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Article: Mariah surprises with her first career hit on one chart (106,608) by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
This was a nice surprise.
(Friday 7 June 2024; 11:28)
Just some Dolly Parton facts (106,607) by Bobby A from United States
Dolly will release album #50 on November 15th. Her last album was released on November 17, 2023. She began her career in 1955. This lady looks like she is 50 years old right now. Dolly does not slow down. Everyone loves Dolly Parton. This last fact really made me laugh. Her own label is called Butterfly Records. How funny is that?
(Friday 7 June 2024; 02:03)
Sex and drug trafficking is the context for pop culture (106,606) by Geronimo from USA
Sex and drug trafficking is the basic context for popular culture from the military-slave economy of the 17th century Atlantic world to the organized crime-dominated New York speakeasy scene of the early days of "jazz" to the days of hair bands and "gangsta" rap.

Mariah was swimming in sex trafficking and drugs against her will before Tommy, by choice with Tommy, and she was swimming in vice by choice after Tommy.

Meanwhile, ethically serious musicians have always and continue to create better choices and contexts to make a living in music. They have done this, in part, by receiving inherited wealth, by pursuing something more interesting that being a star in a sky erected by moral perverts, and/or by choosing creativity and dignity over being a multi-million dollar slave to colonizers and pimps.

The party animal, the pimp and ho routine, and the insecure, boy-crazy, naughty/innocent air-head tropes all need to go and our tastes must evolve.
(Friday 7 June 2024; 00:48)
BMA (106,605) by Libra Lamb from USA
I watched the video. I'm no vocal coach or expert by any means but what they said makes sense though. Very interesting. It's all I'm gonna say about it.
(Thursday 6 June 2024; 18:50)
this is a reply to message 106,602
The-Dream (106,604) by BFF from United States
Sex trafficking, misogyny, violence, etc. were baked into the image projected by many popular R&B and hip-hop artists - both male and female - in the 1990s and 2000s. It's hardly surprising that these types of accusations would be brought against the likes of R. Kelly, The-Dream, Sean Combs, etc. They pretty much told the public directly in their songs, albums, videos, et cetera what they were about. People were either not paying attention or decided that the behavior was permissible.

