lessons and doing vocal exercises (which has not prevented the inevitable deterioration caused by age and her illness), Mariah has been committed for decades to using pre-recorded vocals and her vocal condition has plummeted since 2020 until today, where it is a real shame to see her in Las Vegas, where 95 percent of her show is pure playback. I am struck by the absence of any hint of expressiveness in her face due to the cosmetic infiltrations or retouching she has undergone since 2022. Up until the Caution tour (where she was still able to showcase glorious little vocal moments), Mariah was always known for being tremendously expressive and making faces and hand movements while singing live, especially during the more difficult parts of her songs; which, since the late 90s, made it extremely easy to detect when she was putting a pre-record into a climax because her facial expressiveness would totally change, her eyebrows would relax, her muscle tension would relax and she would look like she was smiling just when it was her turn to do the Olympic acrobatics. We all know that Mariah is not a good actress and has never been able to do a good lip-sync.
Right now it is a paradox that the less effort and effort Mariah puts in, the more believable her playback is in the eyes of non-fans, of the general public, since there is hardly any expressiveness in her face not only during the climax but during an entire song. Zero vocal effort, zero effort in movement and choreography. Just getting paid to look like a Barbie. At least Celine is able to convey a believable story, and mind you, unpopular opinion: although I get goosebumps every time I see her video singing Hymne a L'amour in the Eiffel Tower, as a fan who has been watching her sing for decades just like Mariah, I know perfectly well that her performance was 100% pre-recorded, with facial and body simulation and almost perfect playback. But she managed to put on an unforgettable show and return to the public eye and to music in style. Mariah, meanwhile, continues to make these poor performances in Las Vegas. I wish she would at least release some new studio music, since her forte, unlike Celine's, is songwriting and creating good songs written by herself.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 10:02)
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Celine (106,997)
by Edward from USA
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I was in tears, to be honest. It was a true return to form - almost miraculous considering what she's been through with that awful syndrome. She has maintained a loyal fanbase, just like Barbra. She might not sell as many records, but her concerts are always sold out. She's earned that respect.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 02:21)
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Celine (106,989)
by Jamie from UK
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Having watched her performance again, it is one polished and well executed performance. One thing about Celine is that she has always stayed consistent and true to herself. The Celine of the 1990's is the same Celine now. She is truly respected as an artist and still has her original fan base. I often have trouble relating to Mariah now as it's like she's a completely different person from the 1990's. That's not to say I don't like both but it's why I think she has lost a lot of her fan base and why she's not as respected as much. Celine knows her craft and what her fans want, and isn't at a point in her career where she's having to think of new styles to get peoples attention again as she already has the respect. Obviously Mariah is a different artist with a different personality but I think she could have learnt a lot from how Celine has controlled her career and her reputation.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:30)
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Celine returned full force (106,996)
by Edward from USA
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Wow, Celine killed it at the Olympics. After everything she's been through, I doubted she would recover, but she returned with an incredibly powerful performance. I'm so happy for her. It's been over a decade since I've seen her sing like that. I only hope Mariah can deliver a similar performance one last time for the world to see. I can't believe it. I'm so happy for her and her fans.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 02:09)
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Celine (106,995)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Celine's respect by her fans and the industry is the reason why she was chosen to sing the biggest movie theme song of our time - "My Heart Will Go On". MC could have had it if the producers would thought she would just have sung it in full voice and with no extra Mariah vocal moments. Because of her need to add extras in her songs, MC has missed out on a lot of huge movie theme songs and TV performance moments during her 30-year career.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 23:46)
this is a reply to message | |
106,989 |
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Celine (106,989)
by Jamie from UK
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Having watched her performance again, it is one polished and well executed performance. One thing about Celine is that she has always stayed consistent and true to herself. The Celine of the 1990's is the same Celine now. She is truly respected as an artist and still has her original fan base. I often have trouble relating to Mariah now as it's like she's a completely different person from the 1990's. That's not to say I don't like both but it's why I think she has lost a lot of her fan base and why she's not as respected as much. Celine knows her craft and what her fans want, and isn't at a point in her career where she's having to think of new styles to get peoples attention again as she already has the respect. Obviously Mariah is a different artist with a different personality but I think she could have learnt a lot from how Celine has controlled her career and her reputation.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:30)
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