It's pretty rich at this point that Mariah has told this story of "escaping" from controlling men like Tommy but then went on to work with people engaged in far worse than anything Tommy has ever done. She could not have known the extent but she could see clear as day the type of image that these people were projecting.
(Thursday 6 June 2024; 17:14)
this is a reply to message 106,601
The-Dream (106,603) by MusicfanJ from Germany
It's really disgusting. But I don't think it's just because of the money and fame. A bad character stays a bad character, the same with a good one, with or without money. But if a bad person gets fame it's easier to treat other people wrong for sure. I won't listen to the songs like before. It spoils my joy while listening. I hope MC won't work again with him, there are better producers out there anyway.
(Thursday 6 June 2024; 14:11)
this is a reply to message 106,601
BMA (106,602) by Tevin from USA
Have you all ever heard of a YouTube channel called Black Music Archive? I used to watch his videos all the time, but the lambs are going in on him for his video he dropped yesterday. Him and his "experts" basically used the entire video to bash Mariah calling her whistle register a party trick. SMH.
(Thursday 6 June 2024; 05:39)
The-Dream (106,601) by Bobby A from United States
I guess MC won't be working with The-Dream anymore after these allegations. I don't understand why music producers like R.Kelly, Sean "Diddy" Combs", and The-Dream allow fame and money to overtake their moral judgement to use and mistreat women in such horrific ways. No heart emoji today.
(Thursday 6 June 2024; 02:35)
Made For Me remix (106,600) by Brandon from USA
@Anthony, the problem is that people love the original and a remix really wasn't necessary. MC could definitely benefit from a high profile duet like Usher or CB but it needs to be an original song and not a remix to a song past its prime. "Yes And" was past its prime and people really didn't care for the original which is why it didn't work. Had MC and AG released the remix as the official version first, it might have caught steam, but most people already moved on when it came out. She needs to move more strategically because unfortunately ageism is affecting her and she hasn't been consistently releasing music to stay in the public eye.
(Wednesday 5 June 2024; 03:21)
this is a reply to message 106,598
My All So So Def (106,599) by Brandon from USA
I wish MC would start incorporating this version into her show. This version had the energy and the vocals that could really add to the show.
(Wednesday 5 June 2024; 03:05)
Made For Me remix (106,598) by Bobby A from United States
Well, the remix has gotten absolutely little to no airplay during the past two weeks. I just don't understand why. I believe at this point MC will never receive radio airplay except at Christmas time. I used to think that a duet with Usher or Chris Brown could get MC back on pop and urban radio. However, now I think that a duet with Usher and Breezy would not be played either.
(Wednesday 5 June 2024; 01:29)
Rainbow25 (106,597) by Bobby A from United States
Do you think we could get a bonus doll depicting her infamous appearance on MTV TRL?
(Tuesday 4 June 2024; 22:56)
this is a reply to message 106,595
Mariah concert in Brasil (106,596) by Carlos from Brazil
I am really happy to share with you guys that I got my tickets for the Mariah concert in Brasil. I didn't got the tickets for Rock in Rio but for her solo concert which is even better. Who is coming? It appears to be selling fast.
(Tuesday 4 June 2024; 19:25)
Rainbow25 (106,595) by Edward from USA
Mariah should release a Rainbow remix everyday during Pride Month. At the end of Pride Month, she should shock us all and release a physical CD containing the best of those 30 remixes bundled up with a Mariah Barbie doll, with the head tilted to the right of course, It would be so epic and festive. Can you imagine if the Rainbow remixes were titled Rainbow Extensions 1, 2, 3 and so on? People would go crazy. It would definitely be her next number one.
(Tuesday 4 June 2024; 05:42)
Rainbow25 (106,594) by Bobby A from United States
I don't really know, but I am preducting that MC will release the remix one week before the NYC Pride Festival on June 30th. This way it will have the biggest impact during her home city's Pride Festival.
(Tuesday 4 June 2024; 04:58)
this is a reply to message 106,593
Rainbow25 (106,593) by Libra Lamb from USA
I think the Rainbow remix should definitely be released during the month of Pride, like yesterday, the album probably in November when everyone's hearing AIWFCIY played everywhere. Please Mariah release the Rainbow remix already. It's June 3rd.
(Monday 3 June 2024; 23:38)
this is a reply to message 106,591
Funk queen (106,592) by Terna from Nigeria
Haha. Don't do that. Honestly it takes a lot to sing with and like Chaka Khan. I love this version and feel like it's better than the studio recording, and the song is just gorgeous and well produced.
(Monday 3 June 2024; 13:57)
this is a reply to message 106,588
Rainbow25 (106,591) by Jamie from UK
Do you think we will have to wait till November for Rainbow25 and the remix. As that’s when the album was originally released or do you think she do it during Pride period?
(Monday 3 June 2024; 11:19)
Lifetime movie idea (106,590) by Bobby A from United States
I have an idea for a Lifetime movie to only focus on the beginning of MC's career through her last album with Sony. I just want the movie to focus only on the ups and downs of her relationship with Tommy and her recording career at Sony. Save the Glitter movie, mental breakdown and post Glitter career for a major motion picture to fully tell the Mariah Carey story in a 2-hour epic movie. The Lifetime movie should be written to depict MC's fast rise to stardom and her tumultous relationship with Tommy. My idea would be great for young people born in the 2000s to fully understand how MC became Mariah Carey.
(Monday 3 June 2024; 04:51)
X-Girlfriend (106,589) by Bobby A from United States
Kandi Buruss revealed during a Club Shay Shay interview (2023) that she and MC wrote X-Girlfriend over the phone. MC opted to record Rainbow in Capri, Italy and Kandi and Kevin "She'kspere" Briggs could not join her there. I did not know that is how X-Girlfriend was created.
(Monday 3 June 2024; 04:31)
Funk queen (106,588) by Edward from USA
They certainly gave Chaka Khan and her iconic big hair a run for her money. Rumor has it that they were all fired and never seen again after that performance.
(Monday 3 June 2024; 00:50)
this is a reply to message 106,584
Caution is probably better than TEOM (106,587) by Zachariah from Croatia
I have to disagree. Only half of that album is very good and that half carried the sale and success despite the other half. The half that was good: It's like that, We belong together, Shake it off, Say something, Get your number, Don't forget about us and Fly like a bird (but only live version). Makin' It Last All Night from the Platinum edition - also very very good. The other half - boring and rushed. Butterfly album on the other hand - every song is a masterpiece. Caution - it lacked a huge hit but it was a decent rnb album.
(Monday 3 June 2024; 00:16)
this is a reply to message 106,581
Danceriah appreciation post (106,586) by Libra Lamb from USA
My favorite parts are "it's haaaard" and "I gotta think about it" and duh of course everything else the song offers. There's so many genres and music styles used in a 16 minute song that it offers something different for everyone. Also, I love Mariah's laughter on any song, it is so sweet. Such a good song. Her ballads make the best House and Club mixes. I'm so excited for the Rainbow Club Mix we've been promised with the Rainbow 25 celebration. Happy Pride Month to anyone celebrating themselves and/or loved ones.
(Sunday 2 June 2024; 23:22)
this is a reply to message 106,580
Caution is probably better than TEOM (106,585) by Libra Lamb from USA
I kinda have to agree with you here. The success and bragging rights came after Emancipation. It paved the way and wrote the story for what we are getting right now, everything happens for a reason. Glitter was a disaster era but Emancipation was the big comeback that not many are afforded in the music industry. The voice. That was pure talent, don't get twisted. That same talent is still there and is saying "Don't count me out yet" with her latest releases. I don't mind getting a song here and there as long as they are Portrait remix quality. Xoxos and happy Pride Month Lambily.
(Sunday 2 June 2024; 23:13)
this is a reply to message 106,581
Funk queen (106,584) by Terna from Nigeria
They killed this song but it seems the backup vocalists ran out of steam a lil bit or not?
(Sunday 2 June 2024; 20:57)


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